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I have an idea regarding spots for mini's, and excuses for being there and "plausable deniability". I have A LOT of half finished subdivisions all around me. One in particular is many, many leveled acres with weeds already 3 feet high or higher overgrowing the area. I was thinking of purchasing a cheap metal detector as my reason for being out there. It's far removed from traffic and houses, but I figured this might be a good excuse not only to be in the area, but to have a small back pack on and to stop and dig occasionally. Thoughts?
I also thought about grabbing a dog collar and chain and pretending fido got loose when I want to check on the patches...maybe leave water and nutes in the area hidden so I don't have anything on me at the time.

Anway...hope everything is working out as planned J.



I have an idea regarding spots for mini's, and excuses for being there and "plausable deniability". I have A LOT of half finished subdivisions all around me. One in particular is many, many leveled acres with weeds already 3 feet high or higher overgrowing the area. I was thinking of purchasing a cheap metal detector as my reason for being out there. It's far removed from traffic and houses, but I figured this might be a good excuse not only to be in the area, but to have a small back pack on and to stop and dig occasionally. Thoughts?
I also thought about grabbing a dog collar and chain and pretending fido got loose when I want to check on the patches...maybe leave water and nutes in the area hidden so I don't have anything on me at the time.

Anway...hope everything is working out as planned J.


Sounds pretty sketchy, but if you are a good actor I'd say you could pull it off. All you need is confidence.


I met a guy out in the woods this spring. I was scouting out spots, he was a metal-detecting geek, or whatever you should call those people. Pretty clear that it wasn't a cover story for him.
  • expensive gear
  • really excited about his activities. No, I really don't want to know all that, thanks anyway...
  • not concentrating on suspicious areas. i.e. he was spending time around roads, trails, and places where people might drop stuff, not in the middle of thornbushes or swamps, where you might grow something but really wouldn't want to go for a stroll.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
To the best of my knowledge no label for such, as quite a few individual objectives of the act itself.

With such a spot, I would think best approach is get in to check locations and prep, get in to plant, and come back to cut, all at night. (Near sundown to have enough light to get to spot, working in dark, and exiting in dark.)

Key to Urban Guerrilla is entry/exit. Tending just going to bring trouble, so, region also dictates the possibilities (rainfall, native soil).

Get in, plant them, and stay away until done.

Could also just get a mountain bike. Might be an area where riding through a common occurrence. (Ride through, stop, plant. Come back later, repeat, bring em in).

I lost a shitload urban couple seasons ago. If would just have left them alone everything would have been fine. (500-700 minis)

Tending/frequent maintenance is not really an option high on the list for Urban Guerrilla.

Hmmm......."Metal Detectorists".....(Found coupled with an archaeological society....) I certainly hope that's not my one new thing to learn for today :biglaugh:....


Hi Julian!
Good to see you. It looks like it didn't turn out that bad for you. I'm glad. I hope your projects and life still developing in a positive way.
I love reading you talking about growing :D
Season under way. Late start due to weather being bad. A weak start as well. I fucked up many of my starts and the wildlife killed a good deal. Last year I had zero loss. This time 2/3 didn't make it. Good that it's not my only spot (other spot just didn't move at all due to cold and dark and stunted starts, but they picked up now when it got warm)
The urban spot is still ahead of me. Always at night there. Quite spooky, but absolutely no way at daytime. I must prep soon. Clones from the outdoor plants should be available in a week. Still can make it for early july, although the urban will be the last, so probably more like mid/late july.

entry/exit the most important thing for me (if spot not barren of course). My forest spot is crazy. Hillside, dark, wet, light over the afternoon... and this horrible clay that made me build terraces and carry a ton of soil and coco over the years. But nicely hidden and good access (for me), so I didn't give up on it yet :biglaugh:

I'm excited. I love the outdoor growing ganja plants and the summer outdoors :D

Cheers and wishes of a good season to all!

ah! I almost forgot to ask. Does anyone of you have experience with horse manure and teas made of it (preferably for in indoor application). There is an interesting project developing not far from me and they have unlimited supply of that stuff (for free of course) and would like to use it.


Active member
july the most intense light? i thought i was running late for main plot start in

july....all is not lost, i guess im right on time, but i wanted to start em june..

thanks for the info and inspiration, JULIAN.

and the heads up on the very real risks we need to be aware of always! 2.0


To the best of my knowledge no label for such, as quite a few individual objectives of the act itself.

With such a spot, I would think best approach is get in to check locations and prep, get in to plant, and come back to cut, all at night. (Near sundown to have enough light to get to spot, working in dark, and exiting in dark.)

Key to Urban Guerrilla is entry/exit. Tending just going to bring trouble, so, region also dictates the possibilities (rainfall, native soil).

Get in, plant them, and stay away until done.

Could also just get a mountain bike. Might be an area where riding through a common occurrence. (Ride through, stop, plant. Come back later, repeat, bring em in).

I lost a shitload urban couple seasons ago. If would just have left them alone everything would have been fine. (500-700 minis)

Tending/frequent maintenance is not really an option high on the list for Urban Guerrilla.

Hmmm......."Metal Detectorists".....(Found coupled with an archaeological society....) I certainly hope that's not my one new thing to learn for today :biglaugh:....

I like the bike Idea....I think it would work in this situation perfectly because this housing development finished a nature/walking/biking trail that was going to be my entry/exit spot (they hadn't finishing paving the roads when the housing market crashed apparently, so this part of the trail gets very little foot traffic because there is no housing or roads nearby.... and I spoke to the new developer and he sees "no further advancement of the neighborhood for at least a couple years").

I do have a question regarding minis tho....This is my first go round with them, and I am a little unsure of when I should put them out. I obviously dont want them to big or to small. I am at 42 deg, and will be running C99.....I am trying to remember back through this massive thread (it should be made in to a text book lol) and I believe you said you usually put them out in mid to late july???

Any help is much appreciated.....Just want to say thanks J and everyone else for the input. Looking forward to hear what all is going on in your life (I'm sure you're in crazy mode right now).....Stay safe everyone.


re: country music & burgers

For me, it's oldies & coke in those little glass bottles. Coke in cans or plastic bottles is my processed cheese, it just ain't the same, coke in a glass bottle when I am REALLY thirsty is just amazing, nothing like it. And yeah, was just jamming out to some (i think creedance cleerwater?) Down in the corner.... out in the street- willy 'n the poor boys are playing bring a nickel tap ya feet..

Hope everyones season is going better than mine, and that everyone is staying safe out there. On a side note, I culled some males & saw some nice females the other day, autoflowers rock! Buds forming in June?? Not much gets better then that, wish I didn't have so many losses at that spot but oh well, you would probably say- "ya learned something right? Many more seasons ahead, hell this one not even begun!"

Looks like I might need to go to more of those tuesday night meetings ;)


re: country music & burgers

For me, it's oldies & coke in those little glass bottles. Coke in cans or plastic bottles is my processed cheese, it just ain't the same, coke in a glass bottle when I am REALLY thirsty is just amazing, nothing like it. And yeah, was just jamming out to some (i think creedance cleerwater?) Down in the corner.... out in the street- willy 'n the poor boys are playing bring a nickel tap ya feet..

Hope everyones season is going better than mine, and that everyone is staying safe out there. On a side note, I culled some males & saw some nice females the other day, autoflowers rock! Buds forming in June?? Not much gets better then that, wish I didn't have so many losses at that spot but oh well, you would probably say- "ya learned something right? Many more seasons ahead, hell this one not even begun!"

Looks like I might need to go to more of those tuesday night meetings ;)

Glass bottle coke = When they used to use real cane sugar not corn syrup. Mexican cokes still use real cane sugar. Go to Mexico on vacation and their cokes are so much more refreshing!


Active member
you can get mexican bottled glass bottled coke in most of california. at least one good mexican home cooking joint will have it. that gives me an idea for lunch monday when I am in Willits.

try comb

Active member
you can get mexican bottled glass bottled coke in most of california. at least one good mexican home cooking joint will have it. that gives me an idea for lunch monday when I am in Willits.

i almost shit myself on 20 making a bad lunch choice while in a hurry in willits last summer. thats my punishment for eating at jack n box lol.


New member
Thankyou Julian

Thankyou Julian

Can I first of all say a very humble thankyou, from the bottom of my heart, truly. Even though I think I understand your original intentions of this thread, I highly doubt you realize the true impact that it has had on someone like me. I feel as though you wrote all those many words to me specifically. The universe has let me through to the next level hehe.

One thing I want to note is that it is amazing to note over the last couple of years your attitude is the same mostly. I mean even after a couple of hits here and there you still believe in it. To me that just proves what you say is true, otherwise you would not still be here.

I was on the verge. One of those who had run indoors reasonably successfully for ps for 6 years. You are right about being successful and appreciating what one has done. I never really thought of myself as "the baddest muther in the room" before, but I can see the point. What I have achieved already is more than most will ever think possible. I am the first to admit my failings, and I would not even say I was very good, but I haven't really tried that hard either. I mean I have only done what I needed to do, to get what I needed for me, nothing more. But I have never failed either, so that is cool I always got something in return and no security issues, thus far. I do also agree with breaks every now and then.

But now I am thinking why should I risk so much for so little when I can risk the same amount for so much more. I only want to do a little bit to set myself up. I have always had good business ideas, just never had any money to start them. I always stopped thinking about them when I started thinking about how much they cost to start. But it is peanuts in the whole scheme of things. From reading your thoughts I have learned that not every business has to make millions in the first week. Lots of little business are an amazing concept. Lots of ways of helping others. I never knew what I wanted to do when I grew up, but now I know. I want to do what I wanted to do all along, but never realized it was possible. Hahaha. I have no real interest in money, but I have the ability to set myself up for life. I never wanted to go commercial for fear of having too much money, but I did not think about starting the businesses that I always think about haha. You showed me a link that was there all along, and I did not know it.

Thankyou my man.

I had no real interest in doing anything more as I thought it was impossible. Haha, now I know what i know it is just a joke. The only impossible things is how did I ever think it was not possible. Where I live is just amazing, I live in paradise, and I didn't even know it. Spots are everywhere and I mean everywhere, as you know. We go past so many spots looking for spots, I have learned to truly appreciate potential of places. Your musings have taught me to look
at the spot and figure out how to utilise it.

I have learned that the size of the hole really matters. Bringing in supplies and making a hole that is the best possible is the main goal. Everything after that is child's play, up till harvest time anyway. I am in training (physical)sort of, never needed it before. I realize that a litre of water is about a kilo, so 8 X 3 litre bottles (4 in each bag) is roughly 25 kilos to carry. It is not heavy per se, but carrying it around in the bush in difficult terrain, is a different story altogether, I notice. But it is something I have to get used to, you taught me that. No use going to all the effort if only putting a half arsed effort in. The yield is in the hole and the hole is key. Prep is king. We have months and months to prep. Use the spots this year, next year the year after that year, it doesn't matter. hahaha.

I have spent many times lately walking around and learning things in the bush. I have learned so many things just from being out there, and walking around. Google Earth is amazing, but getting out there is just as great. The two tools compliment each other, I have learned.

Being out in the bush I have learned that if you slip in a creek it is better to just wet the other foot too. It is not so bad walking around with wet boots. I have learned that if it is nearly dark and you are out in the bush, and a kangaroo jumps out from behind a tree..... it is OK to let out a little squeel if you are by yourself, no one will hear ;).

Most I have learned is that you don't know untill you get out and have a look. As with businesses, you don't know if you don't try. Calculated risks. It is all gambling in a way, but we have the ability to kind of rig the books, so to speak hehehe.

From your musings I have leaned to respect security even more (and I was already a paranoid fucker haha). I appreciate that you have so much concern for your friends, that really hit home to me. Even down to how to conduct oneself on a forum. You have shown me that you don't have to feed the trolls and that manners do count online as much as in real life. I used to be such a rude bastard. I am truly sorry to everyone I have offended, ever .... now lets get over it hehe.

You have paid your debts to society man, you are free. What you have written down here is inspiration for a generation of people. Not just about growing, the whole overall picture of possibilities. I need to get me one of those "WWJD" bracelets (what would Julian do) hehehe. I find myself thinking about your interpretation of things, and it is amazing how similar I feel. We are like two seeds from the same motherplant, spread on opposite sides of the world.

I feel as though I am at the very beginning of a very long quest. I understand that we only get one chance at this life. I also understand that I have at least 40 seasons left in me. It's like it is so important to do it quickly but there is no rush either. Very contradictory.

I am only up to page 170 or so, but I had to say this now.

I need for you to know how much you have helped someone, whom you will never meet.

You have changed a families life. You need to know that right now, and I need to tell you.

Thankyou my friend, I am forever grateful.

I have no questions for you, but you have already done enough for me.

May God Bless you!


New member
Within a few short months I have learned so much, so time to give back. Some of my thoughts might be interesting to some people.

I am learning about the bush all the time, every single time I go out I learn something new. In terms of navigating ones way around the bush I have learned many things.

If you can hear the creek and you are using it as your only reference, you are fucked if it starts raining hard. I mean the rain is so loud that you can't hear anything much. Better to sit it out if you are prepared, I would assume. But then again, don't go anywhere during bad weather unless you really know the area.

Also you can't see through fog too good.

Also sounds are distorted when in valleys/gullies or even on top of a mountain. Things are not as they seem, in an auditory sense, so gotta keep a check on that.

Bush corridors, as I have come to call them to myself, are the natural roads through the bush created by the animals. Really amazing. They have to get where they are going fast, so they need to know how to get around quickly. If you find the clues you can see where they go and follow them. You might have to duck here and there, but if you are following a big roo track there isn't many places he will go that I can't.

Always know your surroundings, unless you don't know where you are, then just wing it. Use your instincts, most important thing ever.

Google Earth can show you the roads in and out and tracks but nothing beats getting out there.

Make maps from google earth of rough area. Make full screen and copy to say MS paint, and stretch it to fit a single page and print. Then laminate it, amazingly simple and cheap as chips. You can spill coffee on it, roll it up in your pocket, walk around bush with it without worrying. It wont rip or tear and will last for a fair while, I reckon.

Also research around to try and find out who would have the best maps available for purchase/download. Ones that show crown land, private property, forestry areas, creeks/rivers, mountains and hills etc... Maps are priceless, I can look for hours at them, then go to the spots and sit high above and look at it in real life. Truly a special thing.

Higher you go the colder it is with the wind. So beannie and hoodie are recommended, and spare everything in car.

Always know where the car is. Every time you turn direction figure out where the car should be, also where certain landmarks/mountains/rivers/quarries/valleys etc. IF you can see they really help to keep your bearings.

Check out the poop laying around to see what animals are around. Also look for rubbish dumped/dropped from people, the worst animal. I notice alot of whitegoods dumped in certain locations, but the most popular item is cigarette packets and beer cans/stubbies. The faded lables (or actual lables if beer cause they change regularly) give away an indication as to how long they have been there.

If you find a good enough spot, sit awhile and try and figure out who else in the world would want to be where you are right now. Firewood cutters, motorbike riders, forestry workers, bushwalkers, birdwatchers, hunters, microchipped turtles etc. Try to surmise when such persons would possibly be around. Is it a weekday spot or a weekend spot or it is a spot that doesn't matter either way.

Check the ground and surrounding area. If there are no big trees around then firewood cutters are not going to be there. If there is too many huge rocks then the forestry crews go around them. Motorbike riders shouldn't want to ride over rocks and fallen timber.

Remembering that we don't have to find anywhere that will last a lifetime, and somewhere that nobody has ever been before. We just need to make a calculated risk that they wont be there for a while. Or if they are there then they are looking at/for something else (misdirection)

Putting up Private Property signs on state forest grounds is a funny idea.

If the spot is good how far is it to bring in supplies. How rough is the terrain. Perfect spots might not be so perfect after all when considering labour (especially single people).

What kind of excuse would you use if caught out there is important to think about. What planning do you need to put in place to back up your stories. Any story any outcome. Also what excuse do you use for getting out there in the first place. story backed up and covered...

Confuse and misdirect hehe.

The possibilities are endless, just have to devote enough time to thinking about them and then enough time to actually doing them.

ps. I just wanted to say thankyou to everyone else in thread too. Many thanks to all, even the trolls. every word by every contributor is gold. Even disparaging remarks were proven baseless and pointless, which in itself was a lesson.

If people didn't pay attention or even ask stupid questions there would be no discussion at all, which would be horrible.


Just wanted to say thanks for recommending 'how to read a person like a book', I've blown through 1/2 and not only am I much better prepared for LEO but I'm gonna get more pussy as well, what more could a man ask for?


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
High folks :wave:

Just like to recommend the firefox ap "scrapbook". Allows you to save a whole page with the click of a button. Works well and available to view offline. :smoke:

Thanks again to Julian for all the priceless advice.



Active member
Julian. Say after all the discussions in this thread, you found yourself with some capital (30k+), average credit, but no "on the books" income and having never filed income tax. How can one get into a mortgage ASAP without having to work some McJob for x amount of years?

I understand as long as your deposits match your declarations there should be no problem. But Im also so used to not filing income tax, that Im worried to start. Like if I dont know every little thing in and out BEFORE hand, it will wind up coming back to bite me somehow. Thinking of buying a hotdog cart, and whether or not I actually move dogs, buy them for the receipts, and then just use my 'dog money' to start declaring. But I cant help but think thats all too easy to work? Not too mention, I want to get the house NOW, lol. Ive already been grinding and saving for years, i dont want to stand here with my dick in my hand waiting for paperwork to be right (NOW I see why you say work, school, grow, all at the same time).

I remember when I had no money it was like "Oh man if I had 10k I could start this biz, and then I could do this.. yadda yadda" Now that I got a stack, Im afraid to lose it!


Thinking of buying a hotdog cart, and whether or not I actually move dogs, buy them for the receipts, and then just use my 'dog money' to start declaring. But I cant help but think thats all too easy to work? Not too mention, I want to get the house NOW, lol. Ive already been grinding and saving for years, i dont want to stand here with my dick in my hand waiting for paperwork to be right (NOW I see why you say work, school, grow, all at the same time).

Funny you mention hot dog carts... I stayed at a B & B near Portland, ME two years ago and got to talking to the owner. Before buying a few houses and turning them into B & Bs (very succesfull by the way) he owned/operated quite a few hot dog/lobster roll carts in the area (still does). The area was top notch, touristy, lots of people. And we got to talking, and these things were bringing in a TON of money which allowed him to buy these properties and convert them to B & Bs.

But on to your question... why don't you call a bank/lender and just ask a few questions? Can't hurt right? Maybe they can point you in the right direction?

El Andy

New member
June 26, 2010

The White Sox have been harvesting a bumper crop of wins recently, but a 45-year-old man was allegedly growing a different thriving crop near U.S. Cellular Field.

Lorenzo Jones, 45, faces a felony cannabis-production charge after officers allegedly found him harvesting marijuana plants about 20 feet above the Dan Ryan Expy. along a secluded Metra rail embankment near the ballpark. Thousands of marijuana plants were found, authorities said.

Officers were patrolling Thursday when they spotted the man going to an area of the Metra embankment near South LaSalle.

The location is secluded, and it is unknown how long the plants have been growing there, police said. The marijuana was planted among weeds in a space the size of a football field plus a city block.

The area is just south of the 35th Street overpass that leads to U.S. Cellular Field.

After police informed Metra, railroad workers pulled 1,400 plants and will kill the rest with weed killer.
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