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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Looks like going to try and get a quick stock run of fem AF's done before season....

Little unsure of what will do...(one thing, many things.....CS,STS.....all fems and reverse a portion, or one or more things M/F and reverse portion of fems..(general consensus is latter preferred for stability, uniformity, etc....)

Might be able to get them done by end of May, which comes out about right more or less....

Have seen now many examples of them getting fairly large under good conditions regardless of in or out (and yields), so....might have to alter approach a little, as far as placement and such....

We'll see.....

Have about an acre or so that's been committed to for 70+/- days, so.....let's see how they perform.....

(Might get 10 different things and do open cross pollination....etc....)

We will see......

Almost ready to start sharing some things....(will be glad to again :smoke:....) and will try and be note/pic/commentary heavy on the AF matters....

Swamped a little......but always working on everything.....always moving forward.....(slowly but surely....) doing what I can, when I can, where I can, how I can, with what I can :smoke:...(AF matter simply ripped up budget and said fuck it..:biglaugh:..will buy a bunch of packs asap and just do a quick run and solves the budget issue :smoke:...would think 10-20 packs and can hit couple/several thousand fems...

Might be going same route with other home outs.....(limited number of moms grown out beforehand, then shaved down, etc....can take minimal, shave down and turn into 1,000 with effect on budget at all, etc, etc.....just labor intensive, etc,and my time getting less and less these days for such things......) But all in all will remove male issue that's given me help issues, so....and in the process, a return to a greater feeling of security...(less/minimal visits to any and all sites, etc.....)

(Also lot more clones right now than I'm used to, so.....might just grow out a bunch quick, shave down, and so on, as when thread was started.....grow out, shave, grow out, shave, and so on......could get a whole season of numbers out of 50 over several months.....etc, etc.....and save time in the process, etc......)

(Plus some controlled tree grows along the way, etc....:smoke:)

We will see :smoke:....
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and will try and be note/pic/commentary heavy on the AF matters....

Be interesting what you have to say. There aren't really too many outdoor guerilla AF grows on here.

Last year I planted auto AK-47 and Snow ryder outside (different spot & conditions then where I normally grow) and got raped. They were fine at around 10" and then everything went to shit. I managed to harvest around 7g from a snow ryder runt, and it was premature bud, but I didn't want to leave it in the ground any longer.

This year I'm gearing up to run Blue Streak & Sour 60 outdoors and plan on doing a lot more preparatory work before hand; I was slacking last year.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Sour 60 caught eye, an SB fan, but know reworked a little (I guess), but, have an interest....BS saw that not 100% AF, so, reason why I interest passed for the moment...

Have seen several mentions also of repotting along the way which eases concerns regarding the starts and restrictions....planting starts direct just what I prefer for many reasons....spacing and such, etc...

Will be more controlled setting than guerilla.....to a point, etc....

Have very little expectations for the most part...(on purpose).....will try and get any and all potential issues addressed and see how it works....and control expectations....

Large scale experiment? :smoke:.....(past a certain point, set up costs and such....anything that comes in is profit, so.....these days my comfort levels a little lower than have been recently, so :smoke:....if I can pocket right now even 100 for everything, everywhere, entire season, even including in's...fuck it.....I'd be a pretty happy guy and a lot better mentally :biglaugh: :smoke:....could move on to, and past lot of things.....

Yeah, going to do quick fem run shortly, and, think all will turn out well overall....(even less than ideal results should still turn out well due to volume,etc.....)

Think going to go easy on outdoor spacing...(but not too easy :smoke:...still tight but not too tight, etc...)


Sup J!

Long time no post (for me). Good to see you are still at it, fighting the good fight and spreading the word!!

Seems like ur luck has been about as good as mine as of late. Here's to keepin it together, and NEVER giving up!

Anything I can do, just say the word ... Im team J fo sho! :respect:


Hey Julian first post on here. I'm currently on page 96 of this thread and finally decided to pop my head in an say hi. If I ever see you in real life I'd make you a cheeseburger :) keep up the good work. Right now I'm reading about your new "Neighborhood" thats in a different country. Don't tell me what happens, I haven't read that far yet :)


Ive gotta tell you Julian, this thread has been a wild ride. Not only has it been one of the most educational experiences of my life (so much so that, much like "art of war", I feel i need to re-read much of it multiple times just to grasp everything that is contained in it.), but it has also been an entertaining read....like a novel...where I got to experience the trials and tribulations of the main characters from the safety of my computer room.
So a big "thanks" to you and everyone else who has contributed so much valuable information up to this point.

With all that said, it is time I leave the safety of my computer room and start "doing what I can, when I can, with what I can". I have spent countless hours preparing for 2010....but even with the ton of learning I have done these last 4 or 5 months, in reality I am still behind the 8 ball because this will be my first outdoor grow.....all the reading in the world wont compare to actually doing...and since I haven't "done", I need some guidance from all of you that have.

My game plan is this.

-a couple runs of AF early in the season (I have 4 strains of regular AF beans, but would like to make my own fem beans from these).
-followed by a couple different mini runs later.
-I might plant a couple beans early to try my hand at a single tree or two ...just for the experience.

here is my question:

-you think its a good idea to germ 5 (of the 10) regular beans of each of the 4 AF strains I have, and start spraying them all with CS about a week into growth (and into a cple weeks of flower), then when they show sex remove the males (its my understanding that the CS will not effect the sex of the males, just put balls on the females). Collect the pollen, then cross pollinate all of these CS treated ladies with each other, plus then pollinate the remainder of the beans that would be grown in a separate grow space (males removed) that were started like 2 weeks behind the first run. This would give me a ton of female AF seeds just in time for the start of the season. It would be a cross of several strains, but all are AF, so all seeds should be AF too......is my thinking correct? See any problems? Anyone have a better plan? My AF strains are AK47, onyx, diesel ryder, and russian rocket fuel....anyone see any issues with cross pollinating all of these? (I've heard of some possible issues with the RRF).

thanks again to everyone who has taken the time to contribute (and thus teach) us through this thread, and thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to answer this post.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
3BM said:
Sup J!
Long time no post (for me). Good to see you are still at it, fighting the good fight and spreading the word!!
Sup brother.....was wondering about cha recently.........hope all is well.....New Year, New Decade starting off well (or at the very least showing a promise the previous haven't....)
Seems like ur luck has been about as good as mine as of late. Here's to keepin it together, and NEVER giving up!
I saw something recently that gave me the proverbial "master slap"...(Zen...)

Things do not change; we change.
Henry David Thoreau

(Also read something recently written on "luck".....actually a very interesting read in the end....as it addressed the mind set of "lucky" people as compare to "unlucky" people...Of course the point being? :smoke: The difference between the two was merely how each viewed occurrences in their lives....

Thanks man....sincerely....really....means a lot. My overall has changed fairly recent......still not out of the woods yet so to speak.....but starting to get a glimpse of the light shining at the end :smoke:...(If I reach it?....well.....I can only hope......unfortunately....part of pulling myself up and out has been doing some of my least favorite and risky things......so......and I don't like that for many reasons, etc........)

Amen.......you can't give up......always have to work and think forward.....and...I think applies well to this entire game and overview also.....and, I know firsthand......sometimes?....a little optimism is all it takes to change everything for one...(Their mind).....and also sometimes that little tiny bit?......can help us in ways we can't imagine beforehand.....so......The best of luck also to you....

You know.......100 different reasons for negative things......could mean anything....could be steering one in a direction, teaching one a lesson per se.....(and of course we never really know until right on top of us, or after the fact....:smoke:....)

Positive...live and work forward, I think the best any of us can do......

I still don't even know at this second...this writing exactly where all my things are going.......Have a lot of plans...have a lot of ideas.......and, starting to get capital slowly but surely to implement.....but...already hit a bump or two....a delay here and there.....so.....could still be changes every day.....but, for example...me?, personally?.....I've decided to simply: Work...enjoy my work....and be happy....and in the process deal with whatever comes, and go from there......

Makes a difference........a big one sometimes.....a very big one sometimes..:smoke:....
Anything I can do, just say the word ... Im team J fo sho! :respect:
Thank you.....very much.....means the world to me....and hope all is well and new year finds you in a better place than before.....and/or in a place you desired to be before :smoke:.....

nugga-boo said:
Hey Julian first post on here. I'm currently on page 96 of this thread and finally decided to pop my head in an say hi. If I ever see you in real life I'd make you a cheeseburger :) keep up the good work. Right now I'm reading about your new "Neighborhood" thats in a different country. Don't tell me what happens, I haven't read that far yet :)
Thanks for the interest.....and hope of some benefit and value......

I do love my cheeseburgers.....(TPB reference....much more than Randy :biglaugh:.....) and I actually haven't in a while.....(but feel it coming back again........goes back to psychological thing I guess.....ie: Representing specific things, times, places, mindsets, etc.......Maybe I'll throw in some pics next time grill gets fired up...wherever that may be :smoke:.....)

Going to have to make some changes......I seem to be becoming fairly easy to recognize in real life to IC people.... :hide: ....:biglaugh: ....(Well, unless I remain silent, which if a green discussion arises?....well.......especially difficult if someones got skills and knows what :smoke:....I guess I show a certain passion about it :smoke:....(And thank you to several for not sharing the encounters here..even though were very positive, and, some, quite flattering :smoke:...)

Although......:smoke: It's pretty interesting sometimes to meet a stranger out of nowhere and have them reciting your own words back to you during a discussion......

I'll bring the fresh rolls.....(Uh oh...did I just give away another thing? :biglaugh: :smoke:

Post made me think of many things..(dare I say even some enlightenment about the process and paths of life :smoke: but I don't want to spoil it for ya, so......)

Thanks for interest, and hope something of value....If I can offer anyone a single thing which affects one in any way whatsoever in real life?.......Well......that, again.....a honor and an accomplishment I believe..(Same for anyone, anytime, anywhere.....) More important as of late as have received assistance with many things from many people myself......here and otherwise.....

mefistyou said:
Ive gotta tell you Julian, this thread has been a wild ride. Not only has it been one of the most educational experiences of my life (so much so that, much like "art of war", I feel i need to re-read much of it multiple times just to grasp everything that is contained in it.), but it has also been an entertaining read....like a novel...where I got to experience the trials and tribulations of the main characters from the safety of my computer room.

So a big "thanks" to you and everyone else who has contributed so much valuable information up to this point.
Thank you........very kind of you to say and humbled, of course....and actually I realized at some point the latter comments.....ie: I have shared......well...."my life"......hesitating at some points to use it as "training" for people I know....as, frankly....little more than I would want them knowing about certain things, and, in some cases, maybe themselves mentioned, and, not in the most flattering light....:smoke: (Alas......the 4 Senses of Self exist whether we acknowledge and/or embrace them or are completely unaware I suppose :smoke:.....)

My only intention to continue initial indoor thread with outdoor spin as was "that time"...and add some things which might assist, so....Glad of interest and value.....

Said many times........I've gained more in the process than most could ever imagine, so.....I offer my thanks also, always to all....

No fisting though please :biglaugh:...
With all that said, it is time I leave the safety of my computer room and start "doing what I can, when I can, with what I can". I have spent countless hours preparing for 2010....but even with the ton of learning I have done these last 4 or 5 months, in reality I am still behind the 8 ball because this will be my first outdoor grow.....all the reading in the world wont compare to actually doing...and since I haven't "done", I need some guidance from all of you that have.
Highlighted above......I believe more important than any of us initially see it......

I would say the same to anyone.....(no amount of prep means anything compared to process once in the middle of it), but, one could also state that each and every minute preparing ones self might very well save one a mistake...(And even any veteran would probably agree.....planning? Perfect..... Execution?....... Flawless.... Budget?....endless...under control.....but problems still occur at any given time......so.....

People of course always seem to focus on the immediate also....(I've been having this problem lately with most people about ops)........ie: We focus on the next batch/op........when the point is we are preparing for the next 10-20+....

(In the course of discussions with many people, about many things, in many places recently...the focus is always on the above....ie: What will we pull first crop.....what will we pull first batch, etc.....and I of course end up reminding people, for example indoors.....the issue is pulling down 20....forget what the first one means.....:biglaugh:......doesn't matter......out?....what can we pull for single batch, one place.....well, the point is the next 10 seasons....and on and on......

I'm sure if you have been through thread....you have seen there most likely isn't a single veteran who hasn't experienced a loss and failure of some sort....

I know also I made a comment myself that maybe one isn't entitled to that status unless they have :biglaugh:...

One will continue to learn.......batch after batch (in) season after season (out)....and may or may not revise along the way....sometimes in the middle of a process.....and so it goes......

Sorry for the long reply on that.....but part of what I believe every new grower should be aware of....(Many pull off the first, even first couple without any problems also........but, I think best general rule is: "Overestimate expenses and underestimate yield"......

Even in/at my worst times.....that basic has still helped me and held true :smoke:....
My game plan is this.

-a couple runs of AF early in the season (I have 4 strains of regular AF beans, but would like to make my own fem beans from these).
-followed by a couple different mini runs later.
-I might plant a couple beans early to try my hand at a single tree or two ...just for the experience.

here is my question:

-you think its a good idea to germ 5 (of the 10) regular beans of each of the 4 AF strains I have, and start spraying them all with CS about a week into growth (and into a cple weeks of flower), then when they show sex remove the males (its my understanding that the CS will not effect the sex of the males, just put balls on the females). Collect the pollen, then cross pollinate all of these CS treated ladies with each other, plus then pollinate the remainder of the beans that would be grown in a separate grow space (males removed) that were started like 2 weeks behind the first run. This would give me a ton of female AF seeds just in time for the start of the season. It would be a cross of several strains, but all are AF, so all seeds should be AF too......is my thinking correct? See any problems? Anyone have a better plan? My AF strains are AK47, onyx, diesel ryder, and russian rocket fuel....anyone see any issues with cross pollinating all of these? (I've heard of some possible issues with the RRF).
Well I have seen mention by some regarding finish times out not being as firm as in......and I had an interest myself in the RRF's (Bush peno) until heard hermie tendencies....and on and on.....(And, that very well could also have been only on a single batch....it could also have been grower issues, and on and on....especially if people are reworking something on a consistent basis, etc.....

Due to the above I did also contemplate just going M/F initially....and then possibly a second round for the fems.....This is certainly not my primary area, and I'm always glad to listen to anyone who has a greater understanding and command over the process than I......

Prep for out has been discussed.....finishing times....strain specifics elsewhere....Even if all comments favorable you very well may change that plan up any number of ways day by day, week by week, and so on......(I've already made some changes in past couple days to out approach...going to change up strains, and so on....)

The above was my initial intention...little more research and still so, but changed strains.....very well might change over and do non fem, who knows, and so on....

I mean...on the surface....the question is will the approach be best for you...ie: I'm not doing multiple rounds of AF's...I'm shooting for a bigger one time quick hit and space cleaned out asap....etc......but that's me and my specific situation and location(s), etc.......
thanks again to everyone who has taken the time to contribute (and thus teach) us through this thread, and thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to answer this post.
Your welcome, and my thanks also to everyone, as always....
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Also read something recently written on "luck".....actually a very interesting read in the end....as it addressed the mind set of "lucky" people as compare to "unlucky" people
---I know your a fan of a good quote or two, so I thought I'd share a couple about luck.

"Each misfortune you encounter will carry in it the seed of tomorrow's good luck." --I like the symbolism of misfortune planting the seed for tomorrows success....but that's because I've been bitten by the "growing" bug lol

and my favorite quote (I remind myself of this every time i succeed in a task in which I've worked my ass off to make happen the way I want it to, and someone has come along at the end and been like "damn man, your so lucky")

"Luck is nothing more than when preparation meets opportunity"---other than the X factor, I'm a big believer in this in all aspects of life. I wonder how many close calls you have had where the only reason you got out of it unscathed is because you had already preplanned for such an event...lucky? well, if forethought, planning, effort, insight, creativity, ect ect are luck...well...I guess...here's to getting "lucky" in 2010.

Thank you........very kind of you to say and humbled, of course....and actually I realized at some point the latter comments.....ie: I have shared......well...."my life"......hesitating at some points to use it as "training" for people I know....as, frankly....little more than I would want them knowing about certain things, and, in some cases, maybe themselves mentioned, and, not in the most flattering light.... (Alas......the 4 Senses of Self exist whether we acknowledge and/or embrace them or are completely unaware I suppose .....)

My only intention to continue initial indoor thread with outdoor spin as was "that time"...and add some things which might assist, so....Glad of interest and value.....
----the biggest "value" I've gained from this thread? for me? well, that was the "ah ha" moment early on when it changed my approach. I was very static in my approach, and it took this thread to change that to a more dynamic perspective. Simple ideas such as mini's & AF's & city spots....all of these things changed my thinking process to outside the box so to speak. And when you do what you can, when you can, with what you have...and you do all that where "they" arent looking, with things "they" aren't looking for (mini's instead of trees,early in season instead of fall.. ect)...well, I am guessing that's just another element that might just help me get "lucky" this fall....

I'm sure if you have been through thread....you have seen there most likely isn't a single veteran who hasn't experienced a loss and failure of some sort....

I know also I made a comment myself that maybe one isn't entitled to that status unless they have ...

One will continue to learn.......batch after batch (in) season after season (out)....and may or may not revise along the way....sometimes in the middle of a process.....and so it goes......

Sorry for the long reply on that.....but part of what I believe every new grower should be aware of....(Many pull off the first, even first couple without any problems also........but, I think best general rule is: "Overestimate expenses and underestimate yield"......

I think this is very insightful, and actually have this last part labeled as "rule number 2" in my notes from this thread....we all know your first rule by now, and how it can be applied to any aspect of life....rule 2, well, maybe not as profound in all aspects of life, but in THIS context, I think it could be golden (especially for a newb like myself)

Well I have seen mention by some regarding finish times out not being as firm as in......and I had an interest myself in the RRF's (Bush peno) until heard hermie tendencies....and on and on.....(And, that very well could also have been only on a single batch....it could also have been grower issues, and on and on....especially if people are reworking something on a consistent basis, etc.....
--being a newbie, obviously I have nothing really to offer as far as knowledge (and thus why my interest in your AF endeavors, and opinions from anyone more experienced than myself). Luckily for myself, I really am not expecting to bring anything AF in this year, and am really looking at it more along the lines of an experiment...hell, I've never even smoked an AF strain, let alone grown them lol but the idea of harvesting when no one is looking (and I do have a unique insight into LEO, and eradication efforts and so forth...due to my job) and I know for a fact that they aren't actively looking around here till fall....well..that seems to be enough of an incentive to run an experiment and see what happens.....so I'll keep ya posted if I happen to learn anything along the way.


Nice thread! I haven't read the whole thing, just enough to know that you are the real deal. I have been gorilla growing myself for over 25 years, except I never even tried putting out later crops and now you have me thinking of all the production I have wasted. Then again, I don't know if I could get rid of the extra anyway. I'm only doing between 25lbs and 35lbs a season (depending on mother nature) so I am nowhere near close to what you are doing. I do have a couple of questions for you though, but if you already addressed them and don't want to answer I will understand.

I have only had this problem once and it was about 15 years ago but it devastated my whole crop; the problem was mold after harvest. Usually I just pull the plants roots and all and then pull them up into cedar trees (use the cedar trees as camouflage) and let them hang for two weeks for the perfect slow cure. I never even had a problem even when it was raining (I actually do most of my work and inspection at night or in inclement weather for obvious reasons) because the leaves actually act like shingles for the buds when you hang them upside-down (once they wilt a bit). Anyway, in this particular year the weather was cold and damp for two weeks strait; I'm talking misting a foggy the whole time. It ended up ruining the entire crop from mold! Have you ever experienced a problem like this? Do you know of any way to treat the plants so they can't mold under those conditions? I do too many plants to even think about hauling them all into a dry shelter; which brings me to my next question: transporting.

After my plants have cured I strip off the branches, stuff them into 3 ml Hefty Contractor bags, squeeze all the air out and stuff that bag into one more. Then it's back to the vehicle where those bags are stuffed into coolers for the ride home. How do you transport your haul? I mean of the entire grow, the only time I really feel any trepidation is when I am hauling close to a hundred pounds of weed. Do you have an ingenious way of hauling it or do you just feed off the adrenalin like I do and just do it?


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
mefistyou said:
---I know your a fan of a good quote or two, so I thought I'd share a couple about luck.

"Each misfortune you encounter will carry in it the seed of tomorrow's good luck." --I like the symbolism of misfortune planting the seed for tomorrows success....but that's because I've been bitten by the "growing" bug lol

and my favorite quote (I remind myself of this every time i succeed in a task in which I've worked my ass off to make happen the way I want it to, and someone has come along at the end and been like "damn man, your so lucky")

"Luck is nothing more than when preparation meets opportunity"---other than the X factor, I'm a big believer in this in all aspects of life. I wonder how many close calls you have had where the only reason you got out of it unscathed is because you had already preplanned for such an event...lucky? well, if forethought, planning, effort, insight, creativity, ect ect are luck...well...I guess...here's to getting "lucky" in 2010.
Well.....of course I'm a fan......but I like sharing them more with everyone (as in everyone :biglaugh:) in hopes that maybe someone will draw something from whatever that may be of value......

Most of the time no one does....at all...(the "cool" and the nod, etc.....), but, you never know :smoke:, so.....

The book on luck very interesting at some points.....not sure where I got it.....not sure who gave it to me (someone did, many years ago, and went unread)......paperback....old(er).....but a very interesting take, and, in the end.....it really seemed to be mostly peoples mindsets about the world which determined their "luck"...(interestingly enough).....ie: The "unlucky" ones assuming failure or loss at every occurrence...etc....

I've had somewhat of a shift lately in my life and mindset.....was talking to someone yesterday about the previous very bad times.....and everything contained/accompanying such.....they asked if things are better..(I seemed to look like it)....and I just told em: "You know what?.....no matter what happens to me today or tomorrow...it will still be better than yesterday, and, I'm good with that....I can live with that forever......Good day?....nope :smoke: but still better than yesterday.....

----the biggest "value" I've gained from this thread? for me? well, that was the "ah ha" moment early on when it changed my approach. I was very static in my approach, and it took this thread to change that to a more dynamic perspective. Simple ideas such as mini's & AF's & city spots....all of these things changed my thinking process to outside the box so to speak. And when you do what you can, when you can, with what you have...and you do all that where "they" arent looking, with things "they" aren't looking for (mini's instead of trees,early in season instead of fall.. ect)...well, I am guessing that's just another element that might just help me get "lucky" this fall....
Which all (highlighted) comes down to creativity, adaptability,etc....

(Bear with me..:smoke:)

I love "The Apprentice"....(UK Version also....which I actually like and find more entertaining on many levels than the US version.....)

The reason why I love it, and of such interest:
Of course the overview is a group of people are given a job to do ("Task"...pfft...whatever.....), but most people miss the point:

They usually have 24hrs. to go from initial ideas to completion...

(And of course.....while all have some sort of expertise in some areas.......each and everything thing is something new and different, possibly far beyond any one persons primary area of expertise and knowledge.........)

From that aspect....I think all growers should watch it :biglaugh:

(I'm facing similar things now.....in some ways driving me up the wall...but when I see it for what it is.....I enjoy the challenge.........)

(Off topic, blah,blah,blah......)

What is someone from East had 24hrs. to develop west?........what if south had 24hrs. to develop a North.......what if a EF RW chem had 24hrs to develop a bare bulb coco organic tree op?


Words spoken by someone whose not getting it done, that's for sure....

I think the above a reflection of that, and a "grower" as a whole.......

What?......"I only grow in perfect spots, with perfect prep, and perfect holes, in perfect weather?".......:smoke:....

Let me know 10yrs. from now how that all worked out :smoke:.....

It won't.......because there is no such thing........

Early, late, large, small, minimal prep, full prep.....

What determines such is the location we have to work...(and likewise, what we have determines location, and so on......)

I waved off so many spots over the years which could have brought down enormous amounts because I did not understand the above...

Many will do the same spots every year, year after year.....with the same predictable weather, and so on.......

Some will have different spots every year, sometimes in dramatically different locations, with weather the opposite from season to season, and in the process lose spots for various reasons, and so on.....

I believe an adaptability and command of overview essential.....and one possessing such more likely to have larger success than one who does not......


I think this is very insightful, and actually have this last part labeled as "rule number 2" in my notes from this thread....we all know your first rule by now, and how it can be applied to any aspect of life....rule 2, well, maybe not as profound in all aspects of life, but in THIS context, I think it could be golden (especially for a newb like myself)
Also applicable to every single aspect of life itself day to day.....any business, any operation, any relationship, and so on......
--being a newbie, obviously I have nothing really to offer as far as knowledge (and thus why my interest in your AF endeavors, and opinions from anyone more experienced than myself). Luckily for myself, I really am not expecting to bring anything AF in this year, and am really looking at it more along the lines of an experiment...hell, I've never even smoked an AF strain, let alone grown them lol but the idea of harvesting when no one is looking (and I do have a unique insight into LEO, and eradication efforts and so forth...due to my job) and I know for a fact that they aren't actively looking around here till fall....well..that seems to be enough of an incentive to run an experiment and see what happens.....so I'll keep ya posted if I happen to learn anything along the way.
Well.....I'm no AF master by any shape or form......many more knowledgeable than I....and quite a lot of information for one to draw on (and more everyday).....I read all I can and discuss all I can and ask questions like any and all (should).....

Early out (to me, personally) is their greatest value.....Quality has increased over the years and seems to be much more so lately.....(which again I would think has to do with it's role, at least for me.....)

Are we back to adaptability? :smoke:....I'll do some runs...see how they work out....and if they perform as they should?.....well, one once again then has yet another approach for a spot(s) which might not be able to accommodate another...

Spot dictates the approach and method :smoke:

Most growers seem to be of the opposite school of thought (looking for spots which accommodate their single chosen method....and, if cannot?...well then spot is waved off, when in reality could do many others things, and might still be a great spot.....)

We all have only what we have to work with......and sometimes?.....very difficult.......and every little bit helps, for many I am sure......anything that can open up a new opportunity is gold.....

StealthyStalks said:
Nice thread! I haven't read the whole thing, just enough to know that you are the real deal.
Thanks...kind of you to say......

As has been the case quite often.....when one hasn't read....most of the time, matters have indeed been addressed....at length......and the last reason I brush things off is to be a prick, but simply for the reason if we just did 10 pages of something, I mean....not going to again, repeat the exact same......

Transporting was discussed.....and in the end.....means exactly what?...possibly nothing, as we all have different situations, and, likewise, I may very well employ different approaches for different situations myself, so......There is no magic answer to transport, other than knowing everything one can about their area, and routes and such.....(Most will spend more than enough time on learning how to grow.....but who ever spends 5 minutes on their law enforcement?........)
I have only had this problem once and it was about 15 years ago but it devastated my whole crop; the problem was mold after harvest. Usually I just pull the plants roots and all and then pull them up into cedar trees (use the cedar trees as camouflage) and let them hang for two weeks for the perfect slow cure. I never even had a problem even when it was raining (I actually do most of my work and inspection at night or in inclement weather for obvious reasons) because the leaves actually act like shingles for the buds when you hang them upside-down (once they wilt a bit). Anyway, in this particular year the weather was cold and damp for two weeks strait; I'm talking misting a foggy the whole time. It ended up ruining the entire crop from mold! Have you ever experienced a problem like this? Do you know of any way to treat the plants so they can't mold under those conditions? I do too many plants to even think about hauling them all into a dry shelter; which brings me to my next question: transporting.
Hanging covered extensively, and also in several other threads.....

In such, you will quite possibly find where you made the error...(and also find it wasn't due to the weather.......)

I've hung enormous amounts over quite a few years now...loss has been minimal, all has been covered.....quite a bit.
After my plants have cured I strip off the branches, stuff them into 3 ml Hefty Contractor bags, squeeze all the air out and stuff that bag into one more. Then it's back to the vehicle where those bags are stuffed into coolers for the ride home. How do you transport your haul? I mean of the entire grow, the only time I really feel any trepidation is when I am hauling close to a hundred pounds of weed. Do you have an ingenious way of hauling it or do you just feed off the adrenalin like I do and just do it?
Asked above and also covered earlier.....and as above.....depends on ones specific situation (although I do think those contractor bags are gold :smoke:....)

All was addressed at length.....and quite possibly even meaningless as every persons situation different.......(as in my own cases, 20 different things, maybe 30 different approaches utilized.....)

Many threads on it also...(just saw a new one.....)

The other issue is that while many might complain about this threads length....well.....I find it surprising that the very same believe such matters can be simply compressed into a read of a couple pages......

Transport?.....sure....probably several or more pages about my own.....Is that everything?....nnnnNope..:smoke:.....

As with everything.....there is the overview, and it's worked down from there.....

Does one know the route?......how?...by driving it once?......at night?, and then plan to drive in the day?.......(I don't know about anyone else....but I'd like to drive a route 20 times and know absolutely everything there is to know about area, from State all the way down to local....


Lot to be said.....but has been covered.....really don't know what else to add unless a specific question about a specific aspect not covered......

Like any phase of the process, 100 different aspects which vary per situation and location and upon ones resources....

Interesting one:
I once moved,and set up an op close to one of my biggest buyers simply to eliminate transport issues....(Hung it, finished it, stored it less than 30 minutes away. Usually would be 5 hrs. away.) Depending on the season(s) and location, op could have been 8hrs. the opposite direction, my base maybe 3hrs./ from op, buyer 5hrs. from me, etc.....

So.......I set up something close to them, for them....Easy enough :smoke:

Such are the options....

There is no way to cover every single potential scenario.....


Julian, I am such a newbie to this forum that I just realized last night I can search individual threads...lol... I do understand about the hassle of having to rehash the same questions over and over.

Anyway, I do enjoy your style; I find you to be very philosophical about things.

Now, off to search and see how avoid mold in 100% humidity conditions for two weeks! :joint:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor

I'd say immediately don't go 2 weeks would be the easiest solution........and if no other option?, then explore and create....(If in 30-40 range...short term rental closer in as mid stage (partial hang/dry, some trim, finish off, etc...) might not be a large or bad expense.....simply a cost of doing business more effectively (if indeed would be)....

Let's be honest.....any degree of weight, we have certain staging points even if we don't believe we do.....you simply change, alter them....(From cut to my hands finished?....maybe 4 places....unless my ps....then from cut to my hands, etc....aain, how my own situation might vary.....(I have people many different locations at this specific point in time where I can just have things dropped and pick it up in various degrees of "done".....(Freshly trimmed, wet, dry, partially trimmed wet, and so on and so on.....) Some close, some far......and on and on.....still have most of that in place.....always will I think......goes back to different people for different duties, and, never a shortage of people who don't mind to just trim some (and get some :smoke:)....minimal risk in whole scheme of things (for them), and, again...so on and so on.....

Any way you slice it (origin of the hang), if one can travel with even a ounce less of water weight and size and smell?.....any and every ounce less is a bonus......

I've always stuck to about a week more or less, but all in thread....wasn't pleased with up to 2 weeks.....for various reasons....

Final pull (Cutting to trimming) always the time which separates who's who in the game......:smoke:...

(I think of people in life who see helicopters running a 150 in a computer tower or qho squirm when a cop behind them and they have one twisted in their left front sock :biglaugh:....I once brought someone with me like that....bout 400lbs wet (who even knows, maybe triple that) and about .....eh.....4 hour drive back in......

I should have taped it :biglaugh:......(Think it took me about 3 hours of talking slowly and calmly to finally make them understand: There is nothing to worry about, because we have nothing, and if we have nothing, then why is he worried, since we have nothing to worry about etc :smoke:...)


(Traffic issues...people don't realize that one can not say a single word and relay everything unless they are aware of behavioral issues, LE training in interviewing, physical reactions and the way in which relayed by body language and even beyond ones control....(breathing, blood pressure and veins, and , despite what anyone says...the shaking......)

On and on and on.........

2 weeks too much, and pre hang screening essential, as many have found when trying....conditions are secondary despite what most believe if everything is fine when hung, good circulation, and time controlled.......My comfort level is 7 days more or less....

All in thread though.....


Just stop'n by to see if you had an update on your AF project J....I only got 6-10 of my RRF beans to pop, not real happy about that, and hope its not a sign of things to come lol...still waiting on the rest of my AF stuff to arrive (any day now)....I'm itching to get started...place is all prepped, stuffs all bought, and ive been getting all learned up here at IC....now if everything would just HURRY UP (and I'm tired of the damn cold)....spring cant come soon enough...well, I take that back...AFTER this Sunday when my Colts get their 2nd ring, THEN spring cant get here soon enough.:party:

Hope all is going well on your end...the knowledge your sharing on here is appreciated...hope you keep it coming lol



one more thing....cant remember who but I do remember it was this thread that has turned me onto "the wire"....just finished season 3.....this show is the SHIT...season 4 is downloading as we speak....ok....back to getting my learning on...


I thought there was only 5 seasons of the wire??? and "GO SAINTS"?? I have to question your motivations on getting me fired up for a 6th season when I see THAT as your sig. Thats 2 strikes against you Sam...lol...j/k, but I really did think there were only 5 seasons of the wire...kinda hope'n your right and I'm wrong (on this one, NOT about the Super Bowl Sam.):mooning:


ps: in all seriousness, I hope its a good game Tomorrow, and I wish you guys luck. I gotta take the Colts by 3 just based on Their experience and the "ass pucker" factor of playing in the Super Bowl.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Your right, there is only 5. We finished watching 5 last week and was going to rent 6 next week, but there is no 6. Thats strange because season 5 is kind of slow and it seems like its setting the stage for a great 6th season.

edit; I don't care about football, did you catch the link? Thats what I like
Old Times, Aphorisms, and a good Winters read ...

Old Times, Aphorisms, and a good Winters read ...

StealthyStalks brought back flashes of decades past ... .

It took three or four bundles of rotted and/or "silage burned" weed before burlap bags became standard issue. ( long before "contractor bags" existed ). Whenever possible, we made use of old sheds & outbuildings or "rented" a hayloft from obliging farmers who were either reefer friendly, or cash hungry. Stripped of their goodness, stalks were tossed to the goats, who made short work of the evidence.

While huddling from the Winters chill, it's often time to reflect on the past, look forward to the Spring, and tell yourself, one way or the other, that things can only get better. Aphorisms can help keep your head on straight, even in the face of "Seasonal Affective Disorder". ( it's been the worst cold season in 10 years here )

No doubt, somewhere in the several hundred pages of this thread we haven't read, there are pearls of shared wisdom to be mined. Unfortunately, there's not enough time ... ( or curiosity ) to dig them out anytime soon.

Instead, we're going to drop a load of wisdom in your collective laps and see what, if anything, results.

The book is entitled "Fortunes Formula" by William Poundstone.

( If it hasn't already been optioned, it would make a great movie. )

We guarantee anyone who reads it will be amazed and entertained.

It's both a "ripping yarn" and a Roadmap to Success.

Trust me, the Math is Simple.

The formula itself is Simple.

It can be applied to almost Any enterprise.

Here's a link from Amazon, and a portion of a review:


"Fortune's Formula" is a fascinating study of the connections between such seemingly unrelated topics as gambling, information theory, stock investing, and applied mathematics. The story involves the stunning brainpower of men such as MIT professor Claude Shannon, who single-handedly invented information theory, the science behind the Internet and all digital media; Ed Thorpe; and John Kelly of Bell Laboratories, who developed the "Kelly criterion," a now-legendary investment strategy for maximizing growth while controlling risk.

The book also includes a cast of fascinating and colorful characters as varied as Ivan Boesky, Warren Buffet, Rudolph Giuliani, and notorious mobsters such as Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky. In explaining the lasting impact of the work done by Shannon, Thorpe, and Kelly, Poundstone even explains Kelly's system for those wishing to follow his formula, offering readers both theoretical and practical lessons. Whether viewed as a how-to guide or straight scientific and financial history, Fortune's Formula proves an entertaining and illuminating analysis of "the most successful gambling system of all time." --Shawn Carkonen

Stay warm & dry.

Enjoy the game.

Looking forward to a good one.


Your right, there is only 5. We finished watching 5 last week and was going to rent 6 next week, but there is no 6. Thats strange because season 5 is kind of slow and it seems like its setting the stage for a great 6th season.

edit; I don't care about football, did you catch the link? Thats what I like

Ive now spent the last 5 hours staring at her.....I now dont care about football either
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