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oh, a couple more things. Here's one question I had, and possibly the answer to why the marocs came in so early:

irishSoCo said:
you need to veg for less hours i.e. 14/10 instead of 18/6 or 24/0. Basically, you want to reduce the drastic photoperiod change that shocks them into flower. If you're vegging them indoors for a while you can always start at 18/6 or 16/8 and gradually shift to 14/10.

Basically, the key is matching your indoor photoperiod with the photoperiod when you will be putting them out. You can check charts to see the approximate hours of daylight at your latitude at whatever time of year you want to put them out.

This is strain dependent as well. Many early strains will flower with less than 12 hours of darkness when grown outdoors. For example, up here in the northeast, the strains i use must be able to flower once there are days with ~13 hours of light. SOme strains are more prone to photoperiod shock as well. Maroc and Nigerian Nightmare come to mind.

Wishin you success this season!

How did you deal with this when using clones? You said you run everything 24/0. I would assume from seed most strains would be so small when they go out that before they could get to the flowering phase they would have already realized what was going on and continue vegging, but did you run into problems with this when running clones instead of seeds. (it makes sense for the maroc, since those were early season rounds, which go out bigger than the minis, correct? So if the strain was very photosensitive, put out that that size it might be mature enough to start to flower, and realize the situation and continue veg after initial shock)

also, side topic, you said you're a musician. What kind of music do you like to play. I'm mostly a blues / jam guy myself :smoke:


ok julian about the mix, i call it...

The jahovas witness mix:
1 bag(50 lbs) of Miracle Grow with water cystals
1 50lbs bag of compost
1bag 50 lbs Lime
1 bag 50lbs cow manure
1bags of perlite
1 bag of peatmoss 50lbs
1 bag of worm castings

what ratio of each do i need, what elso do i need

the strains are NEBULA ,AND KALI MIST

LOC 1 : nebula 100 to 200 in each spot with total 1000. starting week 2 May,will be watched by friend daily but not visited, will help planting and caring. HIGH PRIORITY

LOC 2 : personal ,KALI-Mist 500 total 50- 60 per spot in Mid June, by myself under powerlines, i wanna keep low. MID PRIORITY

LOC 3 :personal, Nebula & Kali mist , 500 total ,late July, along highways and in city spots with 50 per, idea is to keep um low.. WILL BE LEFT FOR DIED

I might get help for the last 2, but I really dont trust the bastards, i dont wanna have to shot someone for doublecrossing me......

please give me input and corrections TY. 1HOV
I was watching the last episode of the the Brndirtwarrior and it is becoming very intense. The echo of the departed voice about the "fulfilling your dream" part really unnerved me about the realities of growing and being successful. Here you have a guy "Guru" who has been at it a long time. This guy is spot on on getting his product out there, taking care of it all summer and then Harvesting it. In his own words he has had his dreams crushed in the very end of some of his grows. It is the "X" factor, in growing and in everyday life.

In my situation I enjoy growing the herb, I think it is the rebel and freedom side of me that is the attraction. I am in a situation where I am being forced (self inflicted) to grow to relieve some major debt. It is to the point that I either succeed or the financial harm that would be inflicted can wipe out the core and center of my world.

So in watching his last video, with the personal stuff he has going on i assume with his life partner and then LEO all over his ass, in addition to creditors up his ass, this life style seems like it is life/freedom threathening.

Do not get me wrong, I am not a hater in any disrespect to anyone who grows on this scale, I appreciate the risk they en dour for there own sense of freedom from the system. I guess I am trying to balance and weigh the odds of anyone really getting it done. I know it is happening and I am very happy and some what jealous of those that have been able to pull it off. Life is a risk just waking up every morning and it certainly is not a guarantee to happiness and financial freedom. I am trying to upright my ship and take a realistic approach before I allure myself into thinking this is the road to freedom when in fact it maybe a dead end.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Tactik said:
wow. finally finished this thread... only took me about two weeks off and on... It was only 82 pages when I started :haha:
Sorry :badday: :biglaugh:

Did you post something similar to this on OG about 5 or 6 years ago? I distinctly, now, remember reading about minis back when I was 15 or 16, and am now wondering if that was you, or just someone else.
Maybe, maybe not. OG I stuck to Security and Legal mainly under the "retired" guise....(which every time one ends.....well, I am ......technically :smoke::biglaugh:)

No idea...Security and Legal, sometimes outdoor, sometimes indoor, etc....really have no idea....

I have been pushing em for years.....something so simple and small that most seem to totally overlook (ie: Altering planting time , utilizing whose season, etc, etc..)
I'm sure you're familiar with the concept of Satori in Zen Buddhism;
I am. I have my moments :smoke:
the sudden burst of enlightenment and awareness, where you mind shifts ever-so-slightly and your perspective changes and you view the world around you with new eyes.

Seriously, thank you for the inspiration. It's amazing man, and applicable to all walks of life. Now im thinking, if that was you on OG, how I should have taken this all in long, long ago.
Well thanks man...very kind of you to say.....glad of interest and benefit....


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Tactik said:
oh, a couple more things. Here's one question I had, and possibly the answer to why the marocs came in so early:

How did you deal with this when using clones? You said you run everything 24/0. I would assume from seed most strains would be so small when they go out that before they could get to the flowering phase they would have already realized what was going on and continue vegging, but did you run into problems with this when running clones instead of seeds. (it makes sense for the maroc, since those were early season rounds, which go out bigger than the minis, correct? So if the strain was very photosensitive, put out that that size it might be mature enough to start to flower, and realize the situation and continue veg after initial shock)
Well.....the Marocs came in early because they are early :smoke:The reason I'm not sure if I triggered em was because I have heard some get them as early late August....mine started beginning of August, so...I've only heard of a couple getting them in as early as I did...(vs. more people), so, there is possibility they triggered early.....Doesn't really matter. I was still pleased, and, main disappointment being I didn't run 10x more...

I always do 24/0.......sometimes (I remember once last 3 seasons) I might kick down to 18/6 just out of cost savings/power draw. Sometimes things will trigger, sometimes won't, but, not as often as one might think (Maybe couple things out of 100 in last couple seasons...can't even remember specifics....)

Thousands of strains, each with their own characteristics(different). I always take a look around also at comments and threads on things I want to run and never have also, so....you try and make yourself aware, because each has their own little nuances...


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
HOVAH said:
ok julian about the mix, i call it...
The jahovas witness mix:
1 bag(50 lbs) of Miracle Grow with water cystals
1 50lbs bag of compost
1bag 50 lbs Lime
1 bag 50lbs cow manure
1bags of perlite
1 bag of peatmoss 50lbs
1 bag of worm castings

what ratio of each do i need, what elso do i need
Well, if your trying to get specific mixes down, I'd check organic forum for some , and then maybe alter further if you feel you can/want to...etc...

Worm castings, crystals,MG of course I've used extensively, but, these days, really nothing else but native and dry and crystals...

I can tell ya this :smoke: For the below (2000) the above is far, far from enough....

A lot depends on your native soil....if going with crystals and perlite might not need peat...

Manure and compost I've used occasionally when around, on hand, but, I usually add them to already existing mixes and soil, so, use very small amounts as it's going into overall heavy mix's....

The other thing I look at from above is how and when are you going to use them....(I do the same...) so, you can then do mixes based upon use. (all my dry mixes are heavy, so, stay alone...will then sometimes before runs add crystals to mix, but, again, trying to estimate ratios......ie: for every 10 cups heavy dry mix nutes, your not going to use 10 cups crystals, etc......WC and manure (I go through lot of chicken) I might mix together before using in different ratios...(As earlier...WC's can go heavy......they say light enough to plant in....)

All depends what your doing man......keeping native?, keeping some?,is it good to start with?.....you could use all above (not in those ratios necessarily, of course...but, could use all of above.....you start with base and build from there....

I can tell ya this.....I think people focus far too much on NPK and go light on everything else...(Green one of heaviest consumers of Cal-Mg for example...), so...I've done runs with no nutes and took them home (true no maintenance), so,.....all depends what you have to start with also....

If you have all of above on hand, you could use it.......will just be far to short on some things and far too heavy on others.....Depends what your doing about holes (your talkin 2,000, so....I'd say the above is just a good start, even if half later/smaller....)
LOC 1 : nebula 100 to 200 in each spot with total 1000. starting week 2 May,will be watched by friend daily but not visited, will help planting and caring. HIGH PRIORITY

LOC 2 : personal ,KALI-Mist 500 total 50- 60 per spot in Mid June, by myself under powerlines, i wanna keep low. MID PRIORITY

LOC 3 :personal, Nebula & Kali mist , 500 total ,late July, along highways and in city spots with 50 per, idea is to keep um low.. WILL BE LEFT FOR DIED

I might get help for the last 2, but I really dont trust the bastards, i dont wanna have to shot someone for doublecrossing me......
Well, don't get help unless you need it, and, again, have to focus on individual (you) YOU determine how much help is needed. How much do you plan to work?......How long can you work?....I mean, make no mistake...anyone doing 20hr days for weeks on end gets a lot done....(20 including a full time job...all other time spent on it)

2. Mid June depending on many factors (hole, strain,nutes,etc) can still be fairly significant..(mid june can get me 8 footers...9 footers....not topped, etc..so....), so, depending on all (and region)....

I'll talk spots all day, especially city ones....but, make no mistake talking city, highways, powerlines, etc.....You better be on your game, and, better realize the fine print...(if you were in Europe, I'd say fine :biglaugh:...)...

I'm the first to advocate such spots, but, also the first to caution when fuckin with them.....Make sure you know what your doing...Either very rewarding or very dangerous...you decide which one by actions :smoke:..

All depends on you.....500 small?...can plant them as quick as you can dig and toss mix.....

500 mid season?...can plant them as quick as you can dig and toss mix....

Real problem is any maintenance and then harvest (depending...if you only too tops, if you hung, etc......lot can be done at any stage to make more efficient....I can cut 500 mini's myself in one stop, and pack...... all depends on your approach....

I like to vary strains more in numbers (for all reasons previous in thread....), so....the more you do of a certain strain, the greater the risk regarding strain problems and finishing times....ie: More of one thing you run, more you will have to cut at the same time, etc......Could a single person harvest 2000?.......sure, just how much time and effort do they have and how quick...ie: would it be too late on some before you finished, etc.......could the same person harvest 2000 over 8 weeks?......yeah, and a hell of a lot easier...

Edit: Note:
It's not uncommon to run short on supplies (nutes, etc) when doing volume..and, most will find that happening.....not a big deal....you make a trip and get more....(In fact, for the average person...I would recommend constantly accumulating also......Everytime out.....every time you drive past a place?....stop and grab some things..(whatever, be it dry nutes, organics.....etc......every time you stop, grab some, build up stash, etc.....(I always have a rolling stash of nutes....have maybe 200lbs on hand from last year that got built up and not used (even after I ran out twice early....) I switched also over mid season.....
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
indicapimp said:
In my situation I enjoy growing the herb, I think it is the rebel and freedom side of me that is the attraction. I am in a situation where I am being forced (self inflicted) to grow to relieve some major debt.
I'm sorry to hear man.....truly, I am, but, make no mistake.....your not be forced to grow....your being forced to do something.....Green is the chosen vehicle.......
It is to the point that I either succeed or the financial harm that would be inflicted can wipe out the core and center of my world.
Well, it shouldn't be succeed or not. It should be how much :smoke:....

Shit happens, no doubt about it, but, for every potential risk, there is also sometimes a list of measures to limit or reduce that risk.....
So in watching his last video, with the personal stuff he has going on i assume with his life partner and then LEO all over his ass, in addition to creditors up his ass, this life style seems like it is life/freedom threathening.
Creditors and partner have nothing to do with "this lifestyle"....they are all separate matters, which should be handled as such, and have nothing to do with each other.

Growing is of course life/freedom threatening. 100%.
Do not get me wrong, I am not a hater in any disrespect to anyone who grows on this scale, I appreciate the risk they en dour for there own sense of freedom from the system. I guess I am trying to balance and weigh the odds of anyone really getting it done. I know it is happening and I am very happy and some what jealous of those that have been able to pull it off. Life is a risk just waking up every morning and it certainly is not a guarantee to happiness and financial freedom.
I'm really unsure of point........I'm sorry......either one does it or they don't.....
I am trying to upright my ship and take a realistic approach before I allure myself into thinking this is the road to freedom when in fact it maybe a dead end.
It merely is what it is..........

A "road"?........I would say not, and, don't think of it that way.....

A "reststop" along the road?.....more my thinking.....

I don't view it as a sole vehicle for anything or anyone, and, have said many times it's last on the list.

Is one working as hard as they can?, is one trying to do the best they can?.........throw some batches on top of that and we can talk success......

Relying on it for all daily needs, all monthly bills, buying toys, and saving? No, not what I agree with and think anyone who takes this view is merely holding themselves back from a better life.

I'm still a little unsure of question/point :biglaugh: (I could be fuckin high though, so :biglaugh:....that might answer a lot.......

You don't rely on it to solve problems you made yourself...

You know....I'm just against people relying on it....(fuck man, I don't care if someone is banking 1MM a year from it.....what else are you doing?.......could advance career......could invest..,.......does one use that money to go to school?....

Green is gravy imo...just a bonus......just a "means to an end"......(although lately see myself running ps long after I decide to cut all this shit out :biglaugh:)

People talk about size, objectives, etc.....

If your a grower, you grow...

Hard work to do as much as possible?....yeah sure, but, I don't know anyone who doesn't enjoy it....which is how they got to where/the position they are? Why they started.....

Growers grow.......and, as such, they work it out..(whatever they need).....

To someone deciding whether to grow to cure all their ills and attain financial freedom?, well....I wouldn't know what to say....not what I believe in......at all....I really couldn't offer anything other than is already been posted....

I'm still not sure of question...but, then again, I'm still definitely fuckin high, so :biglaugh:..........

Growing is for "the side" man.......growing should not buy you a house....growing should buy you a better house :biglaugh: (or, pay for kids education, or, pay for school for one self.......or fix a house....or help family, etc.......

It's gravy man......any given time one can be cut off for any number of reasons........best to make sure money spent wisely......so that you don't have problems in future.......(give average person 100k today, I guarantee in 1 year they will be broke or almost broke and more bills than a year ago...)


A handfull?.........a hand full might be in school.....or have saved it....or used for a business......or invested...(buying into a building instead of buying a bigger house, etc....)

Anyway.....don't know what to say man.....
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Julian said:
I'm sorry to hear man.....truly, I am, but, make no mistake.....your not be forced to grow....your being forced to do something.....Green is the chosen vehicle.......
Hey Man,
You do not need to be sorry. I am a big boy, I pray a little more now than I use to but there is a lot of people on this planet that do not even have 1/1000th of how good i have had it and still do. You are correct "Forced" is a little harsh term for growing such a relaxing plant. Green has been chosen, for sure to help wit a solution (Rest Stop) but it is not even remotely going to be then end all to the solution.

Julian said:
Well, it shouldn't be succeed or not. It should be how much :smoke:....
Yeah this is what I am settling into, keeping it manageable to help insure a little success to help lift up over the hump with the green chosen path. Getting to this point has taught me a lot and resolving it just makes me appreciate life/freedom that much more so it is all good I guess

Julian said:
Creditors and partner have nothing to do with "this lifestyle"....they are all separate matters, which should be handled as such, and have nothing to do with each other

Partners as in Spouse or Dependants have everything to do with this lifestyle. Hell, if were just me it would be much easier to go all in and live with the results, but that is not the case which makes it very difficult. Which is why I will error on the side of caution @ the very least.

Julian said:
Growing is of course life/freedom threatening. 100%.

I'm really unsure of point........I'm sorry......either one does it or they don't.....

It merely is what it is..........

A "road"?........I would say not, and, don't think of it that way.....

A "reststop" along the road?.....more my thinking.....

I guess the point is at what point does it become worth it. To some, having a little extra smoke is end to there means and they are satisfied. To me, it is very risky in 2008 on any scale, maybe I am just paranoid but it is a great survival skill. Is it worth 1k to me, noway! is it worth 10k to me No way! Is it worth 20K to me no but it might help. Is it worth 50k to 80k now it becomes a parachute in life....A "reststop" So, we are talking like pulling down 160 plants. This seems very doable even for a first time outdoor grower. I have read your thoughts and i am comfortable with that scale maybe even half. Just depends how far and how fast I want to push my crutch/debt behind me. There is a balance though and I will find it.

Julian said:
I don't view it as a sole vehicle for anything or anyone, and, have said many times it's last on the list.

Is one working as hard as they can?, is one trying to do the best they can?.........throw some batches on top of that and we can talk success......

Relying on it for all daily needs, all monthly bills, buying toys, and saving? No, not what I agree with and think anyone who takes this view is merely holding themselves back from a better life.

I'm still a little unsure of question/point :biglaugh: (I could be fuckin high though, so :biglaugh:....that might answer a lot.......

You don't rely on it to solve problems you made yourself...

You know....I'm just against people relying on it....(fuck man, I don't care if someone is banking 1MM a year from it.....what else are you doing?.......could advance career......could invest..,.......does one use that money to go to school?.....

I totally hear you man, if that is what i implied sorry Man! Green is green, it is a parallel in my life right now. I have an 8 to 5 job that provides a very comfortable means to Survive, VERY COMFORTABLE!!! But, like you said shit happens and some times it is self inflicted and others times is is beyond one control. Mine has been a combination of both, poor planning (Long term) and upward pressure in all aspects of life; like getting our hard earned wages pulled in every fucking direction, but whatever I will deal with it. I will bend but not break which has drawn me back towards the Green.

Julian said:
Green is gravy imo...just a bonus......just a "means to an end"......(although lately see myself running ps long after I decide to cut all this shit out :biglaugh:)

People talk about size, objectives, etc.....

If your a grower, you grow...

Hard work to do as much as possible?....yeah sure, but, I don't know anyone who doesn't enjoy it....which is how they got to where/the position they are? Why they started.....

Growers grow.......and, as such, they work it out..(whatever they need).....

To someone deciding whether to grow to cure all their ills and attain financial freedom?, well....I wouldn't know what to say....not what I believe in......at all....I really couldn't offer anything other than is already been posted....

I'm still not sure of question...but, then again, I'm still definitely fuckin high, so :biglaugh:..........

Growing is for "the side" man.......growing should not buy you a house....growing should buy you a better house :biglaugh: (or, pay for kids education, or, pay for school for one self.......or fix a house....or help family, etc.......

It's gravy man......any given time one can be cut off for any number of reasons........best to make sure money spent wisely......so that you don't have problems in future.......(give average person 100k today, I guarantee in 1 year they will be broke or almost broke and more bills than a year ago...)


A handfull?.........a hand full might be in school.....or have saved it....or used for a business......or invested...(buying into a building instead of buying a bigger house, etc....)

Anyway.....don't know what to say man.....

Right on Man, I fully understand. I am being a little vague as to the "why part" and i guess I am just looking for a little reassurance as to the "how part" (doable) and probability in doing so. Road trips are fun and enjoyable but they are usually not the destination. So I guess I am trying to get to my destination and get a feel for the odds of probability vs having it end only to find out it was at a "Rest Stop"!!!

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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
indicapimp said:
Hey Man,
You do not need to be sorry.

Green has been chosen, for sure to help wit a solution (Rest Stop) but it is not even remotely going to be then end all to the solution.
I'm always emphathetic (sp?) towards someone in a less than ideal situation. Been there.

It can be more...but, shouldn't count on it..
Partners as in Spouse or Dependants have everything to do with this lifestyle. Hell, if were just me it would be much easier to go all in and live with the results, but that is not the case which makes it very difficult. Which is why I will error on the side of caution @ the very least.
Well in that sense yes, but, still relates to my point. You have family, work, obligations. Green is last. Not first. All should be kept separate. Any time any one aspect of ones life feeds into/pours over into another aspect.....I just believe in keeping all separate. (as much as possible....)

It's not who I am....(lifestyle)...it is just one thing (of many) that I do.

I also shave :smoke::biglaugh: Doesn't make the Gillette man....
I guess the point is at what point does it become worth it. To some, having a little extra smoke is end to there means and they are satisfied. To me, it is very risky in 2008 on any scale, maybe I am just paranoid but it is a great survival skill. Is it worth 1k to me, noway! is it worth 10k to me No way! Is it worth 20K to me no but it might help. Is it worth 50k to 80k now it becomes a parachute in life....A "reststop" So, we are talking like pulling down 160 plants. This seems very doable even for a first time outdoor grower. I have read your thoughts and i am comfortable with that scale maybe even half. Just depends how far and how fast I want to push my crutch/debt behind me. There is a balance though and I will find it.
I agree...here or elsewhere (somewhere :biglaugh:).........and something all should establish....

But, you should be growing anyway (if a smoker, if a grower ,etc) even for ps and maybe little extra if you grow, and, from that point, things become easier to figure out....

160 can be a little or a lot....factors determining which are literally endless, and start with you...who you are, where you are, what you are, what you have......(even if no maintenance, still basic supplies, and, easy to spend couple thousand just on gas if plots far away....)so......

Large part of it also is risk minimization (elimination? :smoke:)

You determine to a high degree how "safe" it is overall......

160 trees in middle of open field?........Not safe.......

1,000 other ways, and things one can do?...well, "risk" is all dependent on you initially. Some might look at as spots I do and have done as things they would never touch....I go right in and take the load home...and, likewise, I see spots others do that w9ork that I never would for various reasons.......

Thousand and one different angles to every situation.....only thing to do is do it, and, learn more along the way....will never know and understand everything first run, first couple, etc....it is what it is...you decide, you do it, etc....

Now,. a big angle right here relates to season.....Do first round.....think you can handle more?...well, your free to, you have months more time to do more.....2nd round.......enough?, think you can do more?, go ahead.....(or stop...) etc.......

Major factor (one of ) is ones environment, region......some regions and situations allow more than others.....I'm blessed currently with places I could plant a plant right in ground, throw some nutes around base, and, come back to 10 footers in a couple months.......so...to me?....fuck......no problem...as many as I can get out and spots allow, no problem......(In all honesty I think most have this environment but through any number of things, believe otherwise.....water is issue....crystals and hole help with this (along with planting before rains)........I've done areas with pathetic soil (my railroad spots........soot and rock basically....)

the "how part" (doable) and probability in doing so.

and get a feel for the odds of probability vs having it end only to find out it was at a "Rest Stop"!!!
Well, if project done as it should be....there should be no question as to success, only degree of success....

Lot depends on you....(I don't know if your veteran indoor with no outdoor experience, or, in and some minor outs also....)

If one grows, they can grow...it's not some crap shoot/throw of the dice (at least not in my mind)...if was any question as to probable success I wouldn't....sure....shit happens......but, the more one pays attention and does what one should, the more they eliminate what might be common risks to other people....

I do a lot of spots......I could lose 20 and still be happy....

I try to spread em out and blend them in.........etc, etc......believe me ....you can do nothing but sit and all day and think of things to make everything better and safer...:biglaugh:(I know....:biglaugh:....)

"Risk" and "probability" if anything is first determined by you.....

I may not "rely" on it per se......but, I do rely on my low estimates...(things lost to animals, spot ripped, cops finding one, etc, etc.....) so.....


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Note on numbers:
Imagine finished product as a guide.

Prepping and planting? Illustrated earlier what 500 signifies...square meter and a week or two..(imagine what one could do in 3 months....)

Numbers, your issue is location, maintenance/what is required if anything, and harvest and trim. (Can you fit them? Feed them,cut them.......)

Everything else is simple (as addressed when they are smaller, earlier.....)

Same as mini's.....

You work your way backwards....and use that as your baseline for deciding....


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Amusing story for the new(growers), and, also the old :smoke:.....

So, am germing another round for something else (don't ask, doesn't matter :smoke:, and, I do as always, with the soak.....1 day, okay fine.,..........

I go back check next day..........nothing at all....okay...maybe this, maybe that, etc.....

I go and check next day........Hmmmmm.....still nothing.......start to wonder...just a little :smoke:

I go back next day (and, getting annoyed, cause can't be foing every day.......)....and still fuckin nothing!!!!....At this point....I seriously start to wonder....and go through the possibilities of what is/may be wrong.....

Next day....once again I go.....and still jack fuckin shit....thinking seriously about chucking em all.......running another round, as now wasted almost a fuckin week.....

I go back next day.........4-5 days past soak?......

Every single one cracked and beautiful....planted all.........


Okay......sounds fine.......

So, I go back yet again now to make sure all coming up, not a problem..(same, usually a day or two......)...nothing.....

Think , okay, whatever........

Next day............Hmmm.......still fuckin nothing........

Okay, not again :biglaugh:........

So, I go back..(3rd day?...already turned what I expected to be 2-3 days into over a week :biglaugh:.......)

Long story short......5th or so day on planted, come in, almost all broke surface..........

We all should be reminded about patience every now and then :biglaugh:

(usually I soak overnight, drain...that night or next morning/day, ready to go...plant....2 days at most they break, and, good to go...(because once good to go, I can cut my visits to maybe every 2-3 days, depending when I come and what I do, etc...blah,blah,blah.....)

I thought it was pretty fuckin funny :biglaugh: (wondering this, that, etc, and, whatever, they just needed a little more time.......almost chucked the lot of em night before they cracked......5 days since soak and nothing?.....was ready to toss em :smoke:)

I don't know about anyone else, but, I ,for one, needed such an exercise in patience right about now :smoke:
ive got some seeds germing right now to try to get a spring crop..its been real cold around my way.

ive never done early harvest and i dont even know if it will be possible at 40N, ill get it working somehow...

anyway, if a plant was in full flower, what would happen if the days started getting longer? would it reveg, or do they usually just finish flowering?


pateince, yeah, i fucked up a few things looking for THAT recently

anyway, instead of putting clones into the ground, I put 3 month veggers in, though they were size/health wise much closer to 2 months.

not expecting a MASSIVE yield of any kind, but....lemme find out I can successfully drop and crop an 8 week strain every mar-may, lets just say I'd be a lot closer to massive

Strain being run is actually 70day+/-, not ideal, but fuckit, and if it doesnt quite finish, i can still hopefully get some fem seed or some good hash

as far as the actual season goes, as much as i like my previously mentioned run down as far as a system, I think will run less than 100 large(maybe less), meanwhile some LUI and some Orange D, and Straw D x Hashplant will be straight 12/12 for fem seed, and now current goal is 1500-2000 minis, F seed, but that could change any day if budget allows, key thing is i have spots where minis would work, many minis

thought id mention

also, I saw a news piece (bust related) that I dont remember seeing mentioned in here, ok, so we saw the crop behind the DEA building (dallas) , we saw the '5million' hemp on road side, (also Ddallas area) but no one mentioned the 10,000 plants on 3 acres, a mere few hundred feet from a school, not even 30 minutes outside downtown (dallas again), 10k, said 6-9ft i think, found in june.july on a tip....10k, on 3 acres, barely outside the city....spot probably could have done 1000 3-6 footers and been fine, who knows, anyone can find the articles, a lot on it

saw a 110 acre parcel going up for new developments, shame to think for the last 10 years anyone could have run 1000+minis likely, wonder where the true value is, green or property
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Thank you for the read taktic, good find

too bad the only ones that search this info out is 'our' type, i mean, how many totally clean people read that and care??

not to sound pessimistic, but this has been a long on-going thing, the 'war on drugs' with no sound results of any kind, so the way I see it, you can either hold your head down and pay $200 for that half ounce of smoke, or you can say fuck those motherfuckers and use the market to your benefit, as always remembering they are out there, to get you, your post may be small, hard to find, but easy to snuff out once discovered

hmm, might not sound like i wanted it it to, but ya know, was readint the AoW again last night, a little with the commentary now


Julian said:
Note on numbers:
Imagine finished product as a guide.

Prepping and planting? Illustrated earlier what 500 signifies...square meter and a week or two..(imagine what one could do in 3 months....)

Numbers, your issue is location, maintenance/what is required if anything, and harvest and trim. (Can you fit them? Feed them,cut them.......)

Everything else is simple (as addressed when they are smaller, earlier.....)

Same as mini's.....

You work your way backwards....and use that as your baseline for deciding....
This is such a key issue, and often overlooked.....Im not really in a position to do total low matenance, so its normally the amount of prep, watering, and harvet time each plot requires that keeps my base line low, and establishes my numbers for me, ya know.....I drool all over my self when thinking of how I would plant if I could plant and come back to harvest 10footers......I too would prolly do thousands...

I work alone. Thats the only way...That is another HUGE factor in determining my numbers, and base line.....Lets say that we had a really wet year out here in the desert, and I was able to get thousands out to the hills, and actually was faced with harvesting big boy numbers, trying to aproach that alone wouldnt be theasable....therefore I haveto keep in mind to target the right growing styles that accomodate my approach.....like minis...If I was to do large numbers, it would be minis, so that I could harvest mostly top nuggs..Even with machines, it took me and my crew weeeeeks to harvest 25lbs, even with a trimpro(granted that was with alot of popcorn)...Having a trusty harvest crew is the only way for a solo guerilla grower like me to run things at harvest time. IMHO....Acuiring this team of professionals, is not a easy task....Lots of trust must be brought to the table, along with a sizeable ammount of skill, and balls,,,,,I guess thats why I hear of trimm crews getting payed hundreds of dollars an hour...:confused:

So .whats up Jules, spring appraoches, huh?.....U gettin the itch yet??....



hmm, weeks to do 25lbs huh?

thanks for mentioning, will try to keep in mind, i know earlier , a few times, its been said, that its more efficient to run more numbers and do only the best buds

i know im getting excited, i dropped some out, very small, way to short, but i felt that glimmer of excitement, hauling dirt quickly and quietly, pushing yourself, cant wait til may, but boy is it coming fast now

got some more (stock) in the mail, started them immediately, papertowel method, on top of folder sitting on PC monitor, all got tails, I also picked up a bag of coco, gonna do 5 of the lui's in coco, but I gotta chop my gro box in half today too, temps getting high, ventilation running weak, dont need the extra space i built it with

see if i cant get a pic after 7 days coco vs soil
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