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Mr. Stinky

Having some animal problems here. Something either a rabbit or cat is eating the leaves off my small clones

this is most likely slugs. most critters dont just keep eating mj. slug damage can strip all foliage leaving you with little sticks.
Gotta love the critters mate! Im so sick of slugs and bugs.. Seems like the bugs and critters are at an all time high this year! Damn things! I have seen very large numbers of spider mites outdoors! I mean everywhere I go, I see spider mites! Whats the deal?



New member
Software for analysis

Software for analysis

Hey Julian,

I am currently on page 81 and working my way to the end. If you have already mentioned it somewhere in between I apologize for not getting there yet.

What charting software do you use?

Oh, and THANK YOU for the deep knowledge that you are sharing with us. Very much appreciate it. Heck, like someone said earlier, I'd pay for it if I had any money!


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Everything above covered extensively earlier.

bushmasta said:
What are you guys doing for mosquitoes this year? Seems like the worst year ever for them IMO. Gotta wear long sleeves and jeans with shoes but then they swarm in my face. Don't like using repellants cause if it kills a mosquito it will kill me.

By the way Julian you said you change nutes all the time but what have you been mostly using this yr as far as time release nutes, Guanos?
1. Actually, I don't really wear anything anymore........(have been having this conversation a lot lately).....Why?......because even when I do, it does little really to prevent anything.....I end the day covered with it, reeking, and, sometimes a long enough drive where even all windows open still leave me having to stop and get out in cases where I can't take a shower...vehicle then also reeks also (and a nice vehicle, so....)

I carry the bite stuff (ammonia based as earlier), and basically have relief seconds within putting it on, with all gone in minutes, so.......I get pretty focused when doing a lot of stuff, so......I just go ahead, do what I have to do, and then when done use the bite relief.....carry a lot with me.....for recreation, I really don't either....ie: I don't spend time taking a shower, getting clean, clean clothes, and of course lines of expensive scent products to then spray myself down with deet, so......

Nah, I really don't use much these days.....once in a while....(if I am heading out on a mission, I'm just wearing shit anyway, and then sometimes have the opportunity to take a shower, change clothes afterwards depending on op and location, etc, so...some days might just hop out of bed, throw on work clothes and then some clean stuff and other stuff in spare bag for shower and hang out after, etc...

2. Nutes.......Yeah, I did really want to try the AN outdoor line this year......but not working out that way as many things just changed all year and such and still are....

Right now a mix of many things.......things that were laying around from past (organics), some new things grabbed this year (organics, chem), and then might have to grab some more things still again, and, will grab whatever presents itself, etc....

I think I have read here and there that one can't use organics and chems......for whatever reason...but, I've done it many times....many times........(Note: You know....many projects, many things...you end up with a lot of container of different things......some excess from some ops......some mixed up and not used on others, and on and on, and, in the end, I basically mix them all together depending on the what and where.........

Right now working on a bunch of mixed stuff....couldn't even begin to try and break it down....had some guanos, rock phosphate, greensand......think was some kelp meal around and some other mineral rich things........then typical chem time (osmocote, MG flower mixes, etc) release things used......lot of things going around......went through a bit of a compost/manure mix I found for $1 for 40lbs bags (Think was triple .05 or something like that) :biglaugh:......which makes me laugh every time I think of it......had some poultry manure I scored somewhere (no details..but good pure shit, almost pennies....) and on and on.......

Definitely want to try AN outdoor line...had some calculations broken down earlier........don't remember exactly but the ballpark was something like if it given me an extra 2 lbs it already paid for itself (2 tons?...)...don't remember exact..think was like 4k a ton or something like that...so..(2 tons, paid for by 2 lbs)....it was something amusing......


I don't know about anyone else, but I am absolutely busting my ass this season so far and will continue.......and, really not much to add, except am having quite a bit of fun so far :smoke:, and, just might have some equally fun pics later :smoke:......

Going into the home stretch.....(when planting finished and then waiting to wrap it up).......changing over to minis.....eh......working well overall and all issues which made me do so apply........of course......only issues are ability and spots for starts creating problems (ie: too many to start, too little time, too little space, etc, transport, etc).....

Overall working well.....might be sharing some interesting things :smoke: (have a spot with 7600 we are finishing up :smoke:)....pretty small, so, not much of a sight, but, maybe some pics of that one later :smoke:...(I really haven't been taking pics yet...everything small.....which is why I love those little fucker :biglaugh:......could walk right past 1,000 of em :biglaugh:.......

Will introduce shots though also to coincide with points made......not merely just for the sake of shots....(which I find boring after a while......analogy of looking at pictures of cars, vs. looking at pictures of cars with modifications and to discuss and illustrate the mods done, and so on :smoke:....)

Really would like to share shot of control plot...might inspire someone :smoke:...(where it is, how many, how well hidden, etc...several hundred in fairly tight urban setting.....)

Hope all are well, we're getting there......and, for those out earlier (have pep talked a few recently)...July is the month :smoke:...say it all the time....have seen things go out 1' July 1st at 6' July 31st.....(full prep, good holes, good spots, etc).......

We're getting there....(a little too fast for me :biglaugh:, but, whatever :biglaugh:......)

I'm trying to avoid estimates myself, but, coming off worst year ever......sometimes stop for a minute and run estimates...(low, medium, optimistic.....more for people working who want them......starting to raise my eyebrow a bit :smoke:......)

Have things discussed earlier being worked on also for next season......already working on it per se (planning, accumulation, discussions, estimates, budgets, etc)....right now just "autopilot".....minute this season wrapped up (which to me is cut and brought in), going to start on fem and AF fem production asap.....have some other ideas and desires going to get done also (non AF fem stock production at the same time in different location....Chem/OG fems, SS fems, SSH fems, and going to run last handfull of BOG SB to make fem stock from it also)

Hope all are doing well.....we're getting there.....Hope all are having good season...good weather.......and safe,..........

Time for me flying extremely fast right about now......not enough actually to finish everything I want......


New member
Phew, just finished the whole damn thread! I think my brain is about to pop...its almost 5AM.

Just want to say thanks again Julian. My friend pointed this website out to me a few weeks ago, i think. He wanted to grow and needed a partner. I asked him after I read through page 80, why the fuck didnt you bring this up 3 months ago so we could prep?!? and plant in the beginning of season???

We got 50 femmed seeds coming...looks like we are doing mini's....lol.

Can't wait to read about your massive AF experiments...Julian blazes the trail and people follow.

This is actually very exciting work.

I wish I could start with more but all we can get is 50 so that is what we will start with...

i am going to mix nutes myself. I was wondering if you ever had the problem of some nutes being granular and some being powder, if the powder ends up at the bottom of the bag?



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
I was going to just post a quick comments regarding the fem stock (seed).....but am wired pretty tight lately, so probably would have added more......so figure what the fuck...:smoke:.....

Note: I have been wanting to add quite a bit......I'm busier than I have ever been, and encountering much more than I would in a typical season (because pressing forwards 10 times harder than ever before...)......Frankly........while it's getting a lot done.(but not enough for me! :smoke:)...it causing a lot of problems..:smoke:....

Have had a couple moments lately of second guessing certain things....(more related to views, behavior...:biglaugh:..), but, while one should always be as honest and unbiased as possible.....one should also recognize when they are in the right, and stand firm.....(I was banned going into from 2 of my favorite places in past 2 weeks and had someone walk off site on me last week :biglaugh:......)

janus375 said:
Phew, just finished the whole damn thread! I think my brain is about to pop...its almost 5AM.

Just want to say thanks again Julian. My friend pointed this website out to me a few weeks ago, i think. He wanted to grow and needed a partner. I asked him after I read through page 80, why the fuck didnt you bring this up 3 months ago so we could prep?!? and plant in the beginning of season???
Well, first of all......I thank you for your time.....and glad of interest, glad drew something positive, of value from my time....(If you've read through all, you see not nearly the prick most make me out to be :biglaugh:)....

The unenlightened will wave many things off as ego, attitude, and so on and so on......(which will also happen to one in real life).........

In reality, it's merely being firm, and certainty, etc (this is all going somewhere, I assure you :smoke:.....some things for you and other general additions to thread for everyone else...I am going to work in general additions and your post....)...

I had a conversation with a couple people this week regarding partners........

Do I need them?........well....sometimes........and it's not a term I use as much these days as before.......

Are trimmers "partners"?......No...I don't consider them such.......and most I have are fully aware that it's my thing.......but don't have a problem as most are old, have been around for a while, some having been involved in ops, and learned what they feel most comfortable with...ie: Trimming, some prep, but not walking out into patches and into ops all season (risk issues)....

That's fine......absolutely.....I think much more of someone who knows themself than someone who doesn't....

Btw.....I am of course honored one would use me as a reference to educate a potential partner.


More fun:
So I have one thing going somewhere with someone........basically, they are planting, and sexing......(2 trips, probably no more than 4-5hrs total).....(vets are gonna love this one :smoke:)

So he expressed to me that he wished for a little more....

My response:?
"I have a question for you............just a question....think about it and answer......not busting your balls....just a question..........."

"If you had to choose from 2 "partners".....which would you prefer......would you rather have one that pays for everything.....supplies everything......teaches you everything......gets rid of everything for top dollar and do a couple hours work........or would you rather have one where you pay for everything, you supply everything, you teach them everything, and you get rid of everything and they do a couple hours work?"....


If you've read entire thread, you went through sections about partners.....but that seemed like a funny addition I wanted to share......

I also had someone walk off site on me this week........right before any work to be done......(was to begin prep...lot of work.....)

Anyway.....what I wanted to share which I have been lately:
Do I need them, do I want them, do I have to have them?

What I shared this week, is, in the end, it enables me not only to run multiple things, multiple places, simultaneously, and have a piece of multiple things....(including my own here and there :smoke:)....but it also enables me to help others...

You come to me, depending on what time of year...........your hurting, money problems, this issue, that issue, hurting, etc......

Done deal......can put most to work right now...(I have one guy whose a worker, and have basically quoted him anywhere from $500-$2,000 an hour, depending on the job (all paid ..whatever...90 days, end of season, in cash.......)

Extremely generous?......well, no....I don't think so......I get $4k a p basically..(sometimes 3, whatever)......so......if I bring him in to dig/drill, haul supplies.....I just calculate a certain amount based on that...(and could be something with me and someone else, so..can't commit a larger portion, etc......)

Enables one to help another....


Depending on your location, still not too late....but will get to my thoughts below:
We got 50 femmed seeds coming...looks like we are doing mini's....lol.
Not sure of age, experience in or out....sounds like your experience level out may not be high. Note: I don't typically offer much to "new" growers anymore, as in thread....and not an insult.....starting from square one requires patience......and I'm usually too full force these days to be that patient.......(but then if you just went through entire thread, got it all......well, frankly, I think your ahead of the game, and have probably just been exposed to quite a bit that a lot aren't aware of........ie: "getting them in/how you get them in" is a concept even a lot with experience don't get, and it costs them down the road....and they spend time and effort trying to "catch up"..

Growing is not difficult: It is a series of minor things, which all in themselves may not seem significant, but each and every step, and combined dramatically increase success....

That being said:
Save the fems........those 50 seeds could represent up to 100lbs next season......(up to....I'd call it 25....could hit 50....etc....making a point here)....

If "warming up" and doing a mini run....use some bagseed if able......you will get quick exposure, experience, get a "feel".......and, I say (many would disagree but most who would, well....) that even a failed attempt (combined with a knowledge base) will teach you more than any other source could (ie: doing it)..........

That is if you have an interest in learning....which if your spending such time on site reading.....you of course do......

Save the good stuff.....start planning and prepping and accumulating for next year....(unless the resource$ to just get more over winter, spring, etc) and run bunch of bagseed......(but more referring to something decent....Mexi sativas and such, depending where you are, won't turn out well/finish.........)

As earlier: You select your strains starting with finish times...

Nothing matters if they don't finish......nothing...not budget, execution, spot, etc.........they don't finish, was a waste........(sure you might have learned something.....but nice to bring in the product also.....)

I wanted to add more stuff.........will after respond to post.....don't want to confuse you what is for you and what are general notes....
Can't wait to read about your massive AF experiments...Julian blazes the trail and people follow.
Well, essentially minis......which I have done for many years, so....while the AF "new".....not really..ya know?....and wanting to do larger spot has been years in the making now......the only way AF's come into play or of interest is changing time (instead of end season, start), and now quality of AF's....which I have been watching and waiting now for several years.....(maybe someone can add......I think they've been available now for....5 years?...maybe even more........so, not a "new" idea...just one that is now more "desirable"......not more "possible"....:smoke:.....

I've been encouraging (trying) people to do minis for almost 10 years....(think going on about 7-8?)

Going to add some more later......about people, mindsets, possibilities....fear....:smoke:....(related to my experiences lately with people).......

How, what,where, how well one grows?...........really, in the end falls to one thing.......:smoke:
This is actually very exciting work.
If it is for you....then your already miles ahead of others, even others with experience......
I wish I could start with more but all we can get is 50 so that is what we will start with...

i am going to mix nutes myself. I was wondering if you ever had the problem of some nutes being granular and some being powder, if the powder ends up at the bottom of the bag?
1. When using bags (anyone), go with the contractor bags........any others will rip quickly, easily.....nute mix is heavy....clip a branch here and there and your done.....contractor bags only bags that can stand up to the pressure, weight, abuse......(and still not impossible to puncture, but a hell of a lot more so than others).....

2.Yes, they do sometimes, and require mixing, remixing, etc, constantly......you can't just mix it up and expect it to stay as such........the finer will settle.......

Just be careful mixing your own.......especially if new to doing so......

Endless threads, endless information......and on mixes probably much better than I could offer, because I tend to do my mixing essentially as I am walking, shopping, and then actually mixing....sometimes will not use things I buy......sometimes will use less....sometimes will change mind...as above, mid/end I have lots of leftovers....some get remixed, some get saved, and so on.......so....

I'd say if your new, focus on a nice all purpose, and then maybe add micros and minerals and such....(and beneficials....which I sometimes forget....)

Yeah man.......save the 50.....get a head start next season (can also clone them, lot of people do.......I don't, but many do with success.....so......) and, as first post....and elsewhere...endless scenarios....ie: start 50, hold back 10, veg for another later round (to clone), start 25, same, clone, then another 25, then clone......the options are limitless, truly........(could even hold, buy another pack or 2, M/F, run them as minis for seed......if knowledgeable, even fem them, and so on.....

There is absolutely no limit....period.....

(General note: I might be taking the last of my good stock (BOG SB and Pink Lemon) and using them for a mini seed fem run...have been teaching someone how to treat them with CS, etc........)

Another note: I still have the RKS stock :smoke: which actually did germinate and grow out last year but was hit by something, most likely due to storage......ie: I didn't wash them first....they grew out fine and quick and dropped like flies......

Thanks for letting me add other things above.......


All I see lately...here.....there....everywhere...........is people talking themselves out of why they can't do something..........

I had one bad season to to lazy, unreliable, stupid help......

What did that do?.......

That made many doubt me in life....I don't like it...

I've had to remind people more than once this year:
It works each time, every time, all the time when you do what you have to do. Period.

I'm not even going to talk, but, I'm going to have some interesting things to share later, cause right now, I am doing absolutely everything :smoke:

Im working spots I have available....(Like sand op last season, which despite shortcomings from help.......was absolutely astounding growth......I was surprised, pleased........and , actually.....I'm guilty of the above and now see that I was bypassing spots with great possibilities.........)

Meaning people get to wrapped up in a single situation, and while discussed walk past spots which are good, discount others which they are not versed in...(ie: I wasn't versed in sand......but not a leap to simple alter ones mix with nuances of site in mind..........)

Growing is growing.......anywhere, anytime, any way possible...

A certain site or situation carries with it a change in issues......those little nuances..........

Anything is possible........

I'm basically doing 24/7 now, every day, staggered rounds, and have 5+ people out each and every day working...(myself also...but I have to plan, fund, prep everything at the same time......and looks like have secured major spot for large plans shortly......:smoke:.....going over now how to prep...might bring in and dump shortly...might wait till after season (which for me is when everything cut.....then pick up on next).......

Hope all are well....got couple calls while writing so lost train of thought and hope didn't lose it enough to not make sense :biglaugh:....

Hope all are well.........hope all are doing well........hope many (know some) are getting done what they want...more than they want........etc........

I've also learned there is only so much one can do to convince others of what is possible, what is probable.......only so much........

I don't know......maybe I am the same.....maybe others are different....maybe the world is different........maybe I am...and so on....

But lately..:biglaugh:......I find myself looking around......and all I think is " Pfffftttt............pussies"......




Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Fuck......I think I lost train of thought couple times on that one.....:biglaugh: will add more later........I'm pretty excited (trying to stay/be).....lot of things, lot of places, lot of new situations....and of course my thanks to all who have lent an ear in my becoming well versed on those in an extremely short period of time :smoke:....

Note on the above......depending on ones knowledge, a single post can sometimes answer all your questions.....a single conversation........an overview of nuances.......etc.......

If you grow, if well versed?......Don't be intimidated by a spot that differes from what your used to.....

Just do it........

You know.....day to day...week after week, month after month, year after year...I hear sooo many people just talk....

(Of course, I am the wrong guy to "talk" to :smoke:.......I'll have the entire thing outlines and be ready to go in 8 days :smoke:...........and that usually slows talkers down pretty quick :smoke:).....

Just do it.

I am starting to develop an extreme distaste for "talking"........

Most can have and do whatever they want almost immediately.....

But they sit, and ponder, and convince themselves why they can't...(That's why I get so uppity about negativity sometimes........who can even imagine what has been killed even before it started...........)

My target for myself this year? (for myself...before splits...correction...myself, my pocket, when all is said and done.....)

$1MM in 60 days.

To anyone who would see or hear and start their whining?

It's almost done.......it's almost there.........it is happening :smoke:...(and, such would still continue debating such despite those facts :biglaugh:...and discuss why I can and they can't....and discuss how I am this, or I am that, and it's all because they're not....blah,blah,blah,blah.....)

Fuckin people..........:biglaugh:....

Why?....how can I?....magic? :biglaugh:

No......it's because I chose to. I acted upon it. I follow through on it. I push and work harder when others walk away...I work more when they sleep...I work harder when others are giving up....

That's how :smoke:

And that is the only thing that seperates me from anyone else....

Lot of people thing "wow, would love to work with that guy, etc"......

I drill 95% of all I work with into the ground within a week....

I'm not bigger.....(well..6'+,solid 230...) I'm not stronger......so how can I then? :smoke:....

Doesn't take physical strength or endurance to place 2,000 seeds in pellets one by one with tip of a knife while sitting and watching TV....:smoke:...

(And, to repeat the same as earlier.....I expect nothing from anyone that I have not done, or do myself 100 times before.....)
Last edited:


New member
Have had a couple moments lately of second guessing certain things....(more related to views, behavior...:biglaugh:..), but, while one should always be as honest and unbiased as possible.....one should also recognize when they are in the right, and stand firm.....(I was banned going into from 2 of my favorite places in past 2 weeks and had someone walk off site on me last week :biglaugh:......)

Sorry to hear that but I imagine that is part of outdoor growing and as you said, you make up for it in volume and expect losses.

Well, first of all......I thank you for your time.....and glad of interest, glad drew something positive, of value from my time....(If you've read through all, you see not nearly the prick most make me out to be :biglaugh:)....

The unenlightened will wave many things off as ego, attitude, and so on and so on......(which will also happen to one in real life).........

In reality, it's merely being firm, and certainty, etc (this is all going somewhere, I assure you :smoke:.....some things for you and other general additions to thread for everyone else...I am going to work in general additions and your post....)...
Never thought you were a prick...Experienced and not putting up with shit from people who pretend to know after growing a few plants...huge difference. I am just thankful that you put this idea out there and shared.

You mentioned the magic phrase...managed risk...i thought he was crazy at first then I read YOUR thread and THOUGHT about it. You were/are right...it's all about risk management...do it right and very little problems.

I had a conversation with a couple people this week regarding partners........

Do I need them?........well....sometimes........and it's not a term I use as much these days as before.......

Are trimmers "partners"?......No...I don't consider them such.......and most I have are fully aware that it's my thing.......but don't have a problem as most are old, have been around for a while, some having been involved in ops, and learned what they feel most comfortable with...ie: Trimming, some prep, but not walking out into patches and into ops all season (risk issues)....

That's fine......absolutely.....I think much more of someone who knows themself than someone who doesn't....

Btw.....I am of course honored one would use me as a reference to educate a potential partner.
ironically, he is the one acting flaky...i have to call him several times to get his ass out of bed and head into the wilderness to check out sites...I even told him that if anything, it should be the other way around...and I find myself supplying most of the funds...universe has a sense of humor.

I wonder if he has the will to drill a 1000 holes a week next season and plant several thousand AF's and mini's. we will see i suppose. the worst thing that could happen is that i scale down to what i can do myself...no problem.

My response:?
"I have a question for you............just a question....think about it and answer......not busting your balls....just a question..........."

"If you had to choose from 2 "partners".....which would you prefer......would you rather have one that pays for everything.....supplies everything......teaches you everything......gets rid of everything for top dollar and do a couple hours work........or would you rather have one where you pay for everything, you supply everything, you teach them everything, and you get rid of everything and they do a couple hours work?"....
i thought that was gonna be me...after all I have no experience in growing per se, just a lot of experience running businesses and working my ass off. Probably why he asked me instead of the rest of his friends...my word is my bond.


If you've read entire thread, you went through sections about partners.....but that seemed like a funny addition I wanted to share......

I also had someone walk off site on me this week........right before any work to be done......(was to begin prep...lot of work.....)
you can a bring a horse to water but you can't make it drink!

Anyway.....what I wanted to share which I have been lately:
Do I need them, do I want them, do I have to have them?

What I shared this week, is, in the end, it enables me not only to run multiple things, multiple places, simultaneously, and have a piece of multiple things....(including my own here and there :smoke:)....but it also enables me to help others...

You come to me, depending on what time of year...........your hurting, money problems, this issue, that issue, hurting, etc......

Done deal......can put most to work right now...(I have one guy whose a worker, and have basically quoted him anywhere from $500-$2,000 an hour, depending on the job (all paid ..whatever...90 days, end of season, in cash.......)

Extremely generous?......well, no....I don't think so......I get $4k a p basically..(sometimes 3, whatever)......so......if I bring him in to dig/drill, haul supplies.....I just calculate a certain amount based on that...(and could be something with me and someone else, so..can't commit a larger portion, etc......)

Enables one to help another....
actually, very generous of you...but i kinda notice that because of your previous condition, you are very willing to help people out...some people though just don't want to be helped.

I hope he gets his act together by next season...we only have 50 this season so no biggie...can do that myself in one day.

Depending on your location, still not too late....but will get to my thoughts below:

Not sure of age, experience in or out....sounds like your experience level out may not be high. Note: I don't typically offer much to "new" growers anymore, as in thread....and not an insult.....starting from square one requires patience......and I'm usually too full force these days to be that patient.......(but then if you just went through entire thread, got it all......well, frankly, I think your ahead of the game, and have probably just been exposed to quite a bit that a lot aren't aware of........ie: "getting them in/how you get them in" is a concept even a lot with experience don't get, and it costs them down the road....and they spend time and effort trying to "catch up"..

Growing is not difficult: It is a series of minor things, which all in themselves may not seem significant, but each and every step, and combined dramatically increase success....

That being said:
Save the fems........those 50 seeds could represent up to 100lbs next season......(up to....I'd call it 25....could hit 50....etc....making a point here)....

If "warming up" and doing a mini run....use some bagseed if able......you will get quick exposure, experience, get a "feel".......and, I say (many would disagree but most who would, well....) that even a failed attempt (combined with a knowledge base) will teach you more than any other source could (ie: doing it)..........

That is if you have an interest in learning....which if your spending such time on site reading.....you of course do......

Save the good stuff.....start planning and prepping and accumulating for next year....(unless the resource$ to just get more over winter, spring, etc) and run bunch of bagseed......(but more referring to something decent....Mexi sativas and such, depending where you are, won't turn out well/finish.........)
no experience in growing at all. asked my partner about bagseed...decided that better not let anyone else know we are growing by asking for seed. This is a trial run, can get more money so will buy more seeds for next season.

Location is good, dont care if they come out mini's, experience from that will help a lot. He needs money and neither of us are in position to clone...i know that sounds unlikely but both of us have too many people in our respective houses, would be very unsecure.

I learned from this really experienced guy that security was prime importance...

As earlier: You select your strains starting with finish times...
lol...found out after i ordered the seeds but since i only have 30 (never gonna order from them again. ordered 50, paid for 50 and got 30, wtf.) it wont make any difference.

Well, essentially minis......which I have done for many years, so....while the AF "new".....not really..ya know?....and wanting to do larger spot has been years in the making now......the only way AF's come into play or of interest is changing time (instead of end season, start), and now quality of AF's....which I have been watching and waiting now for several years.....(maybe someone can add......I think they've been available now for....5 years?...maybe even more........so, not a "new" idea...just one that is now more "desirable"......not more "possible"....:smoke:.....

I've been encouraging (trying) people to do minis for almost 10 years....(think going on about 7-8?)
you've definitely convinced me. lowers risk by a great amount. can't beat that.

How, what,where, how well one grows?...........really, in the end falls to one thing.......:smoke:

If it is for you....then your already miles ahead of others, even others with experience......
it is. gonna make this work no matter what. will try differing amounts of nute and hole size to see how different factors affect plant.

I'd say if your new, focus on a nice all purpose, and then maybe add micros and minerals and such....(and beneficials....which I sometimes forget....)
that is what my conclusion was. start with crystals, time release nutes and micronutrients. add other stuff next season, better for observation to see what works and what works well.

Yeah man.......save the 50.....get a head start next season (can also clone them, lot of people do.......I don't, but many do with success.....so......) and, as first post....and elsewhere...endless scenarios....ie: start 50, hold back 10, veg for another later round (to clone), start 25, same, clone, then another 25, then clone......the options are limitless, truly........(could even hold, buy another pack or 2, M/F, run them as minis for seed......if knowledgeable, even fem them, and so on.....

There is absolutely no limit....period.....
need own place to do that and bro needs money so it has to go into ground. 50 plants plenty to boot strap process...if we mess up then i will buy more seeds (from different supplier since this one can't seem to fill order properly. If they can't fill a 50 seed order, I suspect they can't handle hundreds, never mind thousands.)

All I see lately...here.....there....everywhere...........is people talking themselves out of why they can't do something..........

I had one bad season to to lazy, unreliable, stupid help......

What did that do?.......

That made many doubt me in life....I don't like it...

I've had to remind people more than once this year:
It works each time, every time, all the time when you do what you have to do. Period.
as you said, its all about managed risk assessment and sitting down and thinking it through. i have the opposite problem, my partner is agressive, at least from my perspective. he is not thinking things through...just sees the huge amount of money i think...better to be a little paranoid than get caught.

I'm not even going to talk, but, I'm going to have some interesting things to share later, cause right now, I am doing absolutely everything :smoke:
might end up doing that myself. hopefully not. getting tired of calling him during the day and getting called back late afternoon...way to late to go check out spots. we will see...the situation will clarify itself.

Growing is growing.......anywhere, anytime, any way possible...

A certain site or situation carries with it a change in issues......those little nuances..........

Anything is possible........
i can see that. right now i am sticking with whats comfortable in my limited experience. need to see what a grow looks like in real life first.

Again, just want to say thanks. You have no idea what you have made possible.



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Well......maybe he's not up cause he was up till 5am reading stuff :smoke:.....

You know......I am not alone in cautioning people regarding amounts of work, expectations, and so on.....That just goes with territory....and even veterans should know...but, the truth is that many people do succeed their first time out....and if they don't, most of the time, due to lack of knowledge, so....I'd say to anyone inexperienced, best thing one could do is basically live here....(There probably isn't a thread of post in any forum (growing) that I haven't read here or at OG in 7+/- years.....and, while I've got a lot under my belt, still has helped, and, fairly direct and immediate also...as in the cases of coco, AF's, and so on and so on........)

Being new, the issues are overview, learning patience, and so on......

Many have done extremely well their first time out.....(my first time out basically made me a millionaire in single season as a kid...of course a little different back then because eradication efforts not even a fraction then what they are now...), but, one has to get their expectations in line....and the problem with many also comes from expectations of yield vs. amounts needed and such.....(several phrases that pass my lips year after year shared....and this season find myself telling people "You want a lot?, well then you have to have a lot" :smoke:.....difference between standing wet product and dried and cured is a pretty big one......

If have read thread....little more can offer, especially if your new...except to just grow...just do it, and don't get the "analysis paralysis" thing.....which I think the majority of the population does on a constant basis.....

Universe does have quite a sense of humor :smoke:, but likewise, quite a sense of justice and I think a bias towards those who are dedicated...serious, and so on.....

Drilling 1000 holes?.....well........easy, and not.......in my world you don't stop until finished....tired?......sore?.....too fuckin bad...if your standing and complaining, then you still have some energy left :smoke::biglaugh:

To me?.......well....a lot of things about testing oneself....I think few know how far one can push themselves.....(which maybe goes back to the above....one already convinces themselves they cannot proceed and the battle is done...it's over......

The most powerful force ever to exist in the universe?

The human mind.

(And, make no mistake....I have, and still do spend a lot of time there.......exhausted.....tired...wanting to wrap it up and finish another time?........and that's usually the time the "fuck you, your a man, get the fuck up and finish the job" internal dialogue kicks in :smoke:.....Anyone around, whose done too much has all their stories...places, situations, amounts of work.........)

As above, as earlier........in the end.....everything one does is only made possible by mindset....thoughts....etc...

I could take the meekest, most timid guy and throw him on top/into of a 5k op.....

The only thing to determine success would be in their own mind...

Lately I have an interesting exercise for certain people:
The minute you find yourself saying/think the "I can't"......"but"....."I think I"....

Stop it and reverse it.

After even a single day or two.....you start to see changes in people :smoke:

I wrote a lot along those lines throughout thread...........and I continue to.......because there is nothing more important....

"Programming".......one can program themselves right out of relationships......out of jobs......out of everything possible, and I know I am not alone when I say I have watched countless people my entire lives do so....

Basics of psychology: You hear/think/say something enough, you/they start to believe it...

I sure I am also not alone when I say I have seen people put more energy into thinking/discussing why something cannot be done, than simply doing it would have taken...:smoke:

Someone wants to cry, whine......why me?....why can't I...blah,blah,blah.....

I'm not the guy :biglaugh:


A man, possessing the most powerful force in the universe?

Nah......there is no "impossible".......there is no "I/you can't"


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
To wrap up the above train of thought........you know.....

I treat others exactly the same way I treat myself......and, no matter what.....no matter how much work...how much effort...how much one pushes themselves...how much they get done.......

One thing always applies:
The feeling that you only know when your done.:smoke:

In my world?.....(told someone this today), when all is said and done.....someone whose performed?.......without fail?....:smoke:

They get the title of "Baddest mutherfucker in the room" :smoke:.....(ie: Sometimes when hanging out..bar, club, shows.....I'll remind someone :smoke:, because they earned it :smoke:.....)

It's all about relatively short periods of concentrated effort with a extremely excessive reward...(and, again.....most of the time you average it out, on any size op, and we're talking an hourly average anywhere from $500-$10,000+ an hour.......)

If $5,000 an hour can't get the hardest work you've ever seen out of someone?....well....then I give up on them :smoke:....cause nothing will.....and that's not someone that anything can be done for them......and their not worthy of respect....


natural medicator
last 3 posts were some good reading. some old and new insights mixed in. good stuff.

I keep kicking myself for doing a spring indoor this year instead of just vegging for a few months before summer and establishing moms, etc.

I had a series of issues.......couldn't afford AF seeds til a certain '420 auction' allowed me to get 70 LR2 ('LR3's')for around $210 :joint: then it started. They've been slow slow slow to germ though, and i'm questioning myself with my used of peat pellets and not just in coco in cups.

doing some in smallest size peat pellet and 40+ in large pellet (the 5" tall ones).

Clones are doing pretty well. not sure if I'm going to get them big enough to pull 1 clone each off them or not, but hoping to since it will theoretically add 50%+ to my harvest (after projected losses, etc.)

Got off to a late start........like I was saying...
problem was, 1) ballast, a few months old, died, sent it back, got my replacement a couple weeks later. Already set back 2 weeks. Then, to add insult to injury, plugged in the new ballast, everything looked great for 30 seconds, bulb warming up, then POP, bulb explodes...

Didn't have a spare $80-100 for a new bulb (should have gone with a 400w setup for cheap bulbs) so I switched to flouro lighting.
Growth has been slow, but 1/2 way acceptable, at least with clones. seedlings hate it and are stretching like there's no tommorow since my setup doesn't allow me to get the lights right down on the pellets. (dries out the tops of pellets too quickly too IME)

Going to hopefully be up early in the morning tomorrow getting in a few of my moms and maybe some rooted clones. always have to wait on the weather...

Other people frown when it rains, i celebrate..........they get confused :joint:
I'll be frowning late fall

hope your seasons going well!


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
FirstTracks said:
last 3 posts were some good reading. some old and new insights mixed in. good stuff.

I keep kicking myself for doing a spring indoor this year instead of just vegging for a few months before summer and establishing moms, etc.
Thanks brother......Yeah, I know...(indecision, in/out, etc)....been there man......been there....(actually am there now again in different way....want to kick out some stock rounds from veg center quick and now extended to Aug 1st, etc.....and so on....)

Live and learn my friend, ya know?......best you can do with a mistake or something wrong is learn and use to advantage in future, and, most of the time, something better comes out of it in the future.....(But fuck sometimes those lessons are a PITA :biglaugh:)
I had a series of issues.......couldn't afford AF seeds til a certain '420 auction' allowed me to get 70 LR2 ('LR3's')for around $210 :joint: then it started. They've been slow slow slow to germ though, and i'm questioning myself with my used of peat pellets and not just in coco in cups.

doing some in smallest size peat pellet and 40+ in large pellet (the 5" tall ones).
Well, the small, medium, large pellets and cups and such....all different animals with different lifespans and different purposes for different situations...

Haven't tried the new larger pellets, and, actually, tried to acquire recently a couple cases of the small ones.....(1700 a case, and think could double my spacing........or close.....500-600 a tray....but, again, the smallest I figured would be a wham bam...and right out.......

I think the AF's best done in larger pellets or smaller pots/cups, because of course limited lifespan and don't want to restrict their growth in any way, shape or form, as they themselves also have limited life....so I think with AF's, from the start equally important as any other phase....

How are the larger ones working out? (I got some, but tossed em aside, as now getting late and will save them......I'm already a bit overstocked...but, eh, you know, figure having anything around for next season always a bonus....

Just get them out as soon as they're able.....you know....
Clones are doing pretty well. not sure if I'm going to get them big enough to pull 1 clone each off them or not, but hoping to since it will theoretically add 50%+ to my harvest (after projected losses, etc.)
I'm sorry to hear man....could always get them out and then shave them after they're out... when getting later even an extra week or two makes a difference.....
Got off to a late start........like I was saying...
problem was, 1) ballast, a few months old, died, sent it back, got my replacement a couple weeks later. Already set back 2 weeks. Then, to add insult to injury, plugged in the new ballast, everything looked great for 30 seconds, bulb warming up, then POP, bulb explodes...

Didn't have a spare $80-100 for a new bulb (should have gone with a 400w setup for cheap bulbs) so I switched to flouro lighting.

Growth has been slow, but 1/2 way acceptable, at least with clones. seedlings hate it and are stretching like there's no tommorow since my setup doesn't allow me to get the lights right down on the pellets. (dries out the tops of pellets too quickly too IME)
I do my pellets pretty close under 1000's, and, yeah, dried them out fairly quick but keeping em moist pretty much counters that....and once some growth, their eating more also, drinking more, so.....

Yeah man...maybe get them out.....would surpass the flouros, for sure....and even a good week might get you the 1+ each.....especially if a prepped spot (more rapid growth, etc)

Ehhhh...now I feel bad...I don't feel good doing well when others not.......
Going to hopefully be up early in the morning tomorrow getting in a few of my moms and maybe some rooted clones. always have to wait on the weather...

Other people frown when it rains, i celebrate..........they get confused :joint:
I'll be frowning late fall

hope your seasons going well!
Thanks man...I'm okay, but, hoping for more for you....maybe getting them out asap might help to get on track, and, as above, buy you some good quick growth to allow you to shave them quick....bottoms, etc....and then flip those around......

I hope your not frowning late fall man.....I do......I just went through that......and wouldn't wish it upon anyone man.....

Yeah, I'm pretty happy when I see/hear/know of rain :biglaugh: I know what you mean by other people :biglaugh:

I don't know man....we're close, and, yeah, season flying by...but, I don';t know man......stay positive, put in the extra work......I don't want to say anything about expectations, because on one hand high ones can bring disappointment.....so.....you know.....still room for a surprise I think...going fast though, I know, but, just keep working till last minute...(what I am doing now...not giving up till the calender flips.......)

I hope for the best for you man.....maybe you can pull it out.....I know we're getting there...(I still have things starting....really starting to fuckin hustle and feel the pressure myself.....so much, so little time, etc.......)

If any extra stock, maybe can add some, etc, etc.....

Just hope all turns out well.......(Yeah, I could start talking all that next season positivity shit.......but....know that many need it now...this season, and not hitting targets will affect them........)

Bright side also is if AF stock, then your next season harvest is a couple months closer than regular season, so, that cuts a couple months off the wait.....'

I'm pushing myself a little harder than usual this season.....third parties noticing increased aggression in me overall.....:biglaugh:....a question made about my judgment recently....(due to pushing ahead so hard)....the aggression, well....I am living on enough adrenaline to kill a horse and think workout and supplements have kicked up metabolism and testosterone to extremely high levels :biglaugh:.....

But it's all about right now.....enough time left to still get a lot done with clock ticking...but still possible if someone started today to pull down something depending on volume, etc....

Just hope all goes well man.....you've got my best wishes....don't give up until it's over...

Dont forget your going later now......so for the same spot, can increase your spacing, etc, etc, can start other things if stock laying around.....you can still pull it out and make it up man, but fighting the clock, so.....not too late to pull it out man....not yet...(see, I was feeling bad man....but then went into fierce mode :biglaugh:)

Not done till it's done man........Good luck my friend.....
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New member
Hey Julian,

It occurs to me that instead of AF you can just put them out early in the season and essentially get AF from non-af plants?

finished the massive indoor grow thread. it needs those posts by FM back! lol.



I was shown an interesting spot today and the cogs in my brain are spinning :D

Spot requires getting in the medium as it's pure loam. Now rock hard but it looks like it turns into a sticky swamp when it's raining a lot (looks like no drainage through the loam).
Full sun all day long.
Spot is huge, a couple square kilometers. The bit where I think to plant is basically an animal (probably deer) bedroom. Lots of beds in the grass. Difficult access, no human traces.

While scouting the area I found 4 dying plants someone put there. Obvious full maintenance grows :smoke: - obvious trails leading to plants. Two were planted in the deep shade of trees and tiny unamended holes (native soil stones and loam) judging by their size and condition. Two other were in 2l pots, not even dug in. One already dead, the other very very thirsty. I watered them with what was in a bottle laying next to them, so she'll live till the full sun days come back.
Pathetic attempt. I really felt sorry for the plants, but it was very funny to find them.

Anyway... I think I can do better :smoke:

For next year I'm thinking of digging holes in the loam and filling them with organic soil mix (biobizz promix) and polymers. Put fairly big clones/fems into 50l each, cage them and come back for harvest. I need to do a little research/refresh my memory, but what yield estimate would you make for a 50l hole, full sun and ample rainfall/spot water? Do you think it would be good to line the hole with plastic?

And for this year... well I have ~25 clones that I could plant on the 1st of august, used indoor soil that needs disposing of, still some nutes and polymers left... so I think I'm gonna test the spot with minis before I plant trees there next year. Get familiar with spot :joint:
I'll check in thread, but what hole volume would you suggest for 1st august minis? about 5l?

Spot is beautiful. Got me quite excited and wishing I had more clones on hand :D
Only problem (that I see now) is no growing medium in spot.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Biggest hole you can never going to hurt you, and no matter what or when plant almost always going to utilize it, reflected in yield.....(I'd like to be drilling with a 6" for minis right now, but not working out that way.....lot of places just doing smaller tilled patches.....is what it is.....can't complain, makes my job easier (planting)....have do do about 1,100 myself shortly....and time period I don't think enough, so....(one of last rounds I did, I had someone handing them to me 5-10 at a time...made it a little quicker....I should have timed that one......)

I'm actually in similar boat right now....picked up some new spots for future, and, deciding right now when we want to do them......(either later this season or early next season....) Going to go in and completely alter space (soil.....dump large amounts of organics and amendments and such for spring tilling...) Spots just too great (and large) to pass up, but right now.....unworkable in almost every sense of the word....

That was very nice of you to water their plants.....:smoke:

You know....I'm at the point right now where everything is on autopilot for now, and already focusing on next year......Had some more problems with people and continue to, so.....whole current crew is just gone after this....going back to myself and tied and true people....no more favors, no more help....fuck em all......tempted to just give them a couple spots today, and watch them fuck everything up from now till end for a lesson :biglaugh:......

Yeah, some verrrry nice spots for next year.....worries me how nice :smoke:....(visibility, location, and exposure.....but then again, not thattt nice if I have to bring in 10 tons of supplies, so :biglaugh:.......going to completely treat large entire areas.......dry mix, manures, compost, coco, crystals, etc....so can just plant rapidly with hand spades when it comes time.....all fem so can walk away and essentially forget :smoke:....

Trying to iron out the specifics.....(how to get in, when to apply, and so on....)
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