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Thanks and a Happy New Year and decade to all........

So I might have a spring run, 32-34......current and extended temps seem fine now.....anyone know the overview? (Plant now, Feb?.....and, what....immediate flower and...end of April/early May finish?.....and then just run right into the next one?....)

Been planning my spring grow several months now, and am currently in day 5! Reason I started early is lead time for clones (sound fimilar? ;)). Gonna clone the first week of March, and then flower 2 weeks later. Will transplant them outside first week of April. By then, I'm hoping the plants will be hardy enough to withstand any drop in temps save a late frost.

My plants should only need 6 weeks to finish outdoors. I plan on harvesting around May 16th. My clones will go out about mid April and I'm hoping to harvest them around June. As far as revegging is concerned, I'm gambling that my plants will be too deep in flower to reveg.

However,there is one part of my plant that never fails to get the butterflies churning in my stomach is when I try to imagine driving to my spots with 3-4 foot tall plants. My plan so far is to put them into trash bags before putting them into boxes loaded with odor blocking shit. If anyone has a better idea I'd love to hear it, since transporting such big plants will be risky to say the least.

Lastly, I will be holding a number of clones back for the regular season. Getting a jump on things early seems to be a good way to ensure a bountiful harvest come fall.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Interesting notes....got it, get it, thanks....no problem, but above more earlier finishing scenario than say, just putting things out now, which, I actually know quite a few do seem to do, and have done it....got it, but, my problem comes in that while still low...(13hrs, whatever)...if one checked, we'd be at 10 whatever right now and April/May, talking 13,14?,whatever,so.....but, again....know lot of people run straight spring batches (something at any stage that goes out)....the one guy southeast (name and area held back out of security, not out of disrespect to him, at all, I always have the highest for anyone who pulls..) was doing well with them, etc.....

Anyway.....increasing hours always throws me off, but, might be throwing things out in a week or two somewhere :smoke:.....(if all goes well....will share of course :smoke:...)

I don't miss driving with larger things...that's for sure.....fuck...any of em....(1,000 small at a time worse in the end than 100 large.... :smoke:....(I know, point larger harder to conceal, point of course taken as well as could be :biglaugh:)....but driving with anything like that always....ya know....:smoke: Best you can do is just try and balance the numbers with the trips, etc.....ie: The most numbers to make the trip worthwhile but the least possible :biglaugh:....

Like the idea of finishing them early....not something I'm used to (given how far North used to working...), but...new area, so :smoke:.....guess lots of fun things possible when it never gets cold :smoke:....(Right now can get a lot of nice sized ones out, so....I assume would immediately trigger....I guessss........I hope :biglaugh:.....just that next 60 days will increase 1-2hrs in daylight,so.....guess just an environment I have to get used to :smoke:.....)

Hmmm....now I'm wondering if I can get 2 rounds in before mid may :biglaugh:.......Jan-Feb (60 days) and March-April (60 days...(adjust by an extra 2 weeks/14 days of course, 74 days....and still puts me end of May.......(Ready to get another round in......assuming they would trigger, finish fairly quick.....etc....)


(Fuck...now I'm starting to wonder if I can get an Oct-Dec round in also........ :biglaugh:......each round focus on something on the quicker side,etc....)
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yeah, the key to good growth is to keep the little buggers "running". Its the same with all plants. When I do perennial gardening you always divide in the spring because the more root zone that is exposed to the perimeter the more robust the growth. That is the danger with becoming rootbound. When a plant meets restrictions it consolidates and compensates, but things change. It is no longer running. So... Af's are particularly susceptible to consolidation due to their very short veg time. All easily overcome by proper management. A two to three week old, sexed AF is the perfect candidate for an early run. It's amazing how they bulk up and frost in that last month. If you have never seen it or experienced it you almost can't believe it will happen. But it does. And now so many good ones to choose from. In and out. Bing bang boom.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
And while my day to day direction uncertain at the moment, I haven't abandoned the AF op and plans.....just many other things to address before such happens.....(still enough time to get a stock run pumped last minute if everything comes through....have the spot(s) and people ready for that....and really one of those things I'd love to do and top of the list......(Haven't checked new releases in a while, so.....might even be more selection...last time I checked, this was 70 different things from half a dozen or more sources...(When I started thinking about it.....was 1 :smoke:....)

Maybe for the better at the moment....because if had to run and set up tomorrow.....I think I would still be undecided about how to best prep, start and plant..(how,what medium, what size containers, what kind of prep, holes or till....and still depends on what resources and people available.......still not confident in people these days.......shit still falling through left and right, etc....nowadays....I trust no one...(which all of us would always say, but.......when talking work...relying on what people say, counting on them......it's a different matter.......completely....

Several discussions lately with people in real life, and, my world?....well....I live in a world where there is no talk...If you say something?.....it's supposed to be concrete.....there is no if's and's or but's......at least that's how I function........and many have been informed recently.....Maybe my world isn't the place for them.....:smoke:....and they'd be better off staying in their own before walking into mine and talking......:biglaugh:


Have a lot of things coming down to the wire.....wish I could share but nothing a done deal yet.....many different possibilities (half of them incredible, half of them far from :biglaugh:.....and, also will be changing up locations, methods, styles and such....which I would also love to share....truly.....(again...flexibility, adapting,new approaches, etc)....feel mind more active just from the planning alone.....

Just checking in....hope all are well, and, hope one of next posts is me sharing a quick prep and planting and some ops :smoke:

(Not going to be the numbers I'm used to....:biglaugh:...at least to start...but, that's okay...:smoke:....)

Will be fun anyway :smoke:......(and maybe...just maybe...eventually...I might start to see something out of it also)

Hope all are well.......hope 10' the best for all.......

Lot of changes coming any day......(good ones hopefully :biglaugh:....) will be fun to share........(nowadays...if I can get back on track and right again....just breathing will be fun :biglaugh:.....and maybe that's what the universe was shooting for :smoke:......

And I'm good with that. :smoke:


How do you transport out?
All in the thread, somebody should really distill Julians shit into a more accesible text. Took me weeks reading through here.
IIRC he normally takes them out really small, like 10 centimeters and below, in a big box, in a car.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Two monks were arguing about a flag. One said: "The flag is moving."

The other said: "The wind is moving."

The sixth patriarch happened to be passing by. He told them: "Not the wind, not the flag; mind is moving"

We cannot force the natural course of events; everything happens in its 'right' time. The process is gradual, and hence may appear slow to us as we are often too impatient with expectations, but the change takes place within an instant.

Similarly, awakening can not be forced, but may be encouraged; just like a seed which sprouts naturally when the right conditions prevail.



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Thanks man.....hope all is well with you my friend....

Hmmm.......one seemingly random comment inspired me in several ways.....(I'm sure OP didn't mean it in a negative way....just....inspired me, so..:biglaugh:...)


Of course, before some will begin to chase me with sticks :biglaugh:....(Zen, master references)... I am, and will always remain a student of the wise long before us....

Still working on things...getting very close :smoke:....

Going to have some fun stuff shortly.....and be throwing in a stopwatch to make it interesting :smoke:....

I'm quite excited actually.....(trying to control it....could all fall through, but...:smoke:....have altered several approaches, so...:smoke:..might know something shortly......getting there......

Have spent enormous amounts of time on many related subjects lately, so.....changing everything up....everything......and having fun already :smoke:....so....

Really looking forward to many things :smoke:....


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
See.....trying not to say anything.....waiting for full and complete unobstructed forward movement....but then of course....to wait?.....well, means then last minute scrambling....sooo....I'm actually moving forward full force on planning :artist: and such....(literally 24/7, on one week days lately), but unsure when, or even if I will act....(and of course, if/when underway, then will have to do everything asap, so...as in....asap......as in...immediately...everything...now.....ready....(which I think a part of me needs...so...:biglaugh:......)

Nothing radically different or new in the whole scheme of things...(the ops, well, most of them..:smoke:)...but for me?....absolutely...:smoke:....(likewise...in the whole scheme of things?.....ehh....I've done much larger much quicker....but it's...."new", so.....all of it...everything...night and day..

I think I like it already though :smokeit:

(see those crazy ass new little dudes?.....:biglaugh:)...

Maybe time for new thread.....:smoke:....(This one......the good to the bad......next one?.....rebuilding from nothing into even better , so.....might be interesting :smoke:.....and I'll get specific on more things for various reasons....(and, even less on others :smoke:....)

(Or would it be "not "better".....just "different" :smoke::biglaugh:)


All in the thread, somebody should really distill Julians shit into a more accesible text. Took me weeks reading through here.
IIRC he normally takes them out really small, like 10 centimeters and below, in a big box, in a car.

Please do not answer questions that wernt directed twards you.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Thanks......really......been a pleasure to be of service...and only so.....

On that note.....my pending change might require separating myself from anything and everything mentioned, ever in this thread...(past indiscretions....)......but if the case......will of course, be around in another form :smoke:, and share new things and such.......and of course, most will know by various things :smoke:........and maybe time sig line is retired also :smoke:....(OG, here?.....have had that sig line for...fuck.....6-7 years?.......

Anyway.....please to have been of service, to offer whatever I can......acknowledgment never a priority....(Handle probably going to be killed soon in blink of an eye, so....)

Current project looks like going to be throwing moms out shortly south.....have been undecided on container sizes...(could go as low as 45 gallon smart pots for this round, but then May going to need 200 gallons, or might make from scratch.......concerned about the
regional heat and humidity issues and smart pots.....but would think only 10 times worse with any conventional, and holes not really an option....might also make containers like many do....

Going to be going strictly, 100% organic from now on....(amended and also liquid...going to be looking at all current and new organic lines.....)

Moms are ready to go out right now.....seems like will do fine if out now as far as finishing, and then shortly afterwards summer prep....(The big issue.....skimp now and redo?, or just go full on now...throw out moms in oversized, but then summer prep already done (and, likewise....moms thrown in/out now, not going to come close to eating everything in them, (3-4ft. moms in 200 gallon containers for 2.5 months....so....for summer might just be able to pull and plant news ones and holes ( habit :smoke:...)....containers be fine and really prepped and broken in per se.....

My biggest happiness right now is not only is this now funded and underway.....

But I have gotten a $400k commitment (specifics of payouts complicated) for the green business, corporation.....


So..........hope to have the publicly traded company well underway within next 12 months.....(most important thing is funded secured to operate and expand as I see the opportunities......) :smoke:.....Funding, and commitment to it means can proceed from start with expansion underway and able to pursue any opportunity....(as compared to just having plan, desires and unable to fund.....this way?....anything I can think of now is already funded.......)

Will have some updates soon and decide what to do with this handle.....probably best just to kill off, and start over......

I have also been, btw :smoke:...CA Prop 215 (Just waiting to use it :smoke:.....) and technically a CA resident for.....almost 2 months now :smoke:

Hope all are well........and I hope to be able to still share something of value to someone in future.....:smoke:...Always my pleasure....and an honor, of course......

Need about a week or so to right myself and situation.....then back to work, moving ahead...maybe have first op done and planted within next 10 days.....and on and on.....:smokeit:

Just not sure if would be wise to hold a significant position in Nationwide publicly traded MMJ company and be linked to this, so.....:hide:

We'll see.....:smoke:
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Btw......if anyone wants a laugh....(about always with the "well see....")


There is a Taoist story of an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit.

"Such bad luck," they said sympathetically.

"We'll see," the farmer replied.

The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses.

"How wonderful," the neighbors exclaimed.

"We'll see," replied the old man.

The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune.

"We'll see," answered the farmer.

The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing that the son's leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out.

"We'll see" said the farmer.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
What I really, really would like to share....at some point, somehow, somewhere......and think many, many could benefit from in some way shape or form....is how I just did this without a single penny of my own....


puffin fresh

Active member
ICMag Donor
Good on you Julian, good to hear things are picking up for you again. Look forward to hearing how it all turns out. I would rep you if I could. :) Love that taoist story you put up, put a smile on my face :)


What I really, really would like to share....at some point, somehow, somewhere......and think many, many could benefit from in some way shape or form....is how I just did this without a single penny of my own....


Did you make them an offer they couldn't refuse? lol. :biggrin:
I had to, was set up so perfectly...

In all seriousness though, any advice would be invaluable. The way things are now (and while it was far far worse before) it's still hard to get people to commit money to companies/funds unless numbers and performance are rock solid.

If everything in this thread has to be killed I'm sure it's no doubt for good reason. I've learned more than I thought I would, and I'm sure everyone's grateful for everything you've shared.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Thank you man........thank you. Maybe for the better I'm back in Zen mode :smoke:....(I say lately........pin drops and can change my world......pin drops and the ripples from it spread all through the universe :smoke:...)

Was thinking of something else also......very interesting....

What do we give, get here?.......why is each of us here...what do we draw out of it...etc.....

My thank you?....to any and everybody and all?......Will never even be close to even being remotely understood by....anybody.....ever...

I had many great things....lot of money.....everything was good......and I got hit.....and, in the end?

It's legal med which is not only bailing me out but also establishing my future...

My thanks?......

If I were never on boards......did not have many exchanges....read and talk to any and everyone I could, about any and everything?


My current inspiration, business, direction would not have been even a fleeting thought....

It would have never existed.........

Only here....this place....global community and interaction and seeing many different peoples many different situations and possibilities enabled me to come up with what I have and am.....

Saved me.....so....if was never here?.......all none of anything above?.....while I still have locals that could do.....I'd have ended up Ricky'in....sleeping in the fields and maybe at least a year till back up again....(and lost everything in the process.....)

Med?....yeah, sure...everyone knows about it....but talking to many, researching all different states,and on and on, on a consistent basis a much better knowledge and understanding, which then enables one to start seeing possibilities, etc....

That's my thanks to site and everyone......

Should all turn out well...starting to make my schedules for different things....how everything going to execute....everywhere.....and......feel blessed.....lucky....in a good position....but then do take a little bit of credit for myself....(no matter what...no matter how bad.....working as hard as I could to move forward....and working hard on this stuff,getting here for years, etc, so......)

Hopefully this time next month have all business's running again (with push in a different direction(s), more aggressive, etc....)....Home good.....current on obligations......several things going that weren't a month ago :smoke:.....trading again :smoke:.......

If I don't have one of my best years ever between everything.....going to be surprised.....and hopefully collect some exceptional properties in the process....(In med states of course :smoke:.....)

Growing?...yeah, sure...what site is about...no one knows everything.....anyone can learn 100 new things a day here......but the global and regional overviews what really priceless.......which I never would have had unless here.....and in the end?....what made the difference....

So.....to all who have had kind words....well....Thank you to you guys for changing my life...


btw......here's a great one:
Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise.

Seek what they sought.


Molson said:
Did you make them an offer they couldn't refuse? lol. :biggrin:

I had to, was set up so perfectly...
Definitely......:smoke: but not that kind :smoke:

More a Meyer Lansky deal.....ie: I make everyone money....and lots of it....and always have.....even enemies would never question my work ethic...
In all seriousness though, any advice would be invaluable. The way things are now (and while it was far far worse before) it's still hard to get people to commit money to companies/funds unless numbers and performance are rock solid.

If everything in this thread has to be killed I'm sure it's no doubt for good reason. I've learned more than I thought I would, and I'm sure everyone's grateful for everything you've shared.
Very hard.....maybe one day will also share how many people I pitched, what I asked, what I offered......I'm still in awe refused, and, frankly.....now have lost quite a bit of respect for them, and, now see.....eloquence aside...I mean....they're just fuckin stupid.... :biglaugh: (I could have had everything up and running a yr. ago.....but realistically...now is best...ie: Due to where I am, what...changes that I have undergone..personal, professional...outlooks, etc......so....and, of course....the spiritual angle....everything happens as it should, so......questioning what isn't?......a pointless exercise for anyone..(focus on forward, future, benefit...etc......)

Well........will share in future how put it together and actually what really came, had,has to come out of peoples pockets......(Leverage invaluable now :smoke:....) When I explain all (whenever that may be)....there really isn't anyone,anywhere, anytime who could look at proposals (unbiased) and not see the value.....

Thanks man......and your welcome, and, as above....it is I who is grateful...:smoke:
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Please do not answer questions that wernt directed twards you.
In case you didn't notice Julian answered a bunch of specific questions with" All in the thread, read it". As long as the OP is fine with it i will answer what i can from the top of my head.
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