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Medical marijuana store gets Discovery reality show


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Ya know?
This could go either way.
If he has his shit together and puts the right people in front of the camera getting their meds, and the grow ops they show are legit hospital clean and sterile? It could actually expose a lot of the lies the feds throw out.

But if he allows some of the tweakers who have buffaloed the doc to get legal weed in front of the camera, then it could go really bad all the way around.

It sure does sound like a setup tho. That article really blows things out of proportion though and I would almost be that the DEA busts him and probably goes after the network for profiting from weed too.


This will be the final bullet to the head of the cannabis scene. You guys think the cali market sucks now, just wait. Now every idiot is going to be trying to get in on this. I cant wait to see "snookie" make a guest appearance or some other reality show trash.


Bent Member
wait till the Cali penal system get ahold of Steve D and weddingdress Dave. Both should know better than to tempt fate.........dude wears dresses to work every day. think he'd have learned by now.
It might be that Steve guys shop, but it will be up to the discovery channel editors what goes on the air. They can film 100 hours and edit it down to 40 min of whatever they want. Will they show chemo patients, or 18 year old kids in good health?

Not a good thing IMO.

rick shaw

When foes of medical marijuana are looking for things to scream about,Steve DeAngelo is king of the douches.

$21 million on the books in '09,flew first class to Rainbow Fest two weeks ago,then straight down to a 'non-profit' shindig at the Playboy Mansion.

This guy is an example of whats wrong with mmj in California. Why do you think Hawaii doesn't want dispensaries,they have experience with carpet baggers.

In answer to the OPs question,yes I think this will bring on a shit storm.


Money grab?

wtf...it looked like this guy was playing it smart, nice clean operation.

Now, I ain't so sure. I really wonder what peoples motivation is for shit like this

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Kinda crazy shit if you ask me... but maybe he's got balls of steel & a cross to bear (differing views on him & all). Maybe he's got legal counsel that want's to make something happen.

Thats what I'm seeing as a possibility...should be interesting when the bust happens, all the viewers will have a front row seat to see how the DEA really conducts themselves, although they will know they are on camera and either force them to turn the cams off or act nice and respectable to make it seem like the DEA is such a nice and fair organization.

But yeah, maybe they have a legal team that feels they have a fantastic case if the feds bust them, and this is going to be a tool to get the case in front of a judge.


Thats what I'm seeing as a possibility...should be interesting when the bust happens, all the viewers will have a front row seat to see how the DEA really conducts themselves, although they will know they are on camera and either force them to turn the cams off or act nice and respectable to make it seem like the DEA is such a nice and fair organization.

But yeah, maybe they have a legal team that feels they have a fantastic case if the feds bust them, and this is going to be a tool to get the case in front of a judge.

what sucks is a lot of those viewers would be laughing there asses off if they got to follow the guy into the prison shower in the season finale. i really doubt that if they had to go to court they would allow the cameras inside. i don't know if i can really see this going anywhere good ....... i'm just glad i don't watch TV in the first place

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
Bad move man. Anyone want to take bets on how long it is till the DEA rolls this guy.

Weed Wars? Setting back the movement a bit? Who knows. We'll see how this goes.

Hope he cuts that hair before he gets locked up. Some dude is going to love pulling on those, while he's welcoming him to federal prison.

Sour Deez

The name of the show is stupid, they could of picked something else, Or just not air the show in the first place. I wonder if they will even get threw a season before it gets shutdown. I hope they really show the medical side of everything


Active member
the name of the show is terrible...makes your average person in middle america think scary thoughts oh no!

let him put his face out there....the more groundhogs who peep their heads above ground the less chance those of us still underground get caught up....


Natalie J. Puffington
Weird...do-da-do-do, do-da-do-do... :ying: ...'you have now entered the twilight zone'.... :ying:

I read somewhere the other day, that an episode of a reality show on MTV, ("Real Life", I think it was called), that will follow people who are trying to '"make it" in the medical marijuana industry'...

In all of these cases; producers/casting, seek out the most "interesting characters"; people who will create drama and fill the role of a preconceived stereotype; in this case: the 'fraudulent med user', the 'stupid stoner' and the 'greedy profiteer'...Just guessing.

I hope I am wrong and it follows cancer patients, people in chronic pain and people with MS; so people can see for themselves this plant's miraculous medical value!


Re: Medical marijuana store gets Discovery reality show

This has got to be a total fucking setup start to finish I am sure the network is in on it/in bed with the feds..I also would think that the feds are going to take full advantage of this and if their is a raid it will not be the "typical " raid. This guy must have a hard on for prison because that's where he is about to be. I can see absolutely nothing good coming from this. Puke.


Registered User
It makes you have to think they either got a 'nod' from someone in the DEA (or higher)... or... they are planning for the raid as good tv...???


Bent Member
I hope some of these organizations wake up and cut ties with HS and steve D., like ASA and others.

Not only does Steve D. have HS but he is also involved in a parent organization that takes a cut from Disp they help to open up. So I see sooooooo many more going down with him. And Criminal conspiracy and organized crime laws will play out.


Weird...do-da-do-do, do-da-do-do... :ying: ...'you have now entered the twilight zone'.... :ying:

I read somewhere the other day, that an episode of a reality show on MTV, ("Real Life", I think it was called), that will follow people who are trying to '"make it" in the medical marijuana industry'...

In all of these cases; producers/casting, seek out the most "interesting characters"; people who will create drama and fill the role of a preconceived stereotype; in this case: the 'fraudulent med user', the 'stupid stoner' and the 'greedy profiteer'...Just guessing.

I hope I am wrong and it follows cancer patients, people in chronic pain and people with MS; so people can see for themselves this plant's miraculous medical value!

TV producers will always gravitate toward the "trainwrecks". they are better for ratings, which is ALL that they care about. showing folks the "full spectrum" of anything is not what they do or have ever done. i am not banking on them changing the game for MMJ.

i hope you are right about them focusing on sick people and the good that MMJ does them. on the other hand we are dealing with the TV which IMHO is the favorite tool of the guys carrying the " lets dumb them down a little more" toolbox. so i am not holding my breath on this one

the only way i can see to even use the word hope on this subject (and be realistic) is like this ........ " i hope they don't make the situation worse" because i have every reason to think that they are going to.

please, please, please let me be wrong on this .....:ying:


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Thats what I'm seeing as a possibility...should be interesting when the bust happens, all the viewers will have a front row seat to see how the DEA really conducts themselves, although they will know they are on camera and either force them to turn the cams off or act nice and respectable to make it seem like the DEA is such a nice and fair organization.

But yeah, maybe they have a legal team that feels they have a fantastic case if the feds bust them, and this is going to be a tool to get the case in front of a judge.

this ^^^ is the only thing that makes any sense at all...


The Mad Monk
The title is horrible, truly lame and intellectually lazy. That a self-proclaimed 'pot activist' would agree to such a title is a sign that he's an idiot, or worse, he has no control over the content.

Maybe he's looking to diversify his revenue streams. A few months of checks from Discovery could help in a pinch. :D