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Mayan Prophecy Epic Fail Excuse Thread


im me

Read online its really going to be the24th ...really get a fuc#ing life the worlds.not going to end its to amazing to end and besides that the Mayans never said it would be the end only a end of one cycle and the start of another we're not going anywhere.

Max Yields

Active member
No excuses here, I'm already dead...or so I think. Isn't everyone dead already?? This IS the next dimension right?? Fuck!!! I might have taken a wrong turn at Apocalypse Drive. I knew this wasn't the right address. Oh well, if I made the wrong turn & the world didn't end then where the fuck am I?? Oh shit!!

I'll figure it all out after a smoke break. The end of the world is kinda confusing & a lil stressful. Maybe I woke up too late, forgot to set my alarm clock & missed it all! I dunno. I need some good herb now & I'm about to blaze it! :smokeit:

Useful Idiot

Active member
I think the world did not end because IC maggers willed it not to happen. We have to much goin on,to much to do,and many seeds to go through for the world to end at this time.:biggrin:


Active member
The end of the world as we know it could come in any number of ways, depending on who you ask. Some people believe global cataclysm will occur when Earth's magnetic poles reverse. When north goes south, they say, the continents will lurch in one direction or the other, triggering massive earthquakes, rapid climate change and species extinctions.

The geologic record shows that hundreds of pole reversals have occurred throughout Earth's history; they happen when patches of iron atoms in Earth's liquid outer core become reverse-aligned, like tiny magnets oriented in the opposite direction from those around them. When the reversed patches grow to the point that they dominate the rest of the core, Earth's overall magnetic field flips. The last reversal happened 780,000 years ago during the Stone Age, and indeed there's evidence to suggest the planet may be in the early stages of a pole reversal right now.

But should we really fear this event? What will actually happen when north-pointing compasses make a 180-degree turn toward Antarctica? Will the continents tear themselves apart, or are we in store for much more mundane changes?

Our technology definitely would be in danger, however. Even now, solar storms can damage satellites, cause power outages and interrupt radio communications. "These kinds of negative influences clearly will increase if the magnetic field and thus its shielding function became significantly weaker, e.g. during a reversal, and it will be important to find mitigation strategies," she told Life's Little Mysteries.
We all sit here thinking were really indestructible when in reality just as easy as person stomps out a spider we humans could be stomped out ,
with the mass increase of our population and less n less food being made cause of wither droughts you name it will cause mass extinction
Hell if you really think about it for a moment if USA actually bought there good at market value meaning fuel , food , that alone would probably kill millions of people alone
Yea a couple point differences in stock market , makes a new picture in agricultural goods , one real bad year for farmers makes a bad year for consumers , fuel goes up 1 - 2 points truckers will not be able to afford to drive food to the corner grocery store your so used to getting milk , bread , apples from
so bottom line yea were vulnerable one or two bad grow seasons and were in a whole new world of shit


Active member


I noticed the same thing while driving around today. People were driving like it wasn't raining and the roads were dry. Heh. Fun times!

I could see the frustration on people's faces. Christmas is a pretty stressful time as is, then you throw in all the kooks that think the world is going to end, and there you go.


Saw that myself in Brooklyn and Tucson during December.

These guys love spreading the "truth" on the net. The internet is supposed to make everyone equal, they say.
