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medical license success!!!!!!!


Active member
xsploit420, you dont have enough posts to send you Private Messages. When you do PM me!

Here in BC, we are getting more and more people the medicine they need the legal way.
There are doctors that will sign your forms. Keep searching. ADHD is a real problem and you have every right to your medicine.

Peace outdoordreams

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
keep trying there x420, im in the process right now of trying to get signed up you just have to put your mind to it , cause you can do anything you put your mind to. sounds cheese dick but the truth, im going for my follow up appointment in a couple weeks, then i hope to see a specialist. Its a long process but worth the reward, to not have to be subject to taking "meth" as you call it.
peace TS


New member
hahah i need more posts,Ritalin or any add meds like that is an amphetamine and i don't think people should be taking a sister of meth, People sell there Ritalin and get high, so yeah give it to kids eh? My Doctor is kinda old like 35 maybe,i think he might do it. Do i have make a appointment for him to sign it and then if not, refer me to a specialist or some doctor that will?. I was going to sign up for the Vancouver compassion club first,because they have a mail-order program and i just figured it would be easier that getting a mm card but as i guess if i actually have something legit wrong with me then i might as well not waste time. I should start put my case together for the doctor lol or something.
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Active member
stopping your internal dialog is key to well being. id recommend yoga or chi gong every morning before you start your day, or just simple relaxed seated meditation. i prefer falun gong, becuase of its ease on my neck and back.

i would also try to avoid any fluoride, white sugar, artificial sweeteners(aspartame, splenda, acelflame potassium etc) , colors and additives, msg and fast food to name a few. it will guide that energy in your head to the where it should be, your belly/stomach area, d
Hey Dmt, do you know if benign tumors fall under cancer for category 1? trying to figure this out for an MMAR applicant. again this thread has been a big help not only for me but many others. literally the info provided in here to me has spread like a wildflower to many other people and i hope those people can help others too. exponential spreading of knowledge


Active member
if anyone can read the medical mafia i strongly suggest you do.

my best friend just went to get a script filled yesterday and the doc said they were sleeping pills, fucker gave him anti depressants!!!!

when my granma started her golden years, her doc gave her "sleeping pills" and they were anti spychotics!!!!!!

my other granny was given "anti depressants" in the 60's that ened up giving her "spychosis" which lead to heavy lithium doses which soft killed her!!!!!

wtf is this world coming to, and why do docs have a degree to make you worse then kill you?????

these 3 ailments can all be dealt with by using cannabis as a daily remedy, coupled with a healthy diet and exercise routine.

my point is all the initial drugs that were scripted all lead to brain imbalance which lead to stronger drugs which debilitated their lives as they knew them, legally w government support!!!!

we all gotta get on the mmar program before we all get waxed covert style legally. unefinbeleivable man, this makes me wann puke when i see it for what it is, d


Active member
i researched all 3 cases and drugs scripted and long term use is very dangerous, d


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Success at the doc's!!

Success at the doc's!!

Went to see the doc today with my family behind me. Needed a sig for b2 for insomnia, anxiety. Much to my delight, he read the facts I presented, and proceeded to sign the forms with only 2 questions asked to me.

He is a GP, both he and I were a little unsure on a specialist's referral for insomnia, but he went ahead and filled out and signed the B2.

So the hard part is done - we have the doc's rec, and Much respect to my doc for being a reasonable man...

Copies are now part of my medical file, and I will be shipping the forms out to HC on Mon ASAP, priority post. Then hopefully 4-6 weeks later I will be a cardholder, just like I should be.

Just wanted to share the news, as it is very good indeed!

Moe feels SO VINDICATED!!!! :rasta: :yes: :woohoo:

hey bud good on you but HC says 10 weeks not 4-6 and people say its more like 16wks. you are gonna need to at least see a specialist for b2. HC will just send ur forms back for b2 without a specialist .


Active member
OK, 10-15 wks or whatever. I do know how gov't works - you want something from them = weeks of waiting. They want something from you = Yesterday.

Doesn't matter to me it's the end result that matters. I am going to see a specialist about Asperger's syndrome, which I may have. Anxiety and insomnia go hand-in hand with this.

Same deal as the "having to have tried all other options first" this is untrue, you must have tried OR CONSIDERED the other options. I considered, and turned em down...

My doc's wife is also a doc, who does specialize in these things. It'll either be her, or another one in Ottawa. Hopefully her, as she is much closer...

It will work out in the end - i'm too straight and true for it not to. The glass is half full, not half empty! :rasta:

(I am also a 40 year old man, not some pimply-faced teen looking to party it up 24/7. My usage is 100% medicinal)

OK, firstly congrats on having the support of your GP as it really helps a lot but with that said as a B2 patient it is all about the specialist's report...

I think there are a lot of misconceptions about the MMAR program though... As the program stands at present it is NOT an inclusive program, it is actually very exclusive... And the program as it stands at present is NOT really for anyone with any ailment, it is for what the government deems as " those suffering from a grave and debilitating illness". So when they say that all conventional treatments must have been considered, we are talking about someone with cancer or AIDS or something in which conventional treatments may be required to sustain life or to sustain the patients quality of life... Basically Marijuana is not a drug used for disease management of any disease I know of, it is used for symptom management, which are very different things... On the flip side of this if you suffer from spasticity in MS or such Cannabis can greatly improve the patients range of motion by easing the spasticity but this does nothing to actually stop the diseases progression or even stop the progression of the perticular symptom in which it is treating...
Also remember that "conventional therapy" does NOT mean drug... In all actuality medicinal intervention via drugs is suppose to be the last step in treating the majority of, if not all syndromes and diseases, most things have what are called "passive treatments" which are always suppose to be explored before perscribing drugs and especially narcotic drugs...

You need to get a referral to a sleep center to have your sleep analysed to see if there are anythings that stand out, like apnea's and a whole host of other things. When you go to see a specialist regarding your sleep a drug is going to be the last thing that you leave with, you can not treat a condition until it is fully understood, for example Insomnia is a Symptom not a disorder in itself...

Either way good luck with everything and remember to keep you glass half full because it can be a long process...



Active member
Whatever HC does is up to them. Either they give it to me and I supply myself, or buy theirs for awhile first before sending in C forms - or I continue to buy off the street, and support O. crime with my $. Nothing irks me more than finally getting a sig, the doozy first step completed - and then naysayers galore line up like a firing squad.

I will send the forms and whatever happens...happens. I came here looking for support - not to be shot down in flames! Either the gov't supports my true medicinal use or they don't - fact is the doc signed, saying it's good meds for me - and if they have any good in them at all they can rubberstamp it anytime they want.

I will smoke either way, but I'd rather be legal and supporting the country, not crime groups. But if they force me to, I guess there's no choice, eh?

I will not be going for personal production right away, i'll go for just posession for now and buy a bag or 2 off HC. We'll let production come later, after I have a 1sthand opinion on the quality of their meds...

but I sure will not give up easily, I will fight - especially with doc's rec - until I have my card. oh yes - and I asked only for the bottom end of the posession limit (1g/day). I am not greedy, and that is all I require...

Thanx for the good luck wish... :rasta:

End of story.

massproducer isn't trying to shoot u down, hes being realistic. while i agree more with your side that HC is (or should) only be a rubber stamper, I believe him (i may be mistaken) and another individual on this forum have stated that they've had problems with HC even after doc's signed the forms. not sure on the specifics its buried somewhere in this thread.

If you are category 2 , you need to see the specialist. you'll waste your time sending the forms without doing so. its an incomplete application. i may have misunderstood ur post but it sounded like you originally were just sending it with only GP signature.

I will smoke either way, but I'd rather be legal and supporting the country, not crime groups. But if they force me to, I guess there's no choice, eh?

personally i'd rather support a peaceful caring grower than the hacks at Prairie Plant Systems or the crooks and liars in government. the HC strain is a sativa hybrid i'm told and is of low quality. Urbangrower has a vid showing the product in detail on youtube.

p.s. if you use edibles factor that into your daily amount. i dont smoke as much as my total gram daily limit but when i use edibles im actually over everytime. i still like smoking but edibles do the job as far as pain is concerned for me much more effectively. but then again im eating alot more than id smoke or vape.
Bro it has nothing to do with flaming anything but reality is reality... We are talking about a government program that is very burecratic in nature... Rules are rules and they are all set forth in the actual acts and regulations... Now if all of the proper procedures are under taken then no HC can not deny a treatment needed being that you fit within the the PROGRAMS regulations... I just think that if everyone were to read the actual act and regulations then they would understand the best angle to approch in their perticular situations, as the regulations are rather straight forward... I am trying to help you understand why HC issues licenses and the process of their issuance to avoid any potential dissappointments from submitting an incomplete application...

You need to see a specialist to get a full diagnosis and a report stating what type of conservative treatments were tried and failed or were deemed innopropriate by the specialist and it really helps if the specialist supports your use of cannabis as a medicine. Without a specialist report your application can not even be considered as a B2 patient... I truly wish you luck bro and if there is any way at all that I can help I am here... I work with these regulations daily helping patients, so I am rather firmilar with the legislation... And bro never give up, I just want you to know exactly what the situation is... But get you doc to get you a referral ASAP because getting your complete diagnosis is the key to everything...

And bro trust me, you want a PPL not just a posession because trust me you do not even want to try PPS' garbage... I bought 90 grams from them and 2 packs of 30 seeds, both were huge wastes of time... The actual Cannabis that they are selling is worst then beasters, it is all uncured and is just a terrible product... The seeds grew like straight up huge hemp plants, and they claim the strain to be indy dom, lol... Trust me just go for the Production license as their is nothing extra to do but fill out an additional form, and if you want to change later it requires making an amendment to your license and is kind of time consuming...

But as I said good luck bro.


Active member
Thanx guys I wasn't really mad at you personally, more at the political crap likle ususal. I know you weren't trying to be a buzzkill, just stating facts. But those facts did touch a button, as gov't crap usually does with me...

Thanx for the info, k+... :rasta:

I might as well send the 1st one in, if they send it back, I'll get it back in time to see the specialist and re-send. (was told about 6 mo to see her G/T, the one in O-town.

Hoping for the best in the end, we'll soldier on no matter...

Edit: I know about PPS's quality being known as bad, just thought it'd look better in their eyes if they were sitting on the fence over my application so to speak...

IMO, It'd look better to ask to be a paying customer of HC than to just be a guy asking to grow right away.

Who knows, we'll try and see... :rasta:



After finding a compassionate doctor he sighed my photos and papers. He told me I have to go back to my family doctor and get him to refer me to a specialist (I fall under category 2).

He said the specialist does not have to agree with me using cannabis he just needs a letter of diagnosis and he will take care of the rest (even mail all the forms in for me, such a nice guy)

Well I've already seen the specialist 3 times and he has diagnosed me with the same thing that my family doctor has treated me for the past 7 years. I'm just going to ask for my letter of diagnosis (or get him to fax it to my doctor).

It's been a long ride for me and it wasn't extremely hard just a long process.

Well I'm not in the clear until I have my license in hand.


Active member
Good to hear. So all I need is the letter of diagnosis from the specialist & and my GP's sig and I'm good to go?

My L.O.D. from the specialist should be sent to my doc here soon. The specialist is 1-2 hours from here, so if that's true it'd save another trip to ask for a sig on that single line on the b2 sheet.

Slow process - agreed 100%, that's why there's so few licensees in the country. It's such a pain, most stick with the "old-fashioned way" until they just can't anymore. Baby steps, baby steps. We'll get there eventually.

Enlighten me, folks... :rasta:


teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
I have an appt with my gp tommorow told him that the drugs he was trying to give me were fucking me up bad.... so he said" try the natural stuff"... I have been waiting for him to slip , BOOM!, gotcha bitch!,so I will be informing him tommorow I am using cannabis successfuly to treat my pain. and will have my papers , and research in hand, hoping for the best , but am expecting the worst.

peace TS


Active member
hey everyone.

if you want your scripts faster, then make sure to fax them direct from your docs office the day he signs(obviously) so that the dates match up.

they have tightened security due to forged plant numbers and take their time trying to contact your doc for a double check.

i waited an extra 4 months becuase of this this year, cuz my doc doesnt really wanna talk to them and thinks its my job. so niether my doc nor health canada let me know.

i would also call hc and make them call you if they need anything not your doc, peace, d