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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
every big step forward in any state is a small step in the federal perspective!

Absolutely. It's all about state trends. With enough states slowly opening their eyes legalization on a national level is inevitable. It's going to take time, but we are getting there.
as a born and raised Newyorker and living in NY for 30 years..id say that this bill is going to get swept under the rug and wont be passed. im in Denver now and get my meds here from time to time..bill was passed here and its still a cluster fuck to try and get decent meds even with the bill passed etc. i wonder if NY dispensaries will charge 5-600oz $75-1/8 like i used to see in NY all the time.. the crooks are just waiting for this to pass so they can cash in!

I see you are still as much a new yorker as ever with your cynicism. The bill has never been considered in your lifetime in NY because it has been republican controlled senate since the 60's. it is an amazing sign so far that the FIRST year the dems are in control is also the FIRST year it gets passed in a senate committee and has a chance of passing with a governor who will also pass it. i dont know if the senate floor will pass it but theres no coincidence here about the dems in control and this bill moving forward. I think it may go all the way. atleast to the senate floor.. there's alot of pressure on NY senate this year to get this in the works

as for the crooks making 600 an oz? thats just absurd and you must not know anyone who is anyone in bud business. thats crazy prices and besides that there are plenty of legitimate people waiting to run legal businesses to help the sick in need who would never charge 600 an oz. its not like EVERY new yorker is greedy.

to those of you who want to keep updated on New York NEWS (stuff all throughout the state in newspapers/media outlets) here are some good links I follow:

NORML's New york news page - updated occasionally

MPP's new york news page - updated more commonly I think but I'm not as much a fan of MPP personally. still they have a little better news source for NY media


I'll be even more cynical.This is another "almost" that will certainly die when NY Senate and Assembly covene for recess.This has happend time and time again.I have saturated my state repes e-mails,snail mails and telephone lines for the last 2 years with zero results.I got an e-mail from Sen Jim Seward that said he would be behind it if the Federal Gov was too.Hasn't he heard what his voters want and what our very own President has said-to let the states be the ones who control the issue.I for one am tierd.I offerd to speak before the Senate via Mpp and got nowhere.I wish I could just pack up the show and move but all my family is here,my Mom and Dad are still alive and live 1 mile away.My wife has great job.....in a nutshell,Im screwed.So I guess I must live in fear as well as agonizing pain,cause I refuse to stop smoking and getting ready to refuse to stop growing.I have to grow as if I dont I get raped on every bag not only that but I have to go to bad section of town just to score a sack of shitty brick with little or no medical value.And those jerks laugh all the way to the bank,and they see me a mile away with my cane and sweat pouring down my face.Same as my bogart frinds.They all know I need it as opposed to wanting it-so they show up after supper and before bed knowing I'll be burning.Sorry for the rant guys/gals...I'm fed up. BigD
I'll be even more cynical.This is another "almost" that will certainly die when NY Senate and Assembly covene for recess.This has happend time and time again.

no thats not right. according to sources ive checked its been 14 years since the senate has even SEEN a mmj bill and it didnt pass then. i find there is no coincidence but a direct correlation between democratic majority and the bill being looked at. (funny EVERY year since one of the years in the 60's it has been republican majority and the bill NEVER got any face)

I offerd to speak before the Senate via Mpp and got nowhere.I wish I could just pack up the show and move but all my family is here,my Mom and Dad are still alive and live 1 mile away.My wife has great job.....in a nutshell,Im screwed.

I offered similar for MPP and all they wanted was for me to write a soppy little essay about my "lifes tragedy"... i dont buy that crap. I'm a NORML fan not an MPP fan anyway. how are you screwed? you say "My wife has a great job" you have a wife who has a great job, you have family near. life cant be that bad man.

So I guess I must live in fear as well as agonizing pain,cause I refuse to stop smoking and getting ready to refuse to stop growing.I have to grow as if I dont I get raped on every bag not only that but I have to go to bad section of town just to score a sack of shitty brick with little or no medical value.

I agree man it's not right. I feel like you being cynical about this is a defense mechanism EVERY new yorker has against the possibility that something just something might go right. I'm calling it out. if its not this year i'm calling it for in the next 2 years right now. I'm sorry about your pain. I personally was on opiates for 2 years and gradually had to come off them when i started smoking marijuana. I still have complications but tai chi and chinese acupuncture have both helped me to a point where i dont have to smoke all the time anymore. I hope you can keep some positive in your life and try to keep good relations with your friends and family despite your pains, that was always the hardest part for me the first 4 years following my back surgery until i finally tried tai chi.

They all know I need it as opposed to wanting it-so they show up after supper and before bed knowing I'll be burning.Sorry for the rant guys/gals...I'm fed up. BigD

That's a bummer man. American friends seem to be about the capitalist mentality.. true friends are 1/1000 for me. No problem with the rant man. But please don't play down the positive energies and good hopes i have toward this bill just because you refuse to get excited about it (sure maybe it wont happen this year but i can hope too ive been waiting so long and it finally got voted on and passed in the senate which it never does.)

Good vibrations~:redface:


Dude-that is right-the Assembly has passed an MMj bill the last 2 years and it died when they left for the summer w/o acting upon said bill.No certain aspects of my life are not bad.I have a loving family,for I would have ended my life 2 years ago if it were not for them.However my wife is scared to death along with me.She doesnt use and I dont use in her or kids presences.She is afraid if I get busted she will lose her RN's license.480mg of Oxys are alot to deal with every day.I went from being a productive member of society to a reclusive person who is in agony painwise,who rarely ventures out of his room.I NEED this bill to be acted upon and passed.With my diabetes and age and stuff I may not have 2 years to wait...and that is true as stress will kill right along with the rest of my illnesses.Stress caused by A.not being able to legally medicate B.not being able to find medicine locally.C$$ as my wife does not let any of her $$ be spent on meds just my SSDI $$ which I pay the Jeep payment,cable,and phone as well as electric..I pay all that on SSDI so there is very little left for meds.I do however grow serious med quality but fear has prevented me from doing so this year.And last years alotment is nearly gone...Shootinbudz-e-mail me w/new addy I sent you.PLease BigD


I feel for you Bigdaddy.

I have only been here two years but I won't grow because of my kids and wife. I have tried a couple of times to get some stuff for my stomach problems but it always turns out to be super brick/stem/seed and costs me the same as med grade in cali used to.

I remember last year them going to summer break instead of hearing the Medicinal Cannabis bill, I wrote and called everyday and was ignored until they got back into session and was met with the typical "We are sorry, Maybe this year we will have time" excuse.

It amazes us that my wife, I, and my doctors in California can all agree Cannabis is what helps me the most, yet every year I live in NY my problems persist because A) I can't get what I need, and B) I am too afraid to grow because I don't want to cause pain to my family. I hope you, and the rest of the people in NY who could really use this relief from prosecution get the chance to grow and use their meds in peace soon.

But same as you, I do not have very much faith in Albany passing this through. I really worry its going to be the same crap they pulled last year going to summer before hearing it on the floor. I deal with the pain and constant bathroom trips because I refuse to pay 60 dollars an 8th for brick that doesn't even really help. The shit we have to go through is amazingly ridiculous, and by the sounds of it you are having a lot more pain then I am, so I will keep you in our thoughts and we can all hope that things change here soon.


I keep digging for more news out of New York but I guess there isn't any.Pretty sad when a state like New York that has the biggest city in the World would let Calfornia lead the way when it comes to doing what the citizens want.Shame on the Reps that supported these 2 bills.They should have demanded a floor vote so Gov.Patterson would be the deciding factor.This blows...mucho grande...BigD
"Shame on the reps who supported these bills"?

What the fuck are you talking about.......

It just passed a health committee vote just one week ago!

Wow.... It's making excellent progress for the first time ever and you're sitting here bashing the supporters?

Please, do us all a favor. Stop replying to this thread. You're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.


Problem my behind.Just how many years can someone stand behind something that never comes about.How many e-mails and snail mails and telephone calls must we all make before this happens??I know there is more than just me making phone calls and such.It seems as if the folks who sponsored these bills never follow up and get the bills passed.They will leave for the summer in few days.What then?? Same as last 2 years??Sorry for being pessimistic but the same thing(with one different aspect)that it passed 1 more hurdle)but is stuck in limbo once again.Do not forget that it takes 60 days after the Governer signs it to become law.When ,if ever will this happen??I sir ,am not any part of the problem.I'm just tired of advocating something that seems to be repeating itself.This exact(almost)sceneario took place last year at this time and everyone got excited to see it die in the assembly.And what about the folks who are terminal?? How much more time do they have to see this help them??There wasn't even any news coverage of the last senate vote that passed-NONE! Not even in the small print.However Illinois's vote was mentioned on a few NY local news websites.Nothing of the progress that was just made...like it never even happend.And puking and feeling crappy all day is just getting plain old..think about it.BigD


yea those cunning politicians, they have no time to vote like it's such a big deal. it's all just a deception. bigdaddyc9, you should continue growing, don't wait for them... civil disobedience is all we need, they can't put as all in jail.


What we need are some more folks who are upset about this to keep following through.Thats all I ask the state reps-follow through.Now this has cleared one vote its time to move on to the next step...not let it hang in Limbo,forever>I apologize for being so down and cynical.Depression goes along w/chronic pain and heavy opies.I'm sweating bullets and ready to puke asI type this.I guess I need some semblance of a "normal"life..sorry for being so selfish. BigD


C'mon NY i know you can do it.....i've done my share of emails so i hope you all contribute some as well!
There wasn't even any news coverage of the last senate vote that passed-NONE! Not even in the small print.However Illinois's vote was mentioned on a few NY local news websites.Nothing of the progress that was just made...like it never even happend.

Perhaps because the bill in NY made it past a health committee. Not a floor vote. Illinois passed the floor vote. Get it? Go back and read that again. Got it now? Good. There is a very distinct difference. They're further along in the process. And I was notified by mpp when the health committee voted yes on NY's bill, as were any others who subscribe to news updates through the site. Thinking some health committee vote should shoulder the same or a larger response than an entire bill package passing senate in Illinois is just a sign that you have no idea what you're talking about, you're uneducated, or you're simply blinding yourself with your impatience and emotions on this issue.

Either way, no matter the cause, you should really learn how this whole process (and space bar) works before you start getting emotional and running off with your thoughts any further.... Especially if you're addressing the people working to make this bill a reality. Your letters and thoughts speak for not only you, but all of those who need this to happen. Remember that the next time you post on a public forum or send a letter to Patterson.

Yes, its frustrating, we get it. Excuse my lack of compassion but there is no reason to start badmouthing the very people trying to get these bills passed. None. Especially after a victory NY has never seen before. Instead of being hopeful, it's like you're doing your best to discount it. It's ignorant, and it does NOTHING to help the situation. I sure as hell hope your letters to our representatives you keep saying you've issued dont resemble any of your thoughts or posts here. God help us all....


just do it
if it fails just one more way NY state screws its people, i used to live in one of the shittiest areas with nothing to do, but we had some of the highest taxes in the country, the only way i will ever go back is if they cut off the hemmoroid that is bleeding the real new yorkers dry, NYC


I vote Nay on Negativity...

Especially when NY inches closer and closer...

There will always be political work to do and with that people who are ready to give up and those that are ready to keep going (as well as those who just dont give a fuck).

Im holding my breath until sessions out, cynical yet hopeful.


NY is being more pressed to pass the gay marrige bill before anything else.This makes news but the vote on MMJ doesn't.Hey Schizo,undereducated these nuts.All my e-mails to reps were tactful and well written.You may say "You get it",when actually you are clueless.Walk a few miles in someone elses shoes.The session will be over soon and the MMj bills will be history just as before.I have lost all hope that the "right thing" will happen.We will have gay marrige before relef from illness and pain.Makes a lot of sense now doesn't it...BigD
They will leave for the summer in few days.What then?? Same as last 2 years??Sorry for being pessimistic but the same thing(with one different aspect)that it passed 1 more hurdle)but is stuck in limbo once again

Big daddy I'm sorry about your ailments, there's nothing I can type here that will make them better. I wish new york would push this bill but we can only go so fast. I've been waiting over 5 years myself since my surgery and nothing. but it is NOT THE SAME as the last 2 years. it has passed a senate committee which NEVER happened before. this means that it CANNOT be ignored in future years and must follow suit. also this means that (after this year having more senate sponsors than EVER before) in all future bills we will only have them MORE REFINED and more catered the the silly ideas of republicans who want to bitch and moan about the bill not being up to par.

We still have weeks to go, and I don't know if it will pass or not this year. It doesn't look good for this year, but it looks better than it EVER has for NY to pass this bill next year if not this year!

I agree too the whole government setup is bullshit with how they can push aside bills and not even look at them, but thats how the world spins.

If I could :1help: you personally I would. I hate physical pain and ailments and don't wish it upon any other human.

I'm getting tired with efforts in contacting officials but if it isn't this year then I'm still going to end up doing it again next year because thats just the way it is, we are doing what we can to make it the way we want it.


I cannot seem to find any new news concerning this issue.Has it been tossed on the wayside and nearest the circular file or file 13? I recieved 2 letters from State reps this week.Niether would commit to yes or no but said they would take my thoughts into consideration.Sen.James Seward said he "would be behind MMj if the FederaL Gov approves it use" hello didnt he hear his President say that it was up to the states to determine?? I sent both responses to Mpp and waited a few days for confirmation that they recieved.What more can we do? Should I got to Albany and set myself on fire? Dont answer that schizo,lol! I am fed up and am aghast at the stupidity over Pot.Devils Weed.Any help would be appreciated.BigD puking as usual

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