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med thieves=I am screwed


Came home from eating supper with my family,opened up my stash to get a bowls worth and guess what? Its gone! I am a true med patient on 480mg of Oxys daily who needs meds.NEEDS.Only one person knew I had it.I am ready to kill him.I just wish I knew for a fact.cause I had a Dishnetwork guy in here today too.I feel raped.I will never ever leave my door unlocked again.Alot of good that will do me as I have zero local connections.I am on a one way trip to the hospital.Thank you asshole who ever you were.DEATH TO YOU!:comfort:


Active member
I am really sorry to hear that. I really wish I could help.

Don't let one thing tear apart your faith in humans, though. :)


Came home from eating supper with my family,opened up my stash to get a bowls worth and guess what? Its gone! I am a true med patient on 480mg of Oxys daily who needs meds.NEEDS.Only one person knew I had it.I am ready to kill him.I just wish I knew for a fact.cause I had a Dishnetwork guy in here today too.I feel raped.I will never ever leave my door unlocked again.Alot of good that will do me as I have zero local connections.I am on a one way trip to the hospital.Thank you asshole who ever you were.DEATH TO YOU!:comfort:

I know all about it bro! Got ripped off, found out they get 40 bones a pill, fucking skumbags Get to the ER bro cause your gonna get sick! Sending positive vibs your way! :comfort: people ripping off people not cool! People ripping off a sick man... They have a level in Hell for people like you... Karma is a motherf*cker... I hope you find some measure of relief! peace and puffs


Opiate dependency's a bitch. It's kind of interesting how you NEED (note caps) your meds more than everyone else haha (I can relate - been on opes before...). 90% of it's mental manG. That being said I also know how it feels to get them taken.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
thats why i keep big angry ass dogs at my house. if anyone comes over, i put the dogs away as to not let them get to know ANYONE but me. keep all my doors locked and bolted. my whole inside and outside of house is on security cameras. and i fly a big NRA flag on my doorstep. most people get the idea.....

sorry to hear for your loss. in my expereience its USUALLY someone you know....

never let your schedule be known to anyone. and never do the same routine at same time. change shit up. keep people guessing...

most theifs are fucking cowards and usualy will only hit your place when they KNOW your gone.

it helps having a large yard to bury unwanted garbage....:tiphat:

in the immortal words of bob marley.....

Some will eat and drink with you,
Then behind them su-su 'pon you.
Only your friend know your secrets,
So only he could reveal it.....

Some will hate you, pretend they love you now,
Then behind they try to eliminate you.
I THINK the OP said that someone stole his pot (a bowl's worth from his stash). He evidently needs the pot with the opiates, b/c it makes life bearable and someone took it.

BigDaddy:( I'm sorry, fwiw, this is truly uncool.

Hopefully it was the cable guy and he thought "Oooh, weed." and not a friend knowingly taking your meds.


Sorry to hear this, Thieves have no soul & no life. Karma will find them.


Cautiously Optimistic
Wait. The OC's weren't stolen? It was just the bud? Why the trip to the ER? Not judging you, I just really don't understand. I am sorry for your situation, though.


It was just buds stolen.I had my Oxys hidden.Whoever it was made it past a 160lb St Bernard that hates men.Only 1 person can walk by him and it just so happens this guy knows I had this weed and saw me take it from drawer.It was a sack with 4 different sacks in it.He took 16 grams of Blackberry Kush,7 grams of Ak-47 and 7 grams of Amnseia Haze.I am a cyclic vomiter so in a day or so no longer able to control my pain,vomit and sleep,I'll be headed to be admitted to hopsital.This is no BS sob story for I wish it werent.I get my smoke long distance as in out of state.I cannot call anyone locally and get any weed at all and if I do they rip me off.Im toally bummed.I have never ripped anyone off and have been ripped off 2 times in last 3 months.Somebody got into my garage and stole 2oz's of last years outdoor.Emergency bag someone needed more than I.I can only surmise that this friend was the one.He is only one that can come into my home and dog wont attack.How do you accuse when your not 100% sure just 90%??? I dont want to have to go in hospital and MMj has kept me out. BigD dish guy acted autsitic and he didnt know I smoke weed nor did he see it

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
call the suspect up and act like all is good. hang out with the dood and when your face to face tell him someone broke in your house and stole your weed and you have survalience video of the theif.... see how suspect reacts. if they have the deer in the headlights look... get physical. :tiphat:


Damn that sucks. What a mfucker!

Sounds like you know fa sho.

I'd be physical pronto!


Echo-that is my plan.It sucks because I am from the old school in share and share alike.This guy owes me 120 from fronting him pot this last winter(my HG) and I get him blized every day or other day.he is the only one.I just wish the dish guy wans there today then I would be 100% cause my St Bernard was locked up when he was here but I was in my house at all times.He didnt really have time and he couldnt have known there was weed in my top drawer.I am so screwed.I have 2 females close by that I am afraid will be ripped now.....it sucks to be sick and sucks even more to be ripped off of medicine that gives me some sembalnce of life instaed of puking 24/7 and crying in agony.Maybe I'll get lucky and die.And to think my Mom is dying of cancer and to have this happen is too much for me to deal with..it aint right.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
what treatment is she getting? what kind of cancer? it is possible to beat that shit....

best wishes. life is a rollercoaster. it can only go down so far before it starts going up again..


She has stage 4 lung cancer and bone cancer in every bone but her skull.She is on chemp Capstar I think is her chemo-she was given 6 months w/o treatment 12 months with.....now my blood sugar is 410 and I cannot sleep.This is really bumming me out and now I know how it feels to be violated.I locked all doors before bed and now I cannot even shut my eyes.This guy is trying to get SSDI and deer hunts the whole season bow and gun and rides a motorcycle 24/7 even though he claims to have a bad back.If I rode a passanger on a bike,it would cripple me.He is a faker and now I can almost say thief except I would hate to be wrong.See I am a nice guy and I have had folks take advantage of me daily like this guy knows I need MMJ so when he feels the need he shows up.I bet I dont see him for awhile or if he comes tomorrow I will be so mad I may say/do things I may regret.Legalize this shit once and for all so I dont have to live in fear 24/7 PLESASE!
Bro that really sucks man from now on don't hide all your eggs in one basket so to say always leave your self a back up plan sorry for your pain and loss.

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