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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Product and approach has been discussed at length , and in detail, lot of people use it, suits the purpose, works well.....(I'd work it far out from base for a top feed if trying to go no maintenance, minimal visits.....)

Was walking out, (sure someone will step in and address...many use/have used it...) but, wanted to touch on plausible deniability :smoke:

Unfortunately......that is among the things unable to discuss in public forum, but, rest assured, depending on the property and numbers, it is possible to establish a concrete 100% defense....leading to you are not responsible for them without a doubt :smoke:

Lends itself better to larger numbers, larger acreage. (The bigger the better :smoke:)

Maybe I will write something up when I get a second so them have it and can cut and paste and share with those whom we haven't discussed in private....(If your new...if I don't know you?.....Sorry. This is very sensitive information. Will not share with anyone. Will not share in open forum.

100% concrete evidence, including verification. (Claims and stories are empty without adequate corroboration and verification...) :smoke:

(Steps and approach have to be implemented far before first planting......)

100% guaranteed........if anything ever happened, your attorney(ies) will be amazed at your resourcefulness and ingenuity :smoke:

Amazed. :smoke:
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Active member
I don't know if you mentioned it or not, but did you end up moving those plants or did you just cut them? If you moved them, how are they holding up?

This thread has made me change the way i look at growing and the approach i take. This season has been one big learning experience. One thing i realized a little late is a half assed effort = half assed results. Even though i'm disapointed in this years outcome, what i've learned is invaluable.


Yes Julian, I need to know that info... please send me a copy, man!!!

My friend, is now on house arrest.... ive been keepin it cool lately... no indoor grow starts just yet cause, after i visited him, some white guy followed for 2 hours..... i guess i look like suspicious..... im planning on relocating before my next... sort-of from a clean slate.....this apartment never seem safe to me.... i just dont fell comfortable here.... so new house more peace of mind..

im going to my plot today ... wish me luck


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
clearcutter said:
I don't know if you mentioned it or not, but did you end up moving those plants or did you just cut them? If you moved them, how are they holding up?
Thanks for reminding me (sarcasm :biglaugh:) No...haven't done anything with them yet and have to immediately!...Right now that specific issue is on a day to day schedule...ie: Not today?, then tomorrow, not tomorrow, then next day but has to be done asap!

If was strictly up to me and my schedule, it would have ben done the same day (I really tend not to put shit off.....sometimes just for a day if something else that day, or don't feel like it, etc, but, motivation not a problem for me.......you do what you have to do ("thinking" isn't necessary in such matters...thinking is for afterwards :biglaugh:.....)

If they are remotely close to anything, and anything can be done with them, probably just going to chop (probably what my guys have been thinking...we put it off a little and then almost done, etc......)

I would definitely share results though, and in depth observations....I haven't been there in several weeks, but, I would estimate right now thy are probably 3 weeks away....so.......(was part of my dilemma....so close.......upsetting things when so close...), so....if I don't make it there till this weekend...2 weeks away.....might just chop.....Don't know exactly what those specific ones look like (probably haven't seen that spot in a while....was at that general location...but, not that plot specifically, so, have no clue.......(I do have couple things here and there ready to be cut as soon as I can make the rounds for that, o.....best case scenario?, those are close (not counting on it....)

Ahhh.........a fun note :biglaugh: The location and person those were supposed to go to has not dug the holes yet also...(I certainly have no intention of doing it, especially if gift....ie: You want me to trim and dry and smoke it for you also?......only thing not doing is giving the guy a hummer :biglaugh:.....so, that's another factor.......holes dug, we go, it's done.....I hate dicking around like that......(either do it, get it done, or not........I hate loose ends...uncertainty......too much going on to have open ends everywhere......)
This thread has made me change the way i look at growing and the approach i take.
Glad of interest....glad able to offer something.....My motives sometimes overlooked and misunderstood.....I'll be done and gone and have reached objectives shortly....Figured would share what might enable such for another.....
This season has been one big learning experience. One thing i realized a little late is a half assed effort = half assed results. Even though i'm disappointed in this years outcome, what i've learned is invaluable.
They all are my friend.......they all are......

Different seasons represent different weather and accordingly different conditions and sets of problems.....being somewhat flexible and able top react not underrated in this game......

I wouldn't agree though on the little late..(for my own desires and approaches and situations....)....I like the later smaller stuff better...solid, easier to trim, less exposure, more stealth, etc.....takes some getting used to sometimes...sometimes a little too late, sometimes a little too early, etc, etc.....takes a little to get everything "just right"......but, no more than just another option/approach in bag of tricks.. ya know?...

Had a funny story to share along those lines (mistakes, lessons, people)...not sure I have the time though at this second....but, same for me man....(disappointed in season, lot of issues from weather to people, etc....), but, such provides endless "food for thought"....and, next season already in play as we speak (for everyone....whether they are actively working on it or not.....), so....is what it is....

Sorry this obviously wasn't one of your better seasons......but, there's another one rapidly approaching :smoke: (I take endless comfort ion that myself, so :biglaugh:)

HOVAH said:
Yes Julian, I need to know that info... please send me a copy, man!!!
Still have to write it up, and write up in a way one will answer and accommodate everyones situation (include various angles....)

In the end I think what it will (should) do is remove a major/one of the major actors in going ahead with a large one.....because one can....(all are more suited to larger ones.....the larger and more resources one has the better.....)

(I'll also include a little as to how an where and when these all came from, including real cases in which no charges were filed also :smoke:)
My friend, is now on house arrest.... ive been keepin it cool lately... no indoor grow starts just yet cause, after i visited him, some white guy followed for 2 hours..... i guess i look like suspicious..... im planning on relocating before my next... sort-of from a clean slate.....this apartment never seem safe to me.... i just dont fell comfortable here.... so new house more peace of mind..

im going to my plot today ... wish me luck
I'd still go for more info from him and if visits can be put off I would......As you see, every day may (or may not) reveal something more....

Someone on you (being followed) is sometimes hard to pinpoint and make an exact call....Lot of counter measures can be one to verify someone is indeed on you (and if they are, you don't want to go right now)...

Good news is that if they were on you previously, you wouldn't be seeing them now...

1. I'd clean anything associated with you directly (house, car.....equipment out and packed...)
2. Start thinking about how to dry trim and cure somewhere not associated with you......(might have to give up a piece)...Can take lot of different forms....from someones place for full process....to rental and pick it up there.....to combination (hang out for dry and some trim and then only couple days to dry somewhere and pack up for cure, etc...)

And in the meantime...try and keep an eye on spot from a distance if possible...(include the drive in ones to somewhere else, but passing by, etc.....) Have to establish if it's lost or not...and, i not.....have to keep it far from you during final processes....

In the process (of addressing other things, taking you mind off these)....you might get some clarity here and there about how to proceed...(had to be reasonable and rational and logical when under serious stress, threat....with such uncertainty (why I despise such thing...I know it clouds my thoughts.......I know it does.....but, guess knowing is half the battle :smoke:....)

Could also do he above and basically relax in the process (ie: stop and tlk to one person about a place to finish.....then hang out couple days, relax...maybe pass by general area here and there......try and estimate a single chop (ie: all at once......some a little early, some just right, some late, etc......think about what would be the latest time for all to turn out well....start making one week before that your deadline...)

Just offering something here and there......don't know exact situation.....and, know what you feel is actually everything...If I was in situation?...might change something based on what I heard or saw or felt, but, not, so, don't know the nuances..........but, try to follow your feelings....(and, as above......try also to recognize of those feelings are authentic or colored by situation....)

Big difference between the two.

Strategy......patience.....psychology........all part of it.....

Welcome to the big leagues :smoke:

Note: I checked some jugs of floralicious....(glanced)....does seem like some chem, but, mostly organic....
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Hey julian, in regard to the plants you wanna move, how about just cuttiing the branches off and sticking in large buckets of water. I'm sure youd get a little more growth and not too labor intensive. Ive flowered male plants doing this but on a very small scale....just a thought.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
marto said:
Hey julian, in regard to the plants you wanna move, how about just cutting the branches off and sticking in large buckets of water. I'm sure you'd get a little more growth and not too labor intensive. Ive flowered male plants doing this but on a very small scale....just a thought.
Know exactly what your talking about......in this specific case, probably not.....(but, relating to earlier discussions...hang could also buy me a final/extra week, so....something also that I forgot about....(still haven't addressed it yet.....have a vicious business week this week myself, very heavy, very serious matters.....ie: Suits and cars....so......will get to it though, and, as I am sure all know.....you know...when I see them, will know what I want to do....really no idea how far along those specific ones are...if 2 weeks?....will probably cut, hope the hang buys me a good extra week......if more than 2 weeks?...will make a judgment call (re confirm projected traffic.....if can be put off for even another week......many know.....mid/late flower a week can be all the difference in the world...ie: Extra week, then a week hang, etc,....

I always try to wait it out.....(I hate cutting early.......waste of an entire seasons worth of time and energy and money, etc......I seriously hate that shit....

We'll see.......should be making final rounds soon (last before cut, final feedings,........see what is what, start scheduling cutting dates for each location, and all plots, etc....(and, as mentioned above regarding insulation, outsourcing.....:smoke: Everyone in line , waiting and ready :smoke: Everything in place.....just have to schedule cuts......:smoke:

(Fuck..........only people here would understand the fuckin wave of relief that just washed over me making that statement :biglaugh:......damn near brings a tear to your eye after such a hard season :biglaugh:....)

(If I wasn't having to address all the other bullshit right now, might be a happy guy :smoke: I'm having one of those Micheal Corleone "settle all family business" kind of weeks :biglaugh:.....(Which isn't welcome at this specific point in time........but, has to be........would have rather it was 6 weeks from now :smoke:....(ie: Should have everything in and safe and everything underway in about 6.......)

ARTofMAKINGfire said:
Julian - You're giving me a lot of good ideas. I'll be sending you a PM. Planning for several years from now...
Glad I'm able to.......

PM's?.......Well, as above.....having trouble getting o them as is (time I am here shrinking this time of season.....less each time and less frequently.....but, if not already in thread :smoke:...will see what I can do....(sounds like something of interest brewing :smoke:.....) Just try to keep it short and to the point, and, I'll do the same.......

2 yr/24 months out usually works fairly well (ie: some funding from current, adequate time to secure a spot and prep and plan and revise in the process......time to do a season in between to add to the funding....and again revise approaches........strains....methods......etc....

Note: When you've run a lot of things....a good "feel"......good resources and plans developed...a lot easier to initiate "full force mode" when ready...

Plan, plan some more, accumulate.....revise again, etc.....ie: "work it down" over and over......execution easier.....

I'm the first to know how jumping into something is........"next season"?.......always puts one in a spot........the season after?....usually gives some good "breathing room".....

I've done a lot of those...(long term planned large ones....)

Execution and initiation of plan...........a good feeling :smoke:.....

Note: Good news is once you pull off one done in such a manner?.....:smoke:....future ones much easier :smoke:

Usually the real problems all boils down to site issues.....selection...etc.....takes the longest....was explaining that to someone recently......ie: That the real wait is on identifying and securing (or securing control) "the site"...ie: You grow?.......have?....Can?.....do it well?..........have resources, funding, a plan, budget?....well, all that is missing from that picture is a site to execute :smoke:

Hindu Killer

Active member
I agree completely J.....they dont find much of it at all. And when they do its most often because someone tells on them. Thats been my experience any way.
I also like your points on makeing things happen on a large scale....... I wonder how many of our readers/menbers just walk right into there spots.??? I sneak in from a aways off...and slow stalk to locations..looking for any thing out of ordinary. Paying attention to the creatures around me... they can tell you alot about whats going in the wild.
Just seen they made some finds in a local area......and am confident none of them were mine...just because of how I do it. Theres always the chance...however Im willing to bet.
Its really about makeing it happen ...doing every thing in ur power to succeed. Id like to see a list of steps you take J. I scout locations in my sleep. Ever work agriculture fields J? I need to do it all my self next year, just because I can count on me...no one else. Just seems to work best for me.(past experience) And my scouting starts now.
Figure germ seed in first week of may 2wks under floros, then outside Tplanted and grown for 3 more weeks, then tplanted into final homes. ferted and watered well, then Im off. Come back water and fert, then only return to water if needed. Lastly potash put down watered,tied down. The not seen untill chop.
The getting them adequate water on the Gorilla tip is my trouble.........had plan this season that all fell apart. Partner flaked out and left me dealing with several hundred on my own, that I wasnt prepared to do. I cant stand fake ass bastards that wanna talk it , but never walk it. Or the type that wanna hunt my efforts. Or someone else's.

Certainly enjoy the op to share these thoughts with someone that is actually on the front lines....

Thinking I need a first wk of Sept finisher! That is vigorous and potent. I guess the real bottom line is Ive collected some "grail" genetics.....now I just need to do my part and get them done, i the maner I seek!


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Hindu Killer said:
I agree completely J.....they dont find much of it at all. And when they do its most often because someone tells on them. Thats been my experience any way.
Well, all relative.......ie: How many flight hrs vs. how man ops found....would be some interesting numbers we'll never see :smoke:

(Doesn't seem like something they would want to release :smoke:)
I also like your points on making things happen on a large scale....... I wonder how many of our readers/members just walk right into there spots.??? I sneak in from a aways off...and slow stalk to locations..looking for any thing out of ordinary. Paying attention to the creatures around me... they can tell you a lot about whats going in the wild.
I don't know....maybe less than one might think, due to the paranoia factor (I'm no stranger to having to prep psychologically even when feel safe...

I do like the cameras (We've used those for years) and can be used endless ways......especially near any access roads is also nice...

Location dictates quite a bit though and all the specifics.....what one has going on (locally).....as earlier....smaller, tighter areas people talk, so....if something happens in some situations you'll hear about it far before you even think of going in that direction (Extra step on larger ones is securing another property close by.....having someone close...knowing someone close...etc, etc.......which I know some do, so......)
Just seen they made some finds in a local area......and am confident none of them were mine...just because of how I do it. Theres always the chance...however Im willing to bet.

I believe that's what it's all about...(betting on it)...because.....you are :smoke: Everything you have....all or nothing....so........I believe it to be condition and way of life.....ie: Would you bet on it? :smoke:....)

They always get something...everywhere......I would hope all pay attention to it because tells you a lot about current activities and areas.....methods, etc......
Its really about making it happen ...doing every thing in ur power to succeed.
I agree......You wouldn't find a single person who knows me who wouldn't use such words as "fanatic"......"anal" :biglaugh:.....obsessed.....(I'd agree with all such, I know, I am aware of it.....every second and every action and word.......but, I would prefer the use of words such as "dedicated"...."thorough".....etc....

I've had more than a few conversations with people here and there about payoffs, what is necessary....what is called for...etc.......Hard to explain.....ie: I tell you/discuss with you , you making 6 figures within next 9 months....you might not be inclined to readily believe it and think it an exaggeration.......You (anyone) might then balk a litle at amount o work to put in and required...and schedules.....but...come about nowwww....:biglaugh:, well, people usually straighten their shit out fairly quick and start to "see the light".....(Could use this season as an example of such with someone.......you walk through 16hrs o rock solid 10 footers 3 weeks away.....well....:smoke:.........)

I know I get a little...."firm"....but...as I think has been established.......a serious endeavor for serious people........(Goes back to people "giving anything" for something (claiming)...having trouble delivering (which I think in some cases is out of doubt....something new they don't understand, etc.......etc......assume same pattern(s)/belief(s)/Behavior(s) could be applied to this thread.......ie: Someone reading it......What has been discussed is very real.......sometimes bothers me many might not recognize exactly what has been discussed.......

I think some do, and will...so.......to those?.......a toast on first million in cash would be fine....(300lbs).....in the "whole scheme of things"........


Id like to see a list of steps you take J. I scout locations in my sleep. Ever work agriculture fields J? I need to do it all my self next year, just because I can count on me...no one else. Just seems to work best for me.(past experience) And my scouting starts now.
Well, site and related discussed fairly extensively throughout.....I do hear you...(alone)....believe me, I wish I could...for what (and how) I do?..Well...I do what I do....and, try to change what I don't like, etc...is what it is......(although have thought about........well into the future alone.....one day....wondering what I could pull......(could still have minimal help with prep and trimming, etc.....) Even pulling down 100 or so might be 300k when all is said and done.....which I could live with..(for "recreational effort"....)

Guess we'll see.....time will tell.....

Scouting....for me?....it's really a perpetual "machine"....as is things "occurring" to me...different approaches, etc....for me a little different because I get "brought" projects (sites), so....but, I'm always looking and thinking (even in my sleep...when I get some.....:biglaugh:..)

I believe agricultural represents much more extraordinary things than most realize.........I'm well aware (actively :smoke:) of the potential.......if done right, etc....mentioned earlier..then later, etc...

Sure well into the future a handle might pop up with some interesting pics...
Figure germ seed in first week of may 2wks under floros, then outside Tplanted and grown for 3 more weeks, then tplanted into final homes. ferted and watered well, then Im off. Come back water and fert, then only return to water if needed. Lastly potash put down watered,tied down. The not seen untill chop.
I follow similar regimen......2 weeks give or take (but close under 1k's...) straight to final spots, top fed.....and a stop here an there......all specifics earlier...I alter little now and then depending on time of season, op, etc.....and, always thinking because while I do depend on rainfall......droughts do occur :smoke:...

Rainfall is key........decides whole op and all maintenance....
The getting them adequate water on the Gorilla tip is my trouble.........had plan this season that all fell apart. Partner flaked out and left me dealing with several hundred on my own, that I wasnt prepared to do. I cant stand fake ass bastards that wanna talk it , but never walk it. Or the type that wanna hunt my efforts. Or someone else's.
With you 100%...seen it firsthand many times and laughed when I read that...because a lot do want to talk it but can't deliver....ie: They walk around all bad ass when they're falling through and not delivering anyway :biglaugh: believe me brother.....seen it....(once.....me and another partner listened to a third talk about "his....his work....his skills".....(Dude was a fuckin monkey before w brought him in.....on first batch...he's fuckin a guru...:biglaugh:......

I've also been left hangin before.....so.......I'm with you.....sorry you had to go through it......(again for m a little different because I always can turn to older tried and true people to pick up some of the slack for a hit on their end....so.....(and Thank God.......cause in some cases I would have been truly fucked....well.....at least end of season...cutting and trimming and stuff....)

Yeah man......been there.....sorry.....but, you know....I always say (partners)....a good one makes up for 10 bad ones....Good one priceless...........invaluable........and......comforting...

"Being on the same page".......a "special" thing...ie: Know heir tasks...know their duty(ies)....perform them on time, as scheduled, can trust them overall to do what they say, back you up, deliver....and follow through...

"Follow through" man....lot of people don't "get it"....season too long...too much information...too much stress.....

Note: I address with people extensively up front that there is no situation and emotion I have not experienced....and that I understand.......and, in turn.....should some decide that they can help with early prep.....and nothing else (cause various reasons..) that's fine.....they can, they will get a piece, and I respect them for their honesty.....(I have several who have certain specific defined roles.....some because they enjoy it/them.......some because they feel comfortable with some, and not with others......but, again, that helps me to design things overall....to plan...to schedule......etc.....a lot...

Some have come with and done harvest and just don't have the stomach for it......(had someone freak out once during cutting...(lots of plants(monsters)...noises...planes...etc....) :biglaugh:...was too much, but, 100% solid...100% honest....100% hard worker...so, we cut him out of that and use him for other things which he doesn't have a problem with....ie: God knows I would rather have that all established and have someone tell me that up front than to freak mid season and leave me hanging and scrambling to cover them.....)

All goes back to business and managerial........You utilize people in areas in which they do well....skill sets, etc..comfortable and happy......take a chance and try and "groom" others...etc...you know...nothing ever 100%....we try, ya know?...we try.......

Certainly enjoy the op to share these thoughts with someone that is actually on the front lines....
As do I.........more than most would ever understand or imagine.....Realistically....if I did not share and discuss here...I probably would have wrapped it up by now......Most I work with, I train......really know no others who know little , if anything, so......This addresses the train of thoughts along these lines.....(only frequent a couple grow boards......everything else in life I have no shortage of people to discuss and converse with on many subjects..professionally, etc......and, as earlier.....enjoy sharing as things which offer little benefit to others elsewhere.......so........
Thinking I need a first wk of Sept finisher! That is vigorous and potent. I guess the real bottom line is Ive collected some "grail" genetics.....now I just need to do my part and get them done, i the maner I seek!
I'm actually (have been, as earlier......by certain things discussed and mentioned) in process of witching to earlier in general......Maroc came in as early as Aug 1st.....focusing on AF's.....Can see myself converting to all early and changing approaches and ops as discussed earlier in thread.........ie: Having a lot wrapped up by mid July and then wrapping everything else up by Sept.......

Some may believe I am somewhat comfortable or indifferent regarding air surveillance, but, rest assured, I am aware of it every second, of every hour, of every day until it's all brought in....

Starting to weigh heavily on my mind lately....wouldn't mind switching to af's....some earlies, etc...(if large enough and several large af ops....I would be more than happy to just settle with that wan rap it up (ie: entire seasons exposure 8 weeks, early in season....)

We'll see.....have already been having a lot of meetings regarding upcoming projects..........how...when...where...approaches..options.......everyone else seems to favor minimal exposure and quicker the better (pussies :biglaugh:)...so....I am back up there now as far as locations....(lost track...10 large?).....("Just when I thought I was out....they pulled me back in" :biglaugh: ":smoke:

Lot of discussions lately......lot of meetings......(hit and run, 10 locations, 300,000 AF's, 8 weeks, and wrap it up and that's all she wrote.....and then think of what to do about extremely large non US one......(did see 2 ranches totaling 40,000 acres for 2MM for both though :smoke:.....)

I dunno man. I'm tired.

(Circle has a pool going when I am going to pass out during the day.....100 bucks buys you a day on calender between now and Jan 1st, and, when all days filled up...then will turn to hours in day for 50 bucks each hour....winner gets it all...if not, I do :smoke:.......little do they know, that this is not "my first rodeo" :biglaugh: :smoke: My personal record is 14 days...and then as voluntary because wasn't making any sense anyway, an was useless in general....so.....was talking like Ronnie James Dio writes......ie: You listen and like "what the fuck?????" :biglaugh:

My 2 week extended is putting us at September 17th......

Almost there.............almost.................Hope all are good.....hoe season finishes well.......hope all finish safe.....

Note: Was talking about Lemmy earlier....:smoke: Didn't say anything because a security issue, but, flew out and saw them and Sabbath with Dio lot of times recently :smoke: (Have a great pic of me siting on PA/corner of stage with row of half joints on PA next to me....joints didn't come out good, so....ruined the point.......(I felt bad because I accidentally insulted Ronnie at a later show...which is silly because I'm a huge Sab/Dio fan.......and he fuckin knows wasn't anything.....).....grumpy little old man...:biglaugh::smoke:)
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Hindu Killer

Active member
Would love to make this a career.....work hard for 5 years then go to just personal. Ive been a Ronnie D fan since I was 15 yrs old. Thats cool, and Im sure he is getting up there in age...careful he's likely to cast a spell on you. HA HA!
well ive been thinking about growing just 16 plants on my property in 6x6x2 beds.

infastructure is super important . i want to hook up a line from a fresh water tank and then another diluted compost tea tank with a purge for each line..anyone know how to set up a solenoid to purge my drip lines?
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Hindu Killer said:
Would love to make this a career.....work hard for 5 years then go to just personal.
Well, you know, my position on that throughout/above......(should be secondary because then one done/has to stop/break....what is one going to do with themselves..should always be secondary and profits used to further oneself.....

5 years can be a little or can be a lot........what can be accomplished in one if full force is staggering....(Back to 300 per MM)......Even 250k....(70-80) can change ones life, and families forever if utilized wisely....

Environment currently a little different than has been as far as investments, markets, property and financing, etc, but, most still applies and it is my position that we are quite possibly in period which will create limitless wealth for many in the decades to come.......(I've been light , if at all in market....but, keeping an eye on a lot of properties.......couple things I really had an interest in....some went, some didn't....good example is saw something somewhere I really want....but, been watching and waiting.......when I initially saw it was around 400k....(379, something like that)....been watching...patient...waiting :smoke:....

Now at 249k :smoke:.....(Frankly, at 379 I thought was fine and would have had it paid off and happy with one run......)

249......throw in negotiation, credits, any cash back, etc....and you have yourself a bona fide deal...(Call it 30 to almost pay down half of property and put someone in there renting and done deal......)

(Real Estate in general not cut and dry and I can tell people right now 50%-80% of everything you hear and read is BS..........dependent on area, specific property, etc......some areas hit harder, some less desirable...other areas not even a minor change and are as they always have been and will remain....(above mentioned property rural, acreage, properties on it poor condition, etc.....but, compared to something deep in major metro?....eh......solid as ever.....

You know.......no limit to what is possible depending on ones interests, desires, abilities..........2 income family pulling down even 60k....not a lot these days especially if kids......add on even 30 (call it 100k) and 160k yr makes life a lot easier :smoke:

Property(ies), business's......Have been talking to one guy who wants to get into boats, do charters and such......what he knows, what he loves, what he likes....so......one round?.....there you go.......from May-Oct a dream realized.....

Lot of people...lot of interests...lot of options.......

My point(s) basically address one being wise with proceeds......

A minor round can change almost anyones life completely...

One might like everything exactly as they have it.....(which I would consider a lucky person :smoke:)...could turn that into 5yrs/50 per and a stash of 750k extra, which, again, despite one being happy as they are, well......an extra 750k stash always comes in handy :smoke:...

(Personally, I'd convert that over the years and flip it into a larger residential/multi family at about 3MM, professionally managed in an area with good values....and, continue living as one likes.....Go long term and those 5 yrs, minimal (50 per yr) just turned into a 3-4-5MM retirement.....:smoke:

Again...endless possibilities......
Ive been a Ronnie D fan since I was 15 yrs old. Thats cool, and Im sure he is getting up there in age...careful he's likely to cast a spell on you. HA HA!
I have been a serious fan for about the same....from Rainbow and Ritchie all the way to today......I watch in awe...I think he is probably one of the most underrated figures in the history of music......(Him and Bruce......)

Was talking to someone how they can listen to something 30 years ago....and, voice today still the same power.....Really....I'm truly in awe when I see him.......truly...speechless......Sabbath with Dio?.....well, heaven and Hell and such....if a fan....I'm sure you know how influential that material was on many (myself included....)....Just saw it, so, fresh in my mind...(Was similar to seeing the UFO/Schenker reunion couple years back where whole set was basically Strangers in the Night.....again.....just in awe.....(and that line of joints on PA ws hardcore, so...:biglaugh:...I was truly ...in awe...Schenker the same...had my shit basically sitting next to his board and monitors....so.....

Yeah.......they say 66 years old......which, again, when your there watching them......I mean....truly impressive....(and of course watching them side of stage, well......truly beyond words......truly....wish all could experience such....

A spell :biglaugh:......I was already hypnotized... :biglaugh: (Priest on this tour disappointed me.....I wasn't thrilled......They should have stayed home polishing their statues and counting their money instead.....(lemmy....well, always great..:biglaugh:.....what can you say...)

Music.....actually my original thing.....so...yeah....man......beyond words man, beyond words......

Some notes now on the op that almost wasn't :biglaugh:....

Too much rain....rain brought the bugs, rain brought the weeds......bugs went to dinner, weeds didn't help....no holes drilled , which further put them behind (I think if holes would have been drilled they would have grabbed fairly quick and maybe been able to withstand quite a bit and be quite a bit larger and stronger....)

Last time I saw them previously...as above....3-4 feet......so eaten the fans were almost like screens, yellow as could be...hit them for bugs...top fed the shit out of every spot....wrote it off mentally....took the entire location out of my season estimates....figured if anything left and made it through...would just kick it all to location and crew...

(mind you...that is a description of the ones that made it that far and weren't totally lost......)

Now.........that being said.......not sure when the above was....7-8 weeks?.....Of course, last time I stopped in at first spot, was greeted by This....,..this.. This.... and this.....can see more in back there poking out for the camera....

I am sure a lesson about assumptions in there somewhere......persistence....working it all the way through.......etc,....:smoke:

And, yes, those are just walking into first part of first spot of entire location......everything left is the same...(except some larger)...(some other ones I thought lost did recover because saw some poking up here and there while walking through...smaller ones....Well......small per se.................Think those could have used another week..... but.....was concerned about several things so decided to take a lot of them, and, frankly,
after looking at them, doesn't look that bad actually......

that early.......(I've been more on cutting dates last several years than in past.....trying to be being more precise, etc.....plus I hate that couchlock shit......it's useless to me personally....plus, as earlier and elsewhere, I think a lot of people forget the extra week they get from the hang....which I always take into consideration when cutting......out hang produces more dramatic then in also, so....(this round came in, but, entire plants, because all small,(smaller...whatever :biglaugh:) so, cut right at base......should buy it a couple extra days than if cut closer....and, dry time on those already set at 7 days, so...

(Might also be a testament to the vigor of seed also included in there, but, can't say for sure..........)

Was so bad I wrote that entire op off.....(and pleased I don't have to......)

.....Anytime I am cutting, I am happy :smoke:....when cutting first week Sept.......even happier.......closer to end?......yet still happier :smoke:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Someone lent me a Dio live set that I never heard before.....great version of Mistreated...medley..Catch the Rainbow, etc...very.....voice really good on that one...(recent one..last 2-3 years or so...double set....Dio/Sabbath/Rainbow stuff, etc....)

You know....I was talking with a lot of people about him during the course of going to all those shows, and, you know....while most will say...you know awesome...awesome voice, etc, etc...yada,yada,yada......Still not even scratching the surface...

Anyone whose a longer term serious fan?...well, I mean, forget voice and involvement....(part of significant bands and countless similar songs..endless "classics"...) I mean......few ever think that he has also written most of those.....so.....a contributing factor to all of the above.....ie: Would have never been created without him...

Truly a single man who has affected the history of music more than most give him credit for (over decades....)

(I was going to insert a link....ya got me going :biglaugh:, but, again...where would one start...was watching him doing something with Queensryche also...where would one even start....(Stargazer another underrated classic performance....)
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Hindu Killer

Active member
Ive started reading this thread from the start.....one needs some time to get through this baby. Looked in your gallery Julian and those are some decent plants. And then seeing the variouse locations/sites ,its aparent your being rewarded for your efforts. Lot of holes and alot of toted supplys.

Next season Im thinking Ill amend all of my holes with vermiculte, organic time released ferts and polymer materials. After seeing other growers plants this season Im realizeing I probably dont feed them enough. I put down triple 10 or 16, or sometimes 20 sprinkled liberally around the plant. Then go back in August to sex , tie down and fert w/ potash as above. May go back in again to further sex/pollinate etc. But that is all their fed untill chop! Any thoughts on my programn J?

The vermiculite I've found is so helpful in maintaning good loose airy, moist soil atmoshpere. That it is essential....did I mention that its light?

When you start talking $$$$$$$..7 figures in may to oct........who"s not interested.
I am!


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Hindu Killer said:
Ive started reading this thread from the start.....one needs some time to get through this baby. Looked in your gallery Julian and those are some decent plants. And then seeing the various locations/sites ,its apparent your being rewarded for your efforts. Lot of holes and a lot of toted supplies.
Well, I've tried to get what I can in....Have never shared all, but, try and get things in to illustrate points...Have a couple more I put up and have to link in and then some more to review, but, I mean, I try to just insert pics to prove a point....I can't spend all day just taking pics when lots of work to be done and if they are spread out (this year more than ever)...it gets kind of repetitive...ie: Here's some...click...here's some more...click....here's more...click, etc....which also tends to miss a lot of different areas also.....but, one can see here and there the different areas, spots, regions :smoke:
Next season Im thinking Ill amend all of my holes with vermiculte, organic time released ferts and polymer materials. After seeing other growers plants this season Im realizeing I probably dont feed them enough. I put down triple 10 or 16, or sometimes 20 sprinkled liberally around the plant. Then go back in August to sex , tie down and fert w/ potash as above. May go back in again to further sex/pollinate etc. But that is all their fed untill chop!

Any thoughts on my program J?
Yes. I highlighted several things...

1. Feeding out has always amazed me......and still continues to......

If people knew how heavy I feed, I think they'd be fairly surprised, and, of course, one has to remember the basics, which is the larger it gets, the more it eats, and the more often......

Points would start with do you do holes?.......

If one is doing holes, and prep holes , hit them, that is only for a certain period...plus some will be lost due to rains and such if applicable and depending on native soil...location make up.....

This year specifically lot of people having issues with record rainfall, which leads to essentially ones spots and plots being flushed...(I've experienced the same here and there and usually try and get in and do another significant top feed......(not to mention hitting spots with stronger liquid, which again is limited...I can't hit everything.....fuck, I don't even make it to see everything....but, dry top feed a little easier to hit multiple spots and hauling and such....time issues.....(last couple weeks my trips have run anywhere from 14hrs to almost 40hrs.........driving, going through spots, driving some more, going through more, etc........)

Now...the other reason I prefer to do my own mixes is because most things off the shelf might be okay....but, we're working with a specific diet and I always have a concern about things having enough micros (of course Cal/Mg being the most significant).......so, that's why I tend to run a lot of different things in mixes, or, if short, I grab off the shelf things which come close and then alter those a little....

I've try for heavy top feeds maybe once a month or so.....then skip the last, then move in with flower early.....(as time release, etc, and, as above, try to hit spots with as much liquid as can be carried, spread it between plants and in spots, etc....)

Know potash a significant pH issue, and, I have never used it for that reason.....I use other things...

Going with fems of any kind (seed, clones, etc) can eliminate your sexing trips (not to mention eliminate problems if missing one.......which seems to happen often :biglaugh:)....

See, again, for me, and as earlier....I prefer to focus on how they get in which seems to fully dictate everything to follow.......

If talking prep and top feeds and such...and talking larger ones......I mean.....I really have never had any burn issues and plenty of times have thrown everything I had at am and surprised no issues.....the largest ones always seem to amaze also (what they an take, what they can eat.......)

Just things I noticed.....I try for max efficiency.....very important for me to eliminate any and everything which takes extra time...more work....I can barely address all as it is.....ya know?.....
When you start talking $$$$$$$..7 figures in may to oct........who's not interested. I am!
Well......just trying to keep to original topic of thread......(and original sister thread).......It's there, it's real, it's possible...realistic steps and issues to execute and maintain such........high 6 figures.....for some, just hitting 6 might change their life....

On that note,
some points and discussions I have been involved in lately which some might find of interest: (I did.......quite a bit...as comments were from new(er) people..........)

Regarding the previous mentioned plot which had to be moved......if was of course someone new who just suggested "Move them to another spot at same location" :smoke:............

They will remain.......they are very close...not sure if right call....but, after long discussions....about spot...traffic.....everything...they are staying.......Will get them out asap...just going to play it day by day...even another 10 days will yield something nice and usable.....(plus week on hang.....)

Hope the right call. Can always change my mind and run back in and grab them...but, even 7 more days will make a difference........they're bulking up, nice resin.....etc......7 days...10 days.....12 ays....etc......week hang, etc....They're staying.

Hope the right decision.........

Another note of interest:
It is the feeling and opinion of someone possessing a fraction of the experience or skill of almost anyone here, That a 10' x 1,000' run of AF's, (1 per sq. ft.) early season, along any crop that has similar planting times (early season), is safer and more comfortable than even a single plot with up to 30-60 8-10'ers (spread out of course......)....They have been made aware of all aspects.......aerial issues, seasonal and timing issues...market issues...

I always seek the opinions of "average" people.....what they think, feel, and why they do....I find it of great interest........

So here you have someone too paranoid to even want to walk into one medium plot....yet no problem and a comfort for doing 10,000 AF's instead.

I find that of interest...(Personally?....I find the scenario with AF's above as dangerous as walking across the street.......and, I think we all hare the same basic concerns regarding larger ones, in one or more plots.....

Should be noted above, this individual is over the top paranoid also :biglaugh:...so...for an over the top paranoid to feel more comfortable with a 10,000 run right out in the open instead of a medium traditional plot....well....that spoke volumes to me :smoke:....

(actually target was 9,600 to start.......assuming a 1z per yield.....which I don't think unreasonable given full prep, wind, and sun possible....

10' x 1,000' was also established as an alternative to, let' say.....100' x 100'....etc.....well placed certain edge and exposure, etc......(2 week start indoors and then planted to finish.....another 8.....with a true exposure of maybe 3-4 weeks.....)

I found such of great interest....:smoke:


Very rich thread, much wisdom being shared. Thanks.

Those neighborhood mountain shots you posted got me thinking again about la Sierra...

...and what could North American and European growers bring to the table in such "neighborhoods" were people have a long tradition of doing things on huge scales with an astounding level of ferocity ?

There are some major motivating factors for such projects: big isolated spaces with perfect weather (the sweetspots), the possibility ( if you develop genuine friendships, mutual respect, marrying into family, being family, etc...) of benefiting from potent local protection of op ( you obviously know how that works out on ALL levels).

The obvious downside is the deadly seriousness of this kind of business in these kinds of places which can catch up to you in many ways.

That said, if someone still willing to take those chances you still have to wonder what can we bring into the deal that would make it worthwhile for them to let us into their space ?

I figure advanced knowledge of hashish making and resin transformation (from strain selection all the way through to storage of final product) would lead to beneficial results for both parties. better than if both sides had never teamed up. Especially if every aspect fully integrated ( north provides technical knowledge, strains (?), final outlet. south provides ideal environment, labour, security, transport.)

Ouch, that kind of sounds like the general pattern of world trade !

Still, thats what i would think of doing if i had a sweetspot valley at my disposition !


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Well, glad of interest.

I've pretty much said as much as I care to (and most likely more than I should have) regarding the above.........

But, I will go further with something few understand, and the above brings to light (their "ferocity".....)

They have none. (regarding their production of their product in itself....) It's not necessary. They're essentially commercial farmers and hired hands.

What some may, or may not understand (through explanation or being there), and, the greatest significance of what one can bring to the table is, while they are, indeed, farmers and hired hands, they do not even begin to enter into the realm of many here.

What do I mean?.....

The majority at any significant level are not smokers to begin with....

I know
several individuals who run such........they don't smoke....never have (maybe one twice when young,....)

Here we enter the realm no different from those we encounter in passing in social situations whom will talk and talk...and we just listen......

(Should be noted many operations have changed strains....many produce hash....(how many know South of border produces and ships in hash to begin with)....further note: Quite a bit doesn't reach US and is shipped to other markets. (also used in trade with Europe for other things...)

I think there is little to say to those who have never been in a different country and known anything about, or anyone in such operations.....(as cannot even begin to explain), and equally little to say to those who do (as they are already aware of have an idea.......)

Very little of benefit from subject also, as something few will encounter or be exposed to.

Trying to keep the focus on what almost anyone an achieve anytime, anywhere.

Truth of the matter is countless ops (Mexico,South and Central America) have been updating, changing stains, improving production and such since 70's......(But, still lacking a little as, in the end...they're not smokers.......they're not producing what one here would.....or how they would...(Call me silly, but, I personally think wise to have a consumer in charge of production for consumers....as in wine, spirit, and beer production, etc........)

People don't seem to have a clue as far as the path of production and distribution.....that "crap brick" isn't coming from South.......that's Africa, Asia, etc....being shipped in and brokered through Mexico as staging and shipping point.....(ie: If one anywhere in the world has a product they wish to enter US, direct shipping not done...shipped to staging point close (Canada, Mexico) and then worked in when possible....)

zapatoloco said:
That said, if someone still willing to take those chances you still have to wonder what can we bring into the deal that would make it worthwhile for them to let us into their space ?
That being said. The quick and simple answer to the above is a 200-500% increase in bottom line on first run. :smoke:


Expansive subject but serves little purpose for one wishing to step up their production and income here and now....

Thread more about what anyone, anywhere, anytime can do today.
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