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Medical marijuana store gets Discovery reality show


Crotchety Cabaholic
Discovery launches reality shows in the hopes of a self implosion, ala American Chopper and Kate plus Eight, their two most highly rated series.

Discovery Network could care less about the MM movement. They are in it for the ratings, plain and simple. Nothing would please them more than to have another "reality" show with controversy.

This clown from Oakland and the series will do more harm than good.


Active member
can we start a pool on how long it takes the dea to mess with him. my guess is no more than 6 months. i do hope they film it all


Freedom Fighter
Discovery launches reality shows in the hopes of a self implosion, ala American Chopper and Kate plus Eight, their two most highly rated series.

Discovery Network could care less about the MM movement. They are in it for the ratings, plain and simple. Nothing would please them more than to have another "reality" show with controversy.

Ding Ding Ding!!! Except it isn't the Controversy that is the appeal--
Controversy comes from either ignorance, lies...or strong "Morality" issues....all are the same--
Shows like American Choppers, Swamp People, Deadliest Catch...they are popular because they allow us to see into Worlds we would not usually see...the same reason Jail and Prison based shows have always been hits...people are interested in what they do not understand--

This clown from Oakland and the series will do more harm than good.

Possibly...but it will depend on a few things--
If he is portrayed as a "Character" that ppl can like, or identify with, or if he is a "Jerk" that ppl can hate, both work equally well for Ratings, and have nothing to do with MMJ--
IMO, it will all depend on how they Present the Patients--
If they focus on the Severe and Terminal Patients, it will be neutral...most people agree "They" are Legitimate MMJ Patients--
If they focus on the young "Stoners", without contrast, that will be bad--
My biggest hopes (Dependent on his not getting busted by the DEA) is that the show will be Interview Heavy with the 30 to 60 year old crowd-- The more Blue/White Collar people that get to tell their story, the more Average America will be able to identify, and possibly Accept the MMJ Movement--
Lots of "Ifs"...:tiphat:


I really hope they show how medical cannabis helps people being able to deal with their real medical issues! But unfortunately it will just show a bunch of "stoners" getting their cannabis legally ! I don't see the show or the guy lasting very long outside prison walls!!!!!!


Active member
If its anything like the list of other MMJ or just MJ/Drug programs from Discover, Science, TLC, Nat Geo, they will be just another anti-MMJ platform pretending to show some "balance".

Their track record is not good on MMJ, to say the least.

I would love to be wrong on this.

Unless corp america thinks they can make of buck off us, its going to be pro continuted prohibition.

(When MMJ can bring more easy profits than the Prison/Police/Politics complex, then things will change)


...throw in a couple of wedding planners, some deep sea fishermen, and a chef or two, and I think they'd have a winner!!


Active member
Whats going to happen is they are going to get through the entire season and build us up to the finale.

In the finale, Steve is going to get raided (and of course all of the DEA agents will have perfect camera angles) and shit will go down. During the process, they will start asking him the run of the mill questions and one agent will spark up a joint. They will pass it around and a van will roll up with Obama and Kutcher in it saying -

Im calling it now.


Active member

A Harborside Health Center reality show starring Stevie-D? Okay. I am game.
Posted by Mickey Martin

I am trying to keep an open mind about this project but will begin by saying “Who in their right mind would sign on to do a show called ‘WEED WARS’?” To me it shows that there is a clear desire to sensationalize the subject and make it “interesting” to increase viewership for Discovery Channel, and not necessarily the cannabis movement. I would be lying if I said I was not skeptical.

I realize the possible benefits of such a series too, being exposure for the industry and a mainstream appeal that could help to win over the hearts and minds of middle America and the assholes who make the laws in this Country. I think there is a message that needs to get out on a more wide-spread forum, and a Discovery Channel reality show could help to start that conversation. But once again, not sure “WEED WARS” is that message…..


In contemplating this subject and news I considered all of the other professions that have be reality showed to death and wondered if this is what we are looking for in the cannabis movement? I mean, do I really think that crab fishermen are cooler or better people because of Deadliest Catch? Not really…..I watch it to see that big ass hook knock some freezing bastard over the edge of the boat or to see someone get knocked over by a wave and slide from one end of the boat to the other. Is that what WEED WARS will do for the emerging cannabis industry? Will America tune in to see us get hit with the proverbial freezing ice wave that makes Catch even remotely interesting? I mean do we watch Ice Road Truckers because we like truck drivers and think they are heroic for making some trip across the frozen tundra to deliver supplies to a diamond mine? No….we watch it because what they are doing is extremely dangerous and we know if we watch long enough some sorry Ice Road trucking bastard will ride off the road or sink into a not so frozen part of the lake. Is this what we are hoping America will tune into see? The cannabis indutry plunging into the icy depths of some frozen Canadian lake?

Does anyone think that because they filmed Pawn Stars that people have a new found respect for the “seedy” pawn industry? No. People watch to see the internal conflicts, the crazy shit people try to pawn, and to see the Old Man haggle some poor schlep out of his mom’s collector Audrey Hepburn plate collection. Does anyone really believe they filmed Miami Ink to show what a great and noble profession tattooing was? I highly doubt it….

So if the cannabis industry wants to go all Cupcake Wars and put what is still a very illegal and threatening profession on Front Street for the whole world to see and judge then so be it. God bless us all. I sit patiently by awaiting the first episode to see exactly how the industry I have dedicated the better part of my life to will be portrayed by the good folks at Discovery, and in turn, how that will effect the struggles we face every day trying to create understanding for this cause. I would be lying if I said I was not a bit apprehensive about it, but I also am willing to keep an open mind. Who knows….maybe Stevie-D will become the next Jesse James of Monster Garage and make everyone love cannabis like they now love modifying their cars into “Monster Machines.” I guess we will all have to just wait and see. I just hope one of the episodes is not me standing on a corner with a bullhorn and sign screaming because they decided kicking in the doors of a good patient collective would make for good TV….God Bless America…..


this is great!! when america sees this show, they will demand dispensaries and safe access to cannabis in their cities. GO STEVE GO!!!:dance013:

no one can say after this, "he didn't go all in"

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