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Three lbs. In a 3x3 every thirtythree days with 50%thc?
I'll take thirty three of em.
I may be in the dark here also and pray I'm wrong but that's crazy talk Jules. I sincerly hope I'm wrong. However science has been able to alter just about every other plant we use for the "better". Very interestng claims indeed.


natural medicator
I go there, and take a look (cause I didn't believe what they told me), and, they're basically pushing:

3lbs per sq. meter, up to 50% thc, in as little as 33 days flower.....(or combinations of all of the above)...for per pack prices of $500-$2000....

Now...:smoke:...I've done my share....run quite a few things..:smoke:...and, wouldn't consider myself completely in the dark, but.......I mean.......c'mon......

33-40+ days, 3 per meter (light....), and 41-50%?..........

Have I missed something? :biglaugh:.......

sounds like you're talking about Super Duper Purple Elephant Haze Kush! dontcha knowits the wave of the future????:yoinks:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Well.....make no mistake.......my train of thought on the above is far from to dismiss, but instead along the lines of: If such is the case, then why have I never heard of, nor seen anyone running them, any grow reports anywhere, anytime, any threads, any mention whatsoever...

2. I would think that people, have indeed, run the stock, and, as above, if such results......(or, if inaccurate results), again.....why lack of it, anywhere, anytime.....I do know the source (know of...in passing, have heard of, etc), and, yes....if such has been achieved, of course would be well worth any investment....but, round and round back to square one.......why would we not be aware of it, and any documentation and feedback unavailable...

I would think for a larger retailer to readily make such claims.....this is not something one would do lightly...(Likewise with testing and % age.....I would assume none would make any such claim unless sent off for definitive testing, to be able to make such a claim, etc.......)

Of course, we all don't know every single sources stock and products.....but, as above.....while we might not have run them, we might have heard of them, known or talked to people who have run them, have good things (or bad) to say, grow threads, strain reviews and threads and such.......

Who even knows how many members here anymore.....(100,000+?....I'm sure...) and cannot find a single trace or mention of a specific strain/product?.....That to me is a little odd.....(I'm still looking.......something a little heavier, a little earlier?....in or out?.....extra $100 bucks..($200)....ehh....not so shocking and well worth every penny.....$2,000 a pack?......well......:smoke:....Not until I see 30 threads all declaring product is as stated.....as with any other product in the world and marketplace....(To anyone who would like to review they're Elephant, Oracle, Upstate and Jedi.........which I thought was a west coast (Jedi) cut to start with....not Canadian.....(I would think a google "Elephant bud+marijuana seeds" or something like that would bring the site and them up.....)

(Of course I could just post links and such......but, bad form....simple quick search will turn it up, and, have found some search returns on the above, but, more people talking about it so far than actual run's....)

Not finding too many things positive.....:biglaugh: General consensus is they're FOS....(I had my suspicions when they stated their NL tested at 29%.......I thought NL was like.....10? :biglaugh:)

I guess answered and addressed.....:smoke:
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Really enjoying the in's so far.....will get more details and pics up in future....and really helping out....I should have had them going the whole time.......sorry I slacked off in the whole scheme of things.....(My past MO was to have something going anywhere possible, any size possible, everywhere, going all the time......)

Think going to keep building the in's in spare time, build up monthly cut, and stick with the outs.....(in's for monthly income, outs for the bonus/savings.....think going to help out.....looking forward to see where I am in 12 months........next season, and maybe 20 batches of varying sizes indoors in the process......)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
:biglaugh: When I saw problems getting bad......got started......1st in starting to pack on weight (maybe 3 weeks to cut....cutting shit early, in or out drives me absolutely fuckin mad! :biglaugh:....) 2nd in....eh, maybe hitting 2 weeks into flower......3rd in started already......things started already to fill the 1st in 3 weeks, and on and on......

Age old debate, out vs. in........which I won't even touch, we all have our own opinions, and a lot of specifics, but, I love the in due to fact sOOooOOOo clean...(no rain, no contamination, no environmental issues.....which of course for people with no rainfall, drier areas might not be an issue, but, for me in my regions, heavy rain, heavy humidity, etc.....it "dirties" it up a little, although quality great.....depends on season....dry seasons I'm extremely pleased with end product.......long wet seasons?....ehh...doesn't come close......

Yeah.....cut a lot of stuff a little too early....(security and location issues......we're well into a period I'm not comfortable leaving things.....lost some last year I really wanted, very nice that I decided to let go another week or so (and , accordingly, lost that entire location, which was a potential 7 figure location, no doubt......) My deadline always now or before....still have things which could go another 2 weeks more or less.....(which is what I get for using clusterfuck stock :biglaugh:.....)

I like the in's....very quick....very clean.....and fairly comfortable...(security issues, etc).... Starting to see how much I missed em...

antimatter said:
They forgot to mention cut premature buds at day 33 and roll in a kg of kief
And weight wet? (3 per light in 33 days) :biglaugh: Ehh...I should have known better, but, I always try to find out what I can and listen before making a judgment call on something,.........all seemed to defy the basics....ie: No one thing is everything.....the best is not always the quickest, the quickest never the heaviest, the heaviest never the best, and on and on........ie: We all know strain selection a process of give and take....trade off's, etc......and you try and find what's best suited....etc..and, most of us continue through life and time trying many things, etc, and see that, etc.....


Tropical Outcast

......for me in my regions, heavy rain, heavy humidity, etc.....it "dirties" it up a little, although quality great.....depends on season....dry seasons I'm extremely pleased with end product.......long wet seasons?....ehh...doesn't come close......



So what do you recommend for those "wet seasons"?

I have been growing Haze strains during the summer after having pretty much everything else failing due to mold and fungi...

Winters for me...yeah they are as dry as they get and pretty much everything works, won't get as tall but still works great!


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
As earlier, I try not to "chase" it, and run whatever I like. My seasons, from one to the next can swing completely either way, or somewhere (anywhere) in between, and never a way of knowing which until it comes. Finish of more interest, and variety suits me best, as one always should have with volume to prevent environmental issues from taking it's toll too heavily with any given weather/batch.

If I was working a climate that was predictable, I'm sure I would have a specific list of favorites, but, not the case. Have had Oct 1st's in different locations 100 degrees and days of monsoon rain, 70's and no rain for weeks, or 30's and light snow....Next year?.....take your pick.

I try to run as many different things as possible, and take what comes, and numbers protect getting hit too hard if weather doesn't cooperate with any specific strain, although a list of things I like for various reasons...(Marocs for early, PP's come out great in a dry season/location, well received, BOG SB fan, but, due to size and density don't always go full term and work out, have a pink lemon last 3 seasons which seems to do fairly well regardless, sometimes as early as Oct 1st.....current seasons stock was a open pollination (last season) of the PP (DP),Pink, BOG and some AK crosses I believe (98's?,99's?) and many coming in this year far too late, but think more due to the weather than genetic influence, as most of mothers were ready far before, and I wouldn't think influence leaned them 100% later, so, assuming the weather patterns this year....(Technically.....if I had to choose when to cut, go optimal, I would call everything I have, everywhere this year Nov. 1st.....I don't think I have cut a single thing so far this season that I considered "done"....

Oct 7th give or take
is usually my cut off, with some seasons cutting starting last week Sept......(sometimes even mid Sept.....due to, I'm sure, that I run seed.....ie: many different individuals...plus things triggering, etc....)

All earlier in thread. I usually get things quite spread out as far as finishing...(some triggered, some early, some later, etc...) Seed always going to give you the whole range of variations...(individuals, traits, finishing, etc).....this year though, everything looking like end Oct.....which all parents from stock were not, so....

I don't believe in chasing it......if one has a climate that produces exact results year after year....then makes sense....for those who work with something different every year, doesn't. Every time I have tried to adjust based on current, never worked out well the following, so....now I just run what I want....and 98% of the time, volume makes up for it and all turns out well.....(aside from last 2 seasons.....I'm happy with all previous runs....actually, last 2 has made me appreciate them that much more....)

Some years, if great previous run and budget good (previous run makes the budget of course) will run up to 50+/- things....

All current stock going to use for in's. Outs going to go back to procuring stock and work from there. SSH really the only thing I can think of I have wanted to run for a while (out) but haven't.....(haven't due to people saying it wouldn't finish)..and, think they're wrong.....

(Locations also dictate how late, finish.....my last largest location we went into November once or twice (or more...can't remember)...were cutting things with snow on the ground.....but, was much more remote...less security risks....all new ones I'm working have been 10 times more the security issues....not even remotely close to security had on most recent ones.....(Thousands of large ones, free access in and out, left to finish whenever we wanted).....Current and new locations?....not even the same ballgame.....(or so I believe at the moment, we'll see next season..:smoke:...I do have a spot I think I could get away with 1,000 Marocs....(extremely large and open field (400 acres maybe?) with native vegetation height of summer averaging 4-6 feet, solid....most triggered and finished for me 3ft bushes more or less.....actually, num,bers suggest quite a few more than 1k....(I average out spreading them out...ie: 2 per acre?....10?...etc.....handful 3 footers per acre of a wide range of vegetation (colors, heights, shapes) really nothing to be concern about.....have things right now that can't see them unless 3-4 feet away....so)


Yo Julian! Another bad season, eh? srry to hear, but good to see you in good spirit/overcome the disappointment.
I have just brought in a big batch of great stuff and have only a little bit left out till next week. Season was very good. Fantastic September. So dry and sunny that some plants suffered (but others didn't :smoke:). I still lost a good bit to mold in my forest spot. The environment there is just too brutal. Lost a little bit to pollination, feeding issues, drought and had two hermies, but all in all I can say that the season was a success (My first successful season!).
Cutting and hanging the shit today made me feel good :D.
Overview looks good now. Some nice stuff in the mix. First batches were disappointing potency wise. But in volume it's just a small fraction. Have some very potent stuff(Bangi Haze x Guerilla Gold, Manitoba Medicine x Guerilla Gold), some very beautiful (resin, smell, color, density, flower to leaf ratio - Bangi Haze x Purpurea Ticinensis) and some very nice head wise (NepJam). All finished early enough and nicely spread and I managed to make some m/f stock and some fem stock with the right plants, so prospects for next season are bright :D
Just a few more weeks of work.

btw. I had to take a partner for harvest. The good thing is he is a grower and we complement each other very well (business wise), but he's been complaining today and all the time: so much work, so late, tomorrow so early to work bla bla bla... fuckin unbelievable, I come in with a big batch of the nicest stuff and he's moaning! :biglaugh:
but he's good. takes initiative and has trimmed a good deal already :smoke:

I'm looking forward to sampling the crop when a little more free time to enjoy it. Hopefully some nice stuff to be found.

Best of luck for all that still have something out. (in Poland snow. some places 30cm o_O)
Cheers and thanks again for the thread Julian.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
vod said:
Yo Julian! Another bad season, eh? srry to hear, but good to see you in good spirit/overcome the disappointment.
Was just talking today with someone about what were the fuckin chances of 2 worst in a row :biglaugh:...

Ya know? :biglaugh:

Ehhhh....I'm okay, and, you know, if I wouldn't have skimped and switched it up.........none of the major problems would have occurred to begin with...(would have still lost spots.....which would have been okay....but that sexing thing this and last year just fucked me sideways....:biglaugh:....

Okay. So I do what I have always (and worked), and, just stick with the fems..(clone or seed...but seed preferred as always due to lead times....)

I'm good man.....again...that simple little aspect.....now I know that I can't under any circumstances ever rely on others to sex...(even the couple security issue spots which are ending up fine......couldn't get in because thought might be an issue, so...those too.......I've done many seasons worth or urban things which I planted, and just came back 3-4 months later and cut nice things (clones and fem seed)...so.....again......no one to blame but myself......and, eliminate the main problem areas, and, don't expect any issues again....
I have just brought in a big batch of great stuff and have only a little bit left out till next week. Season was very good. Fantastic September. So dry and sunny that some plants suffered (but others didn't ). I still lost a good bit to mold in my forest spot. The environment there is just too brutal. Lost a little bit to pollination, feeding issues, drought and had two hermies, but all in all I can say that the season was a success (My first successful season!).
First?........well congratulations.....:smoke:.....Sure it feeels good..(Know it feels good :smoke:...always will man, always will :smoke:....)

Going better on hole, crystals and stuff has always helped me...(I had one end which was heavy rains early Sept. (larger plants), and....that was enough to hold them over that year, and, quality was astounding...not a drop of rain from start Sept to end/cut.....(specifics somewhere earlier in thread.....4 seasons ago I think?)

You know...I'm sharing a lot of this negative stuff and getting out of it for a specific reason.....No ones immune from issues of any kind.....any way , shape or form......If would have told me all these things 2 years ago..(fuck, even 1 year ago)....I wouldn't have believed it :biglaugh: (Told me people won't sex em, won't right, etc...yyyyyyeah.....I'd sit and think how could anyone not/have a problem? :biglaugh:.......) Good one, great one, okay, bad, terrible.......so much one can get from any (even best ever.....still a lot to draw, and, right now......lot of pulling myself out is thinking back to better ones, etc...analyzing where and when and how I changed it up and what became an issue, etc, and addressing that........etc....)

Glad to hear overall all well......and first successful always something special......and if not, should be :smoke: (and first bigger one, and first big one, and first with partners that works, etc, etc :biglaugh:.......)

I'm finding now.....they're all special :smoke:....
Cutting and hanging the shit today made me feel good :D.
Always does....always will......my worst ones?....actually feels better than the best ones :smoke:......

The cutting is basically victory against all odds :smoke: (or almost if hanging out.....)
Overview looks good now. Some nice stuff in the mix. First batches were disappointing potency wise. But in volume it's just a small fraction. Have some very potent stuff(Bangi Haze x Guerilla Gold, Manitoba Medicine x Guerilla Gold), some very beautiful (resin, smell, color, density, flower to leaf ratio - Bangi Haze x Purpurea Ticinensis) and some very nice head wise (NepJam). All finished early enough and nicely spread and I managed to make some m/f stock and some fem stock with the right plants, so prospects for next season are bright :D
Just a few more weeks of work.
Sounds good....... I've asked here and there about the GG....have seen a lot of GG crosses....would like to run it one day....have heard/seen nothing but good things...

Enjoy the next few weeks........
btw. I had to take a partner for harvest. The good thing is he is a grower and we complement each other very well (business wise), but he's been complaining today and all the time: so much work, so late, tomorrow so early to work bla bla bla... fuckin unbelievable, I come in with a big batch of the nicest stuff and he's moaning! :biglaugh:
but he's good. takes initiative and has trimmed a good deal already :smoke:
Ehh, you know...I bitch and moan about incompetents, but, as have said recently.....I mean...really a single aspect (which I changed up on my own) cost me the most.....if that had been/is removed?....I can't complain too much....they're good guys....and they put in the work.....(for the most part)....just failed on the one that was in the end the most important...

Not to mention......I can still count the bad ones on about one hand...so.....

I stick to , as earlier in thread....their failure is ours...(in training, motivation, understanding, direction, etc....)

The one guy I mentioned way back when I think going to keep....turned out fairly well, and, couple sexing mistakes, but, otherwise, came through start through finish pretty well for the most part..(we had out moments here and there......him "telling me what how things work"...but I put those to rest pretty easily and we continued on to end of season....He put in the work....complaining a minimum compared to most people....mistakes minimal (yes costly, but again, if all fems would have come out perfect), and, most of all....doesn't talk when shouldn't, to who he shouldn't...understands the security issues, and, to top it all off?......straight as far as honesty....(nothing missing, etc, etc.....)

Little more work...all fem?....guy will be gold...(and he loves it also.....guy I mentioned earlier...several seasons under belt but not one successful season)........(well...now his first :smoke:)

People can say what they want....1 good partner?......will overcome 10 bad ones, and, will be able to accomplish 400% more.....

Good solid tight crew?.......well, if you assemble one that works first time out?......I'd say that's luck......it happens...but most of the time doesn't,so....while lot of issues.....I do also recognize what I am doing is putting together the next serious crew...which lead to serious ops...and serious results...so....if that comes at the price of these bad 2?..

The fuck.....:smoke: Was all worth it :smoke: ( 2 bad ones to screen and assemble crew which will pave the way to the next 2-4-5 huge, good ones :smoke:)

Such is life....such is "building"......I'd rather have all this crap happen now then when pulling the trigger on a much more serious and extremely large one...so....again...trying to stay on the positive angle......and the fine print....and the possibilities......new guy above?....I know can rely on him for more work, larger ops, and he'll come through 100% (just no sexing :biglaugh:)....went through 6-8 people to get/keep/have him...(like any position, job, interviewing, screening, etc.....)

Not perfect.....others better in some areas....but not in the ones that in the end are most important...(honestly, loyalty, trust, dedication to the op/plant....)
I'm looking forward to sampling the crop when a little more free time to enjoy it. Hopefully some nice stuff to be found.

Best of luck for all that still have something out. (in Poland snow. some places 30cm o_O)
Cheers and thanks again for the thread Julian.
Glad all's well......I haven't really sampled yet....(1-2 hits of 3-4 tester joints....and couple hits of scissor/finger hash here and there.....I mix everything, so, when I come across a BOG SB.......I have to stop and marvel and try some :smoke:.....right now?...really waiting to sample the in's coming couple weeks :smoke:......

Congratulations man.........and enjoy the feeling :smoke:.....
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Well-known member

Just dropped by to say you were right all along. So many discussions about drying outdoors and I took the side of cant be done but I was wrong.
I had no choice but to leave around 5 lbs hanging outside for 12 days all but three days it rained. My drying location was not ready so I tarped them and crossed my fingers. I was so F***ing surprised after 12 days they weren’t dry by any stretch but no mold what so ever. I really don’t think I would have tried it with out some of the back and forth you gave on the subject.
They're all dry and safe now thanks for the input on the drying outdoors threads.

A couple of pics after the tarp came down or before it was up cant remember.

Oh yeah did my first late season minis great experience and great advice.



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
hamstring said:
Just dropped by to say you were right all along. So many discussions about drying outdoors and I took the side of cant be done but I was wrong.
I don't remember you being a "can't" person......you always seem more of a listen, ask, discuss, try for yourself person....(Of which I always suggest(ed) to anyone......always....ie: Don't take my word (or anyone else's)...try a little....if pleased, try more, if pleased, then more...etc....I would never suggest anything to cause anyone any loss, or something I haven't done before myself.....(often things done many times, many seasons, etc....)

I've done tons that way man....(and, my thanks to you for saying the above, and making me make the statement I just did..:smoke:....really just helped boost my confidence issues I've been having lately.....and have been having again last couple days in my circles due to another less than stellar year......


To repeat...(worth doing...) first time it was suggested and introduced to me....:smoke: I thought my partner was absolutely fuckin insane....I did it the first time....as you just did....and, went on to do so for many years....in all conditions..(how my areas and seasons vary throughout thread.....so.....when I hear the "yeah, but not in my area and conditions, and, as you shared (3 out of 12 not raining?).....well, as you now see for yourself......ya know.......is what it is :smoke:
I had no choice but to leave around 5 lbs hanging outside for 12 days all but three days it rained. My drying location was not ready so I tarped them and crossed my fingers. I was so F***ing surprised after 12 days they weren’t dry by any stretch but no mold what so ever. I really don’t think I would have tried it with out some of the back and forth you gave on the subject.
They're all dry and safe now thanks for the input on the drying outdoors threads.
Of importance, is you now see all the different aspects...(many tried and had problems due to missing the fine print....)....A combination of many factors coming together, of which weather really not the significant/primary most believe...(Primary is checking deep inside to make sure no contamination when hanging initially...again...something I learned the hard way through trial and error, etc...)

I'd be interested in the final steps...experiences, and how pleased you were and things which you might have noticed regarding resin, quality, continuance of growth.....) As you see....12 days and not even close to dry?....well....good luck to anyone trying to tell me there are not a dozen or more different life processes continuing, including ones affecting resin in one way or another....(Specifically, after 12, did you take in, trim, or continue to hang, when trimmed, how long to dry, etc, etc....which, of course, others might find a useful addition to anything previously discussed, and, also see, (again) the various aspects.....

Going to skip down to add some things....
A couple of pics after the tarp came down or before it was up cant remember.

Oh yeah did my first late season minis great experience and great advice.
Glad I could give something to benefit....truly...is, and always has been my only objective....The minis?......well....you probably then see the power and wide application possibilities...(and, again....if planting wide time span, get great ideas as far as how short, how large, etc....I did "late" things which ended up 5-6 feet for me..(again, an odd/late flowering season for me, be it the weather or what I ran or a combination, but thinking due to the former.....)

Looks exactly right btw..(just finding good, larger branches to hang, anywhere you can, and, of course, I've never done tarps, but had fairly decent cover......I'm wondering how it came out in the end and if any sun exposure...(which I have of course had in past in certain spots, and, while had some affect......not that bad....ie: Coupled with cool weather, circulation and proper shading....things I've had in the open came out to a more purple, darker tint than "brown" per se which might occur from too much sun....(or maybe a combination of all factors.....)

Feel free to share any specifics......I'm always interested, and pleased when others have good results....I had bad season..lot had good and better, but, in the end...I mean...I don't really care...not "jealous".....at all.....I'm happy for others when they do well...if I can ever assist?...even happier.....that I could offer something...anything...to make someones life easier....something better, etc....

Glad everything turned out well.....(sorry you doubted me though :biglaugh:).....and interested in anything else you want to add about how you finished them off or what you noted.....(12 longer than I usually go...went 14 once, and, maybe humidity on the low side, less moisture, but, 14 they went a little beyond what I wanted, so...I've always stuck to about 7 (one week to the next) and then about 3-5 days or so to finish, but of course, as I'm sure you know, see...depends on what your working with....size and density, etc.....larger, more solid things of course take longer, and then humidity, circulation, trimmed vs./ untrimmed, and on and on all contribute.....

Edit/note/afterthought......It's probably the case that more moisture assists the process better than none/less....ie: More rain, humidity (but with good circulation and clean initial product) finishes them at a slower, more gradual rate....My current dry spot, (indoor location) I'm averaging about 7 days more or less till snap.....one partner, for one op is averaging about 13-15....(different temp and humidity of course)....Longer the dry, better the product is, always, hands down....(and, I believe, for whole plants out, such a hang is indeed your flush....which you will also be able to comment on....ie: Quality of hung compared to indoor, traditional.....especially trimmed wet product, as compared to hung whole to dry.....)

Out hang a great thing.....and, quality can't be beat...nothing like it....


Well-known member
IOf importance, is you now see all the different aspects...(many tried and had problems due to missing the fine print....)....A combination of many factors coming together, of which weather really not the significant/primary most believe
...(Primary is checking deep inside to make sure no contamination when hanging initially...
This is what paid off and glad you included it because it sounds corny but I actually remember you stating this and I made sure no existing mold and trimmed any out that I saw (very little). When my drying space was ready I went back picked them up and dried them out. Although they were not dry they did loose some moisture content during those 12 days, which surprised me. I know this due to drying time vs. drying time of freshly cut was less.

Glad I could give something to benefit....truly...is, and always has been my only objective....The minis?......well....you probably then see the power and wide application possibilities...(and, again....if planting wide time span, get great ideas as far as how short, how large, etc....I did "late" things which ended up 5-6 feet for me..(again, an odd/late flowering season for me, be it the weather or what I ran or a combination, but thinking due to the former.....)

Minis, well I decided to try it really just for the learning process I knew I needed this type of knowledge to round out my growing skills (hey, there still square as far as I am concerned). I put in some BBXNL in the last week of July. I knew it was a long shot because they don’t finish until late October. I completely cleared a small 10ftx8ft square of native vegatation and put in roughly 24 plants (2/hole). I learned a lot believe it or not. It was interesting because all the native vegetation was 5ft high and the little plot was hidden well. I was apprehensive at first but knew putting in minis in uncleared patch would be a tough call. The holes I dug were sloppy nothing more than 1ftx1ft or less but they took off like a bitch. None of them finished we had a very early freeze (Oct 10th) for my area. Frost by the 10th yes but not a freeze.
Anyway nothing but a positive experience and opened my eyes up. The next minis will be Oct 1st finishers. Couple of pics of the mini plot progressing they turned out to be 3.5 - 4ft and you can see how the grass starts filling in around them giving great security later on.



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
hamstring said:
This is what paid off and glad you included it because it sounds corny but I actually remember you stating this and I made sure no existing mold and trimmed any out that I saw (very little). When my drying space was ready I went back picked them up and dried them out. Although they were not dry they did loose some moisture content during those 12 days, which surprised me. I know this due to drying time vs. drying time of freshly cut was less.
Well, all turned out well, so.....seems you got it, and, yeah.......a lot of variables go into it......

Fairly wet ending to year for me in some spots, but, I've actually had almost zero mold , on anything, anywhere.....(couple golf balls cut and tossed here and there, but, far from significant.....)

Main problem I think is people don't check (even my people) inside, and, if you hang something contaminated, well...there ya go......
Minis, well I decided to try it really just for the learning process I knew I needed this type of knowledge to round out my growing skills (hey, there still square as far as I am concerned). I put in some BBXNL in the last week of July. I knew it was a long shot because they don’t finish until late October. I completely cleared a small 10ftx8ft square of native vegatation and put in roughly 24 plants (2/hole). I learned a lot believe it or not. It was interesting because all the native vegetation was 5ft high and the little plot was hidden well. I was apprehensive at first but knew putting in minis in uncleared patch would be a tough call. The holes I dug were sloppy nothing more than 1ftx1ft or less but they took off like a bitch. None of them finished we had a very early freeze (Oct 10th) for my area. Frost by the 10th yes but not a freeze. Anyway nothing but a positive experience and opened my eyes up. The next minis will be Oct 1st finishers. Couple of pics of the mini plot progressing they turned out to be 3.5 - 4ft and you can see how the grass starts filling in around them giving great security later on.
Well, seems like you learned a lot of many levels, with many things.....and, I think importance is more along the lines of what you said ("rounding out" as compared to completely altering......)

Different strains, seasons, locations, and on and on......

Lot of people tend to approach many things direct, with focus only on the task.....ie: "I am going to run a plot in this location".........wheras I think target and skill set should be more "Well, I have this spot, and going to run that because of x,x and x....then I have that one, and going to do this....then going to help out with that, and, yet another experience for you with the dry.....another option for many different problems or locations which might come in future, so......I mean...sounds like you learned a lot of different things, and, to me?.....that's the most important......

I've been having some serious meetings this week regarding current/past season, people, performance, and future, and, the most important to me is who has learned what........and have been very easy on them....loss I think is enough....(for the ones I am keeping), and, have seen a new dedication and sense of purpose in some.....(the ones I am keeping, of course....)....

Disappointment, regret, and on and on, but.......we all have 20-30, up to 50 more seasons ahead of us...

Things learned on a current season contribute to performance and success of the next 30+/-....

Anyone is free to put a price tag on those 30 according to their projected activities.....

If good lessons....and can be put to use.....and things learned result in bottom line yield?.........well, you know......that loss one just experienced could be a $3MM lesson :smoke:...(Mini's?.....I've probably made several million lifetime just from them, and will in future.....so.....that alone something which can be added to an approach, region, skill set, and, I believe, to anyones, anytime, anywhere...

Glad all turned out well......glad things draw from season.......and wish a safe remainder to everyone........(I still have lots not even close........finishing, weather the least of my concerns right now/this time of year.......)

On a different note (but not really...something new, etc.....)

So.....said last season was going to be doing BHO runs this season......and, is rapidly approaching, and, have spent the year having many dialogues with specific people about aspects, and also reading (and reading and reading...), but, something occurred to me yesterday which I really got psyched about, and, spent yesterday seeking more info, having some conversations about it, and, actually found some threads and words on it being done.....

Fresh(er) material used for BHO/ISO runs...

I have, as above...lot of seeded worthless shit (not going to save stock, so.....it's virtually worthless)........


Occurred to me....all the hang, dry, quick clip, etc...just to be run for bubble/oil....iso,bho, etc.....Seemed like way too much trouble, and, we all know how sticky that shit is when we're cutting :smoke: (and, yet unhandled...pristine...........as clean as it will be in the process....)

So started wondering about running it fresh, semi fresh...(could see dozen arguments for either, dry or wet)......did first run yesterday.....(ISO, still haven't found Butane bulk source, tomorrow I think...have a good line on somewhere).......

Run was done from something about a day, 2 max hang......very rough clip, washed (30 seconds, 50 max).......

Absolute cleanest, best product I have ever had in my life...(contemplating never smoking bud again :biglaugh:).....

3-4 hits...(my monsters...100% full lung, held to borderline asphyxiation, controlled with slow release)....feel comfortable saying can't remember any time have ever been that high :biglaugh:...(white, silvery, crusty.....scraped up into basically light amber diamond dust.......)

Think will be doing as above....day or so hang just to get initial heavy moisture under control after cut, bag,transport...ie: then hang, some circulation and run next day...............if volume keeps building might hit 3 days hang, but, better than 10 just to scrap it anyway and waste the time, space, risk, etc.......

Haven't run 100% fresh..(cut 10 minutes ago), but, did find threads that it's been done, and several have spoken of high quality fresh, (reduced yield)....so.......

That's how I spent my last 48 hrs :smoke:...learned and implemented something new which will save time, energy, space, etc...and, enjoyable in process :smoke:.......(and, thrilled as never have produced such nice product.....hoping each run will increase, and, might do more experiments...ie: Fresh cut, 5 minutes then run.....etc.......)

Not to mention it's going to serve me in many ways...some which can't really be mentioned her and now :smoke:.......

Right now, trying to figure out logistics of larger BHO runs....(tubes, etc....too much material to run small........O'Kief larger products available, but, thinking even bigger, etc...still figuring out, so...went with ISO for first quick run......turned out much better than I would have imagined...(Was up all night making runs, working, heading out for supplies, etc :biglaugh:....)

Most of today though just spent sharing samples and high as fuck :biglaugh:....

Yeah.......running fresh......was pleased to find info that has been done and feedback from people about doing it.....(Didn't assume for a minute first one who ever thought of it.......again...the wonder of this site :smoke:.....think of it?.....and, there you go :smoke:.....materials and resources about anything you might think of :smoke:....)


Julian, yours posts are amazing, reallly. Not tryin to kiss ass but its just like wow reading it can draw sooo much, and when you say

"we all have 20-30, up to 50 more seasons ahead of us"

I just love the positiveness you bring to this place, and I completly agree we all got a long time to grow :smoke:, to learn, to change, to progress where we want to be in life. love ya man hope next seasons best yet


New member
You were right!

You were right!

Hey Julian,

you were right. shoulda cloned and waited to plant next season. Got 1 Plant! lol. the rest were eaten or just dried up.

It was so small it wasn't even a mini, more like a mini mini.

so will clone and plant during proper season.



Awesome posts guys, beautiful hang there Ham, I've hung minis out, in spring, very humid, very wet usually, but so small, no problem.

Congrats on success Vod. I've yet to pull something I call worthy, not even a half years PS, but I'm reminded that it doesn't always come the first try.

The 'wet'/'fresh' BHO sounds amazing. I got the Deep Chunk about to flower and can only imagine what I'll do with the trim from that. I also just received the SourSaver, was late and missed the SB, but saw lifesaver and thought how nice, then saw mistake, and felt blessed, lol. So couple good genetics again, and couple 50-55 day finishers possible, ie, clone to spring run. But won't do if can't get 5-10lbs. And really, the numbers necessary, have me wishing I could get more. But too fast, will be happy to see 300-400 in spring.

Also of note, throughout the year, not even MY mentioning, learned 2, 3 other people, known/ worked with around 2-5 years, also enjoy growing. Yet they do bagseed, and get 2 ounces per 5 foot plant. Maybe not much convincing necessary, but the spread is 'growing' for sure.

20-30 more seasons, lol, that's great.


didn't think it was possible or not worth it
i still gave it a try using those waterguard cristals.
It worked out great and this within 10 minutes of a major city and with almost no rain during all summer.
I followed your tips and only whent there 3 times (preparation,planting,harvesting) and guess what it worked out great.

You are the man.
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