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My first time cloning and some look really droopy HELP!

Uncle Remus

Weedninja What are using for collars, UR? Are they the insets for the 2 inch netpots?

Its called "backer-rod"...I usually find it at Home Depot...I use the 1" diameter stuff, but it does come in different diameters...Its used for filling in large voids and cracks between concrete and windows, then the voids are usually calked in...The backerrod is used so that when a large crack or void needs to be filled, the minimum amount of caulk needed is used because the backerrod fills the majority of the void...Fairly cheap stuff and it's reusable (to some extent)...When they start to get worn out, or a little yucky, they simply get tossed out and I make new ones

I cut the rod to length, slit it down one side (almost all the way thru)with a SHARP NEW razor blade, then I CAREFULLY cut out a small channel down the middle that LOOSELY holds the clones stem...Your clones should be able to freely move and twist when its in the plug...You want the clones stems held gently, the leaf stems actually are holding it

I then cut 15/16" holes in the top of my cloner...These holes are slightly smaller than the backerrod which keeps your plug held firmly and will not let them drop thru, but the channel in the plugs gently craddles the clones...Hard to see but here's another pic (see below)

If you guys want I can post a short DIY with pics on how I make it...So easy even a soil grower can make one :laughing:
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Non Conformist
My method is very technical.

My method is very technical.

I cut soil with perlite by 50%. I then put it ina cup and put a clone in it. lol Jus messin wit ya's! Really tho, no matter how ya clone keepin temps up and constant around 78 degrees will help them sprout roots faster. No matter -what- yer method is. BC


I have always used seed but I am gonna try the "water cloning method". Hard to mess that one up.The same thing we have always done with house plants.

Uncle Remus

justanotherbozo lol, we seem to be in a war over what's best.

No no brother...Not saying either is best...Just pointing out what I use and how I use it

I have a nasty habit of speaking my mind, and sometimes coming off a being a bit harsh...Not being rude or picking fights here...We're all here for the same reason...To learn and share knowledge about our wonderful hobby

It's all good brother...Be safe peeps



Thanks guys!
Remus, check your rep and bozo:You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to justanotherbozo again.

For the record, I use 2 inch netpots filled with hydroton and I stick the stems out of the sides. It works well 99% of the time, but the other 1% involves me scraping the newly formed roots off when I try to remove the clone.


2 more things: try to keep temps around 70 degrees and dont check them to see if they're rooting or you'll end up damaging the roots.


Non Conformist
Weedninja said:
Kell, try to cut some more of those leaves in half like in Freezerboy's post on page 1.
Why would ya wanna cut half the stored food supply off? And trust me, they make roots faster with the medium temps between 75-80 degrees! I don't care what yer method is. I've been threw them -all- over the years. I don't mean ta sound like a know it all, but I'm -very- sure of what I'm saying here! I take clones with 4-5 nodes an leaves as big as yer hand. No problem! The vigor is never lost. I spose I'm jus tryin ta save ya time from learning from yer mistakes. I don't know what else to say, the rest is up to you. Take care... BC


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
B.C. said:
Why would ya wanna cut half the stored food supply off?
Because the cut doesn't need it. Leaves need to be supported by water brought up from the roots. At this point, we have no roots. Why burden the plant with material it can't use and stress it doesn't need? Keeping cuts short and leaves trimmed allows me to clone dome free with RH as low as 15%.

I vote for 75º-80º F. Everything I put in the bubbler died when used "properly." It wasn't till I combined the bubbler with my old Rockwool, gel, Hormex (Liquid IBA, NAA and B1) method that it matched the success of my old cloning tray

The biggest success rate jump came from soaking each stem in Hormex for one minute prior to gel and cube.


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