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Med Card Shows Up in Background Checks

Workplaces dont get to perform the test themselves they have to work thru an agency regulated to do drugtesting. Medical MJ is still medical .. same as if you were prescribed painkillers. Even if painkillers show up on the drugtest they arent allowed to report it as an illicit positive result when you have a valid prescription.

The difference between MMJ and painkillers is that you get painkillers from a prescription, and MMJ from a recommendation. In California the supreme court decided that employers can drug test and fire people for MMJ, I would suspect that extends to hiring practices as well. --Unless legislation has been passed to explicitly change the law (there was a law passed shortly after that ruling, but the governator vetoed it - not sure what happened after that).

But as for med cards showing up in background checks, it should be private:

The state ID card system has safeguards to protect patient privacy. Patient names and addresses are not kept in the state's data base: the only information retained is a personal photo and ID number.

So it's hard to see how it would show up in a background check, since it is not associated with a name.

The OP didn't mention which state he was asking about, I am talking about California - the rules differ state by state.

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