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Megayields VERT Paradise...c'mon in!


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
I have an even better plan, one phone call and I can have the house red tagged. I want to wait until they finish all the upgrades they promised us for 2 years, then flag it so they can't sell it, unless they pay the 20k+ fines...
The only thing that has not made me go postal is the fact I am literally tripling my grow space, and will have two 10x20 outdoor plots next year... :woohoo:

This is very smart Arminus, Sun Tzu ( Art of War) has a chapter called "Manuver your enemies into Weakness"....I thought of that when I read your post. I'm very happy for you and your family, I think you are on the brink of a major change in your personal experiences for the better.

It will be good to sit down and hear about this when I get back my friend.:tiphat:


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
OK new pictures will be up soon. I am exhausted and on top of working for three weeks I am STILL broke, welcome to my world ughhh..I'm basicly just doing this job for the health benefits (thank you Mr. Obummer).....we are really hurting but wew will recover it will take time. We are just starting to take the outdoor, we do not get all day sun so it "will be what it will be"...but I have to admit it does smell rally good and I have some 13' USD trees that will give me a few ounces....now if only I can get my deck fixed!


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor


Ok you freaks here's what you want...PICTURES, not too much description as it is almost ALL Ultimate Strawberry Diesel (USD), their is some NYCD x Bubba Kush but it really turned out to be a real turd of a plant 11 feet tall with like 2 ounces of un matured bud...dont really know what we are going to do with it let it run 20 weeks LMAO!!!:laughing:

Anyway here's the pics;


Roof shot -






Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
You note that a lot of the pics the plants are wet...we had a strong mist today, anywhere else it would be called rain...but high pressure is building and we will have no more rain and warmer temps by Saturday so I am watching for PM carefully.





The smell is incredible and I have a really fucked up nose from all the coke I did back in the 70's (I do NO pharmacueticals anymore)



Active member
I have some 13' USD trees that will give me a few ounces....

A few ounces huh? Bobble must have sent you the low yielding cut he doesn't tell anybody about :laughing:...... Things are looking good over there mega :biggrin:. Hope it's enough to pull ya out of your financial rut bro.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Cut it down. I will take it off your hands and get rid of it for you. You are to busy for that. I will charge a nominal fee for that. Oh what the heck I will do it free.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Christ NOW we are fighting rain....you know if I didn't have bad luck I would have absolutely NO luck at all...


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Confession time

Confession time

OK here goes:

I am the worst grower in the world....

I don;t even know where to begin, I have had SO much bad luck in 4 weeks, 1) Work - After driving my ass off for a shit company I totalled up everything to learn I made NEGATIVE ($127.50) for 3 weeks work, (I am also the world's worst truck driver) I have a new accident on my insurance, as I slightly hit and knocked of the license plate and grill of another truck scaling a load in a VERY tight truck stop. THe truck I was assigned blew up, lost almost a week of wages YET still had to eat...etc...etc..etc.

2) Outdoor grow- well I have a neighbor who grows 1 house away from me, he had males in his yard that blew pollen into my outdoor plants (sigh) so now I have seeded buds, (looks for a loaded gun)....we are just getting going on the new indoor crop and we are going to try and run a very short outdoor late crop to supplement a little cash.

3) Citibank went into my checking account and cleaned it out to pay for a CC Card (I swore I turned off auto-pay) so my checking account this morning was -47.50 with $275.00 worth of outstanding checks still not cleared (bang head against wall) sigh.....had to make the totally embaressing call to Dad for help, thank god he sent me an emergency check or I could not even get to work, which btw makes me no money...

I have never felt so depressed since I could not get off the couch 2 years ago and had to get on anti-depressants WHICH I FUCKING WILL NEVER DO AGAIN, I'll quit my job and start smoking again before I do that ......fucking pills suck, they DON'T help they only make you MORE depressed!

I honestly believe if I did not have bad luck I would have NO luck at all ..I'm sorry to be debbie downeer but Bobblehead struggled with new grows and shared them honestly..I simply want to be honest, I wish I was a better grower I just make EVERY mistake possible and even some I didn;t even know about.

I "think" we can save the 60 plants left out back, but it will significantly cut into what we make at a time we need every dollar and I just feel like a total failure..

I'm probably not going to post much anymore it's just too painful at the moment.

Thank you for listening



Active member
Hang in there Mega. We have all had our streaks of bad luck but it seems like you have been piled on over the last few weeks. Only one way to go - up. It sounds all too familiar to me - especially the neighbor with males and anti-depressants.

But you aren't alone and your luck will turn around. An accident on your insurance for knocking loose a license plate sounds like bullshit. At least you are clearing the bs out all at once.

silver hawaiian

Active member
Been lurkin' for some time mega. Hoping things improve for you soon.

I've got no reference nor etiquette for outdoor growin', but it seems like it's kind of a fuckhead move to leave males out - especially if there's a reasonably high likelihood that one of your neighbors has plants outside too. If you wanna seed your own crop, be my guest, but you got other people on the same mission, sans seeds..

Best of luck to ya bud.. :friends:

high life 45

Seen your Member?
First of all you are not the worst grower in the world.

An old neighbor of mine admitted to me that they put weed killer on there plants.
I kid you not.

Weed Killer...


On top of that I have known plenty a folk to grow males and not even know it.

Stay strong and hold your head up Mega, things will come around.

I was homeless and couchsurfing 3 1/2 years ago. It was a rock bottom for me. I made it through, you can get thru this lil rough patch also.

Do your best to consciously keep positive thoughts and an optimistic mindstate.

Peace HL45


Active member
hang in there mega...i feel your pain...goin through alot myself...your a good dude...dont give up...things will turn around...:)


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Thank you my friend your kind words have helped immensly and thank you Ichy for your kind phone call and support I really appreciate that.

I've calmed down, re-thought the outdoor issue and we now think it was our OWN males that seeded a few plants BUT that is good news. Gro-Bro and I spent 2 hours searching every one of the 60 plants left and 85% are unseeded (yay!)....it looks like that our OWN males only seeded the plants next to them as we got the males removed VERY quickly.....

I head back to work on Thursday and will just "keep on..keeping on" as that is the only thing I know how to do. I should feel lucky I even have a job (with good health benefits at least) to go too, and to be honest it seems like I am going to have to kill someone before I get fired ..so (shrug) thats a good thing I think?

I hope you all have a great Halloween and early fall and enjoy the fruits of your hard work.



Active member
It's always darkest just before the dawn... ;)

Sounds like you're doing better than when we talked yesterday. Keep your head up dude.

edit: at least you don't have mouse turds in your buds.

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