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Active member
there is no such thing as a hard wired right or wrong, good or evil etc. it all depends on the observers opinion. eg. in a war both sides think they are justified and right in what they are doing.

God most probably does not exist, and especially in the way all religions depict him/her/it, so thats a useless argument altogether in my opinion.

in this world that evolved with RULE NUMBER ONE being survival of the fittest, its no wonder that us humans can digest both meat and veg. I have read some blood type info that says some people can be veggie eaters easier than others. this is also true with male/female differences. males need much more protein in their diets. you cant fight other peoples need to eat meat if you don't agree with it. that goes against someones survival instincts and they will probably become aggressive in their counter argument due to this.

in my opinion, if we can eat it and it keeps us going then its fair game. and that means you people too. i'd eat you all if i was hungry enough. hehehehhehe

THIS VIDEO EXPLAINS IT ALL !! so enlightening you'll have your eyes opened to the real God.

h^2 O

Actually, human flesh tastes like pork....or so I have read.

I know for sure it smells like pork when it burns or cooks......i have smelt my own burning flesh on occasion working in kitchens, and it sure do smell like pork.

Not for nothing some cannibals used to refer to human meat as "long pig".......
yeah pretty much except that human fat looks yellow from all the toxins in our bodies. It's not JUSt like pork...muscly areas are similar in "texture" to beef...
I could never go to med school. I would barf on cadavers and organs n shit


Its not about peta... If the animals were healthy to eat i would be all over it but unfortunately eating meat is pretty damn toxic to humans.

I see a lot of people throwing around the argument about carnivores but humans aren't carnivores we're frugivorious primates.

Our closest relative the bonobo does actually hunt other monkeys but this meat only makes up 2% of his diet.

As humans we are able to substitute the meat with plant sources that are more beneficial. That's why we're humans and we don't live in the jungle, we can think and make educated decisions.

One date tree is enough to feed a single human for his whole life. Overpopulation is a bullshit myth perpetuated by the media and Gov. The earth could in theory sustain a lot more people then are currently on it if we just change our ways.


Active member
Its not about peta... If the animals were healthy to eat i would be all over it but unfortunately eating meat is pretty damn toxic to humans.

I see a lot of people throwing around the argument about carnivores but humans aren't carnivores we're frugivorious primates.

Our closest relative the bonobo does actually hunt other monkeys but this meat only makes up 2% of his diet.

As humans we are able to substitute the meat with plant sources that are more beneficial. That's why we're humans and we don't live in the jungle, we can think and make educated decisions.

One date tree is enough to feed a single human for his whole life. Overpopulation is a bullshit myth perpetuated by the media and Gov. The earth could in theory sustain a lot more people then are currently on it if we just change our ways.

Getting off topic here

You have very idealistic views on how things should run. Unfortunately we're never all going to think alike, therefore, tolerance of each other is pivotal in this OVERPOPULATED WORLD. I believe the solution is not eating less meat, but to have less children who will then eat less meat. if we can get our numbers to decrease it will curb demand for all industrial goods, carbon emissions would drop due to factories not working full time etc... less cows existing to feed the overpopulated humans and therefore less cow farts :) we're the problem and those who disagree need to search further to find the truth (but they wont coz its soooo easy to sit back and say everything is ok). so if you HAVE to have children coz your life will be dull and lonely without them nasty buggers then please dont have more than 2. thanks in advance LOL

G. Sensi

^But I doubt you would be willing to loose one of your kids, or be told you couldnt have any, right?

Everyone that talks about this overpopulation topic (theres a few threads addressing it) Always seems to be talking about someone else and someone elses children... Some nameless faceless person who just doesnt know how to use a condom or has nothing better to do with their life than reproduce...

Overpopulation is completely NOT the problem... the factories are working overtime to create more and more of the things we absolutely DO NOT need but want because we're addicted to consumption... The problem is the need for more and more V12 engines...70''+ Flatscreens... Ipods... Gizmos designed to do this and make that easier... artificial foods filled with artificial ingredients... Guns Guns and More guns weapons and bombs to kill Jah's 'nasty little buggers'....

Egocentrism is the problem...


G. Sensi

Could I ask some of you guys a question... Its really just my own personal curiosity.... Please dont take my head off, its just a question...

How come no one, or atleast very few, are willing to even Try the whole vegetarian/Vegan thing?? Be it for one meal, One day, or One week....

I find it amazing how people seem to get scared by just the THOUGHT of not eating meat...

its not a disease you catch... Its not like you cant go back to whatever your lifestyle was before....

For me, it started as a simple experiment... I just started exploring other options... First I left Pork alone... Then a few weeks later I dropped Beef... It took me about 6 months before I dropped Chicken, egg and dairy though... and that was mostly because I didnt know how to replace these things with suitable alternatives....

I may have had an easier time than most though as I have a family of amazing Vegan/Ital Chefs who introduced me to some of the most amazing dishes I ever ate...Whether they were vegan or not, they were truly delicious meals...

Point is, I didnt just up and and catch some 'I wanna save the animals' bug... and it had nothing to do with PETA...

I find the mistake alot of people make is to try to shove down Veggie burgers and Veggie bacon and other packaged veggie products and because they dont taste the same or have the same consistency as Beef, chicken, Pork etc, they completely give up on the whole lifestlye altogether... Those products are not any better for you than 'the real thing'... And they are not what vegans suggest you eat...

**Edited out... Bad idea...***


one Q

No... what a fucking stupid inference...

I'm an atheist... I can support meat eating just fine with science, and have done so...

the biblical bullshit is for those who deny evolution of man from more primitive animals.... I can support meat eating from both the old and new testament, and have done so...

Try reading ALL of someone's posts in a thread before you ask stupid questions or jump to conclusions.

All arguments are all just opinion. For every point there is a counter point. what I asked was more rhetorical cause I am not stupid and generaly dont ask stupid questions.

understand Im not ANTI meat for everyone, just me.
Dont quote the bible if you dont believe in it.
I did read all your post.

Im not trying to get all into some shit. Just stated my opinion it happend to yours that I disagreed with the most. I personaly think that these types of discussions are humorous, but still enjoy putting a few pennies worth into them.

Either way GHead, I mean no :dueling: eat your meat and Ill eat my lawn clippings. Peace.


Because I like meat. Meat tastes good.

Don't cook your meat, don't marinate it or dress it up with anything. Just take a big ole bite of totally unadulterated raw meat and then come back and tell us how much you like it. If you can't bring yourself to ingest raw meat try lightly cooking it.

I can almost guarantee you won't think that taste good.


The Voice of Reason
Dont quote the bible if you dont believe in it.
Why? it is a very effective way to argue with people who do believe in it....
Im not trying to get all into some shit. Just stated my opinion it happend to yours that I disagreed with the most. I personaly think that these types of discussions are humorous, but still enjoy putting a few pennies worth into them.
Which of my opinions did you disagree with?
Nothing I quoted from the bible was my opinion, so if you disagree with the bible, it has nothing at all to do with me...
The things I quoted from the bible, in fact, only have meaning to people who believe in the bible.

I CLEARLY stated that I believe people evolved from more primitive creatures, which should have been a clear indication to you IF you really read all of my posts, that I did not believe in the bible...

I was arguing with someone who discounted my evolution argument, on religious grounds... So I shifted the perspective of my argument to make my point from a viewpoint they could relate to...
Either way GHead, I mean no :dueling: eat your meat and Ill eat my lawn clippings. Peace.
No worries.... I just found it funny that after everything I posted, you thought I was saying I eat meat for religious reasons...

Peace and Love


Active member
^But I doubt you would be willing to loose one of your kids, or be told you couldnt have any, right?


i wouldnt wish anyone to loose a kid.

i do not have any children

i will not have any children, ever

im taking one for the team here coz i wouldnt mind one if i allowed myself to be completely selfish


Active member
Don't cook your meat, don't marinate it or dress it up with anything. Just take a big ole bite of totally unadulterated raw meat and then come back and tell us how much you like it. If you can't bring yourself to ingest raw meat try lightly cooking it.

I can almost guarantee you won't think that taste good.

Raw seal is great and I do love steak tartare every once in a while. It tastes great. And why would the fact that something tastes bad uncooked deter us from eating it? I mean raw taro root will make you feel like you just swallowed glass but if you cook it it turns into a pretty good tasting veggie.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Don't cook your meat, don't marinate it or dress it up with anything. Just take a big ole bite of totally unadulterated raw meat and then come back and tell us how much you like it. If you can't bring yourself to ingest raw meat try lightly cooking it.

I can almost guarantee you won't think that taste good.

And the millions of sushi fans around the world collectively sigh.

Andre you seem like a raw food type of guy. I would think that you wouldn't have to make a distinction between one raw food and another... don't segregate... don't hate. :D