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Thanks J Jim! Got a few questions for you but don't wanna hijack this thread. Could you please go to


and answer my questions?

You need to use 27 VDC at 500 ma minimum. You can do this with a bench top power supply or wire three 9v batteries in series. Higher voltage make the particles smaller. One quart of distilled water. 24 hrs. It will look yellow. About piss color. I know others have had sucess with just 9 v, try this method. Spray once a day for two weeks, keep solution out of the root zone. Put into flower and spray once a week, when nanners show and have pollen pick them off and open by hand, paint pollen on pistils of target plant.
Thanks J Jim! Got a few questions for you but don't wanna hijack this thread. Could you please go to

I answered in your thread. You dont have to worry about a highjack. The people on this thread are pretty chill as long as you are respectful. I have followed it from the begining and its sister thread in the indoor fourm. Every subject under the sun has been talked about. Have you read the entire thread? Tons of good info in here if you want to be a skilled outdoor grower.


I answered in your thread. You dont have to worry about a highjack. The people on this thread are pretty chill as long as you are respectful. I have followed it from the begining and its sister thread in the indoor fourm. Every subject under the sun has been talked about. Have you read the entire thread? Tons of good info in here if you want to be a skilled outdoor grower.

No I have not read the entire 180+ page thread, to much for me to read in one sitting! I kind of skim through it. Thanks again for the tips. Appreciate it very much.

john cutter

Im telling you man, read the entire thread. I did it, doesnt take too long really. just remember what page you're on and come back to it. It WILL change your life. It did mine. Fucking goldmine of info in here. Basically a step by step plan to make your dreams come true. If you read the thread and have a really good work ethic and can motivate yourself you can do anything you want to do.
If you read the thread and have a really good work ethic and can motivate yourself you can do anything you want to do.
Knowledge is always the key to sucess, no matter how you measure it. Now when people say you cant do something, you can just smile. Or maybe help them see the light if you are so inclined. Julian has changed many people's lives. We all have inside story on growing as much as you need. No excuses anymore for not making your dreams come true, no matter what they might be. Next season is right around the corner. What has everyone decided about their stock. Strains??


Well-known member
Hey Julian
I wanted to say Merry Christmas and happy next growing season. I PMed you but know you cant get to everyone so I thought I drop one here also.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Thank you for the kind words and wishes.....and of course the same to all and your families in this Holiday season......

Was going to post different things recently...but just delete and logged off......have had moments deep in despair.....such that, unless one has experienced it first hand....simple no way to ever understand.....similar to food poisoning :biglaugh: (which I had recently, and spend 2 days straight crawling on hands and knees between bed and bathroom, giving up and just passing out on bathroom floor so when woke up was right there.......)

Still not sure what's going to happen....where I am going.....what is to happen in future, but, I awoke today with a stronger sense of peace than I have had in a while and a realization:

The realization was.........Hardcore...
Times get bad......they move to worse....the options disappear....thing get blacker....until eventually nothing is left but yourself.....

And that's fine.....because somewhere along the line I lost track of my personal saving grace:

I am the hardest core mutherfucker I have ever known......and If I can't pull out of the shit?......then it just can't be done :biglaugh:...

My last time I was in a bind.....I was penniless....and worked 120+hrs a week while starting from pennies what became a multi million dollar business...(show me another :smoke:)

I work for a week straight without sleep.......(show me another)....I drive for a week straight without sleep (show me another).....

I'm adding this because it seemed all tied in to the main objectives.....

In the end.......even if everything is fine.....are you?...

I'm working on a lot of different things.....emotions have come into play....concern and worry set in.....pressure?....well.....a simple enough thing until you live and breathe it for too long......(no one can 24/7/365....without it easing up....starts to weigh too heavily and cloud judgment.......)

So...today I'm "back".......(in mind, spirit, etc......I'm back....Me)

I've actually been working on many things which, really, if any one falls through (let alone all :smoke:).....I might very well be in a better position in life than I ever have been....)

And, in the end....as discussed....everything is for a reason.....I'm willing to accept whatever the universe deems for me...whether that be good or bad.....and know and accept everything for a reason,and paves the way to the future.......

So....for now........my thanks for the wishes....my apologies for getting behind.....and my assurance that I have a feeling the subject matter and thread are possibly not over, with the best just maybe, maybe :smoke:...to come.......

There very well may be some interesting op notes coming up....but, I'm not sharing anything till everything falls into place.......(my entire life right now is coming down to the next 7-14 days.........14 days......either all is lost (everything.....period...everything I have, own, do....etc)....or....an entire different picture, overview and life......(The downside is such occurring during the holiday season....which either will make for the happiest "new" year I've ever had......or the absolute worst :biglaugh: (And that's just fuuuucked up :biglaugh:)....

We will see........in the meantime....my thanks again for the kind words and wishes.....and my respect for all my fellow men (people) of action.........growers: The people who do it in a world of "talkers"........who do everything alone.....by themselves....without any support for their objectives and vision (even when we have "help"....we're all still essentially alone......)

To people of action. The same above applies to all of you. We're the ones who get things done. Who make and change the world. While others talk and trail off......while others "think about it".........

If it can be done?.......I'd place us before anyone else...(my goal in past also has been to show how that can be applied to anything else in life....many are well versed about many activities and interests.....but they're just talkers.......and action is what turns a thought into reality.....)

(I just don't "feel it"......that this is how it all ends for me.....that my future is nothing......after spending so many years doing the things I have...the way I have.....just can't be......still non stop energy....still mentally at the top of my game......100's of millions passed through my hands from 10 different things and, what?...I'm going to be dumpster dan?.....:biglaugh:.....ehh.....just can't see it? :biglaugh:)...

Anyway........to all.....to all who act......who make their thoughts a reality.....who work when others sleeping......who don't give up despite it looking futile......

Happy Holidays ya bad ass mutherfuckers :biglaugh:...


We'll talk again soon. Be well.


.......(my entire life right now is coming down to the next 7-14 days.........14 days......either all is lost (everything.....period...everything I have, own, do....etc)....or....an entire different picture, overview and life......

Good to see you're still alive and kicking, Julian, and best wishes for the current projects. Whichever way it goes, though, if you get through with your badassness intact you'll be all right.

From the last page of the Tao Te Ching:

Tao Te Ching said:
The sage does not accumulate (for himself). The more that he
expends for others, the more does he possess of his own; the more that
he gives to others, the more does he have himself.

5 more months till planting...


What's up Julian glad to see your back. I've been following this thread since the start and have to say it's been a very motivating read. I've been in and out since the OG days and its been people like you threads like this that make theses places what they are by selflessly contributing vast amounts of knowledge. In this trade where we are all solo these conversations are priceless. Anyhow I had to just thank you for being you again and wish ya luck in the next two weeks. I'm sure everything will work out for you. Have a great holiday season and hopefully the best new year ever! Oh yeah!five short months and it's go time " dumpster Dan" cmon man not never! You know that so don't even man that's crazy talk. Drinks on me J cheers! Stay Hardcore. Rodney
'Sup J ?

Glad to see that you are back. The ebb and flow of life can be hard to understand at times. In your last few posts I could sense that it was alll weighing heavily on you. Earlier in thread you mentioned the fact that you could teach a homless man how to make 6 figures in one year, using only Mc Donalds cups and bag seed. Not trying to jab, but maybe you are that homless guy???

Dude, you can do anything you want, I know you can.

Hardcore is the way to ride. Jump in, dig in, and do the damn thing. Whatever your project.

You have to live in your car in the national park?? So what. I've met lots of cool people on skid row, Im sure you have too. Not stupid, just down on their luck, like we all get from time to time.



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Just preparing for the worst, but not quite accepting it yet :smoke:...

I would like to thank all for their interest, and input....the kind words....and the words of encouragement....

While the initial check is not yet in hand, and I don't want to go into it yet (It's far too complex anyway.....I'm really amazed that such genius was in me...) I may very well have things not only beyond control, but involved in something much larger than I ever thought I would be in my lifetime.

Details later, and, I assure....more interesting and amazing than even the most imaginative could even begin to dream....

When all details finally released...here and in public..(By the time I am ready to share, will be things about it found many places :smoke:)..I assure all........it's certain to astound, and, for future reference....I'm the first to acknowledge the blessing....and I'm honored....

(Don't even try to guess.....it's an impossibility....and not going to share until public....and then?....well, I'm okay and nothing to lose on any front.....)

I hope all are well......and never give up hope if in a rough spot....(but making sure to work forward against all odds.....)...In the end?.......what has happened, is happening, will happen was not exactly a part of a thought related to anything I worked on......so....I guess you never know when something will arise.....

(Fuck I wish I could share even a portion....:smoke:.......it's fuckin beyond what anyone could ever imagine...myself included....)

A Happy Holidays to all.....and to your families.....and if I could wave my hand and give to everyone deserving of rewards for hard work...and some help....I would......just like has been given to me......

I'll be back.......and I'll check in....and maybe share a little.....

My Thanks to everyone.....it's been a pleasure and honor to be of service thus far, and I hope to again in the future in many ways if you'll allow me...and as always...it would be my pleasure to be able to assist anyone, in any way I can......

Note: I was maybe 7 days away from losing every single possession I have, living in last car I have (last one not taken till next week:smoke:)...(I've long since lost everything else week by week , month by month.....business's, bank accounts, properties.....only my true home and one car was left...)
Last edited:
Love that conceited attitude Julia. Great to hear your sitting on a multi-million dollar intangible business. Sounds like some central america ballin' shit. You're quite the dreamer julia, good for you. A lot of this stuff is nonsensical repetition that is hardly realistic at all.

Seasons Greetings.


Tropical Outcast

You're quite the dreamer julia, good for you. A lot of this stuff is nonsensical repetition that is hardly realistic at all.

Seasons Greetings.

I am sure many have realized that by now as well.



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Ahhh the Holidays......the time of the year when lonely, bitter and jealous people with no accomplishments to speak of become the most unhappy.....those who offer nothing to others, who provide nothing to others, crawl out of their little dark holes and make their way into places they've been told they're not welcome, but continue to come back again and again, which display they, in life, possess none of the qualities they would try and have one believe......

A man (?) who spends his time in such a manner......when there are so many around them in need is certainly not a man.....let alone one who is worthy of respect, let alone their time....

Of course, what else could be said about someone who spends their holidays stalking someone anonymously on the internet through various names they had made up to do so.....:biglaugh:

I guess I don't have it so bad after all.....

It's very brave of you to come out and share such with us during the holidays.....and we all wish you a prosperous 2010....one which brings with it an accomplishment to share........something of value to offer.......and possibly one with a faint glimmer of self respect....(god willing :biglaugh:).....

To everyone else, going to try and get to some PM's this week.....and looking forward to an update......lot of things in the works that will be my pleasure to share.....


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
Happy Holidays Julian, its almost a new year! 2009 sucked ass! for a LOT of people! 2010 will be better!

take care man :joint:


Tropical Outcast
Ahhh the Holidays......the time of the year when lonely, bitter and jealous people with no accomplishments to speak of become the most unhappy.....those who offer nothing to others, who provide nothing to others, crawl out of their little dark holes and make their way into places they've been told they're not welcome, but continue to come back again and again, which display they, in life, possess none of the qualities they would try and have one believe......


Just because others don't show off what they have and make endless posts about their accomplishments it doesn't mean they haven't made it anywhere...

Remember what they say about dogs that bark the loudest?



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Happy Holidays Julian, its almost a new year! 2009 sucked ass! for a LOT of people! 2010 will be better!

take care man :joint:
Thanks man.....you too. Yeah....09' not the best for many.....and I know a few myself.....(The minute I get back up, they're first on my list :biglaugh:....so much for the not helping anyone anymore :biglaugh:....)

My best wishes to all for Holidays and 10'....another chance, more opportunities right around the corner.....(I've always been optimistic....but I've been stuck in the need money to make money funk, so.....)

Amen brother.......Amen.....:smoke:..

Just because others don't show off what they have and make endless posts about their accomplishments it doesn't mean they haven't made it anywhere...

Your currently sitting in a place that exists to help others...your accomplishments, your failures are shared to benefit another...All are either here to share, learn, or both. You offer neither of the above....

The absurdity is I have made more posts about my failures than my accomplishments.

Anyone doesn't "like" me?.......well....basically.....tough shit.......but at this point in the game, there have been more than enough opportunities for people to offer their views and opinions as far as any statements I have made...but they never do..(yourself included)....they offer nothing....they share nothing....they merely attempt to judge anothers life when they have yet to even prove their own :smoke:

I don't address trolls anymore for the most part.....but the holiday finds me in the giving and generous spirit......and if anyones read anything recent......thinking one can actually affect my life in one way or another by mere empty words from an empty, one liner post count handle.....well......your family is much more deserving of your time, I assure you.....



john cutter

Let the scrooges do their thing J. Those of us that the thread helped dont even notice the neg posts. We see all 183 pages as a stream of info relating to the big picture. Its the discussion and abstract ideas that matter, not proof of who did what.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor

You building a spaceship Julian? That would be cool...

Whats your experience planting right next to streams? I have found one thats in well hidden, kinda bottom of a minor gully... surrounded by broken trees and stuff. But quite exposed to sun.

I dont have time to prep a irrigation system this time but have been advised damming and using timer and drippers... have used em bfore and found em a pain, uneven pressure, blockages etc.

So... i am thinking small planters dug next to stream and fill these with coco, soil, sand, ferts, charcoal and burying em. Thinking the roots will find the stream and have a constant water source without drowning...?

Planters are quite small bags... nice and cheap and strong enough i reckon for few months.

Its an area of high rainfall... so flash flooding maybe poss...

Anyway any advice or exp. you have would be helpful.

Cheers and good luck with your projects!

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