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Maybe *This* Is How The War On Marijuana Ends


Well-known member
nice post indeed

would love to hear about some more pot cases if anyone is aware of


People have stopped paying income tax and gotten off with Jury nullification. By the way... did you know the income tax is not legal?


Well-known member
People have stopped paying income tax and gotten off with Jury nullification.

By the way... did you know the income tax is not legal?

Hey botanist

Yeah in fact I remember reading a thread here at ic mag on that the income tax being not legal but what I didn't get is what happens if you suddenly stop paying tax , I mean what are the legal and other practical consequences?
Anyone has a link to that thread cause its slightly off topic (or isn't it hmm)?

Nice that's awesome to hear a jury actually pulled that off. They have to be smart about it cause if the judge finds out thats going on they try to stop it. It's funny cause it's totally legal, but the courts don't want jurors to know about it at all and will go to great lengths to stop it from happening.


What would they do exactly to stop it from happening?

I wonder if they could actually punish somehow jurors for mentioning or using jury nullification in certain cases?


If you stop paying taxes then according to the IRS code you our guilty until proven innocent. Some people have won in court but not many. All IRS vs. **** cases when taken to the supreme court have swung in the individuals corner but this only means the IRS will get off your back and not your fellow citizens.


New member
Great post very informative. Notice everyone is coming around as the gov stabs them in the back but really the whole system has to come down and rethunk.


Active member
I wonder if they could actually punish somehow jurors for mentioning or using jury nullification in certain cases?

They would call a mistrial and replace the entire jury if the judge found out what was happening. When judges "instruct" the jury they basically intimidate them in to viewing the case as the judge wants it to be viewed such as telling jurors in a federal case to ignore all medical claims when hearing cases involving medical marijuana. If they don't it's a mistrial.


What the judge usually does is have you swear under oath to judge on the facts and not judge the law itself. Many are fooled into believing that they are legally obliged to abide by this oath when in fact the oath is worthless and non binding. You as a jurist are fleetingly above the law as you are a judge of the law. Everyone in the courtroom is your servant including the judge. Go into it with that state of mind, and give the judge (your servant) as little information as possible, and simply vote not guilty. If asked for an explanation of your vote (not likely), refuse an answer. You have no obligation to justify your verdict to anyone. As a matter of fact, if asked, simply repeat that last sentence to the judge.


This works if you don't make it easy on the authorities by "pleading." I know its easy to take the lesser sentence in hopes for leniency, but doing this just allows the authorities to continue to prosecute unjust laws.


Active member
Pleading doesn't help the cause, but you can't blame people. The DAs scare the shit out of them and unless you really know your stuff or got $$$ for a good lawyer that'll fight for you it's an easy choice for most people to make unfortunately.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
50 pounds of growing plants = like 20 two foot tall plants in buckets with soil lol


Its an "herb". Who cares if it was 50 pounds or 50 tons. Laws against cannabis are based on lies. I would vote not guilty for a truck load. What's the best way to do this without being in contempt of court?