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:noway: I am new to NY,& would like to know. I asked someone & they said it was up to the judge. I also have a friend that was charged with 1g and went to jail, 1st charged:yoinks:

could be cause he had priors


ICMag Donor
:noway: I am new to NY,& would like to know. I asked someone & they said it was up to the judge. I also have a friend that was charged with 1g and went to jail, 1st charged:yoinks:

It's not possible that he went to jail for the weed. In NY, 25 grams or less is a civil citation with the maximum sentence being a 100 dollar fine for the first offense. It's not until the third offense that you can go to jail and that's only 5 days....

Could your friend have been on Probation?


yes that definately sounds fishy. i've had 2 possession tickets and each were $100 fine with like a $60 surcharge... and this is from a judge that absolutely hates me. its decriminalized here for sure.


My friend had no prior convictions but was park on the street in vehicle with someone with a poss. charge 2or 3 weeks prior to this.

thanks for answers

peace love & sour Bubb-grady


My friend had no prior convictions but was park on the street in vehicle with someone with a poss. charge 2or 3 weeks prior to this.

thanks for answers

peace love & sour Bubb-grady

There is more to this then that. Being in a car with someone who has priors does not tack on more to your conviction. Were they selling to an undercover?

Were they selling to anyone? What were they doing? Were they in range of a school drug free zone?


Patient Grower
It's not uncommon for people to tell others a fabricated story about why they went to jail. Sex offenders in particular have this habit, though for self preservation more than anything. Someone busted for dealing who decides to cooperate with the police are told not to let anyone know they got arrested for dealing. Would you be worried about selling to someone who got popped for smoking a joint? Well you should be, unless you've actually seen the paperwork.


I wasn't their, I don't deal with this person, we were just talking about it being decriminalized on norml and then the next week or 2 they had been busted at there regular smoking spot. So, everyone thinks this person is lying? I was thinking more on the cops doing what ever the hell they want syndrome, I don't know I'm new and trying to see what this state is all about.


I wasn't their, I don't deal with this person, we were just talking about it being decriminalized on norml and then the next week or 2 they had been busted at there regular smoking spot. So, everyone thinks this person is lying? I was thinking more on the cops doing what ever the hell they want syndrome, I don't know I'm new and trying to see what this state is all about.

Cops lie all the time, but I still think there is more to his story then what we have heard. You don't go to jail over 1g in NY. He either had priors, lied to the cops and gave false information, something.

If this was a common occurrence in NY I would be more willing to believe that it was just corruption, but considering I know multiple people who all have gotten busted with more then a gram and basically paid a fine something about his story just makes me wonder what he is hiding.

How long was the jail time? 24hours? Was he driving? He was busted while driving or in the car as a driver even if parked and had a gram on him he would be put in jail for holding at least. I dunno, I have heard of nastier shit happening though so I guess the cop could have lied about something.

Just not enough on either side of the coin to really give you any input other then most people I know who have gotten busted with a quarter or less paid a fine and that was about it.
So Big Daddy are you saying we are screwed for sure this session? Fuck, another year of dreaming about freedom to medicate, and being able to afford to do (grow my own). I pray there is still some hope. I am a 100% shoe in and already have two doctors and my PT ready to sign. Bloody Vampires!!!!!

Jah Bless
With the NY Senate all fucked up and not able to conduct business New Yorkers were fucked out of the possibility of an approved Medical Marijuana Law. When they get back in session after Labor Day the elected pigs will approach the Medical Marijuana bill 4041-A again. I don't know what it would take to just get the people of New York to have a Medical Marijuana bill on the ballot. If anyone has any ideas how to make a Medical Marijuana vote for the people by the people on the ballot in the near future please let us know how to go about getting it done. It seems to me the only way these greedy elected pigs will pass anything is when the greddy elected pigs find out how to get their cut. Pigs. Thats the biggest problem. In New York where we're supposed to be on the cutting edge, with Medical Marijuana they're still in the 30's. MMP keeps asking for donations and pushing for legislation however it's all to slow. I believe if swarms of people gathered around NYS and showed their will for the need of Medical Marijuana legislation to be passed it woud send a message. More than the lobbying does. Let MMP use some of the donations to coordinate rallys until Medical Marijuana legislation is passed. Too many people in NYS are suffering and need their medicine legally. Too many people have suffered because of the ancient NYS marijuan laws. Too much money is being lost that can be shared equitably by all. There's enough to go around if only the legislation is passed. The police can go on and do their jobs and not persecute people who are ill. The police can focus all their funding on more important issues. The courts wont be wasting taxpayers money tied up with the current unjust marijuan laws. The jails will be for the real criminals not the marijuan victums. New York needs to pass Medical Marijuana legislation during the next session. Write to your representitive today let them know how you feel. Lets get this done!


I am with you on this.What more can we do?? Montana for God sakes is ahead of NY in being compassionate to thier folks.I write/e-mail my rep's every week.Do I have to pour gasoline on myself and set myself ablaze to bring enough attention to our plight?? I mean I would never do it but what can we do?? I'm friggin dying here! BigD:wallbash:


make up flyer's and pass them around best way to spread the word and get people talking. you will be surprised how many people do not know about this bill. stick them ware ever you can. the best places are the small billboards ware people stick business cards up grocery stores car washes ware ever you can think of you know those one sheet ads people put up with a phone number at the bottom.

if you guys want i will make a flyer for NY York and I can run them around up state NY along the lake If NY falls then PA will Fall. If PA does not pass then NY is a good Moving option for me I always have liked upstate NY just not the taxes
Hey man they will give me as much morphine as I need all's it does it make the dose go up and up to be effective. It also totally screws up my whole body with side effects. With Medical Marijuana t hirty to forty puffs a day is all I need. It works better all around mentally and physically than the opiates do. Like I said if we could start a ground roots movement to get this on a ballot and have the people of New York vote on Medical Marijuana rather than leaving up to the greedy elected pigs, I think it would pass hands down with over sixty percent in favor but that is my prediction. I don't know maybe a pettion? Lets just keep pushing ahead. Who knws maybe this forum might get enough of us together to start a taxpayers voters movement to move this thing along. I hope so. Peace Brother.
Thanks the man. I'm thinking if we can generate enough awareness amongst the people on this forum about the way to organize and as taxpaying voters let the greedy elected pigs know we want and need Medical Marijuana NOW. Maybe we can move this along.


I'm not a medical patient, but I'm certainly rooting for all of you! The current laws are unbelievable.


All4one-I hear you as I am a chronic pain patient on 480mgs of Oxycontin daily.I use 90mg of Roxicodone daily for breakthrough pain.I am also a power puker who has a script for 30mg of Marinol daily which makes me paranoid as all get out.
I lost over 170lbs puking and being only able to eat Tapioca pudding for weeks at a time.I finally started buying med quality weed and saved my life.I have been able to grow up unitl this past season as the law and my health were screwed up so right now I'm hurting.
Both of my knees need replacing as well as another Bankhart shoulder surgery and a right hip replacement as well as spinal fusion.I have put them all off until I can legally medicate with pot.I have Fibromyalgia bad and more surgery will make it worse.However I cannot put this off indefinately.
I will continue to e-mail/write/call or state and Fed reps daily.I need this bill to pass.I dont have a move to snywhere else option.
I don't know how much more of the iggnorance I can take.My health is fading fast and I am not gonna stop using MMJ.I just need the $$ factor and the Fear factor to dissappear.Peace and One Love BigD:wallbash:
Big D it's rough out here in the world of opiates. Did you ever wonder how less expensive it would be for our health providers to cover our needs if we were allowed to grow our own medicine? These opiates are killing me, more than the original diagnosis. Seem like there's only three or four of us here that cover the NY area. I can't understand that? If there are other icmag NY'ers out there or anyone that knows how to get Medical Marijuana on the ballot please chime in. Keep on Big D.


If I were able to grow,only for myself;I could eliminate the Oxy's altogether.The only issues I would have is security issues.There are too many folks out there who steal anything they can.I had 3oz's of medicine from my last grow stolen 2 or 3 weeks ago.Medicine that I had stashed,that someone decided I didn't need.So in a nutshell I am screwed there.I put off Grow 09 cause I didn't want to get popped and not be able to get a reccomendation due to getting busted before the bill passed.So guess what? It is now time to go back out on the street-where buttheads see my coming limping, cane in hand, sweating like a stuck pig,only to sell me an underweight bag of schwag that has little med value.All due to wanting to do"the right thing",and wait till I could do so,legally.I do not know if I am healthy enough to get one started now.Outdoors is screwed till next year,if I have a "next year".As ill as I have been in last 3 months I am skeptical that I'll even be alive then.I just do not know what to do.My gut says grow anyways,what are they gonna do to me,Beat me up??.It sucks to live in fear every day.Real Fear of arrest and forefitiing all my hard earned possessions that I paid for from work money,losing my wife and kids.In a nutshell scared shitless to use the only thing on Gods Green Earth that works for my documented illesses.And I tried every pill,tablet,and patch the Medical community threw at me.I did not refuse to try anything Doctors prescribed.Everything from Amitripilyeen(sp?) to Fentanyl Patches to Cymbalta to Tramadol to Celebrex to Avinza Morphine.Its all documented.I do have a medical defense but would I be able to use it if I am caught growing 10 plants.I just do not know what to do.Time is running out for me.Peace BigD


i think if you were to consult other doctors someone somewhere would state something to the effect that the amount of medicine you are taking is a danger to your well being

500 + mg of oxycode is insane, imo most ppl are moved to a fentanyl but as you stated your doctor has you on what LEGALLY works

my point is you may want to get some medical support that the currect course of medical action is threatening your life

then throw plants outside and grow weed as removed from you as possible

if ya get caught smoking cause you think the opiates are really killing you will have prior medical proof that this the case

a few plants outside off your property away form schools public land and off the beaten path arent going to lose you your house and family in NY

If it were me and my life was on the line i wouldnt be waiting for a NY politician to save it