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Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Here is some info for those who are interested on how to make ISO/Butane hash....I just need to do this on a MUCH larger scale.


Honey Oil Production

This method has its basis in a fascinating industrial extraction method known as Supercritical Fluid Extraction. It uses totally over-the-counter butane gas as the extraction solvent and requires nothing even remotely suspicious or difficult to purchase.

Butane, and perhaps other gas/solvents with similar ultra-low-boiling properties, selectively solvate the desirable fraction(s) of cannabis oils. Pulling out only a beautiful amber "honey oil" and leaving the undesirable vegetative oils, waxes, chlorophyll, etc. behind in the plant matter. Even unsmokable shade leaves produce a wonderfully clean and potent gold oil with this method. There is every reason to suspect that this would work splendidly to extract a super-strong and tasty oil from gross, unpalatable "schwag" too. Of course, the better grade of herb you put it in, the better the resulting oil.

Note that the amount of honey oil resulting is very low. As we all know, cannabis leaf and bud varies in THC content and with a perfect extraction, the yield will be less than a gram of oil from each ounce of LEAF and between 1 and 3 grams of oil from each ounce of HIGH POTENCY BUD.

The primary use for this technique is to render leaf into a form more appropriate for medical use by removing other tars and ash-producing material from the psychoactive principals.

What you'll need:

-Good butane. quality, triple refined butane is essential. NO RONSON BRAND. King and Colibri work great. 6-8 OZ cans are the best.
-Screens: Either stainless steel (preferred) or coffee filter
-Hose clamp or zip ties to hold screen in place
-Pyrex dish
-Pan to heat water in
-Outside area to do extraction


Place the included coffee filter/steel screen over the open end of the tube and secure tightly. Make sure the coffee filter is INSIDE of the steel screen, it will filter smaller particles. This is the bottom of the tube. If using coffee filters, trim the excess paper so that goo doesn't get stuck on it. Affix your screen/filter using either a hose clamp or zip ties. Make sure it stays in place by jerking it either direction: Again, you don't want your butane to blow the filter/screen off, that would be just as bad as blowing out of the top.

After the filter/screen is in place, fill the pipe up with plant matter that has been worked into a coarse powder. You want it filled, but not packed down tight. Whole, not broken up, buds can be used for a more clear oil. Then that bud can be ground up and "re-run". Grinding these buds will allow for more trichome exposure. The yield from this 2nd run will be smaller and more than likely darker.

Place the top end cap on the pipe. Again, push it on as securely as you can by hand.


Find a location outdoors with a decent breeze. You want these butane fumes to be quickly carried away. Seriously.

If you don't wear gloves, goggles, a mask and do it outside, you might as well not even do it. this is not a joke.

Mount the tube (single hole-side up) over a vessel that can hold 300mL+. Pyrex dishes work great. A lab stand and clamp are ideal for the mounting, but a regular shop clamp or anything that can hold it sturdily is fine. (Avoid metal if you can, to reduce the chance of sparks.) Position the bottom end of the pipe immediately above (1-2") the receiving vessel to eliminate splatter loss.

Turn the butane gas can upside down and dispense the gas into the tube via the single top hole. An 8-oz can takes about 10-12 seconds to evacuate. Be brave, swift, and careful. A spark at this moment would spell disaster since you have basically created an incendiary explosive device that is leaking.

Use 12-16 ounces of butane per full tube of plant matter. The tube will hold approximately 1 oz of plant. Take a 15 second break between cans.

When you've exhausted the can into the pipe, back off to a nice distance and let it do its thing.

The butane moves down the pipe, extracting the cannabis as it goes. When it gets to the bottom, ~30 seconds after dispensing, it begins to drain into the receiving vessel. Notice the pale, glowing yellow-green-gold hue of the extract. It is obvious no chlorophyll was pulled out of the herb.

Over approximately five to eight minutes, prolly quicker, the butane extract will finish draining from the pipe to the receiving vessel. Maintain caution with the pipe, however, since there is a lot of residual butane still evaporating from within the pipe. Notice the stream of fumes coming from the top hole. When it slows down to a drop every few seconds, you can tap on the top hole with your finger and it will help push the last of the liquid butane out. Remember, NO SMOKING!!!!!

Being very low-boiling and volatile, the collected butane will likely begin boiling at ambient temperature. The receiving vessel will gradually frost up as the butane cools it down, slowing down its rate of evaporation. One can speed this up again simply by holding it in your hands. A better way is to set it in a saucepan containing a little bit of warm water. NOT BOILING. Cold butane can have a violent reaction if submeged into boiling water. Watch the butane start bubbling madly with the increase in temperature. Again, be doing this outdoors with a nice breeze! It takes about 20 minutes or so to allow the butane to evaporate, or much quicker if you help it along. You are left with a deep amber, almost orange oil of amazing purity.

Place the dish on a heating pad for an hour or so to evap the last of the butane. Remove from the pad and allow to cool. Use a razor to scrape the goo into a "pile".


You can simply leave it in the pyrex dish or move it to a smaller, non pourus container.

Another way to collect and store the oil is to let all of the butane evaporate off and then redissolve the oil in some anhydrous or high-% alcohol, and then pour this into a vial and let it sit out for a day or two to allow the alcohol to evaporate. Trying to transfer the oil into a small container while it is still solvated by the butane is too risky. This was learned the hard way about this, thanks to the volatile temperament of butane. I had filled a vial almost all the way to the top and was preparing to drop those last couple drops in, so that cleverly, I could let the last of the butane evaporate from the vial and the oil would all be neatly contained. However, when the last drop hit the mother lode in the vial, it changed the temperature of the solution in the vial upward by a hair and it all "superboiled" out of the vial and onto my fingers, which of course startled me and caused me to drop the vial. I suggest dissolving it in alcohol as I mentioned above. If you can get pure or 99% isopropanol (isopropyl), use it, because THC's photosensitivity reportedly does not occur in isopropanol.

The final product is a deep yellow-amber oil of the highest quality, incredibly pure and potent. Note also that this oil has a somewhat higher melt/vaporization point than traditional hash oils; the traditional dispensing method (dipping a needle or paper clip in, getting some goop on the end, and warming it with a flame to get it to drip off into your bowl) still works with this stuff, but it seems you have to be more careful with it because it doesn't heat to liquid state as quickly or in the same manner, and it can more easily be allowed to burn up on your needle. So be careful.

Honey oil is BACK! :)


Enormous Member
BHO is probably not feasable, since you'd need a truckload of 8 oz cans. You can buy denatured alcohol by the gallon from the Depot. You can use acetone too, I've done that a few times. Another problem with large loads and solvent washes is that you have to let it sit for a long time (a week with your amount?) to make sure all of the solvent is gone. If you have access to some kind of a vacuum pump setup, you can do it faster.

I built a tumbler a while back that can process a few pounds of dry trim at a time, so that's what I'd do. If I wanted to make wax, I'd keif everything, then run the keif through a BHO tube, and then whip that up. Tasty!


Active member
the whole point of using butane is the purity of the final product... Grain Alcohol would probably be the best choice if not using butane, but I guess the yield from butane is greater.

My recommendation Mega, would be to get a long glass tube like mine... you are supposed to keep the diameter narrow to maximize the contact the butane has with the plant matter... and then just run 2-4 oz of trim at a time, 1 can of butane per oz of trim.

Don't forget to whip it into wax/budder! :D

I'll let you know how this goes... I can't get to it till maybe this weekend.


yea but people who dont grow are dumb and pay more for purple lol

Ain't that the truth! Easy money, easily another $200...at least in my case:tiphat:.

Though don't get me wrong, i have had some purple strains that blew my socks off! (but if memory serves me correctly, most were environmental factors, not genetic) Though my Mendo Purple is some KILLER!:ying:


Purple Dojo;



Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
BHO is probably not feasable, since you'd need a truckload of 8 oz cans. You can buy denatured alcohol by the gallon from the Depot. You can use acetone too, I've done that a few times. Another problem with large loads and solvent washes is that you have to let it sit for a long time (a week with your amount?) to make sure all of the solvent is gone. If you have access to some kind of a vacuum pump setup, you can do it faster.

I built a tumbler a while back that can process a few pounds of dry trim at a time, so that's what I'd do. If I wanted to make wax, I'd keif everything, then run the keif through a BHO tube, and then whip that up. Tasty!

Cannabunker, YOU DAH man, I am leaning to just making a butt load of the ol Ice Bubble hash. If I tried to do ISO/BHO with a 20 gallon tank of butane or literally CASES of Butane, I have visions of a small mushroom cloud over Santa Cruz and my name in the obitiuaries with the comment, "he died trying some kind of dope processing on a much larger scale than normal"....hmm the tumbler idea sounds possible, I saw a YouTube about a DIY tumbler, hmmmmm


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
the whole point of using butane is the purity of the final product... Grain Alcohol would probably be the best choice if not using butane, but I guess the yield from butane is greater.

My recommendation Mega, would be to get a long glass tube like mine... you are supposed to keep the diameter narrow to maximize the contact the butane has with the plant matter... and then just run 2-4 oz of trim at a time, 1 can of butane per oz of trim.

Don't forget to whip it into wax/budder! :D

I'll let you know how this goes... I can't get to it till maybe this weekend.

Where did you get that tube again? Did you say eBay? Or is that from a laboratory supply company? I am going run a lb of the trim this weekend (if I can) through my little Table Top washing machine and 5 Gal. bubble bags to test how much Ice Bubble Hash I get from a lb of top trim.

Do they have one 25 feet long (just kidding).


Active member
i dont know how much trim you have but on my last grow i was able to make bho out of all of my trim with only bout 36 can of butane, as DHF would say "baby shit"


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
i dont know how much trim you have but on my last grow i was able to make bho out of all of my trim with only bout 36 can of butane, as DHF would say "baby shit"

I was given 6.5 POUNDS of trim WhoD...lol gro-bro walked in with that Rubbermaid container with this shit eating grin and said, "Guess What?"



Active member
You could make bubble... But I bet even the dispensaries out there will pay you top dollar for some good wax/budder... Everyone around these parts talks about bho, wax, and budder... Nobody is looking for bubble hash. 2oz of bubble and my dispensary didn't want anymore for a long long time... But they'll take all the wax/budder I can come up with.

I bought my tube from a lab glass supplier, selling their products on ebay... Just look for "glass tubes".. I'll get u the name of my vendor.

If u buy the butane in bulk, you can get them for $4-5 a can... Who'd must have ran like 2+lbs of trim, so don't be so quick to dismiss him... Think about it like this: there is no mixing! The butane does the work... :D

I did a bit more research, and budder sells for $50 a gram... But here in MI, I've heard of $40 for .5g.
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Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Ok here is some Ice Bubble Hash I just made mmmm so bubbly and good, I think someone in MI needs to hit this!



Waist deep in trimming here is one nice C99 bud one nice COLA!:dance013:


Close up so smelly, so frosty.....so good!:jump:

I was given 6.5 POUNDS of trim WhoD...lol gro-bro walked in with that Rubbermaid container with this shit eating grin and said, "Guess What?"

Dude I need to learn how to make this stuff! I throw so much trim out into my yard every harvest, i think the rabbits are getting high as a mofo!

Lookin sweet Mega!


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
damn, that hash looks nice bro! really blonde... and it hasn't even dried yet...


Bobble - This shit is some of the BEST I have made so far! And what you saw was just the 73 micron, the 23 is even blonder and smoother like spreading butter.The trim I was given is basically just bud and the absolute "best" sugar trim, the guy was just too tired (after a week long trim party running 10 trimmers last October trimming 30 lbs of outdoor) to deal with it and forgot about this in his garage and we made a deal with him through Gro-Bro.....I am absolutely going to re-think the BHO extraction and then whipping into earwax/budder now! I just made almost an 1/2 ounce of this SWEET bubble and used "maybe" 2-3 onces (if that) of the trim.

I have to read up my own walk through on the ISO process (Supercritical Fluid Extraction) so now I have so many fookin projects and simply NOT enough time, (sigh) back to trimming.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
get ya one of these okief


Yeah I looked into these and then made this;




BUT I have since heard that this type of PVC is NOT good to use for GHO production as it off gasses bad shit...so I need to think about one of those Okief Tubes, their the shit.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
SO we are trimming all day and we came up with a new strain.....Cheese x Tang or Chang.....waddayah think? LOL



Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
More pics of dankness!

More pics of dankness!

Danks for stopping by! Here is some sweeeet blond, golden delicious Ice Bubble Hash I just made (2) rinses and I got 45+ grams nice!


Anyone want some Wine with their "Cheese"?


More sitcky and stinky cheese...one of my trimmers said the funniest thing since he and Gro-Bro (he is actually Gro-Bro younger brother) actually CHOPPED the Cheese while I was away, he said" Man that stuff smells like sweat and Ass!" I laughed so hard, you kinda had to be their after trimming all day we were a little punchy, anyway here is more Cheese;


Here is one final shot ENJOY!



Sorcerer's Apprentice
An ounce and a half of bubble? soooooo jealous right now. gotta get my clones going ASAP.
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