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Mc Rib is back..........


I get an unintended laugh out of the McRib every time McDonalds trots that nasty looking shit back out. It looks like the food equivalent of "pwood," that stuff they make really crappy "wood" furniture out of that acts like cardboard when you put it out in the rain. They make that shit with a McRib mold no doubt.

I could fill a whole thread with the hilarity of commercials. Like the pregnancy test where the piss stream streaks into view and splashes dramatically against the tester. Or the tampon sucking up the blue liquid.

But the best is that new exercise gizmo, where everybody looks like they're jerking it off, the chick looks like she's titty-fucking herself with it, etc. I keep expecting a shot of a chick acting like she's on her knees between two guys, jerking them off. Then they have the new ad where they double-down and the guy 100% looks like he's cumming. He goes through the build up, then his face squinches up, then he looks all relieved like he just blew a load, then he looks all "whew that was a monster." There's no way that shit's not on purpose.

They're even better than the cialis ads with the creepy-smiley-happy guy.


i just cant understand how mcdonalds was ever able to be so succesfull

i tried eating it once in a drunken and stoned moment , and even in that state I could tell it tasted like crap
I know, right? McDonalds is like vending machine food, but they're the king of all fast food? Wendy's is shit, but I'll take that over McDonalds any day.