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medical license success!!!!!!!

I would totally disagree... Most of my fellow MMAR exemptees simply want the right to use a medicine that makes them feel better, and not be systematically poisioned by big pharma. The fact is that applying for a license as a patient does not give you authority to sell anything, not even seeds, you actually are not even legally allowed to give it away for free, everything over your storage amount has to be destroyed, not that anyone actually complies with this...
Even having a Designated Grower license only gives you authorization to grow for that perticular exemptee, it doesn't give you auth to set up shop and legally sell weed, it allows you to grow for a sick person that can not grow for themselves, it is about the patient and not the DG, because if the patient is unhappy with the DG they can have their license terminated (unless the DG has another patient, HC only allows 2 per DG).

Getting the license is not hard ONCE your MD is on board, but unforuntely a few years ago the college of physicians recommended MDs not to sign the documents in fear that the MDs were not legally protected if a client had a bad reaction. Not to mention that most MDs are spoon fed by big pharma even before they leave med school to believe what Phizer says is the gods honest truth.

What type of medical ailments do you have? You need to bring your MD or any specialist your seeing specific information showing how cannabis can help your situation. Your MDs and specialists have to be on your side though because they are the ones that have to explain your situation on the application and have to sign stating that they believe Cannabis can help your condition, which is the kicker for most, as they have always been told the opposite their entire medical career. It shouldn't be like this but it is basically up to you to educate your MDs, you need more then words though, you will need to find studies backing up what your saying, visit the marijuana policy party's website they have soon good info and links, it is geared toward Americans, but info is info...

Lastly, if you have MS (as I do), Cancer, HIV/AIDS or a severe form of Arthritis, it doesn't totally matter if the MD agrees, as long as they sign, but if not then it is time to go to work.

Good Luck

Its a shame that most people want the license so they can sell weed.

I don't mean any of you, but in general.
Where does it say that Mr. Noodles got his signature/license??? I read through this entire post and the last thing I saw him post was saying that he did NOT get a signature? Mr. Noodles, you out there... I think that your definately informing people of te MMAR program, but honestly you are majorily over simplifing things, as I can tell you, a lot of MDs still do not feel comfortable signing applications, all throughout Canada.

I also have to say that after reading through this entire thread, there are MANY inconsistancies in the information presented. I will leave it up to everyone to do there own research regarding the MMAR program, because honestly this is a lot of mis and dis-information throughout this thread.

I will tell you from experience that getting your license, even with an approved cat 1 ailment is very hard because your MD has to declare that all other treatments have been explored and did not work and that Cannabis is the best option left. If you have not tried numerous drug(yuck) then your MD will really not want to sign and declare anything. and the MMAR inspection team can come and inspect your grow anytime they feel, with no prior warning, it is all in the fine print, so if HC told you this, it is amazing because it is a part of the program.

I also do not understand how you are calling someone a capitalist(Michelle Rainey) when you stated what you charged medical patients in another post in this section, stating that HC charged $750 per ounce, when they actually charge $140. How could you not know this if you are/were legal???

^^^^if you read and follow the steps ive given on the first page, doctors will respect you are educated on the matter, and maybe realise they are uneducated. noodles said the same thing you did, but when he really listened to what i had to say, he got the signature, d


Active member
mr noodles himself said he got it, can i verify that beyond the shadow of a doubt no, do i think noodles would lie, no.

ive recieved seed prices and "bud" price lists from helath canada. millions of dollars are owed from patients whom took meds on loan. ive never seen anywhere where they charge 140 an ounce. they pay prarie plant systems millions a year to produce garbage, i dont know if 10 dollars a gram would make any money.

if i was to make an educated guess, health canada will start banning the growing part, and license that out to people whom can grow actaul medical grade cannabis.

my point about michelle was that she doesnt care about "medicine" or "patients". its all about loop holes in the cannabusiness to make money, and im sure she is not the only one, but they say the tallest nail gets struck first, and all of a sudden being medicial michelle in the guise of deportation isnt just a coincidence as it is a convenience.

ive been pm'd by 20+ people thanking me that i helped them get there license, via this thread, and it was a pleasure to offer this unconditonal information for those with open ears and eyes.

if a patient is out of pot, or a dispensary needs any excess, selling it for its value, as a lawyer has recommended. i have yet to see any precidence set in ottawa about transactions f seeds, clones or meds between card holders. if anyone services the needs of sick or dieing people fro a fare wage of labour in any form, not just monetary, its due. not selling a sick person a dream then taking all there pot to sell on the black market.

this is a small community in canada, even bc, and it doesnt take long to see who are the helpers and who are the hurters. doing something without expectations or conditions is help. manipulating naive people into taking 50 % of their medicine for monetary gain is hurtfull imvho, but it seems thats okay to alot of folks.

i live day to day, and do what i can for others without hidden fees or demands. anyone who knows me can vouch, trust me,hence, the publication of this helpfull information for all.

the bottom line is canada is the only country in the world with a federal medical marijuana program. it treats 2/3 of all canadians i know for some kind of ailment, subject to the user. all of them theyve never thought twice about accessing it. if people are embarassed of they're behavior, or offended by being called on it, why behave that way in the first place.

ive had my license going on 3 years now, and helped over 40 people get there sigs with no reward or condition, so peace in the middle east, d
Bro I am going to scan a price list in a second as soon as I find it. HC charges $5 a gram+tax, like you could look it up online or in your docs??? And once again it clearly states that you are not to sell/share/trade any marijuana products or seeds. If you are licensed bro, did you ever actually read the regulations, like at all???

So you are saying that you have helped 40 people get their license?
$1000 to sign papers? Thats helping and compassion. I am also going to dig out the other thread i just read about how much you stated that you charged these medicinal patients, justifing it with that HC charges $750 per Oz.
Also bro you are talking about compassion but yet stated that you see nothing wrong with a MD charging a very sick patient



Active member
ps ottawa has also claimed that there will be no more limits to licenses at 1 property, this came direct to me from a laywer named john conroy, whos spear headed most of the regulations with med pot in the capital.

ive heard alot of retorhic about regulations since my first accident, from card holders, non affliates and especially police whom dont know there ass from their elbows when it comes to med pot, they always ask me what the laws are, d
Here we go, these are your words in regards to what you use to charge MS patients, that rubbed me so wrong when I read through this thread and now you all the sudden care about sick people??? This also goes along with your $1000 Dr charge, and the Michelle Rainey statements, and just so you know, I don't even know Michelle Rainey.

From whats up with Van Bud - Post # 70 -dmt

i brought an article i wrote to marc emery one day and a half pound of my kindest meds, purple kush 06. it was fist sized nugs of the kindest hydro.

marc said hed think of publishing the piece, but for sure wanted to buy my herb as he said it was the best kush hed ever seen(no hydro in bc so very in demand).

gues who shows up? dana larson with 1800 bucks for an elbow. i was getting 3200 from ms patients all year around, he said he could get 15 a g over the counter. ive never been so low balled in my life. this shit was kind, not beatsers, and thats what dana sells, avid sprayed, chemically not flushed for 8-12.50, unbelieveable man.

i blazed a gram joint with marc and all his young co harts that work for him and 1 of em puked after, 1800? jeeeezuz, d

Your Justification when someone said that you shouldn't be bragging about charging MS patients $3200 LBS - post 72

assuming im bragging makes an ass of you and me.

health canada charges 750 for beasters, i offer it for less then half price. i just buzzed my boy in dt tdot. he said med grade hydro is 3600-4200, dana charges 4500 to patients for beasters, im the messiah, not the tyrant.

dk, grow your own, its way cheaper and you dont have to move or deal with shady gangs, d

The problem is that HC does not charge $750 on OZ they charge $140+ tax for 28 grams. I am uploading the info sheet sent to all MMAD exemptees. Scanned directly by me. I only order their crap 2 times but I also bought 2 packs of seeds, I bought them back in like 2007 or 2006 but they still send me info everytime something changes, like the new rules?


Active member
are you my keeper?

see my photo, i have nothing to hide. if you want to put me under citizens arrest for helping people, im not hard to find. hi powered insights should be directed at oneself first before pointing fingers.

there are over 10 dispensaries nationwide and will double by next year. should those employees work for free, or security guards,growers or lanlords volenteer there property becuase of compassion? wake up man, you filter everything i say into something im not.

dana larson runs a great dispensary on hastings in vancouver, you should have him arrested for providing a service that not many people will do, or have done. do you think his meds should be free too?

i wont judge u by your avatar name, but its not doing your debate much justice. say what you will, you wont stop me or the revolution, d


Active member
do you know how much real medical quality bud costs in bc, or do you even understand what the cost of living is here? do you know that most bc bud isnt of mediicnal quality? do you know most bud the dispensaries sell is low quality, and they charge 8-12.50 a gram? that is the foundation of a market. if im told my herb gives the most relief from ms patients of 30 years, that stands thr test i need to know value, and 200 an ounce instead of 280 to 320 for low quality is a deal, and way underpriced. higher quality for less price = major gains for sick people.

those people will testify in a court of law for me if the police have the budget to take a braindamaged patient to court, d
I am having a very hard time trying to upload my scanned product info sheet from HC probably because it is a PDF, but I have found this story on CBC's website that clearly states the prices and regulations, and it states that yes it is still illegal to distribute cannabis even with a license, obviously that is minus a designated grower who can still only legally sell to their designated exemptee.

Now you say you helped 40 people get their signatures, which I assume you mean get approved, which is a phenomonal rate based on the fact that as of june of last year there were only 4,029 authorized to possess, that would mean that nationally you personally are accountible for 1% of the licenses handed out, and there are only around 2,500 licensed to actually grow their own. To say that IMHO, you are grossly misrepesenting yourself would be an understatement, by the way it is not you who fills out the section regarding your daily limits, that is your doctor portion, if there is a problem they call your GP for verification, trust me I have been there.

To anyone else reading this considering going down this road, as in MMAD, unless you are diagnosed with something that fits into section 1, YOU NEED a SPECIALIST's assessment that states that you could benefit from MJ, without this and with just a signature from your GP, you will be denied as you did not meet the minimum requirements for the program, which despite what is said by others, is very strict.

Regardless I am done with this thread, hopefully you are who you represent yourself as and not really a wolf dressed in sheeps clothing. Good luck with your future endevour, just one request tho bro, try to treat the MS patients better, MS is a hell of a disease that ruins some of the best years of a persons life, usually leaving them with fixed incomes because of there inability to work or work on a steady basis. That is seriously some wolf shit bro, like I said I have MS and help a lot of patients who are confined to wheelchairs and are unable to grow, I do this outside of the law, so I hope you take the same heed as me and be very careful of who you deal with because a bit of money is not worth losing your license.
tax deductible for a grower using a designed grower, my name is massproducer, not $3200 a LBS. You honestly sound worst then the actual american "compassion clubs" justifing your price based on the street price as opposed to the opportunity cost of doing business. I feel that a compassion club should obviously be able to support there entire operation, but definately be non-profit.

And your cost of living only comes into play if you are planning on living off of the proceeds of your grows, but if you are licensed then it would be a moot point because your growing for yourself anyways. I can even see you saying the Cost of Business but the cost of living??? If you operate a small business then you base your prices on the cost of doing business, not their personal costs???


Active member
you are right, an ounce is 150 based on cbc reference. i guess i read the 1 as 7 on the paper i got 3 years ago.

or maybe i tallied the value comparrison to mine. if .3 a gram is good of mine, and they need 1-3 g of the crap. ? dont remeber much, especially tryna raz dk haha.

or maybe it was a seed price thing? i dont recall.

come out to bc and we'll pow wow, and you can be the judge, d
Its all good bro, I am sorry I came at ya like that, I kind of still have emotional/ anger problems related to the pain and the lesions in my brain, sorry bro, I really can be an asshole sometimes.
My bad bro, but I am gonna hold ya to coming to check you out in BC when come back out west, prob this summer, I would love to have a national network of MMAD exemptees that can share clones and seeds and everything else.

I have been working this hybrid I made last year that man you gotta peep some of these seeds, I provide them to my buddies at the MS society free of charge. It is BC God Bud x rez's sour diesel ibl. The god bud male I used was probably the craziest structured male I have ever seen, it honestly had internode spacing like a female and smelled crazy, the SD IBL female was ECSD to the max, but with a bit higher yield. Out of the seeds I get about 3 seperate phenos, as it is no where really close to stabilized yet but it coming


Active member
im the only person i know that advocates this remedy openly to everyone that will listen. out of all the blogs and sites on pot out there, how many canadians posted a thread like this?

i know for a fact that the people ive helped in person have all helped 1-2 people get theres in their family, so i catalysed more if you look at it that way. believe me or not, it doesnt matter to me. cannabis is therapy for most people, all over the world, and needs to be recognised. aand alot of people qualify in canada and dont know about it,d


Active member
My bad bro, but I am gonna hold ya to coming to check you out in BC when come back out west, prob this summer, I would love to have a national network of MMAD exemptees that can share clones and seeds and everything else.

my man, now we are talking.

i have big issues man, and may exagerate sometimes, especially talking to danny karey haha, the east coast king haha.

i dont mean to misinform, and my intentions are genuine, ask anyone who knows me.

i dont do this to feed an ego, but starve the corporate machine and its bs propaganda, d
I agree with everything you said except that a lot of people qualify under the current laws, they are just too restrictive, the need for a specialist that specializes in your ailment and that will recommend the use is the major obsticle. I definately agree tho that basically every human being can benefit medicinally, but the law is a whole other thing
Like I said it was my fault bro, I came in with ill intentions because as you said I can hang on certian words that really make no difference in the points being made.

I'm with tho bro, I go to the MS society to meet with everyone from politians to teachers and regular MS patients to explain the medicinal benefits of our wonderful plant. That is why I am use to defending my positions on whatever the point, doing what we do you have to develop thick skin and always be prepared to fight for positions, well I do anyways back east in NS, because we have virtually no weed scene here, especially medicinally, everyone is afraid of the government, even after they gain exemption. Bro, keep doing what you do... You got the west, I got the east... :ying:

my man, now we are talking.

i have big issues man, and may exagerate sometimes, especially talking to danny karey haha, the east coast king haha.

i dont mean to misinform, and my intentions are genuine, ask anyone who knows me.

i dont do this to feed an ego, but starve the corporate machine and its bs propaganda, d


Active member
haha, now that is the attitude i was lookin for my man. have you heard of double d? hes a famous med grower from ns, sold his sytem to gh recently for 500000, d