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Lets try and be respectful of other peoples diet . I am trying to quit eating meat , laugh all you want . Tonight I had two Morning Star grillers aka veggie burgers . Tasted great , and I love meat and hunting and fishing mind you . I have no problem shooting a animal then eating it or catching a fish and eating it . Its just the way meat is raised and all the germs , we would be allot healthier cutting meat back .


Active member
i saw one of a dude on fire.. totaly and you could see him gasping for breath and it was flames.. man wtf is wrong with us?


I never said we weren't meant to eat it. I don't like the way it's being raised and produced.

G. Sensi

so you guys would rather eat genetically modified plants ( which contain genes spliced from everything from trout to raccoons and which are given almost no time or research to see if they are safe for human consumption) than meat which has been one of our first and foremost staples...and Capn how you gonna say that humans arent made to eat meat... we're monogastrics for a reason buddy.. we've been adapted to eating meat for thousands of years prior to our eating grains and other complex starches... man haha man... oh yea im a farmer so i guess im evil and if i catch you guys i might make ya into some scrapple or maybe a hog maul haha

(and it pays my bills haha)
With respect... Your argument makes no sense... I know you're not gonna sit there and say chicken, pig and Cow aren't genetically modified???

Monogastric just means we have one stomach... has nothin to do with what foods our stomachs are made to digest...

Exactly as you said... we've ADAPTED to eating meat... I can turn that statement around and ask you what you think would happen to someone who grew up on a strictly vegan/vegetarian diet, if they sat down to a big ol' slab of pig or cow??? It would not matter how long you were on a completely carnivorous diet eating ONLY pig, cow, Ox, Goat, Rabbit, Chicken and whatever... sitting down to salad or a bowl of brown rice or Oats would NEVER illicit the same violent sickness!!! NEVER!!!

Do you open your new born baby's mouth and shovel in some animals flesh, blood and guts?? What was the first bit of solid food your baby consumed??

Ask Dr Atkins just how long humans could last eating only meat... compare that to the number of people throughout history who never once tasted meat...

How long we've been eating meat has no bearing on whether its 'right' for us to consume... Prostitution is the oldest profession... I doubt you want your Mother, Sister, Daughter or Wife doing it... We've killed and murdered eachother since time immemorial...does that give me the right to light you and your family up with an Uzi??

If you can sit at a computer with internet and read this, than you likely arent sittin in some cardboard shack with no running water, electricity or food in your fridge and/or cupboards...Most of us have long passed the need to find something to fill our bellies... and we have choice...

As many of you purport happily, you eat meat because of your appetite and liking the taste... not as a means for survival...

Those animals in the video Andre put up, and the zillions of others all across the world, past, present and future, are suffering and being tortured for no other reason than to satisfy your tastebuds... Done and Done

I dont mean to attack any one person... my message goes to anyone reading... If I sound like a self-righteous prick... so be it... Im happy to be vegan...

But more so Im happy to try and stand up and fight for the creatures who have no voice...



Exactly as you said... we've ADAPTED to eating meat... I can turn that statement around and ask you what you think would happen to someone who grew up on a strictly vegan/vegetarian diet, if they sat down to a big ol' slab of pig or cow???

I understand what you're trying to say and you had good points, Sensi.

But I believe that humans haven't adapted to eating meat.

Humans have incisors, and we can easily digest meats, whereas we cannot break down many fibers (such as cellulose). We didn't adapt to eating meat... we were made to.

Not that humans can't go without eating meat, but it appears as if we were meant to be omnivorous: to eat both meat and vegetables. Just as how you are certainly surviving without eating meat, people can survive without eating fruits and vegetables. Don't believe me? Look into any college dorm! :D

Much respect,



Rent/view Food Inc. its coming out soon. It will tell you all you need to know about corporate farming and the unsustainability of all.

Basically, if the entire world starts to eat like we do in America, we would need 4 earths just to raise enough cattle for beef consumption.

I love a good steak but we need to look at sustainability of everything if we want to survive on this planet.



so you guys would rather eat genetically modified plants ( which contain genes spliced from everything from trout to raccoons and which are given almost no time or research to see if they are safe for human consumption) than meat which has been one of our first and foremost staples...and Capn how you gonna say that humans arent made to eat meat...

I'm just going by the research. Animal flesh just isn't that healthy, particularly beef and pork. As far as we know, genetically modified crops are incredibly good for ya. like anything that has come out somewhat recently it could use more clinical trials, to that we agree. Keep in mind how many lives genetically modified food has saved. It's pretty amazing stuff as far as we know!

Whatever, though. I had bacon like 15 minutes ago. I'm not going vegan any time soon.


And also like pointed out above, animals, particularly the ones we eat in mass, have been genetically modified so much they are hardly the same species! I watched an episode of Good Eats where Alton had a nutrition scientist on. He explained that the phrase "tastes like chicken" serves as a great example of how we have modified the animal. 100 years ago, the professor said, that phrase wouldn't have made sense because chicken had a very distinct taste.



Humans evolved from frugivores that may have eaten very very small quantities of meat (2-5% of there diet). We didn't evolve to eat grains, meat, even most green vegetables. Our bodies are designed to handle fruits. The amount of personal attacks and ignorance in this thread is astounding. The first 2 post were personal attacks for absolutely no reason, lets see you say the same thing to this guys face...

You could solve almost every single problem in the world if we abolished every factory farm and planted mass Date trees...


The Voice of Reason
Factory farming is wrong.
Buy locally raised, small farm beef.
Eat meat moderately, no need for a meat slab with every meal.
It does not need to be 'one extreme or the other'.

Funny thing...
If your distant ancestors had not been eaters of meat and fish... your brain would not be big enough to carry on this argument.


You could solve almost every single problem in the world if we abolished every factory farm and planted mass Date trees...

Andre, I know you have strong opinions on this topic, but this sentence is ridiculous. how will date trees stop human on human violence?(start strechin)

as for the general direction/topic of the thread, factory farming is CRAP,theres no reason animals have to be treated poorly.

But the real problem here, is US, HUMANS. theres too damn many of us on the planet.
look at a timeline of human populations and the events that coinside with the BOOM in our numbers. our technology brought us here, but I'd bet nature will knock us down a peg, just like it does with any population boom in the animal world.


The Voice of Reason
"Carnivorous humans go back a long way. Stone tools for butchering meat, and animal bones with corresponding cut marks on them, first appear in the fossil record about 2.5 million years ago.

How Did Meat-Eating Start?

Some early humans may have started eating meat as a way to survive within their own ecological niche.

Competition from other species may be a key element of natural selection that has molded anatomy and behavior, according to Craig B. Stanford, an ecologist at the University of Southern California (USC).

Stanford has spent years visiting the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park in Uganda, Africa, studying the relationship between mountain gorillas and chimpanzees.

"It's the only forest where mountain gorillas and chimps both live," he said. "We're trying to understand the ecological relationship—do they compete for food, for nesting sites?"

The key difference between chimps and gorillas ecologically is that chimps eat meat and gorillas don't. A total herbivore is able to coexist with an omnivore because they have significantly different diets.

"From there we can extrapolate back to what two species of early humans may have done vis-à-vis each other two or three million years ago," Stanford said.

When humans switched to meat-eating, they triggered a genetic change that enabled better processing of fats, said Stanford, who has worked extensively with gerontologist Caleb Finch of USC.

"We have an obsession today with fat and cholesterol because we can go to the market and stuff ourselves with it," Stanford said. "But as a species we are relatively immune to the harmful effects of fat and cholesterol. Compared to the great apes, we can handle a diet that's high in fat and cholesterol, and the great apes cannot.

"Even though we have all these problems in terms of heart disease as we get older, if you give a gorilla a diet that a meat-loving man might eat in Western society, that gorilla will die when it's in its twenties; a normal life span might be 50. They just can't handle that kind of diet."

from http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/02/0218_050218_human_diet.html


The Voice of Reason
Human ancestors who roamed the dry and open savannas of Africa about 2 million years ago routinely began to include meat in their diets to compensate for a serious decline in the quality of plant foods, according to a physical anthropologist at the University of California, Berkeley.

It was this new meat diet, full of densely-packed nutrients, that provided the catalyst for human evolution, particularly the growth of the brain, said Katharine Milton, an authority on primate diet.

Without meat, said Milton, it's unlikely that proto humans could have secured enough energy and nutrition from the plants available in their African environment at that time to evolve into the active, sociable, intelligent creatures they became. Receding forests would have deprived them of the more nutritious leaves and fruits that forest-dwelling primates survive on, said Milton.

Her thesis complements the discovery last month by UC Berkeley professor Tim White and others that early human species were butchering and eating animal meat as long ago as 2.5 million years. Milton's article integrates dietary strategy with the evolution of human physiology to argue that meat eating was routine. It is published this month in the journal "Evolutionary Anthropology" (Vol.8, #1).

Milton said that her theories do not reflect on today's vegetarian diets, which can be completely adequate, given modern knowledge of nutrition.

"We know a lot about nutrition now and can design a very satisfactory vegetarian diet," said Milton, a professor in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy & Management.

But she added that the adequacy of a vegetarian diet depends either on modern scientific knowledge or on traditional food habits, developed over many generations, in which people have worked out a complete diet by putting different foods together.

In many parts of the world where people have little access to meat, they have run the risk of malnutrition, said Milton. This happened, for instance, in Southeast Asia where people relied heavily on a single plant food, polished rice, and developed the nutritional disease, beriberi. Closer to home, in the Southern United States, many people dependent largely on corn meal developed the nutritional disease, pellagra.

Milton argues that meat supplied early humans not only with all the essential amino acids, but also with many vitamins, minerals and other nutrients they required, allowing them to exploit marginal, low quality plant foods, like roots - foods that have few nutrients but lots of calories. These calories, or energy, fueled the expansion of the human brain and, in addition, permitted human ancestors to increase in body size while remaining active and social.

"Once animal matter entered the human diet as a dependable staple, the overall nutrient content of plant foods could drop drastically, if need be, so long as the plants supplied plenty of calories for energy," said Milton.

The brain is a relentless consumer of calories, said Milton. It needs glucose 24 hours a day. Animal protein probably did not provide many of those calories, which were more likely to come from carbohydrates, she said.

Buffered against nutritional deficiency by meat, human ancestors also could intensify their use of plant foods with toxic compounds such as cyanogenic glycosides, foods other primates would have avoided, said Milton. These compounds can produce deadly cyanide in the body, but are neutralized by methionine and cystine, sulfur-containing amino acids present in meat. Sufficient methionine is difficult to find in plants. Most domesticated grains - wheat, rice, maize, barley, rye and millet - contain this cyanogenic compound as do many beans and widely-eaten root crops such as taro and manioc.

from http://berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/99legacy/6-14-1999a.html


Active member
its funny,as meat consumption has risen so has life expectancy, i know there's a whole shitload of other factors,but still,these so called vegan/vegetarians like to use anecdotal evidence,so do i...but my "evidence" is actually based on real statistics!

so they argue,BUT HEART DISEASE!!,my argument? the meat has expanded our life to such an extent that we are now seeing new aliments due to the advanced age were are attaining..

fuck you daarphin!
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its funny,as meat consumption has risen so has life expectancy, i know there's a whole shitload of other factors
But without evidence supporting that the correlation=causation, it's the intellectual equivalent of saying "crack-cocaine usage skyrocketed from the mid-eighties onward. See, crack ain't that bad after all!"


The Voice of Reason
But without evidence supporting that the correlation=causation, it's the intellectual equivalent of saying "crack-cocaine usage skyrocketed from the mid-eighties onward. See, crack ain't that bad after all!"

no it's not.

If he had said, "Meat consumption has risen. See, meat is good." then it would be... but you gave neither correlation or causation...

Killa bud gave a correlation with a presumed causation... big diff.