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Medical Marijuana, gateway to Big Brother?

master shake

Active member
Medical Marijuana, gateway to Big Brother?

JT Coyoté
October 2, 2010

Marijuana has traditionally been referred to as the “gateway drug,” reputed to introduce one to harder more dangerous substances. If Colorado lawmakers have their way, a new system of policing to oversee Medical Marijuana sales frequency, quantity, buyer activity, and final point of use, will be introduced soon. Pot may once again become known as the gateway drug, however this time it will be to introduce Big Brother style tracking technology to the general market place.

The Colorado State legislature is looking at passing laws to keep track of medical marijuana purchases from seed to point of usage. These are designed to stop purchases of large quantities from various locations in short time periods, that could then be sold on the black market. State officials say that these laws and the surveillance system they will create, are necessary as protections against medical marijuana system abuses by unlawful drug dealers.

Patients and marijuana advocates see this as an unwarranted intrusion, an invasion of individual medical practices by the state using Orwellian methods. Drivers license swipes and video cameras, to track buyers. State officials are considering fingerprinting patients to eventually implement thumb scanning technology. Also, product tracking by use of passive micro Radio Frequency Identification devices (RFID), in or on all marijuana products will track every gram sold.

Medical marijuana became legal in Colorado in 2000, and has been largely self regulating. However, the explosion in the number of marijuana dispensaries is the impetus behind the state’s move this session to pass new regulations. This now has the medical marijuana community up in arms at the development. Many of us who were against the medical marijuana initiatives from the get-go cited this very possibility as reason to vote against it. Many who were against medical marijuana were actually no compromise proponents of a complete decriminalization of the herb, placing it under similar general laws as alcohol when abused, or used in the commission of a crime.

A possible fraud scenario used by proponents of this high tech tracking goes like this; a patient’s card is used to buy marijuana several times in the same day from dispensaries at different locations. Utilizing the tracking system, the state would be alerted and notify all dispensaries not to sell to that card because of suspected fraud. The state would then verify if it’s the same person through video surveillance required in dispensaries under the new law. Thumb readers and RFID would be the next step, yet patients are leery as to how the RFID tracking would be accomplished.

This will be at issue this election season with at least 14 states allowing medical marijuana as November ballot measures. Montana’s legislature is expected to consider medical marijuana tracking when it opens for legislation next year.

Actually, medical marijuana isn’t really the debate here, since as I stated before the marijuana issue could be easily remedied by decriminalization under a program similar to the way alcohol is regulated and controlled to adults. The real issue here is tracking and surveillance. This ground-breaking program has many people watching closely, even folks who know little if anything about marijuana, yet can see the larger implications regarding buying and selling of goods and services under this type of highly regulated and controlled system, monitored by Orwellian surveillance techniques.

What I find interesting is, folks who saw Medical Marijuana as a win for personal freedom against Big Brother, may well have inadvertently initiated the opposite effect, they may have been led into lifting the flap, letting the camel’s nose under the tent, this very thing may bring high tech Big Brother to fruition.

http:// www infowars.com/medical-marijuana-gateway-to-big-brother/

Thoughts? I don't believe what's outlined here is going in the right direction.

Amber Trich

Active member
wrong direction entirely. hope this doesnt go through!

product tracking by use of passive micro Radio Frequency Identification devices (RFID), in or on all marijuana products will track every gram sold.
however they plan to accomplish this cant be good or safe. love how patient safety comes last to the big bro


Well-known member
Sooo they're going to be doing this with Oxycodone/Benzodiazapines right? Right?? Nah, they'll only go after the dangerous prescription meds, like marijuana.


Active member
Wow I didn't know so many of yall don't care about this!
Get use to it brotha, most ppl are asleep, and cant wake up. I been spitting knowledge since 99, and you will be called a fool, tin foil hat wearer, all in the name of trying to help ppl. Yes got to love ignorance

Far as RFID goes, it is not the mark of the beast, but it has been used in military personel, and cattle. No RFID chips are for one reason only- Fema camps- research REX84, sorry to say we recieved the mark already, and its legal TENDER-currency, money!

Tho today we see the crack down on mmj it is only obvious that 215, and other states mmj was just what your artical said, it was a way for govt to test waters so to speak to regulate it while making billions.


3rd-Eye Jedi
if you recall there was an article posted here about doing something similar to DNA fingerprint to track strains and their illicit distribution

seems they already have a tool for it other than RFID


Active member

The government never saw a dollar it didnt want to tax

i cant wait for the weed breathalyzer
If I remember correctly California made over 12 billion last year on taxing, I do remember the tax law they made, my shop made a big deal bout it, and decided to pay the taxes for the patient to get more to come to our shops. So yeah they say they dont, they say they cant, but all in all they did, so sorry they do tax.


*From above url*
*specific military documents at http://www.army.mil/usapa/epubs/pdf/r210_35.pdf that demonstrate plans to relocate people into camps. Namely, Army Regulation 210-35, which bears the name “Civilian Inmate Labor Program.” According to the document, 210-35 “provides guidance for establishing and managing civilian inmate labor programs on Army installations. It provides guidance on establishing prison camps on Army
*The program was initially tested in 1984, with the goal of dealing with “civil disturbances, major demonstrations and strikes that would affect continuity of government and/or resource mobilization,” writes Nimmo. If you are a subversive in any way, Rex 84 and FEMA will look to deploy “the military to implement government ordered movements of civilian populations at state and regional levels” and authorize “the arrest of certain unidentified segments of the population, and the imposition of martial law.”
*Northcom (See: http://www.northcom.mil/) was established stateside in 2002 to assist in federal homeland defense efforts. This agency is authorized to monitor the communications of citizens and be a rallying point should it be deemed necessary to mobilize in a Rex 84-type action
*a CNN report that the U.S. military is going to get involved in combating the swine flu outbreak when it rears its slimy nose this flu season. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, in his efforts to ensure that military teams can ostensibly work with civilian authorities efficiently, is prepared to sign an “execution order” that would authorize a Rex 84 action by the military. They just call it “detailed planning to execute the proposed plan.”

State officials are considering fingerprinting patients to eventually implement thumb scanning technology. Also, product tracking by use of passive micro Radio Frequency Identification devices (RFID), in or on all marijuana products will track every gram sold.
What I find interesting is, folks who saw Medical Marijuana as a win for personal freedom against Big Brother, may well have inadvertently initiated the opposite effect, they may have been led into lifting the flap, letting the camel’s nose under the tent, this very thing may bring high tech Big Brother to fruition.

= wake the fuck UP! NOW.

“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” – Thomas Jefferson
make this stuff go viral on the net. Do everything you can to spread info. its game on. MOVE.


Active member
Chill. So you're saying we should all go buy weapons/food and take to the street?

All this because government has documentation on the books for continuity of government ops?

Gov't has had camps for a long time, remember WW2 with the Japanese?

Besides, 1-5 million gov't + military could never hoard 300+ million angry, armed, and fed-up Americans. Unless they bring out a robot Army, or unleash a pandemic that kills our food supply, in which case, were screwed anyway.

Just sayin...doom and gloom? Peace.


Active member
Chill. So you're saying we should all go buy weapons/food and take to the street?

All this because government has documentation on the books for continuity of government ops?

Gov't has had camps for a long time, remember WW2 with the Japanese?

Besides, 1-5 million gov't + military could never hoard 300+ million angry, armed, and fed-up Americans. Unless they bring out a robot Army, or unleash a pandemic that kills our food supply, in which case, were screwed anyway.

Just sayin...doom and gloom? Peace.
Did you really just say what you said? Not pickin a fight, just observing your words of your stance of REX 84. I really dont understand that having anything on the books like so means it will not happen, then they should have not put it in the books, the fact they did, even if its just in case, shows intent plain and simple. Lets use a very good example, If all white ppl were told by blacks you can live amongst us, but if food gets short we blacks will put you in camps, for preserving our black race. You can put any color you want for sake of not sounding racist, it is just impossible to trust.

But on siding with what you really mean, yes ppl got to use common sense, which is not common anymore, logically get into position to not be a victim if indeed they use the just in case methods, matter of fact all contengency plans benifit the few, and just so you know as well, your not in the few bracket yourself! Which brings us to your post on a thread where ppl expand theirselves, and knowledge to become better not worse, positive words bring positive things, to lay down and just assume things will work out, is not positive, its dependant, and I dont depend on no body but myself. Myself says that if indeed they act on it, in my crrent state of not being at the least is informed, then I am screwed! How many ppl predicted, or planned for the Holicost?
If I remember correctly California made over 12 billion last year on taxing, I do remember the tax law they made, my shop made a big deal bout it, and decided to pay the taxes for the patient to get more to come to our shops. So yeah they say they dont, they say they cant, but all in all they did, so sorry they do tax.

i think your sarcasm meter needs calibrated

fuck the nanny state government


Active member
i think your sarcasm meter needs calibrated

fuck the nanny state government
Truth becomes sarcasim? Wow your barking up the wrong tree dude, why bring your words to the front with no fact, wether it be bout the taxing, or just how I am being sarcastic, I have no room for ignorance, getting tired of speaking on death ears, tired of ppl just spitting assumtions, what sense does it make to tell me Im sarcatic, fuck yeah I am, when 12billion is easy to find in their own news, quite saying the govt dont make shite off mj!

Anyone in cali who works the shops will tell you this. Matter of fact lets not talk taxes, let talk 50,000 each inmate in prison per year, and 80,000 plus mj arrest=4,000,000,000 hummm? Is that sarcastic enough? Please bro aint starting shite, just look at the facts, Im frickin fed up, been fed up, and last I wanna here is how sarcastic I am being, fucking on the run myself, and put info out their for a comment like so, just waste of time, effort, and really we dont know each other for you to say such a thing, read my post, and come back at me different, I earned my walk in life, and been down roads many would curl up and die, Sarcasim from me is better than my PTSD blow ups, so thanks for realizing I could of handle it worst. Far as this goes bro, just be cool, and just read you will see all of what I mean.

Im trying to build something here to benifit all mankind, planning on making a 420 week long event out of every month to protest 9-5 select businesses, and to not buy shite for that week, not to hurt you, but the true enemy here. But in return I get called names, its cool bro you will soon see, and it aint going to be my sarcasim you will be worried about, peace be good!:tiphat:


Active member
Lol...GetUp, he was saying that HE was being sarcastic, not you!!
Haha nice rant tho--:biggrin:
Oh, well hell, I hate not being able to see faces, and stuff, my bad dude, plus my stress, and all the vibes this morning were bad, hell I can be sharp thats for sure. Sorry bro now I read it duh, get your licks in, he, he!:asskick:


ruger 500
turbo ,dont think they will play fair?no power,dead of winter,no food chain,no fuel,trade guns for food ,posioned food left for the hungry ,read 1984,
Oh, well hell, I hate not being able to see faces, and stuff, my bad dude, plus my stress, and all the vibes this morning were bad, hell I can be sharp thats for sure. Sorry bro now I read it duh, get your licks in, he, he!:asskick:

all good man that was a hell of a rant i agreed with you all along lol

i fear the government getting their greedy hands on the plant i love

dont stress so much bro it aint good for your health



Active member
the black market will always exist. and the dea already has a drug diversion division for tracking drugs to the black market.


Active member
Just goes to show....

I didn't move to colorado to experience the ignorance of the people... coulda stayed in Cali for that. LOL

Scene is just getting disgusting. Always happens when people are charged with making laws about something they're nearly completely ignorant about.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

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