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MEN are just DESSERT!!!!!


Active member
While I can't compete with cocktail frank's banana, I've never been considered dessert. Nope. My wife says I'm more like Vienna Sausages. Too small to be filling and covered in some sort of geletin mess. But I guess she likes appetizers. We've been married 33 years now. She become accustomed to finger foods.

Appetizers ain't bad if you don't DO DESSERT! like hot spicy Buffalo Chicken Wings.....at least KEEP IT SPICY darlin'......and I am sure you do....

but what about cocktailfrank??????? what is the story about THAT NIC???? te he

Vienna Sausages ain't bad with saltines a great southern appetizer....

But we in Texas call it VIEEEEEEENNA sausage with a I......reminds me of my daddy who loved vienna sausage but they ain't too healthy ya know?

now spice up that appetizer and do your thing as dessert ain't everything.:joint:


Active member
ME TO.....LMAO! bye guys I really need that Mojita on the beach and no grandkids TODAY HOOORAY!

Granny is gonna go out for some adventure. Women hold your men in check.......I can't help if granny is a hot old lady and you won't give your old man any luvin' any longer.

granny in hot her maillot and causes OLD MEN bood pressure to rise as they can tell I have ATTITUDE and still like sex.....te he

sexual confidence just exudes from old granny and men come a sniffin' on the beach. BUT granny is monogamous darlins.....te he
No Lordbudly, not sure what you mean either. = /

I agree w/ you madre, woman should be treated equally = ) I'm glad to finally be in a relationship where that's possible!


I don't mind being dessert. as long as you save room. :sasmokin: . I know this is woman's board but the title i saw on the main board got me to bite. best wishes..



sunshine in a bag
well, i don't think i function properly outside of a relationship. being in a same sex relationship, we are not really bound by traditional gender roles. neither assumes the role of the "man" or "woman", we're both just men, albeit androgynous men.

i don't really agree with outdated traditions that traditional heterosexual relationships adhere to, growing up i saw too much of it with the different men my mother dated and moved in with.

they all wanted her [my mother] to settle graciously into the classic wifey role. cook & clean up after me, be a pretty thing on my arm when we go out; and do so with as much complacency as you can muster while being fenced in and pastured. my mother never let herself get completely fenced in, and as a result I moved around a lot growing up.

it's my opinion that gender roles shouldn't be as prevalent as they are today, but having never been in a different sex relationship my opinion loses a little more credibility than it should.

women should act like women, and men should act like men, but how we define gender needs to be reinvented.

i think there's a coherent idea in this post, somewhere.


Active member
well, i don't think i function properly outside of a relationship. being in a same sex relationship, we are not really bound by traditional gender roles. neither assumes the role of the "man" or "woman", we're both just men, albeit androgynous men.

i don't really agree with outdated traditions that traditional heterosexual relationships adhere to, growing up i saw too much of it with the different men my mother dated and moved in with.

they all wanted her [my mother] to settle graciously into the classic wifey role. cook & clean up after me, be a pretty thing on my arm when we go out; and do so with as much complacency as you can muster while being fenced in and pastured. my mother never let herself get completely fenced in, and as a result I moved around a lot growing up.

it's my opinion that gender roles shouldn't be as prevalent as they are today, but having never been in a different sex relationship my opinion loses a little more credibility than it should.

women should act like women, and men should act like men, but how we define gender needs to be reinvented.

i think there's a coherent idea in this post, somewhere.

AT LAST another of the girls showed up on the womens forum......FEYD not all get my forward thinking as you do and I truly understand but I do have my fans here FO SHO! te he

But ALL RELATIONSHIPS should be equal whether same sex or opposite sex.

That is the only way for me. I raised my children that way also.

If ones partner don't believe in equality then kick em' to the curb and find another. Actually FEYD the principals of this book can also be applied to a gay relationship and you have your own life...career....interests,,,and your mate is the DESSERT OF YOUR LIFE. Same principal with any couple really.
So if you do read the book it can also apply to a gay couple cause' even gay relationships have the same problems as a hetero relationship.....NO DIFFERENCE really......a couple is a couple is a couple and each couple is unique and has its challenges as you know. Happy that you are happy in your relationship.....love is beautiful.:joint:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hmmm.....so if men are dessert......then what is the hors d'oeuvres .... starter and the main course?


Men could become the main course if they would learn how to put a necklace on a woman dressed up in her little black dress properly. If he doesn't have enough money to hire a maid and cook, then he should learn how to do these things himself and learn how to do them well. He should have a porfolio under his arm and financial advisor rather than six pack and a poker night buddy. Oh my... I better put down the historical romance novel now....you guys should really read one now and again. It would be fun to play dress up and pretend to be the characters in the novels. But, sigh..... that will have to wait for another day....:joint:


so if a man is the dessert, what type of course should women be to men? are they like the bag of funyuns i had for lunch today? :yoinks:



manwithnoname: If Funyuns is the food that makes you dizzy with desire, then I am sure that the woman of your dreams could get creative and figure out how to serve them to you naked. I would personally prefer a chocolate decadence cake drizzled with rasberry puree, but whatever works for you man....

Stolen from Estee Lauder's chocolate decadence line....
So would you still rather have Funyuns?


Active member
Men could become the main course if they would learn how to put a necklace on a woman dressed up in her little black dress properly. If he doesn't have enough money to hire a maid and cook, then he should learn how to do these things himself and learn how to do them well. He should have a porfolio under his arm and financial advisor rather than six pack and a poker night buddy. Oh my... I better put down the historical romance novel now....you guys should really read one now and again. It would be fun to play dress up and pretend to be the characters in the novels. But, sigh..... that will have to wait for another day....:joint:

Hey I read historical romance novels and am reading about Queen Victoria now....freakin' piece of work old Vicky was. You could camp out in her drawers they were so big they could double as a tent,,,
She did smoke weed though for headaches and menstral pain.....major stoner she was....

..her granddaughter was the Czar Nicholas's wife the last Czar of Russia. Alexandra should have stayed away from Rasputin and brought her whole family down believing in a mystic religion basically...and Rasputin was whacked INDEED! History is wierder than fiction. HX is history in medical talk te he.....we should type in medical and confuse the hell outta ppl here.

MEN you need to listen to her and take her advice above. And a man can be very seductive slipping that necklace on your neck. te he
And you NEVER make it to dinner but have your Dessert instead.

It is sexy for a man to cook also.

Every woman has her favorite little black dress...our little secret is the secret underthings or nothing at all under...sexy shoes as high as you can stand...preferably Jimmy Choo shoes.....AKA "Fuck Me Shoes"

Role and character playing can be good....I told D he needs to wear his firemans hat and me wear a sexy nurse uniform with thigh high hose and lace garter belt and spike heels of course. Red lips and fingernails.....

I will be your nurse tonight. What do you need....te he....
It would work for D as all men wanna do at least one nurse.

I still gotta get Ed to get on here and talk to you....OR I can give you his yahoo email and we can do a full frontal assault and he won't know WTF hit him.....he is working tonight and it is a level one trauma hospital and lots of blood and guts in ER/ED on Saturday night here.....and end up in ICU.....

I don't miss that spastic pace a bit....but it was a hell of a ride and my heart is out to you nurses out there on the frontlines caring for the ill.
Hmmm . . . I would hope to be something yummier than funyons lol Maybe crunchy cheetos? Or better yet, Lucky Charms!!! Us ladies are *magically delicious* = )


Active member
He must not have had the right woman yet.....only had Funyuns so far.
that is under snack food and he has not made it to GOURMET YET!!!!!

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