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Medical marijuana in Czech Republic


Hello all my czech friends!

I read some articles about the Czech Republic legalizing medical marijuana, but I haven't heard anything about the outcome of the suggestion.



Anyone have som new information on how the process is going?

Regards, the wath

Nothing real. It is debated by politics, but nothing more. Many organizations are trying to cinvince them, but it will take more time... I dont believe in any shift this year... Maybe next one :)
...In the meantime at the Cannabis Clinic in Prague.

War, or so it would seem proceeds. Daily, rockets (beans) are thrown at the people, many no longer know where to plant them.

10,000 seeds handed out in the last week. Thanks to one very kind donor.

Thats how one calls for medical marijuana, by handing out well tested seeds high in THC, CBD, and CBC.

Each one ist very own benevolant rocket, on the war on drugs.

Id have to ask how many of the sick ppl which come to our clinic are into politics....
I dont think many.

It is debated by politics, is more of an... "its being argumented whom should make the most money."

Mainly its being "promised" that we will have resort by summer. In other words "legalization" asap.

The reality of the matter is a bit different. As with any mmj program, the dogs must be fed first.

Dont think itll be any different than anywhere else, buncha big firms looking to make the most. Few if any have very much "real" knowledge on cannabis healing.

Irradiated strains lacking any proficient cannabinoid profile, ppl pushing their "patented" or whatever ideas as old as the floating gardens of babylon themselves.

I wake up every morning to wonder... berrea says next year... I say keep dreaming, as the vultures have seen their prey, and truth is when these vultures start the feeding, theres no telling where or when they will stop.

Cheers 2 Seeds!

Keep it growing!

Oh, and just in case it isnt "next year", please do think about starting a Cannabis Social Club soon and protect your assets. Genes, families, and futures.

If you need any help CsCing in the Cz, PM.



New member
every guv department in cz is slow, if it don't happen in the next two years it won't ever happen. imo.


Active member
You are right Bohempian and N. Accumbens, what i would like to add is the new law proposal would even consider few national suppliers growers kind of like in israel... but you would have to be one of 5/10 companies allowed by some crazy license... the nice thing that is going on in czech rep. is the ordinary people attitude to this plant is changing in a way that lots of people are growing their own and that is how it is gonna be done in the future, communities growing for their own needs. Even the older people are overgowing the heart of europe, let us hope it continues, happy growing everyone :ying:
nobody will do nothing - first come first .. money ! so the question is : how to make milions from that . if they dont find a way how to , no MMJ program in CZ :(
its that stupid Power/Money hungrynes .. they dont realy care about us . they care about money and power :(

edit : sry for my horrible english :)


New member
sticcky:yes there are ,why?? ;) for good outdoorgrowing are there good places I think, but here many peoples like to smoke but no to grow, thats the biggest problem are roberys here...sorry about my fuck.ng english but if you want to understand you should..;) sun in your soul, and sun in your bush..:D


just wondering if there are area which receive full days of bright sun for the summer months

perhaps ill come visit and do some soil tilling!


What about this article:


It will be real sad if the medical marijuana program ends up all strict and rigid. What's the use of that? Expensive, overpriced cannabis, probably limited to less amounts than what would actually heal you?

Either way, it seems both Spain and the Czech Republic have progressive inhabitants, and are the two countries most ahead in Europe.

I'm considering moving to the Czech Republic, to come and medicate myself.
I've really gotten more and more into the idea and concept of juicing raw cannabis.
At first, I was a bit skeptic, but now I have a better idea about how it works.

I recommend viewing/reading these videos/articles:

I think juicing cannabis might be the holy grail of medicinal cannabis. And I want to try it.
I may be able to partake in a program, but I'm keeping all my options open.

I know there is a lot of wild growing ruderalis going on in different parts of czech, and if I had the opportunity, I would collect as much wild cannabis as possible, make juice of it and freeze it instantly. Just gather the hell out of those plants and secure a years worth of medicine.

Anyways, after what I have heard, regular cannabis and maybe oil, is easy to get a hold of in czech if you know someone? I understand you guys are quite friendly and hospitable. :)

Sorry that I halfway stole the thread.



Active member
juicing is great, no question about that... now the ruderalis thing, i would not be so sure. surely more fields with technical hemp then in western europe countries but i have never heard of some wild strain growing in czech countryside or along the streets like in nepal or kazachstan...


Active member
very nice links, thanks for this info, i believe that if you want to juice then the (almost) no thc content is not a problem for you and if it really has some nice percentage of cbd then it is a great free medicine... i wish you good luck with medicating yourself and hope you find bohemia or moravia pleasant and stay for long!


Active member
whats the latest on medical marijuana in CZ, is it gonna become a reality? would you be able to get a license or is it all corrupt like the solar power panels i see everywhere here, anyway pretty cool that you can actually own 5 plants in CZ.....


Active member
No change at all, no licenses, the pms stopped discussing the novel of the law just before the summer holiday, anyways there will be no licensing for quite some years, if anything the cannabis medicine will be imported from other country... 5 plants and you do not go to prison over that, yes, that is less sick then most of the other countries around the globe, but pretty cool surely not, not from the overgrow attitude we should all finally express and act upon... sorry for the rant, but i am sick of this great plant being demonized and deemed illegal, just sick...


Active member
Hi Jenery , you are absolutely right...not sure what you mean..its cool to have 5 plants yes? and more than 5 you will go to prison?! surely not...