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Men talking about their females



I enjoy reading growing sites because often the male growers talk about taking good care of "their girls" or "their ladies". They post things like, "I hauled lots of water for my poor girls. They were very thirsty!"

It's such a relief to see men talking kindly about nurturing females, even if they are just plants, in this world where so much misogyny still exists.
Does anyone else feel that way?


I treat my 'girls' the same way I treat my wife. With alot of Love and Caring. I just don't get to smoke my wife when it's all over.


That's good. You can tell everything about a man by the way he treats women.

I hope I was clear that I wasn't trying to cast dispersions on all men - I was thinking of rap songs in which we are "hos" and that sort of thing. Here we are in a place where men routinely say nice things not bad things about us.
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I know what ya mean GG, most guys don't treat their ladies worth a damn. I just happen to be an old school country boy, who has found my soulmate.

"If mamma ain't happy...No ones happy" live by that and you'll be a happy man. All you Ladies know it's the truth.


I am a bit "old school" too on how I thing men should treat the ladies. No real feminism here, believe it or not.

My mama always told me, "You get what you give."


How true

How true

"If mamma ain't happy...No ones happy"

Thats very true, it took me about 25 years to get it but now that I do life is so much better.
I think being a man means ( I keep losing my train of thought....) always respecting women even if you don't understand them, just like they do us.
And I always speak highly of my woman because she is a reflection of me.


well said Dirty South :joint:

if the woman aint happy i aint happy either.

taking care of them and helping em out, makes her AND ME feel better.

whatcha give is whatcha get.

God bless all the ladies.


My little pony.. my little pony
Even if plants were "ambi-sextrous" men would still have the sexist tendency to "implant" female adjectives to them much the same way they do cars, planes, and other inanimate objects of power and desire.


I have a sister and a mother. I believe most of you do. Just imagine how they would be treated like crap by men. You'll get really pissed. So why should you treat a woman like crap as well. she's someone's daughter,someone's sister. I once got into a fight because a neighbour of mine had hit his wife, or beat her really hard. she was bruised up. Pissed me off so much. I asked if he would stand there doing nothing if I would beat the crap out of his sister,daughter ,niece or any female relative he loved deeply. He answered he would kill me. So I yelled at him ..really well your wife is someone's daughter,niece,sister too. Is she lesser that your relatives? He starting yelling more profanity. I guess you can't debate with people who know they are wrong.


My little pony.. my little pony
I never really found the issue to be a m/f thing. Guys that treat girls the wrong way tend to treat everyone the wrong way, same goes for females.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
....well....if I may be candid........in my experience I find that relations can be volatile if people clash in some way, and this inevitably seems to happen for most..........it can be sweet for years....then it can suddenly go pear shaped for what-ever reason......

...it's not always the guy that gets rough.......

.....most of us fella's do find the need to be nurturing and caring naturally because we are human beings too.... so long as we can find a partner that truely loves us and believes in what we are about and trying to acheive.....and this union brightens our soul whilst fulfilling our partners wants and needs also...creating a symbiotic relationship that satisfies both parties on many levels........Most guys just want a peacefull co-exhistance with their partner....to live their lives together with someone who actually cares....



I have a theory: People who truly love, receive the love back and this is reflected in their gardening skills and relationships.
I know a person who has been planting for years, has over 50 plants and they all suffer in some way or another. They never turn out good; have constant insect plagues, are usually harvested immature, unmanicured and aren't dried properly let alone cured.
This person is a reflection of this too, always arguing with the partner, and talking bad about them behind their back.No patience and tons of anger are apparent.
I think, understanding, patience and true love are things gardeners have and they usually can transmit it through healthy happy plants and happy relationships.


You have both spoken like true poets LOL. But cow you are right. Everything in life what you do reflects on your own personality and on what you will achieve.

Verite I actually disagree. I have seen guys treat their spouses like crap but are adoring to their children or bloodrelatives (sister,mother)


Not all men are ass holes I served 9 months in prison for breaking a guys nose and two ribs beacuse I saw him punch a woman, who I later found it court was his wife.....

all humans can be pricks male or female..... personaly I adore my wife and kids I do all I can too make sure my family has everything they need.. And if any one tries too harm them the better be bullit proof !!!!!
well i dont know ...i dont think it's smart to tell your buddies ..something like ..my wife gives good blow jobs ! ...lol

but i do know some guys that make up some pretty extreme fantasies about there wives or girl friends ...peace


It's a shame that so many ladies are mistreated and abused. I hear all about it since I'm in a professional area with a LOT of women.

On the other hand, it's nice to see so many caring people on this forum (not as though I expected otherwise). Lots of love here. And the assertion that love (whether it's love for plants or people) is reflected in many things is absolutely correct, in my opinion.



Life is very short. One day you're here, the next you're not. Love today like there's no tomorrow, because if you stop to think about it there is no tomorrow. Just a perception we created.
If you are miserable and don't treat your woman right, some other man will...guaranteed.
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I put my girl before myself when it comes to almost everything..

How could I not do at least that for someone that I love more than life itself?