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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Don't know em, never heard of em, and have no idea where they are.

Edit: People should know also the Tribal cops are essentially Feds, with their own set of laws. People should think before they fuck around on Reservation land. (Farther West would be Navajo Nation that's problem, they also patrol sections of interstate that pass through the Nation)

Actually, yes, I do have some thoughts on that....

The "made" 45MM from 10 tons.

Very impressive...I mean, to "make" $2,100 a pound in profit.....quite a margin.....(and such generous suppliers......I mean....to give all their product for free like that...:smoke:)

Even more impressive that 30 something people involved, and they worked for free...(since the "head" "made" all the money, and gave none to anyone else.....how could he if he "made" it all?

Yet even more
impressive is "making" $2,100 profit per pound in bulk..:smoke:...

And quite
impressive to move 10 tons in "trunks of cars" , considering most cars you'd be lucky to get 50 or 100 if not compressed/bricked.

More than likely
, the majority don't have enough money for an attorney...

A driver got busted, he flipped.

Don't believe everything you read.

Other thoughts?........Yes actually: East coast bulk/retail markets just expanded.

Can't believe everything you read anyway.....LE and press always like to paint situations much more colorful than they are.....make people much more important than they are....
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Some other comments also:
Earlier I made a reference to normally extremely large indoor and outdoor, dismissing them as "lunch money/chump change", which in no way is a reflection on anyone who is at that level, or less. Merely an aggressive stance on my part I find necessary mentally to move to a higher level....

I meant no disrespect or offense to anyone for any current activity.

Merely what I mentally use to push myself further.

My sincere apologizes if any was taken by anyone, in any way, shape, or form.

The above also made me think about people, the web, etc.....

I always view interactions here as real life (which they essentially are, in essence), and, my favorite analogy being a bar......ie: Couple people sitting around talking about certain subjects, etc.....

I ponder when did it become acceptable to walk up to my table in the middle of a serious discussion and say I must be high on whitey because having a long discussion on significant matters?.....

Harvest time.....trimming time...packing time.......

People should remember generosity, because, as above, referencing "power"...

No matter how "small" one thinks they are.....essentially printing your own money gives you much more than you think...(I've always found the ability to create money from nothing at will carries quite a bit....)

I'm starting to see daily that getting hard for a lot of people......things not well......so, little generosity goes a long way for some.....(I'd give away the proverbial truckload of turkeys, (big deal, couple bucks) but, I like mine to be more personal.........), and, you know, can go further than money..(every time I clean out my house, others, make sure all goes to shelters and such instead of throwing out, shit like that.....)

Know some might take offense at a reminder, but, even I need one sometimes...(mine came recently while about to throw out harvest season clothes caked with unremovable bud :biglaugh:...caught myself......thought someone could not only use them, but, in process,m could get a couple joints out of them :biglaugh: (socks and fleece products notorious :biglaugh:)

Of some amusement that came to me between last post and now is I just found out that we had more discoveries late season than I previously knew.

(Cannot under any circumstances go into details, but, we got them down before they made it there at another spot....just found out minutes ago...)

Strange how it's suddenly a much nicer day than it was 15 minutes ago :biglaugh:



i too wonder where such high numbers come from. But would anyone want to read an article that basically said. 36 people arrested for busting their ass for minimal amount of profit. i dont think many people would read such an article. As to the reservations, it is very risky business and is usually one of the college students that attend one of the hundreds of school near the border that get pulled over......and most likely never have been in any type of situation like that....and most likely just met some of the right/wrong people. oh well could go on for hours about how someone could/can do something, but when it comes down to it.... how many people will??

well julian i would also like to say how greatly appreciated your time is. youve inspired many and gave ideas that just seem to make so much sense. But what you type....from what i gather is just a slice of the pie when it comes down to what you actually mean...again thank you, and happy toking and whatever else it is that you enjoy :joint:


Do you like Tool Julian? :smoke:
I'm back to listening to music... quite refreshing (or maybe refreshed?)
Anyway, I agree with you on generosity. It is beneficial for all, but most for the generous. And feels good, which is probably the most important benefit.

I ponder when did it become acceptable to walk up to my table in the middle of a serious discussion and say I must be high on whitey because having a long discussion on significant matters?.....

Damn right. Be a civilized beachboy.
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
I do.....and actually more so since I heard a 9-10 minute tune they have (the one in the link I am sure :smoke:.....) Music is one of my things......one of the most significant things in my life....(working on a new rig actually :smoke:...)

I wouldn't say was uncivilized.....just unwelcome....reader will note recent surge in low post count newer members.....

As have I. :smoke:

A shame only in the sense of dedicating the time.....

Yeah......generosity.......good will....karma....anyway you slice it, always someone who could use it more than ourselves........Some don't/won't always accept either, so, me?...I do the "walk away"....:biglaugh:...(lot of people will do the "no, no, I couldn't, etc"......gets a little old, so, I just go on my way :biglaugh:.......and, among those closest to me, they know....you say no once, okay, you say no twice?, done, I put it away and that's that, so....needless to say, not many say no the second time :biglaugh: (I've been there, so..............always a problem for me to ask for anything......don't feel comfortable......but, same deal...people know, favors and such?.....I won't ask twice...and, on a refusal, neither will I ask again if refused a first time.....(I know..Godfather approach, but, it's something I firmly believe in.....ie: "A refusal is not the act of a friend"......if refused a favor won't ask for another....etc....)

I try to give a lot....so, when time comes for me to ask for something...well,a hesitation doesn't make me happy.......and I don't forget it....


Speeking of generosity and Something to keep in mind julian (and maybe you do), a little of your herb could probably go along way to help alot of sick folk who need the herb to deal with med issues, pain, cancer, chemo etc. Its probably pretty hard to find a network to dispense if you dont live in a med state. . I'm not suggesting serious weight but maybe just table scraps and shake and hard to clean shit to donate to the cause. Does the oportunity ever present itself hand out "the medicine"? What your thoughts man? Hey, i aint sayin you dont already do enough, i'm sure you do!


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
marto said:
Speeking of generosity and Something to keep in mind julian (and maybe you do), a little of your herb could probably go along way to help alot of sick folk who need the herb to deal with med issues, pain, cancer, chemo etc. Its probably pretty hard to find a network to dispense if you dont live in a med state. . I'm not suggesting serious weight but maybe just table scraps and shake and hard to clean shit to donate to the cause. Does the oportunity ever present itself hand out "the medicine"? What your thoughts man? Hey, i aint sayin you dont already do enough, i'm sure you do!
Nah, earlier in thread I believe, I do actually :biglaugh:..(and, to me, story behind it is soooo funny because each one the straightest fucking people you could ever imagine, (like, as in so straight?, it
s funny to begin with :biglaugh: (like one wouldn't even say "darn"...:biglaugh:), and, what's even funnier is how such came to be.....each story funny (to me) in itself..........(I wrote some but deleted :biglaugh:....) Maybe if I think of and feel it will tell a story....seriously funny shit :biglaugh:.....)

And I fucked with em all the first time :biglaugh: (ie: I throw em something, and they're like the "well, how much", and I go into the "you know, something like this, this quality, etc, etc, could run you $400-$500 an ounce if you could find it in the first place..", which goes to the "well, how much is this", which goes to "Well.....I........I don't have.........that's a lot"...etc.....:biglaugh: (And then I tell em nothing, for free :smoke:....) Not a lot, so.....even for all combined is nothing, so......Nah, I have been now for a while...(should be somewhere earlier in thread, but, don't remember when I started.....while now.......was 1....then more......I think the words gettin out in the senior community :biglaugh:...)

To be honest never thought about it until opportunity presented itself.....and, have to admit........very good feeling......truly.......(and, all funny because at least one I never would have thought it helped in the first place.......some kind of serious chronic pain......their old....serious, serious pain, all the time.......even sitting still, etc......That alone changed a lot about what I thought I knew....etc.....they're sitting there telling me how much it helps pain.......)

And I am supposed to charge them anything?......:biglaugh:......(as they sit screaming in pain and I know they don't have the money?....ya know?.....)

(Not to say all med providers should...compensation for efforts something I truly believe in, but, in cases like that?.....fuck man....I mean, give em a break, ya know?.........not enough green?, well:

Just gotta make more :smoke:


Yeah man, I have 5 now...but I have the feeling a couple more bingo games later going to be a higher number :biglaugh:....


(Note: The 2 that are really old don't smoke.......(a coughing fit could kill em :biglaugh:...I use kief in edibles.....but, should be noted, when I'm out, they're out.......if there is some regular around and I remember I try and take care of em if I see em or they call me, etc, but, not a 12 month thing by any means......thing go pretty quick around me, and, I allow them to, so........(I don't really even keep ps for too long...something or another happens and there it goes....either a friend, one of those guys....maybe someone really needs something, etc, so.....I get things, pull some off, take care of people, then gone, and so and and so on....)

Also, they get the hardest core, best thing out of all fields everywhere. (It comes out of my ps, so, it's the nicest stuff out of everything, l everywhere, which adds to the humor :biglaugh:..... ie: I know what it does to me, so, I couldn't imagine what it does to a lightweight :biglaugh:)
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Okay. Conversations being had. Things being discussed.

Lot of people getting ready to do lot of thing, wish they could do lot of things, want to do a lot of things.....

Are you ready?.......Good, then you can tell me what the primary objective is....

Lot of people would say the primary objective is not getting caught...."getting away with it"....

I'd disagree though, and have a different philosophy.

The groundwork laid for any op should be that nobody goes down...

I don't view people as disposable.....

Anytime anyone goes down, it's a failure, and odds are in most cases it will come back in one way, shape, or form in the future.

The objective is how can it be structured, how can the groundwork be laid to best protect any and all involved.

As discussed earlier, mental preparation of oneself is not underrated....

Are you ready? (No, seriously, are you really? :smoke:)

I've had a couple conversations with people I know.....who want to do things.....who have tried and failed.....who are in the process and in my opinion shouldn't be, (and shouldn't have).......

So, quick backtrack: How would one know this?.......

I think sometimes hard for some to realize, because, of course, no one ever intends to fail...

There is a right time and place for everything.

In a recent conversation I had with someone, I wasn't embarrassed to say even 12 months ago, I wouldn't have deemed myself "ready" for things under discussion in my world....

In my case?.....issues with set up or execution?...I don't think so. Improper planning?, not understanding groundwork to be laid?......Nnnno. I think my issue would have been more a desire to commit and maintain the ferocity needed.

Maintain the ferocity needed..

Seems a lot of people overlook.........from planning through completion, there is no letting up.

Realistically?.....you might get moments when you can.....certain points a chance to relax, power down........etc.....

But then we get a little deeper into it and the question presents itself if one should. (Because sometimes more difficult to work your way back into "the zone"....) and then right back into staying in that mode for an indefinite period of time....

The latter seems to suit me personally more, to the dismay of those closest to me/around me most often sometimes.... :smoke: :biglaugh:...

Did you ever think about which suits you more? :smoke:

You know......people........they talk, they plan, they accumulate, they even grow.......they cover everything......

Except themselves. :smoke:

Now, a lot of people might also say "I take things too seriously".....which is an interesting observation I note...(ie: doesn't take a 5th grader to note such :biglaugh: :smoke:...)

Last I checked........our game does not allow any "mistakes"....

ANY mistakes....


1. What must be implemented to ensure plausible deniability and safety for all, how, and when?
2. What must be implemented, and how, to ensure operational success?

In the end, all would fall under the umbrella of "Security"....(and we all know Security is a subject few put enough effort into at the appropriate time(s)....)

Or?...in the end?....

Never let up. No mistakes. Protect everyone.

As always......leads right back to square one.....full circle: which would be is one ready, capable, and able to take on those responsibilities?

The title may have been changed........but the point remains.

As will everything else, even if thread doesn't.

People glorify the small grower for their position.....and condemn the large for theirs......

The problem is the "4 Senses of Self" always remain.....:smoke:

The small lack supply to provide any true consumption.......and even then, most of the time at costs which are just a detriment to their own security.....

The large?.....

The large supply the world.

Since last time I checked, we have now reached $200 a quarter ounce in some areas and circles (and I would bet body parts that's not coming from a 50k or a 10k outdoor :smoke:)........well, I'd say even more large are needed....:smoke:

That will happen as days and months and years go by, with or without my input :smoke:

Some thoughts on planning as we all undertake such...

Careful what you wish for.............

Sometimes we don't really think about getting it...:smoke:


Well-known member
Julian said:
In my case?.....issues with set up or execution?...I don't think so. Improper planning?, not understanding groundwork to be laid?......Nnnno. I think my issue would have been more a desire to commit and maintain the ferocity needed.

Maintain the ferocity needed..

Seems a lot of people overlook.........from planning through completion, there is no letting up.

Realistically?.....you might get moments when you can.....certain points a chance to relax, power down........etc.....

But then we get a little deeper into it and the question presents itself if one should. (Because sometimes more difficult to work your way back into "the zone"....) and then right back into staying in that mode for an indefinite period of time....

You hit on the head for me that’s for sure. There is a certain zone you have to be in. There is so much work mentally and physically that you have maintain a certain focus and I admit it its hard to keep it up when you have job, family, mow the lawn basically life.

To stay in the (operation) frame of mind is so important always thinking of the day-to-day changes in plant needs and the changes in environment that may effect plant needs or security. Setting up time frames for different visits and harvests of strains and keeping all these dates coordinated with a realistic plan. Can you really get to the plot as many times as it takes to pull off the perfect grow. OH MY GOD the things that run through your head it makes my mind swim. It can and does take over ones every thought because this is what is needed to keep it all rolling forward.

Just when you think you have a chance in hell of coordinating all of this you forgot you have a family, a mortgage, a lawn and sometimes for me anyways my plans are pie-in-the-sky when it comes down to execution. Not that I do not have even bigger plans this year but ”Maintain the ferocity needed.” Is the key to success.

Maintain the ferocity needed.

You said a mouthful.



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Hindu Killer said:
Good stuff bro....keep it real!
Thanks man.......and , continuing that train of thought: Is there anything but?

You know, staying on track of larger projects, which will require assistance in one form or another, subject of responsibility always brings a lot more things to the table......

Responsible to not only those who are your own, but all who are the others...(I mean, after all, if it's your op...then the responsibility of all others lies upon you...)

I've had the "don't let anything happen to...." talk with wives.....brothers.....fathers, etc........

And, if something does......the "failure" is yours........(even if by their mistakes.....since you were the one who designed their role....).....

Your op?......then your job to properly train.....protect...control op (and every single aspect)...

Which is another angle not touched on enough......(imvho), and contributes to the extreme importance of everyone being on the same page....(and another angle touched on why I get as fanatical as I do.......and why I tend to spend the time on it that I do.......)

My failure lets down far more than myself, and those close to me......as does yours...

And that is very real my friend.....very real.....

What comes out of "failure" is endless....with the reach of such endless...

I tend to go into such things at length more and more as time goes on......

Some might assume the above is shared due to it applying to me.....(such a failure)....

NNnnope :smoke:.....

But it is something I am always aware of and I think others should be as well.........

To me man.......that's about as real as it gets.....

Been touched on.......related angles always worthy of being touched on again occasionally....

hamstring said:
You hit on the head for me that’s for sure. There is a certain zone you have to be in. There is so much work mentally and physically that you have maintain a certain focus and I admit it its hard to keep it up when you have job, family, mow the lawn basically life.
I wear a lot of hats man......(as the average person does........and, activities such as ours?, I think we wear a heavier hat :smoke:........and more often........and face issues the "average" person does not.....)

It is hard
to "maintain ferocity" one minute, and devote the warmth and love and understanding required to others (family, children, souse, GF,)....to "wind down"......work, etc.......

(Of course, the LE that are actively following this will relate quite easily.........similar in many ways.....many ways......but, frankly, I think we tend to deal with such much better.........which would be reflected more in out lower divorce rates, drinking rates, etc :smoke:....)

Same thing though........and good example for people......

Dealing with people, and situations which place great stress, require great focus, with "mistakes" carrying extreme consequences affecting those far beyond our immediate family....

Moving from one to the other..........I think requires a lot....and, for some?, maybe a different approach and readjustment in general of many thoughts and beliefs and approaches...(ie:Always best to acknowledge such, and use anything remotely negative in a positive way......ie: work the stress off by working out......channel it into working, getting more done......insomnia due to lot on my mind is no stranger to me, I do the above often, also work it off, get work done....use it to start new projects, etc........something which I think a lot of people have a problem with actually...ie: How to convert anything negative into something beneficial and positive........if not, one becomes at risk of those around us receiving it.....in one form or another.......

My world has become fairly easy regarding such.....I readily tell people just moody, lot on my mind...going to work a little, go for a run, and, nothing having to do with them, apologize for anything remotely hinting as such.......ie: I try and reserve that "ferocity" for the things requiring such.....etc....

An interesting subject to me, affecting many........and dealt with in many ways...and, something that we all could use a little work on now and then, no matter how good we think we handle such, etc...
To stay in the (operation) frame of mind is so important always thinking of the day-to-day changes in plant needs and the changes in environment that may effect plant needs or security. Setting up time frames for different visits and harvests of strains and keeping all these dates coordinated with a realistic plan. Can you really get to the plot as many times as it takes to pull off the perfect grow.
When doing a little something more :smoke:, I find the larger wall calenders help out a lot.....whole year at a glance, writable, erasable.......(and, frankly, I would just plain forget a lot of things if I didn't use them......)

And, I think most can relate to scheduling, (and then rescheduling)...planning...(and then dumping all plans and starting from scratch, etc)......

I think all can relate, no matter what size their project, to having it occupy a great portion of their thoughts during the season.......

Backtracking a little, covering a couple issues, is, those are more beneficial aspects of having "business's"......which in my world cover my scheduling......ie: No one in my world/those closest to me would give it a second thought that a certain day/pair of days, I say have to put in a lot of time/work.......won't be around, etc.......ie: Have to drill 2 days?........"working".......etc....

Reasonable and rational explanation which covers my absence, and, applies to anyone and everyone with me..(doing work for me somewhere, working with me somewhere, going to meetings with me somewhere, etc)....

Business? Setting up a business?.......

In my world?......That is a mandatory starting point of any op.

(From planning stage, affecting any and every aspect, from start through finish)

Just increases and becomes more important with indoor ops....
OH MY GOD the things that run through your head it makes my mind swim. It can and does take over ones every thought because this is what is needed to keep it all rolling forward.
I bolded that out :smoke:......and rest assured in this specific place and time....we know :smoke:.....The same as I tell my people.....and I think many here can relate.......ie: Aware of any and every thought and emotion which comes to one during the process..........
Just when you think you have a chance in hell of coordinating all of this you forgot you have a family, a mortgage, a lawn and sometimes for me anyways my plans are pie-in-the-sky when it comes down to execution. Not that I do not have even bigger plans this year but ”Maintain the ferocity needed.” Is the key to success.

Maintain the ferocity needed.

You said a mouthful.

I think it is man........and, you know, helps of course if one aware of all those aspects when in planning stage....(and again where a business might come in)......

Easy example: How can one realistically expect to "hide" anything if needing a large shipment (or multiple large) of supplies?....

How can one schedule the time away needed...(which leads back to working...some hunters, equally as easy, etc)......

Middle of up not the time or place to lack simple answers to simple questions...

But, I think "pie in the sky" isn't exactly realistic depending on a lot of factors..(one budget, help, location, rainfall, etc).......

Many things can be done to improve efficiency......limit ones time and attention needed.....

I've tried to always approach it as just "something I do".....but one mere aspect of my life...and the last one most of the time.....(I try to schedule around it, etc, and, we all know I am sure sometimes that can be easy, sometimes far from :smoke:.....)

You know, in the end?.....always the same: What you can, where you can, when you can, how you can :smoke:...

Always a good starting point :smoke:

I might not be around this holiday.....first time in a long time...family always first to me, above all....still not sure.....and, I suppose a good example.....(on the other hand since always been around, I think one not isn't that big of a deal, etc......etc, etc, but, going to leave personal out......)

(Of course they don't know the true nature of my business trip and absence......thought I might let slip going to look at a 27,000 acre ranch thinking about buying :biglaugh:....not as expensive as it sounds either :smoke:....but, then again, would create having to provide secondary accompanying explanations.....sOOooooo........might just leave it alone :smoke:......and leave it at going to see friend whose there for holidays.......all his family in states....etc, nice surprise for him (which is true :smoke:)

(They know something.......a "business trip" to that region of the world in itself carries a range of thoughts for the average person I think :biglaugh:....)

Holidays here........I hope all take the downtime for what it is......(which is something I've gotten used to.....slowing down and accepting downtime, because know won't always have it..........)

btw.......something of interest....
Slow day for me (this time of year always is...).......am watching "American Gangster"......and, yeah, good flick......but, couple things in it which struck me as interesting......(besides "going to source", which I think many have done in the past....)

It all gets brought down by someone repeating something in anothers presence......(which actually happened to me many, many years ago....)

You hear someone repeat something when telling them something: Call it off/Change it up.

Happened to me...ended my world as I knew it......put me from something into the poorhouse overnight....

Very real.........happened to me......so fucking close to the movie it hit me pretty hard.....

Simple, insignificant routine act can bring it all down....

All should be aware.....(and, I knew at the time...I "felt" it.....should have changed everything up.........changed everything......)

(Going to source nothing unusual...sure 50% of people here know someone who has at one time or another, so, not even worth addressing.....still done to this day.........)


New member
Julian - All I can say is Thank you from the root of my being. The wisdom that you have shared here is priceless. The stories, lessons, facts, and spiritual insights in this thread have truly changed the way I look at many things in life and business.

I can just imagine the amount of game, wisdom, etc. that you shine upon people actually in your presence. I would pay money to work for you for a season. I really am having a hard time trying to express my gratitude without coming off as kiss ass, so I will just leave it at that.



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
ApolloGreed said:
Julian - All I can say is Thank you from the root of my being. The wisdom that you have shared here is priceless. The stories, lessons, facts, and spiritual insights in this thread have truly changed the way I look at many things in life and business. I really am having a hard time trying to express my gratitude without coming off as kiss ass, so I will just leave it at that.
You know......That is very kind......always is, and, actually made me think about something, which I will go into below, and maybe of interest to people, and, something that all will remember........for partners, for workers...for training, etc.....(which I rearranged post to provide a lead in for those thoughts....)

I see the statements above that interest, and value, was provided to someone.....and, far from any kind of "ego" boost, it makes me reflect that I didn't have the same....and makes me feel good I could provide the same to someone....

The people I came up with occasionally would offer something...(once a year a one liner, which they probably heard in a movie, etc)......had no interest in anyone around or under them doing well (god forbid as well as them......that wouldn't do....)....They subscribed to the "let them make just enough to survive but not hate you" theory....(which I never have), and, frankly, didn't do that well either (because they were hated.....but fear evened that out.....)

They ended up well....but never cared or contributed to anyone around them....and the sad truth is time and energy invested in those early on, and, I couldn't tell you one thing I learned...

Of course am always skeptical of new posters and members for obvious (and not) reasons, but, to ignore such would be inappropriate, and, has paved way for a subject lightly touched on, and, possibly of great benefit to all....

So......Thank you.
I can just imagine the amount of game, wisdom, etc. that you shine upon people actually in your presence. I would pay money to work for you for a season.
Which after being humbled, leads me to think of:
Do people see the true value in such?.........

In my world.....there have been many who haven't/don't......

(applicable to all.....bear with me...)

HK's sig above actually sums it up....and been discussed:
Who are we?.........
Why are we here?..........
What do we do?....................

We (note we....not about "me"....about "we"....as a whole.....)......

WE....are engaged in an activity which is basically creating actual currency.....("growing it on trees" if you will:smoke:)........

Creating such from a thought....at will.......from "essentially" "scratch"....

I have had many whom have shown no interest..........whom I considered unimpressive "students".........and sat and wondered why that is?.........

Of course, my position on such would be "Maybe not the student, but the teacher".......and, I have analyzed that many times........I have......

I didn't agree in the end because I am of the school of explaining things to each individual in the way which they need it to be...(I'm the same way...sometimes I need things explained to me in a specific way, etc.....but, then again, I'm a little more aggressive and make that known and ask what I need to ask to put it together in my mind...

Going back to square one......
At will, from scratch?.......

In times when I felt what I was saying was not being welcomed, absorbed, appreciated, etc........I made it clear that this would remain for many years to come.....

Growing?........a batch?..........

If you ask me, fuckin pales in comparison to the fact that not only is the above true, but will remain true for the rest of ones life....

The ability to create currency at will...for the rest of ones life...

"Average" person?.......single batch now and then?....

The "average person" in the end has basically, absolutely no chance to "come across" 10-20-30k+ in bulk throughout their life.....

This is why in the past I have been.......offended......by lack of interest....etc......maybe at the fact that even after explanation not understanding what they have been exposed to....

(And I have/do use the above........"Even if I was gone tomorrow......the skill to create at will for many, many years to come".....)

WTF would not want to know that??????.............ie: Want to make any amount of money, any time you want, quickly and easily for the rest of your life?...


Again...not about me, because I am sure the above many can relate to.......(Just in this thread others discussed problems with others....."Me syndrome", etc.......so, I know not the only person.....)

I also know won't be the last, because in future many will take on new partners, with new approaches, and, as some grow, will find themselves taking on others.....partners, help....and, in the process (sorrry......) will experience the above feeling.....ie: Sharing this thing....and not feeling understood, appreciated, or an interest.......)

All another thing which sometimes people overlook........

I think what we all do........is one of the greatest gifts..........

I think we are blessed beyond what most ever realize......(especially in a time with 10's of thousands of layoffs, financial institutions failing, etc.....)


And here we sit making the shit.

(Which people should keep in mind for themselves....I just finished bitching at someone the other day that we determined between himself, family, and friends, was going through probably 1/2 z a day............not as much as it sounds...maybe 10 nice birds with a lot of people, etc)....

Sounds fine, until one remembers that's almost $5,000 a month just in bud.....(60k a yr)...

Put that down as prepay on a mortgage for a single year and would turn your 30yr into a 15......(off the top of my head.....sure doesn't fall too far from actual numbers....)

Lot of people who grow now won't be 2-5yrs from now.......they'll "quit" for one reason or another........(valid in their minds...no argument here)........and, sell or get rid of any associated equipment...(which I wouldn't agree with, and think a big mistake :smoke:.....)

(Which in the end goes back some "take to it"......and some?.....just don't.....and, nothing any of us can do will change that..........and such shouldn't be a disappointment.......or be taken as a reflection on ourselves....our abilities....teaching or otherwise......)

For people who grow "small", just for ps..........of course such don't think it's "money"......except of course if they didn't make they're own they would be buying it, and is directly measured in dollar value.....which then of course free's up that money they would normally spend, for other things....

Just a reminder what we are...who we are.......

We turn hard work and shit into gold....

And will be able to our entire lives....

And, sometimes........those who show no interest in such?.....make me wonder.....

(I can see the TV commercial now: "Turn shit, and all your garbage into gold"....only 3 payments of $19.95........have your first gold coins or bars in 90 days from your order, or we'll refund your money (minus shipping costs)"..............as the viewer switches the commercial off in favor of whatever one reading holds as ridiculous.....)

What do you do?....

"I farm money........"

Therefore........I think it a great thing when anybody gains something positive and of use from anyone, anytime regarding our thing...

It's a very special gift.........that anyone, anywhere, anytime can apply....

Lot of people on lot of boards have shared a lot, for all our own different reasons......

My thanks are on behalf of everyone who has spent their time and effort to offer someone something of use........

And, frankly?........I don't think the majority of people who share ever have "ego" in mind when doing so.......(maybe 1-2, but, the majority it is probably the last thing on their mind....)

(I get like this around the holidays......reflection......contemplation....)

To all the "money farmers"......:biglaugh:

(Imagine deep draw on that phrase.....as in: "I FARmm MUNNi" :smoke:)


Which one can pick up and resume at any time they like, almost anywhere......(which would go back to voluntary breaks and such...picking it back up, hit and runs out of nowhere, etc.......)

The ability to create currency for the rest of ones natural life at will.

I for one am pleased when one realizes that ability........when one realizes the significance.......

Those around me?......I am sometimes disappointed, because it's not a lecture.....in reality, it's a blank check...:smoke:

I think, for anyone, anytime, anywhere who draws anything on these subjects, that the truly important thing is it's something that will serve one far,far beyond today....

I think the true power of such things lies in such........I experience myself such frequently.....and me?....makes me quite happy.......quite.....

If I can create/eliminate one less problem from the rest of my life?..

Fuck man........imagine if all of us could do that even once a week?........every week......change a thought or behavior.....adopt a new approach........

Even one
thing a week.........imagine the cumulative effect?...

(Of course, the secret that lies in any alteration of behavior is sticking to it long term....which is not always easier said than done.......)


Thought the above of interest.......and I think we should all take a lack of interest in such a gift for face value and a clear indicator of the individual and their value and potential...

(deleted quite a bit.........anyway.......)


As I myself become more familiar with various things I am beginning to realize how truly versed you are Julian. You don't make note/mention of it but you utilize high level business techniques throughout almost all your thought processes and writing. I notice leveraging, visualization, delegation, and a few others, but damn man, you could start a school just on the stuff you aren't talking about lol, but merely imply. Could you possibly give me some pointers or direction if I were trying to go deeper into this outer layer that surrounds everything. This mainly deals with speech and speech patterns but I'm trying to learn more about "flow" which I believe is what you guys were referring to in these last couple posts. Athletes may describe it as being "in the zone", psychologists call it "in flow". I recently found a resource for many useful/practical business resources such as this. I guess they're life skills more so than anything.

That's pretty deep man.


Hello Jules....crew

thanks for everything you add, it's not enough to thank you, b/c it's more of an inner swelling up than a mere 'thanks', something i expect others too get from this thread occasionally too

i like the approach of the last post, b/c i feel like events and interests of my life led me right to this thread, where I enjoyed every page of it, and how should I NOT grow when I've been gifted this special lesson

who am I to just walk away from what I've found and treat treasure like trash?

Good to see you say more on the logistics of actual planning this time, I THOUGHT I'd planned a grow last year, no, I wrote down a few possibilities and desires, but hardly created a plan of operation

thanks for the continuing advice
(hope its not greedy of me to be hungry for more, despite knowing you cant lead us always)

hope everyones plans for the holidays come along nicely, keep blazin
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Thanks guys.........very humbled...(even more so than usual.....)

I'm back......will address the above, add some thing, and, share some other things.....(Always get things from trips......lot this time,and, some interesting things also :smoke:.....)

Hope all are well.....know lot of people thinking about next season....I haven't really been.....but, it's creeping up heavy on my thoughts....little too scattered lately, been focusing on the south thing with several developments from several different areas regarding that (3 different people/groups/locations, etc)......

Hope all had a good holiday also....

Will be back later.....lot of things to add about a lot of things....
Julian said:
Don't know em, never heard of em, and have no idea where they are.

Edit: People should know also the Tribal cops are essentially Feds, with their own set of laws. People should think before they fuck around on Reservation land. (Farther West would be Navajo Nation that's problem, they also patrol sections of interstate that pass through the Nation)

Actually, yes, I do have some thoughts on that....

The "made" 45MM from 10 tons.

Very impressive...I mean, to "make" $2,100 a pound in profit.....quite a margin.....(and such generous suppliers......I mean....to give all their product for free like that...:smoke:)

Even more impressive that 30 something people involved, and they worked for free...(since the "head" "made" all the money, and gave none to anyone else.....how could he if he "made" it all?

Yet even more
impressive is "making" $2,100 profit per pound in bulk..:smoke:...

And quite
impressive to move 10 tons in "trunks of cars" , considering most cars you'd be lucky to get 50 or 100 if not compressed/bricked.

More than likely
, the majority don't have enough money for an attorney...

A driver got busted, he flipped.

Don't believe everything you read.

Other thoughts?........Yes actually: East coast bulk/retail markets just expanded.

Can't believe everything you read anyway.....LE and press always like to paint situations much more colorful than they are.....make people much more important than they are....

lol julian you grew 10 tons?? good one
Dazed I don't think he was saying he grew 10 tons, the people that got busted did.

Any way Julian in that movie American Gangster, he had a plan and stuck to it until that fight. Drew attention to himself and that was the end. On numerous occasions i have talked with GF about how I'd rather have money and no one know it than look like I had money and not. My only real concern in life is taking care of my family and maybe share with some friends. But the later is usually where probs start, friends can really be a drag. It is rare to find one that is genuinely trust worthy.

Julian, when I read your posts I go back to when I was 19-20 and I remember as do my parents. My dad asks me what are you going to do with your life and I told him, be the biggest pot grower in the US. When he got done laughing he asked, no seriously what are you going to do. Well that plan was Bigger than my wallet and I ended up serving in the military traveling the world. But I think back on those times and realize if I only knew what i know now. Hell, i'd probably be in jail like most my friends. They couldn't do it and have an ounce of security, they told everyone multiple times, and got busted multiple times. Your post and numerous others on here really have the wheels turning for next year, and my personality is not one for a small PS. Anyway have a nice holiday


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Well....this is certainly not a game or endeavor for those........ummm.....mentally challenged?.....

Fuck, we always have a constant reminder it seems this thread is not even for the mentally challenged :biglaugh:......:smoke:

I'll bypass the reminder of what thread is, why was started, the purpose, etc....

Even "small ps".........well, you know.......easy to go through quite a bit :smoke:, so...

Thanks for the wishes btw....very busy....(out of town again shortly and probably will be quite a bit for next couple months)....but, "holidays" coming for me at a time currently with lot of potential "gifts".....(from life....the universe, etc.....)

On verge of life altering breakthroughs on 10 different fronts...

I am also beginning process as of today of looking for a 2nd home in Southern North America...:smoke:


Julian said:
On verge of life altering breakthroughs on 10 different fronts...

Good one julian..

Im glad to hear that you are keepin up the hard work. I hope things go well for you on every front.
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