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john cutter

He means that the only real big exposure, other than the X factor, is during the last four weeks of flower. Ten weeks total for AF's but the last four is where you would most likely run into any problems. Shape of plant changes, size changes etc. But if you ran them early in the season before LEO gets active the risk is less than if your final four weeks take place in September/October.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
G0d5hand said:
Sorry to ask (i have been reading alot but not enough) But the top part of this I have. I was wondering what you mean for minis to take four weeks. I have that amount of land to use but am missing somthing I feel.

john cutter said:
He means that the only real big exposure, other than the X factor, is during the last four weeks of flower. Ten weeks total for AF's but the last four is where you would most likely run into any problems. Shape of plant changes, size changes etc. But if you ran them early in the season before LEO gets active the risk is less than if your final four weeks take place in September/October.

First of all, as stated many time....I'm not the expert with AF's.....have never run them but will be as shortly as next week........(talked to people about just getting a jump on stock production and could use larger amount spring)....

I have though for many years done enormous amounts of mini's in many places, including urban situations......so.......

That being said:
Mentioned previously but worth going back over, and I have in real life many times recently, is the overview of growth vs. psychology and perception....

Repeated but worthy of such:
Anyone who has grown out will readily have stories :smoke:.....my latest is earlier...me and another early on at a spot.....knew the spot but wondering where the fuck some were.....only to find after 10 minutes literally right at our feet....(one exactly between us........3" from both our feet, and others to left and right ....)

Looking directly down and there they were......

Your first week your inside........AF's....well, haven't run them, so, we will see....might do more, might do less, etc...

Call it 1 week.......they go out.......

Already just cut a week off your exposure....(I keep veg centers fairly reasonable...most of the time no more than a couple k and then some floro's......2-3k max in single families......which as far as safety and security....I consider about as safe as one can get...(25yrs and never a single problem....minimal draw, minimal heat and can prep 1,000's at a time in an extremely small space.....

So, 1 week, they go out.....1 week down.....9 to go.......

Call it 2 weeks....even better (I will be gauging when doing them if efficient to be able to sex and then transplant....general consensus is 3 weeks to sex.......but not sure yet how that will translate into actual usable space......I'm assuming based on all prep I've done.....mi9ght be possible to sex and maintain fairly large number in 3" peats, sex, and then out....but, again, for me, many things can be changed........I might do early round quick somewhere to produce stock and that would again change procedure......(if all fem I would do larger pellets and get out when about a week....one reason being easier and quicker to plant larger numbers of pellets than 3"ers or larger.......

Again, all relates to your usable prep spot...(ie: You could get 4 or more times the pellets than 3"ers in the same space.......which is the difference between being able to prep 500 at a time or 2,000 at a time...)

I'm checking a veg space now trying to figure out capacity and thinking I might be able to get 2,400 smaller pellets per 1k....(5 x 5) don't know...might get half that........can use all the math computations on space one wants, but, in the end, have to set up space, load up trays, and see how it all comes out.........

In any case
As anyone who has grown knows....smaller plants....especially when with good surrounding vegetation......in many cases, impossible for us to find :biglaugh:

So....no.......I don't think a "passerby" or third party observer can easily spot.............if one who has done it 25yrs can't even see it 6" from his own foot :biglaugh:

Any size (2' or so) and lack of surrounding or backdrop?.....a change in profile?...(to the one many seem to know....), and there is your risk....

Early veg/early flower if smaller plants?...

We just covered that......even we can't spot them sometimes....


Is there any doubt in ones mind there could be 5,000 across the street from a police station and they would never be spotted?....

(I don't know about anyone else...but I can't identify a 6' plant from 150' feet away..............maybe 10' :smoke:.......)

Same applies across the board to AF's.....which then changes it as it alters traditional season restrictions..........

Quality?...well, I haven't run everything from every source....so I really don't know....but, I fail to see at this point there being nothing available from any producer which won't pass the quality test in the end...

A repeat of the true magic of mini's.........which many have discovered :smoke:

Quick, small, security....and in some cases quality....(my small stuff in open sunny windy spots always better than exact same (clones, same mom) thing somewhere deep in forest.......less circulation....much greater humidity...moisture remaining for greater periods of time on and around, etc....

Have never had a single gram of mold from 10's of thousands of mini's...and each and every time best quality......

Point being:
1-2 weeks in (or not), risk and exposure absolutely zero.....

Next 2 weeks out?....."grabbing" and getting there but still a size which wouldn't be spotted unless someone right there.......

I'd add on another 2 where size might start to become an issue and visibility as far as profile getting there.......

Mid-late flower is your exposure.......if seen will know exactly what it is...but since size is what it is.......100 measures can be taken to prevent that...(size in itself one....)

I'm not sure how one would alter their approach and behavior and risk tolerance...........preventing any number of instances where something can be viewed is much easier to do for 4-5 weeks than for 4-6 months.....(and a larger space, and larger plants, and greater heights, etc......)

(if one wanted to be extra safe could stick with the 3's, hold till sex and then get out.....but, again...power of sun......they'd get better growth outside.....)

All depends on what one's running....I've seen AF's finish at 5" indoors and AF's finish at 3' outdoors......(as would be mini run also)....more of a lack of outdoor examples than indoor for review, so....but, I've always felt very comfortable with mini's.......your basically a "hit and run".......which I personally have always felt very comfortable with.......every day that goes by is one less day for something to go wrong...

Doing rounds that are basically 60 days then packed up and done?......and height and such to assist?.......

Was recently talking to one of most paranoid partners I know......and he asked if I could spare 300-500 for his backyard........(and this is a guy that looks for helicopters when he goes outside to burn one :biglaugh:......so.....

Money and ps is nice.......

Safety, security?....well, priority and primary target......ie: The question is never what one can do.....the question is what can they bring in....

What you can bring in...........ie: I could go do 50,000 trees...........I doubt they'd even get past late veg......(before grabbed.....)

That's why I te3nd to address people's expectations of things....

You do it to bring it in and you adjust your approach based on that....

Shit happens?....absolutely......

But barring that shit from happening......no reason one should not bring every one put out in.......

Losses?......well, last I checked, aside from X factor.....each and every one can be addressed (as about regarding prep).......

Barring getting cracked.....a flood, a drought..(and even then) I mean......one should be pulling what they put out....(doing more and spreading them out, yet another step to counter that........:smoke:)

Anyway......extremely familiar with mini's....haven't done AF';s but will shortly be running everything available for stock, and in process a feel for each and everyone and performance, and, will go from there....

Stock, then out (maybe portion for more stock), then, if time allows one last quick round.....so.......will be running everything can get from every source...some volume which may become a little too large, and, will have some input myself on several matters.......size, age, out, efficiency,timing, planting, blah, blah, blah........

Might also be altering fem methods as large spots I can only get to once a week or so.....so treatment has to fit that schedule.....(start, out, back...weeks 1,2,3)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Some additional operational and financial issues:
(Fresh on my mind from recent discussion.......)

I go through all the time with people, partners , etc.....

A property is typically, yes, an additional expense.......


No. Wong. Wrong mindset.

A good property is an income producing opportunity.

Something that requires 50k a yr in payments?

That's 13 p's.

If you can pull 20 you've already paid for it and then some...

(I was discussing with someone I know their current payments are 1500 and discussing something 3,000 a month that could probably pull 30 outside safely....mini's....etc.....)

They wouldn't even be paying the 1500.

(Because they would be producing 4 times that on top of the 1500 they spend now....)

Sure, you want expenses covered, and you damn well better be able to back it up...(Those situations are very dangerous for those who can't carry it out, have reserves, etc.....and I think more for the crowd that's on the edge of breaking through.....)

I told em have the reserves and I'd help out, done deal. (picking spots, picking method, plants ready to go..(AF's if I have them ready then, mini's if later and they want.....)

Sure, getting into something twice as much, but it's not a liability, it should be considered income producing........ie: Sure, without the extra couldn't cover more, but the point is that with it can produce more.....comfortably...etc....)

I see a property and don't think how much will cost me.

I look at a property and first thing on my mind is how much can it make me.


(Over expenses of course....after everything paid for year...)

Worthy of being repeated:
and first thing on my mind is how much can it make me......


Is it a 25k a yr property?.....a 100k a yr property?.....

(Referring to larger private single families on acreage...."estate" properties....for residence...)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
And in the end......

He will move into a new very beautiful home on some acreage....

Have a brand new small business or 2......:smoke:

Live fairly comfortably working (good, okay job) living on beautiful property, beautiful home and location......and 2 small business making enough to cover property and hopefully a nice amount left over......(and saving everything possible....)

Little money, little controlled risk......and more than he thought he'd have in a single season...


Active member
I think you just convinced me to look into buying acreages in the future to run quick hit and runs, to think you can have a locked gate all set up, thats secure just dont piss off the neighbours and know your property line.


OK well this next question definitely has been discussed, but I will ask as I have you on the topic. You mentioned doing early batches or runs of mini's and that you haven't experimented with AF so I was wondering how can you do the minis early? I will be using clones (cannot afford to get AF seeds in quantity) and was wondering how you did it early with non AF? Wont they just go in the veg state and grow huge? I ask cause I don't know many areas outside of the city for a big grow, but I know many areas to try in the city and I wanted to go that route, as well, I wanted to grow throughout the entire season which is why I ask.

Appreciate the info btw.


Active member
You are a beast Julian.

One day I hope to be half as raw as you.

P.S. I wish the indoor thread was still around. I archived it, but after the other handle was killed. I need to see what your routine is. I cant stop trying new things every round, so Im not really getting "better" it seems. I need efficiency aka at least 1lb per 1k, and im not getting it. Cant stop trying to reinvent the wheel which is killing me.


Hey Julian,
Not to post off topic - you had some sound info on maintaining good credit and the housing game, and I stumbled across this and wanted to know your thoughts: http://patrick.net/housing/crash.html

My parents are getting up there (early 60s), have minimal income (40k), own (paid off) a 4 bedroom house (180k current market), and until I read this I was thinking they should take advantage of the market and buy a much smaller house they can retire in, rent the bigger house out, and then sell it when the market matures in 10 years when they'll need the $$.

...wondering if you're doing that AF run this spring, bout to catch up on the thread :joint:

Hindu Killer

Active member
J....love to read your thoughts brother. Certainly one could do a mini's run and make it pay. Ive often toyed with the dog run thing myself.

What was the best performer for you last season J? Whats the 09 line up? I like the idea of makeing enough loot to change my life...be nice to be self imployed..and sustaining. This season I have some proven genetics...world class stuff no doubt. Now I just need to make it happen. Not just talking about it......ever run swamp tubes J?


Whatup antimatter...haha your quote " I feel this is the most important thread I read" somewhere along those lines...yeah man I have the same feelings I have an amazing ammount of respect for Julian, this cat is remarkable mix of knowledge, expierance, and willpower and obviously patience and much more...This guy is a beast! This will always be one of my favorite threads always remembered & used to the best...ha well I stop my high rambling now peace everyone :)
I think you just convinced me to look into buying acreages in the future to run quick hit and runs, to think you can have a locked gate all set up, thats secure just dont piss off the neighbors and know your property line.

Yes, I would agree but I have been looking for Land/Small Farm over one year. Climate, Access from your current location, Job and Soil Type. Once you pass that hurdle I ran into cost and financing the property.

A lot of the current property Fore Sale was bought at it's peak with high ALt-A credit and now they STILL think they can get top $$$$.

So my thoughts are to pull a plot on National Forest and then finance it going forward. Raw Land is very hard to finance in this Credit Market Condition



What an awesome thread.

I only grow for my personal stash but it's been a fascinating read and a lot of the stuff is applicable to us small-timers too.

Thank you Julian for sharing (some of) the knowledge you've acquired throughout the years.


Active member
Yes, I would agree but I have been looking for Land/Small Farm over one year. Climate, Access from your current location, Job and Soil Type. Once you pass that hurdle I ran into cost and financing the property.

A lot of the current property Fore Sale was bought at it's peak with high ALt-A credit and now they STILL think they can get top $$$$.

So my thoughts are to pull a plot on National Forest and then finance it going forward. Raw Land is very hard to finance in this Credit Market Condition


As of right now I only would work with government owned land, but I think later in the future, when things are financially more accessible, its definitely an awesome prospect, lets just say I got all the time in the world.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
I think I missed some earlier posts.........if so, I apologize...not intentional.

2. Forgive the dry tone....only a few minutes and have to be to the point.

antimatter said:
I think you just convinced me to look into buying acreages in the future to run quick hit and runs, to think you can have a locked gate all set up, that's secure just don't piss off the neighbours and know your property line.
Well, I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything as much as share things which might give people a wider understanding...(of growing?....well, yes, but also of ones self, life, finances, paths of life.......changing thought process's, etc.......)

Was talking to an executive yesterday about stock market, trading, trades, etc.......and we touched and stayed on for quite a while how we are essentially raised from childhood in the mindset that one can't be right all the time...that such a statement and view is unreasonable, etc.......

Certainty.........we are taught not to possess such from when we are born....parents...family.....schools.......

(What brought it to that was I tend to second guess a lot...always have, when, in reality....my trading record is fairly impressive......there have been times when I went a yr straight without a single wrong call....etc......so then why was I second guessing? :smoke:).....

Because we're programmed to from birth......(fine line....I see many day to day with 10ft tall confidence....without any valid reason to have such.......so......)

Maybe that approach and method is not right for you.....that is but one approach among 100's........

I merely try to show reader sometimes a wider and much different view of things..........sometimes a minor change in thought process's can completely change ones life....

I sometimes succumb to many negative things.........can't maintain full force forward positivity 24/7/365.....(more on that below).....but, in whole scheme of things....throw this thing of ours on top........and we have a gift few have...........ie: To work ourselves out of a negative situation quickly...

The above scenario requires complete and total confidence and ability to carry it out and reserves even if everything is 100%. Many ideas and approaches presented.....everyone has their own comfort level, own regional issues, own budgets, own preferences and comfort levels.....

G0d5hand said:
OK well this next question definitely has been discussed, but I will ask as I have you on the topic. You mentioned doing early batches or runs of mini's and that you haven't experimented with AF so I was wondering how can you do the minis early? I will be using clones (cannot afford to get AF seeds in quantity) and was wondering how you did it early with non AF? Wont they just go in the veg state and grow huge? I ask cause I don't know many areas outside of the city for a big grow, but I know many areas to try in the city and I wanted to go that route, as well, I wanted to grow throughout the entire season which is why I ask.

Appreciate the info btw.
I'm going to address this, (this time.....) but this lies among the absolute basics of growing. I train people from sq. one in life occasionally (more below) but, I have absolutely no desire to do so here....not what thread is about, not what thread is for. No disrespect intended, just not what I prefer and straying from points.

Indoor or Outdoor, the more veg time, the larger the plant.

Less veg time, the smaller the plant.

Planted in May?, large plants.....(more veg time)..planted in June...slightly less (less veg time), planted in July?, even smaller (even less veg time), planted end of season....end July/Aug depending on ones region and climate, your essentially doing 12/12 from seed...(which again would be strain dependent as some may very well get 5+ feet from seed.)

There's probably 5-10 pages addressing this in detail.

InjectTruth said:
You are a beast Julian.

One day I hope to be half as raw as you.
:biglaugh:.....I am humbled.....truly....and lately in real life have been encountering some issues.....will address below........maybe of interest and use to some....maybe of help to some.......cause being so is not what it seems........being able to be so is not what it seems.....

Am going to inset something below....will be interesting (I think it is.....and have been contemplating it quite a bit lately.....)
P.S. I wish the indoor thread was still around. I archived it, but after the other handle was killed. I need to see what your routine is. I cant stop trying new things every round, so Im not really getting "better" it seems. I need efficiency aka at least 1lb per 1k, and im not getting it. Cant stop trying to reinvent the wheel which is killing me.
I highlighted the above, and, of course remember conversation :smoke: (and was quite a while ago actually)......couple points:
1. Why are you changing process? (trying to improve?)
2. Efficiency and yield lies in everything combined...(strain?, method, spacing, feeding, light, temps, etc.......)
3. Mentioned earlier regarding out and applies in also: Don't fall into "chasing" it.........ie: An issue, so adjust to something else........then an issue, so readjust to something else......and so on........happens out a lot in many ways regarding season and such.....
4. The most simple of issues is everyone has a method which "they take to"......which they prefer, do well.....and most will stick to that.....(actually the opposite of above.....they will cling to it regardless of possible more efficient methods and approaches, etc.....)

Could be as simple as better utilizing existing space..are you using every sq. inch you can?...etc.....don't know what to tell you brother without specifics......Maybe an indoor thread asking for diagnosis and suggestions for greater efficiency........you are in a place where you have the luxury of doing so :smoke:....priceless resources........

Ipsissimus said:
Hey Julian,
Not to post off topic - you had some sound info on maintaining good credit and the housing game, and I stumbled across this and wanted to know your thoughts: http://patrick.net/housing/crash.html
Didn't see, but will address below.....
My parents are getting up there (early 60s), have minimal income (40k), own (paid off) a 4 bedroom house (180k current market), and until I read this I was thinking they should take advantage of the market and buy a much smaller house they can retire in, rent the bigger house out, and then sell it when the market matures in 10 years when they'll need the $$.
Might not be a bad idea, but I would approach such very carefully (due to their position and age and income).....

1. I would advise them against using any disposable income from rental..........ie: Build reserves from everything over expenses.....taxes, etc.........some people will rent something.....expenses might run $300 and rental $1,300 so they will consider the $1,000 "disposable income".

No. What about an issue with tenant?..,....what about when it's empty?....what about repairs?.......etc.....

Being a "landlord"..........

Being a landlord is an acquired taste....some people are "suited" for it....some like it.....some can't, and some despise it.......

I'd say don't spend a penny from it for.....whatever.....first 12 months so good reserves.......

I also tend to approach renting(ers) much different than most would......(ie: reality......psychology, etc....I advocate accepting pets.......which majority do not, but have had dogs all my life and yet to see significant damage done.........counter point being if you can get a renter in there paying mortgage for 5+ years, some repairs and such are built in and acceptable....

People with pets stay longer (cause they know they have nowhere else to go.....hard to find a place.....) and of course can charge them slightly more, because lack of places which will accept them.....

Another aspect is rental price.....most want the absolute most they can get....which isn't always possible, and even if possible, not always wise....(same applies to any segment of market or industry........even green......ie: Charge someone top end and the minute they find something comparable cheaper you will lose them.,........)

What costs more:
To have a $1,000 month unit empty for 6 months? :smoke:


To get it filled for $800 immediately.......


Do the math :smoke:....

Last but not least: "10 years"......No one, anywhere, can maker any such firm statement.........too many factors involved.....local, regional, condition of property, location, etc, etc, etc......

Different markets, different regions, different properties, different sellers, different buyers, different condition, different locations all play a role...

People ask me all the time about the "market"......be it stocks, property, etc.......

For 10 yrs my answer always the same:
The "market" is comprised of 10's of thousands (or more) of buyers, sellers, investors, agents/brokers all with completely different interests, objectives, preferences, approaches, resources and desires......

No one single person can make any such statement about such a wide variety of individuals, companies, and factors...

Stock Market?.........fuck.....I've had some of my best days when the news was spewing the blood everywhere crap..........(family calls me cause watching news saying "are you okay, are you alright, news says", etc.....and I'm saying "are you kidding me, I killed today, I'm buying a new _______."
...wondering if you're doing that AF run this spring, bout to catch up on the thread :joint:
Catch up, but changes all the time.....

I will be, possibly many, and, I have been discussing lately with certain people finally doing the changeover to mini's exclusively.....(which I have been contemplating for several years......)

Am going to run every AF can get my hands on shortly for stock....in running for stock will get a feel for many of them, and go from there......

Hindu Killer said:
J....love to read your thoughts brother. Certainly one could do a mini's run and make it pay. Ive often toyed with the dog run thing myself.
Thanks man...........

I actually ran into someone and was talking recently, and, turned out they had a 25' x 25' 4ft fenced dog run, on a very large private and wooded lot, with absolutely no sight lines....

His opinion was it would be like pulling off the crime of the century, so, I left it at that.........ie: Hard enough to get things done when everyone in agreement.........I do no "convincing".....in or out, I'm not pushing it for a minute........

Great for me nonetheless......every time I see something makes me think about other things, etc.......if was my property?........or under my control?.......I think I could pull 30 p's out of there hit and run......

(Above addresses creating one....and, recently with all the farms and such......have begun more thinking about the quality of animal enclosures.........years of manure, etc......so.....)

Especially with mini's...even AF's...........fuck man......2ft and done in a blink of an eye?...private...fenced? :biglaugh:...........I think if one is too paranoid to do 2 footers in a private location, well...maybe this game not for them :biglaugh:

Of note on AF's.......

I've at this point basically read every single word written about them on every site it has been written........

That being said, still many things I think not addressed....(and don't ask for specifics....when I read through something, questions occur to me, etc....and are never answered....)

This year should end with me doing every strain, by every producer commercially available, in, out, small, large, maybe with yr end total being in excess of 10,000.......so......I intend to share quite a bit when I feel the time comes......I see many things written about different aspects which I question, so......(and, again...have been working mini's by the 10's of thousands for years, so.......I think I know a little about doing small plants :smoke:......)

Said above...and, said earlier here and sometimes elsewhere........I might just make the change over this year to exclusively mini's depending on what the af's give me....and what I see.......

Many things contributed to this....if I had a lot of great large spots?.....I wouldn't.....but, shortage of large spots is leading me to seek alternatives, so.....(flexibility, etc.......has to get done.....so, you rework everything in order to get it done.....)

I've done a lot of that stuff in past...(not recently cause have had a lot of good large remote spots)........fenced areas....pools....dog runs...cutting an area with even one line of fence, etc.......ie: Imagine a wooded location with 200' long egg shaped clearing......front near some visibility, rear not...okay, so, we install one line of fence 160' back which makes appear from front sightlines as if rear of lot......

New plantings....fencing.......I mean....a lot one can do to create and hide spaces..........(and, again, only looking for temporary........so....)
What was the best performer for you last season J? Whats the 09 line up? I like the idea of makeing enough loot to change my life...be nice to be self imployed..and sustaining. This season I have some proven genetics...world class stuff no doubt. Now I just need to make it happen. Not just talking about it......ever run swamp tubes J?
09'?......honestly, I have absolutely no idea at this point...(still too much up in air and especially the above...might change it all up anyway.....)

Last year (and before) most pleased with that pink lemon stuff....which last year displayed quite a range of pheno's, but, ended up every one was fine.....very nice, and, had the remnants of the BOG SB...which again had quite a range.......(and now even more so.."We" stock :biglaugh:....)...going to reserve all "we" stock for mini's.......ie: If any problems minimal amount of time and energy and quickly and easily removed....

09' (shortly actually) going to do AF's as above......mini's later....and we will see what in between.....I might just totally change over to Mini's across the board.......(sure will not remain so if I get a nice spot......we will see.......might have great spot this year...still waiting for confirmation.....but, again, not stopping planning or moving forward just because a possibility......ie: always moving forward.....easy to change direction......)

Have never done swamp tubes, really no reason or need to, but, know, see, and understand the concept, as kind of how I have always done my starts........(bottom half water, top half drier.....roots can be submerged as long as a portion not, get oxygen, etc.......had some earlier pics of starts which were half submerged in water, and, basically how I have always done them....)

Anyway......some shit.....lost my train of thought.........

Yeah, lot up in the air, lot on plate, lot possible but no confirmations, so, just proceeding anyway........(and in the process putting a lot of people on the spot.....ie: I'm going ahead, longer a confirmation the greater chances I will already be busy and then can't/won't :smoke:.....)

I can tell ya this.....
Been seeing some fem AF's for up to $11 per seed......

Makes me stop for a minute and think about shooting for 2MM fems and doing them for $2 a seed :smoke:.....

Note: DP has a PPP fem AF now which interested me....:smoke:....(I had extraordinary results from DP PPP mini's.......)

So....AF's, mini's, working on several other large, so...one thing is for certain: Will be having a great year :smoke:....Hope you (and all) the same......

SevenSeeds said:
Whatup antimatter...haha your quote " I feel this is the most important thread I read" somewhere along those lines...yeah man I have the same feelings I have an amazing ammount of respect for Julian, this cat is remarkable mix of knowledge, expierance, and willpower and obviously patience and much more...This guy is a beast! This will always be one of my favorite threads always remembered & used to the best...ha well I stop my high rambling now peace everyone :)
Thank you.....and, again, I am truly humbled......Have been waiting to get to this because have been going through some things in real life....and, maybe some inspiration to all........

Bear with me, going to go a couple different directions before coming together:
Lately, I am training some people like 8yr olds......


Meaning I always ask them: "So, what did you learn today"?

Me?.......anyone asks me same question I can talk for 2-3 hrs...

(most of the time their response is a single sentence......:smoke:)......if that.....

Was having another discussion the other day with a family member in which I stated something to the effect of:
"Do you know how fuckin hard it is....how frustrating it is to work on something day in, and day out, for nothing, knowing no payout for it for 6 months...12 months....2 yrs?"

Relating to something above...certainty.......

I know I'm not alone.....and find myself explaining the above issues to more and more people in real life around me.........

Knowledge?......While others are sleeping I am going through thousands of pages of many subjects.....

While others are fucking around or on vacation I am working on things which won't produce anything, anytime soon...

(Both phrases which I have used recently in real life)......

It's hard......it's tiring.....it's frustrating to be in such positions......but, in many games, and this one especially, that's what is called for......

And the focus it takes is enough to wear one down.........

So, while I offer thanks....and am humbled....sometimes I do take the stand of "damn right, and you know how much fuckin work it is"?...

People ask me sometimes about certain things I do, etc (they want to do it also), and my response for years has always been "It's a true blessing........I'm the luckiest guy in the world.....I give thanks for everything I am and have.......but wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy"

(I'm in the no sleep thing again lately also.....5am......2-3 books open in front of me.....checking emails, news, news on TV..and listening to 2 different languages....one on system, one on other......)

My thanks I suppose goes to adrenaline :biglaugh:.......

And then I interact with people who you'd need an appointment 3 weeks in advance to get them to do a 5 minute task.......

Which all comes full circle about many things in life.......

"Easy money"....

There is no "easy money"...

What means the most to me is the recognition of the above.....(willpower, patience)....

Again....applies to many..........planning something months or years in advance........expenses going out and nothing coming in....remaining focused from far before start past finish......

It's fuckin tiring.........it's draining......and enough to frustrate even the baddest almost to tears.......

But it's gotta be done....

The only reason I'm the way is am is because someone has to be....so....

Was talking about this exact subject with people last couple weeks........persistence when nothing to show for it.....focus for extended periods of time......etc..........hard work........but...in the end?....

God forbid all should be in a time when one not doing well financially...have other things on plate psychologically........but again: You do what you have to do.,.....

I've had the conversation many times with people about the "Do I want to do this?....fuck no.......would I rather be doing something else, somewhere else?....fuck yeah".....

But it's gotta be done.

So, in those respects.....I am hardcore.........and I put a lot of work into being hardcore......it's very tiring.....very frustrating.....very draining.......

Which all leads to another statement I use often in real life:
Is there any other way?

Is anything less acceptable?....

In any case....a subject which I thought applies to many...and has been giving me a lot of grief lately.....:biglaugh:

Thanks man......I am humbled.....

indicapimp said:
Yes, I would agree but I have been looking for Land/Small Farm over one year. Climate, Access from your current location, Job and Soil Type. Once you pass that hurdle I ran into cost and financing the property.

A lot of the current property Fore Sale was bought at it's peak with high ALt-A credit and now they STILL think they can get top $$$$.

So my thoughts are to pull a plot on National Forest and then finance it going forward. Raw Land is very hard to finance in this Credit Market Condition
As with anything, you then seek alternatives......Raw land has always had greater requirements....

Land only a whole different ballgame.....(but, can find more flexibility regarding owner financing it, etc......but, in such a case....I can't say I'd do a hit and run depending on owner specifics...(if local, if hunting?...owner might want to still use land, be local, etc.....)

You know, in these matters....endless nuances which affect every aspect, so.....no one solution or statement possible.....

I highlighted the above:
Relates to above......patience....sense of purpose, etc....not unrealistic for larger op to take 3yrs planning and execution........remain focused, etc......

In the meantime one does everything else...ie: Not doing anything now cause working on something for future......and keeps it in mind.....keeps working on it....working on multiple things.....

If one doesn't lose focus, it's not a matter of "if", it's a matter of when....

The latter makes quite a difference in ones day to day life.....degree of commitment...focus...etc

love? said:
What an awesome thread.

I only grow for my personal stash but it's been a fascinating read and a lot of the stuff is applicable to us small-timers too.

Thank you Julian for sharing (some of) the knowledge you've acquired throughout the years.
Very kind of you to say...glad of interest.......and a shame more can't be shared.....

(Sorry if I lost train of thought on anything, which I did.....had 30 fuckin calls during this.....only 2 necessary......)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Some additional notes instead of editing:
Raw land- Might be up to 50% down (if you can get it done at all), but, throw a home on it and changes to as little as 5-10% down :smoke:........(the way it's always been...until recently, could do 0 down.....)

I personally think in some cases land only it's more of an issue to get in there and get things done, as has to be some sort of explanation s to a lot of activity going on....

(But that would depend upon the specifics of a location, etc...so...moot point)....

One should note:

Land only does lend itself well to plausible deniability depending on what approach, steps, and level and evidence of activity...


Again.....many options, many approaches, many variables, all with different interests, desires and motives.....


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Properties, Long term objectives, Strategies, Methods and Approaches

Above statement regarding looking at the cost of a property or looking at what a property can produce..........

Yet another overview is: Is a property that one can pull 100k every 3 yrs but costs 30k a yr to hold worth it?......

Scenario applies across the board......if one could only cover it, is it worth it?......

What if one could pull 100k every 4 yrs?......(little each time, or one specific season.......)

Which all indirectly relates to the "should I do this, or should I do this"......

I of course always favor doing all :smoke:......

Raw land?........Land with a residence......even applied to buildings...(hit and run certain period covering extended period....)

Well, if one doesn't have the income, then what about disposable income while covering multiple things?....

And here we have yet another issue....:smoke:.....

As above and throughout......."growing"....."ops".........tend to have very fixed assumptions about approaches....

It isn't possible to go over every possibility....

Buildings, land, residences, all?....constant, occasional, trees, mini's, AF's...indoor , outdoor, organic, chem.......seeds, clones, fems, males, indicas......hydro, soil, coco.....large, small, medium, all?....

Rarely is there any one answer, solution, approach which covers everything....

Wait......there is one :smoke: :
What you can, when you can, where you can, how you can.

Seems to fit every situation quite well and a good starting point for any ops :smoke:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Some other notes are I cut one trainee loose this week. He's done. Period. Won't even get to March let alone near a crop....


Nothing significant actually, just sticking to basics and identifying psychological issues early on from minor things.......(You know....those "little" things which we think we can correct.....or which we "ignore"....or which we "think" won't be a problem?...but then always are :smoke:....)

(Realistically if he can show me in the next 60 days I was mistaken......and he should have the chance, I will continue and let him.......which would actually be very small changes......)

I had a conversation with someone not long ago:
If one can not give (give me, the world, themselves) 1 hour a day of hard work in preparing themselves......then how is anyone supposed to believe they can one day begin 20hrs of work a day for up to 7 months?)

Personally?........I don't believe it for a minute.....I don't believe it's possible.....for anyone.....not for myself......and my own experiences and behavior is I myself psychologically am on things quite a while in advance and then even physically....(I've just begun this week spring regimen.......diet, working out, etc.......which I do quite a bit more than a lot of people......just cause I have a little more freedom in what I can do and when due to my world........)

So I'm well versed and I vet and I spend months and months of hard work preparing but a newbie doesn't need to? :smoke:


Anyway.....trainee #1 who I had hopes for done......unless he does quite a bit to demonstrate he should be.......not only is he done with training, but completely cut out of that circle.

I'm done as stated much earlier with "favors".........and in return...what?.....I get my schedules fucked up?........I get unacceptable early losses?.....I get my income fucked up?........to do someone a favor who can't even afford to pay attention? :biglaugh:

More bullshit...lost train of thought....he's gone...


Active member
There were a lot of interesting points, a couple that stood out were the dutch passion varieties of AF, which I actually just discovered the other day, they sound decent, and id like to hear some reviews on them, maybe the planet ganja auto section will test them.

Plausible Deniability can work I think as long as you dont live on the property or the crop is far enough away that its possible that you had no idea what was going on, just better hope they don't have surveillance. It would be better not even having to go there to begin with, you better be a good liar, and not succumb to tricks easily.

I think for property to be reasonable it should have some outbuildings/house at least that can give reason for one being there, but in reality they would be used for drying/harvesting. I wouldn't wanna be the guy who has to haul thousands of wet stinky weed plants in his truck, its gotta be close enough that you can transport it safely or get everything done on site and then transport. Just raw land could be worth it if its got the right location, growing up in the mountains is nice and all but you get alot of traffic in some areas, that traffic you wouldn't normally get lower down on a private property not to mention having a well for water on the tap.


New member
Gotta say Jules, this has been one of the best threads I've ever read. I'm only on page 52, but I'm hoping to have it finished before I start putting in the ground. An impossible dream I'm sure.

You sire are an inspiration to us mere mortals.
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