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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Well, like I said earlier (way earlier)....I always throw everything in freezer night before heading out, so, by end of day, you still have still that's slightly frozen/cold, etc, so, hydrate crystals with the leftovers, or even remnants in coolers, etc, by the time getting back in, would be fine...depends on size...I've had gallons of water 90% still frozen end of day......20 ouncers maybe 20% frozen, etc....(head out at 5am, there and working by 8-9am,finish work sundown.....6-7-8pm, etc.....all depends on volume and how packed......sometimes frozen stuff mixed with cold, sometimes ice in one with other stuff, food, etc.....)

Edit: Which is always worth another mention for people...don't forget to pack well.....don't want to be stuck far out, high heat, lot of work without a lot to drink and extra to cool off.(head, back,extra ice,etc)..can really fuck you up.....Can be the difference between a good productive day and passing out from heat exhaustion or worse....:biglaugh:..smaller bottles can come in handy also (putting frozen bottles in pockets, shirts,etc.....I've worked some pretty brutal and long days and can't imagine not having it...100+/- degrees, 100% humidity, zero wind, sun beating down straight down, no clouds in sky,air so thick you can barely breathe, and 8+ more hours left to go planting, drilling, prepping, mixing, clearing spots, etc, etc :biglaugh:...
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Active member
Julian said:
Well, honestly, I did see a couple things......

I can tell you right now (not negative, most would agree..) As a newer grower, your all over the place before learning how to get uniform results and performance......ie: Your doing soil, DWC,talking ebb and flow.......Dude man....relax....stick with one....master one....(or, at least get good grip and handle on one before moving to next.....Lot of people run different things at different locations, etc, etc, but, if your new to it, I mean, a lot of people have problems as is just getting the hang of one thing.....your trying to get all of em :smoke:...(I've got everything imaginable in storage spaces, I could open a store :biglaugh:, but, get one down man.....

Yeah, you know how it is :joint:

that's what I'd do with space...100-1gallons, flip down lights asap, etc, small, uniform, good coverage (light), but, then again your at numbers man, so, you better keep your game tight....(same space you could do...whatever....4-6-8-10, etc...maybe scrogging if that's what you were doing before and getting better results, etc ya know?.....

Thats the technique Im most comfortable with, but the numbers are scary. Maybe just 50 or 75, and I'll put a few old moms in the corners and on the edges.

Happens all the time, will keep you in mind...one just has to be patient and choose opportunities wisely...
Good lookin' out :rasta:

:biglaugh: Nutes with crystals? Dry mix?....You should have got more even with marginal soil....sounds like some of my spots :biglaugh:....Bet ya wish you would have done more and a little more work eh? :smoke:....well, yield aside....you did it, so......even with such, you get some knowledge and "feel" under your belt, so...(I just wish you would have did 100 :smoke:.....) How big were they? How deep did you go? You can also water bottom of hole also.....(and throw some crystals in your water/nutes too when you do bottom of hole...) How did they finish? (height?...1/4 they must have been pretty small.) Was yield due to size or feed issues or hole or what???

Dug holes about the size of a 2 liter bottle. Added pre-moistened crystals, rock phosphate, greensand, cottonseed meal, worm castings, and mixed 50/50 with native rocks. They were only 4-6in tall when I planted them, and it might have been more like early August than late June. They were being blocked by some weeds in terms of sunlight, which wasnt corrected till a week or two before harvest (hadnt been at the spot at that particular time before, so didnt realize how much direct sun was being blocked.)

Plus, some type of critters were eating shoots throughout, so there went some of my yield right there! It was so simple (an old skate spot that I forgot about) I cant wait till next year. Talk about 'hiding in the open'. The skateboarding mentality is great for outdoor, because you are trained to see a handrail as an obstacle to grind, not something to hold while you walk down, just like an abandoned lot is a place to change the rest of your life, not something to barely acknowledge out of the corner of your eye on the way home from food shopping ;)



Fucking wow dude, I'm on the end of site seat, fuck if its even happening, in my mind, i see some serious shit, lmao

truly cant wait

my plant oputput and clones were upset by a lack of attention to ph, and not getting them transplanted/under MH light soon enough, but still looking to cut about 80 clones today, and keep 5 females another 20 days before going out (didnt get branchy, stunted growth, still will be about 16inches going out)

thats nothing next to 60k not being enough, lol, i hope you enjoy every fucking minute of it man, (though I'm sure there will be a fair share of expected challenges)

Hey Inject, lighten up and convince yourself you can make whatever $$ it would take to live comfortably bro.

I dont have long hair now, but was actually offered a $10/hr job while wearing my hair braided, in a high pony tail, total rockstar style bro, and that job ended up handing over a couple $800+ weekly paychecks....so you never know man, dont fool yourself or sale yourself short, maybe re-read this thread for some different views/inspirations...

Anyways, much thanks to this thread, Julian, I'm out to steal some of whats been put into your resevoir, lol, really, because we know you dont have to, thanks for sharing

PS. Sorry to hear of your low yields Inject, like I said, I was looking to get 200 and that was low, but, wasnt on top of everything, like money and box and transplanting soon enough, so....set them back, my own fault, and know better next time...
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Also, really looking foward to the 'stay safe' tips mentioned and to be mentioned, invaluable of course....

K-9s....has a HTs issue recently with Barry in it....decided then that every last dime that could be spent on security was well spent in this business

shit, just decided this morning that 3 monsters, or 3 starbucks coffes is a used book or DVD, $10 basically...plenty of ways to create energy in me i think, bout to stop collecting debt with Monster or Starbucks and start investing in their business....

One more thing, for any market watchers out there...whats up with the new car in india for 2500$$,? (know its a tough cultural/eco thing for some, but face it, at our current rate, the world we live in will begin to change as fast as the technology we create,)

anyway, is this like a 'really good' or decent investment, dont want to say sure thing but...damn...like 1 in a 1000 people have a car there now....a lot of our work already over there, ummm...maybe I'm looking for a confirmation when it's really right in me...any comments on this?


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
InjectTruth said:
Yeah, you know how it is :joint:
I do brother........:smoke:
Thats the technique Im most comfortable with, but the numbers are scary. Maybe just 50 or 75, and I'll put a few old moms in the corners and on the edges.
And, don't get me wrong....very nice cacti(sp?), but, you know....your ass is on the line 24/7, so, utilize every inch of space :smoke: (I'm of that school of thought...if using a space, always at risk, so, might as well utilize it to max efficiency.....I think people leave far too many open spaces in ops...more than needed....I've always done things pretty tight, and then pull/roll things out if I need to get in.....)
Dug holes about the size of a 2 liter bottle. Added pre-moistened crystals, rock phosphate, greensand, cottonseed meal, worm castings, and mixed 50/50 with native rocks.
Good sized hole..definiately...might have been better with an off the shelf flower mix..(when I run short, I just do wal mart...they actually have some halfway decent stuff on hand usually...surprises me I can actually make use of it....)
They were only 4-6in tall when I planted them, and it might have been more like early August than late June. They were being blocked by some weeds in terms of sunlight, which wasnt corrected till a week or two before harvest (hadnt been at the spot at that particular time before, so didnt realize how much direct sun was being blocked.)
Sounds good but maybe they were just a little too late....could also have pulled anything within a foot around it...couple handfully of weeds, scraped clean with boot, stuff like that for light and growth issues of surrounding vegetation....yeah, maybe just put in a little late......so...now you know......go July.......20th?....You know though, you did couple, have an idea, have an overview......so, there ya go.....next season 90 days away :smoke: (fuck I don't like how that sounded :biglaugh:)
Plus, some type of critters were eating shoots throughout, so there went some of my yield right there!
Ahhhhhh.......there ya go....frequent problem with the small ones in a lot of places....so, next time, you grab some fencing,get in there and fence a spot (or could also cage individually...just thinking efficiency....).....will give you time to take a look at spot and see what is best way to stealth protect em.....with mini's though, better just to fence the spot quick if you have animal issues....small roll, get in their night, have it done in 10 minutes....or, could also just drop it off there week of planting, etc, so already there and done, etc....
It was so simple (an old skate spot that I forgot about) I cant wait till next year. Talk about 'hiding in the open'. The skateboarding mentality is great for outdoor, because you are trained to see a handrail as an obstacle to grind, not something to hold while you walk down, just like an abandoned lot is a place to change the rest of your life, not something to barely acknowledge out of the corner of your eye on the way home from food shopping ;)
Yep....you got it :smoke:, but, always try to make your view of spots third party.....view it through others eyes, etc.....sounds like a good example of a city spot though....and, now you know what I'm saying about those spots :smoke:......


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
GroBoy2000 said:
Fucking wow dude, I'm on the end of site seat, fuck if its even happening, in my mind, i see some serious shit, lmao

truly cant wait
my plant oputput and clones were upset by a lack of attention to ph, and not getting them transplanted/under MH light soon enough, but still looking to cut about 80 clones today, and keep 5 females another 20 days before going out (didnt get branchy, stunted growth, still will be about 16inches going out)

thats nothing next to 60k not being enough, lol, i hope you enjoy every fucking minute of it man, (though I'm sure there will be a fair share of expected challenges)
We'll see once things get underway and everything settled down.....
Anyways, much thanks to this thread, Julian, I'm out to steal some of whats been put into your resevoir, lol, really, because we know you dont have to, thanks for sharing
Well thanks man.....kind of you to say......glad of use and interest...

GroBoy2000 said:
Also, really looking foward to the 'stay safe' tips mentioned and to be mentioned, invaluable of course....
Yeah, work in progress......will get it done and also have to decide exactly what I want to, and can share......
K-9s....has a HTs issue recently with Barry in it....decided then that every last dime that could be spent on security was well spent in this business
I honestly haven't picked one up in years...:badday:....I'd like to look at all copies I've missed one day....K9's misunderstood, (in a bad way) and, also...hate to say it, but, not everything he says applies.....so....(maybe more on this, deciding whether to share or not...but, regardless, my statements would be readily proved and are documented, etc....in regards to training and distractions ,etc..)
shit, just decided this morning that 3 monsters, or 3 starbucks coffes is a used book or DVD, $10 basically...plenty of ways to create energy in me i think, bout to stop collecting debt with Monster or Starbucks and start investing in their business....

One more thing, for any market watchers out there...whats up with the new car in india for 2500$$,? (know its a tough cultural/eco thing for some, but face it, at our current rate, the world we live in will begin to change as fast as the technology we create,)

anyway, is this like a 'really good' or decent investment, dont want to say sure thing but...damn...like 1 in a 1000 people have a car there now....a lot of our work already over there, ummm...maybe I'm looking for a confirmation when it's really right in me...any comments on this?
Well, I'm not a buy and hold, etc, I play what's making money, so...I have about 20 things I watch on a daily basis, have for years, so...(ie: I trade for income....)

Totally lost train of thought...had a call and turned into a huge thing...so...
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Active member
Julian said:
I do brother........:smoke:

And, don't get me wrong....very nice cacti(sp?), but, you know....your ass is on the line 24/7, so, utilize every inch of space :smoke: (I'm of that school of thought...if using a space, always at risk, so, might as well utilize it to max efficiency.....I think people leave far too many open spaces in ops...more than needed....I've always done things pretty tight, and then pull/roll things out if I need to get in.....)

Thats an issue I was thinking about recently. Thinking about reorienting the light, so it is hanging perpindicular to the way it is now, and using the whole under bed area. The way the light is now, its covering a 4x4 area with the plants, and the cacti are in the area that is too dim to be productive (or is it. :rasta:). By the way, the cacti are Pereskiopsis and Trichocereus pachanoi, or San Pedro. I even have a little crested one. Mescalito guards my garden :rasta:

Good sized hole..definiately...might have been better with an off the shelf flower mix..(when I run short, I just do wal mart...they actually have some halfway decent stuff on hand usually...surprises me I can actually make use of it....)

Do you mean nutes or soil? Nutes, right? I see that osmocote stuff, and the generic MG like bloom boosters. Been thinking about the osmocote for a while...

Sounds good but maybe they were just a little too late....could also have pulled anything within a foot around it...couple handfully of weeds, scraped clean with boot, stuff like that for light and growth issues of surrounding vegetation....yeah, maybe just put in a little late......so...now you know......go July.......20th?....You know though, you did couple, have an idea, have an overview......so, there ya go.....next season 90 days away :smoke: (fuck I don't like how that sounded :biglaugh:)

Oh yeah, I definitely cleared the immediate area. The perimeter was dotted with some seriously large weeds which would need an ax or a chainsaw to take them down. Plus I left a few on the perimeter to help with detectability, not realizing the angles of the sun throughout the whole day. If they were in any earlier, the higher angle of the sun would have gotten them tall enough to where it wouldnt have mattered. Lesson learned :rasta:

Ahhhhhh.......there ya go....frequent problem with the small ones in a lot of places....so, next time, you grab some fencing,get in there and fence a spot (or could also cage individually...just thinking efficiency....).....will give you time to take a look at spot and see what is best way to stealth protect em.....with mini's though, better just to fence the spot quick if you have animal issues....small roll, get in their night, have it done in 10 minutes....or, could also just drop it off there week of planting, etc, so already there and done, etc....

Seems like the simplest method. How high should the fencing be? I assume Im dealing with raccoons, possums, squirrels, cats, and maybe mice and rats. I have a bunch of hardware cloth that is about 48" long, seems like it would cut it, no? Also, what do you think about predator urine, hair, irish spring slivers, etc?

Yep....you got it :smoke:, but, always try to make your view of spots third party.....view it through others eyes, etc.....sounds like a good example of a city spot though....and, now you know what I'm saying about those spots :smoke:......

Jeez, only 90 days. When you put it like that, who isn't behind schedule!? :rasta:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
InjectTruth said:
By the way, the cacti are Pereskiopsis and Trichocereus pachanoi, or San Pedro. I even have a little crested one. Mescalito guards my garden :rasta:
Ahhhh...........:smoke: I'm just sayin...been there, done that :biglaugh:
Do you mean nutes or soil? Nutes, right? I see that osmocote stuff, and the generic MG like bloom boosters. Been thinking about the osmocote for a while...
Nutes...yeah.....fuck, who knows man, soil might be fine as is for smaller, but, you know, every little bit helps....:smoke:...
Oh yeah, I definitely cleared the immediate area. The perimeter was dotted with some seriously large weeds which would need an ax or a chainsaw to take them down. Plus I left a few on the perimeter to help with detectability, not realizing the angles of the sun throughout the whole day. If they were in any earlier, the higher angle of the sun would have gotten them tall enough to where it wouldnt have mattered. Lesson learned :rasta:
Nah, I gotcha...it was probably planting time and losing branches and stuff.....partial shading wouldn't make that big of an issue...
Seems like the simplest method. How high should the fencing be? I assume Im dealing with raccoons, possums, squirrels, cats, and maybe mice and rats. I have a bunch of hardware cloth that is about 48" long, seems like it would cut it, no? Also, what do you think about predator urine, hair, irish spring slivers, etc?
Only as high as it has to be....maybe smaller might be fine depending on what's eating at em..(16", 24", etc......)you know...stealth issue....could even throw a roll out there now to get weathered, etc...you always want just what you need (stealth issues....)

I've never used predator urine in city, know in country people are split on effectiveness...but, in city, might work a hell of a lot better...
Jeez, only 90 days. When you put it like that, who isn't behind schedule!? :rasta:
Fuckin a man :biglaugh:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
I'm sorry man! I know I wrote a reply to that, maybe got wrapped up in something (Cause I remember the Biotone mention and know I've grabbed that in the past and mentioned it/wanted to mention it.....), and, like the idea of expanding/introducing through the crystals. Lot of products these days come them already hit (dry and wet)....I'm going to check..sometimes if I am in the middle of something or have to run, I just copy and save it until next time I'm back....hopefully won't again cause leaving in a few :biglaugh:.....)

I actually think that can be more beneficial outdoor than in (not more beneficial, but, more medium....more to work with, etc.....)
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Well, I'm not a buy and hold, etc, I play what's making money, so...I have about 20 things I watch on a daily basis, have for years, so...(ie: I trade for income....)

Totally lost train of thought...had a call and turned into a huge thing...so..

ok, gotcha, didnt mean to get off subject, just asking about opportunity at hand...
but thanks for the reply

Hindu Killer

Active member
Years back we had a group of large scale growers working a area. When it came to light...we all were like "you have got to be kidding". Hows that go?? No guts No glory?? Interesting read J thanks for inspiring me!


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
GroBoy2000 said:
ok, gotcha, didnt mean to get off subject, just asking about opportunity at hand...
but thanks for the reply
It's all related man (whether people see it or not)...no problem at all man. I'm going to keep my eye out though for mentioned, might end up playing it one day if moving :smoke:....


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Hindu Killer said:
When it came to light...we all were like "you have got to be kidding". Hows that go??
I'm wondering exactly what your referring to..:smoke: (I think I know, I think I get thought and point, but, could go either way :smoke:...)

I'm assuming the last spot people would think they would, and, they over did it and got cracked......(over did it as in time, or numbers.....)

Fine line between the two.....knowing "when to say when" and what's wise as far as placement...Sure, and area/location might fit ___, but, doesn't mean you should :smoke: Goal is to bring em in......(What I always say about the West Coast mexi runs......"My green calculator says 5-10k is worth more than 50k cracked" :biglaugh:......)
Interesting read J thanks for inspiring me!
Thanks man, no problem, glad to share what I can...(if I can)...


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
InjectTruth said:
Just going through some old posts, and dug up this one I made during a spurt of posting activity in the thread. I dont think too many people actually saw it. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=1393572#post1393572

Its about mycorrhizals and beneficials being used outdoor. I was curious to see what you think about the subject.
Yeah, I thought that was a great post and little to add, my encyclopedia knowledge on the subject lacking :biglaugh:, but, I know many things now more and more especially dry mixes have them added...I of course know the general overview and principles of it, and, try to include such on my shopping trips.......

On a similar note, it does look like I have secured a spot for this season :smoke:, (will know 100% within a couple days) so, of course, very pleased...might just move back the large one (start date) and use that one to produce stock needed to get going, and, maybe start prep on big op(s) while getting the stock together and shoot for a winter run and prep on that one...(But, will still be getting things done and shooting for location and facilities pics.....) Was getting a little concerned about something so large and so little prep time....wasn't sure if I could get it done.....Indoor facilities are a little more flexible due to start times, but, the outdoor deadlines were getting a little tight....


Active member
Julian said:
Yeah, I thought that was a great post and little to add, my encyclopedia knowledge on the subject lacking :biglaugh:, but, I know many things now more and more especially dry mixes have them added...I of course know the general overview and principles of it, and, try to include such on my shopping trips.......

On a similar note, it does look like I have secured a spot for this season :smoke:, (will know 100% within a couple days) so, of course, very pleased...might just move back the large one (start date) and use that one to produce stock needed to get going, and, maybe start prep on big op(s) while getting the stock together and shoot for a winter run and prep on that one...(But, will still be getting things done and shooting for location and facilities pics.....) Was getting a little concerned about something so large and so little prep time....wasn't sure if I could get it done.....Indoor facilities are a little more flexible due to start times, but, the outdoor deadlines were getting a little tight....

I can relate. I moved into a bigger place with my girl, expecting to have a run done in 2 - 3 months. That was October. My first one is coming down in a couple weeks. Needless to say, being behind schedule sucks. I cant clone fast enough!

Which brings me to the topic of fem seed. I recall you mentioning that companies will cut you a deal on bulk. Does 100 qualify as bulk in terms of quantity discount (I know its not bulk in your eyes :rasta: )? What are we looking at price wise? Never bought fem seed, or even more than 10 at a time before.

I just need to get my rooms filled with something productive while my moms get larger. I can't wait till I have a good perp rhythm. Need to fix the aerocloner I just made (used 1"pvc instead of 1/2"), but despite mistakes, the clones I placed in it a few days ago are still looking pert and lovely. Im hoping this first batch will root so I can fix it without having to put the clones in the bubbler. Friggin thing leaks like a bastard too!


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
InjectTruth said:
I can relate. I moved into a bigger place with my girl, expecting to have a run done in 2 - 3 months. That was October. My first one is coming down in a couple weeks. Needless to say, being behind schedule sucks. I cant clone fast enough!
Well, you know, one always has to be aware of reality, the "real" timing of things....many try to push, perpetually optimistic (and, nothing wrong with that :biglaugh:, but, you know, just leads to dissappointments...(been there, don that for everything above, and, still sometimes do :biglaugh:....), so, then you try to relax your timelines allowing for certain things...(was talking yesterday to partner for new spot...and, targets and schedule a little looser than I have in past....I'm a big believer in lower expectations and being pleasantly surprised...only way to go man, only way to go...

Anyway......the stress that I have day to day in life I am sure is caused by no other than myself :biglaugh: Guess that's what I'm sayin in a roundabout way :biglaugh:
Which brings me to the topic of fem seed. I recall you mentioning that companies will cut you a deal on bulk. Does 100 qualify as bulk in terms of quantity discount (I know its not bulk in your eyes :rasta: )? What are we looking at price wise? Never bought fem seed, or even more than 10 at a time before.
Well would start with 100 pricing based on 1,000, because you might want 100 of this, 100 of that, etc, and all would still qualify, but, I can say very little for several reasons, and, you'd just have to check with your source and see what they will do for you...Whatever you and other person can work out and agree upon, ya know?....everything is and should be cheaper the more you buy, in any industry, and, most in that/this one seem to be flexible regarding that....ie: If your doing seed runs, means you'll buy more, right? :smoke:.....so....seems to be a win win for everyone :smoke:...(or, you could buy a single pack, clone forever and never buy another pack....so.......seems to me it benefits sellers :smoke:....) You just have to ask....
I just need to get my rooms filled with something productive while my moms get larger. I can't wait till I have a good perp rhythm. Need to fix the aerocloner I just made (used 1"pvc instead of 1/2"), but despite mistakes, the clones I placed in it a few days ago are still looking pert and lovely. Im hoping this first batch will root so I can fix it without having to put the clones in the bubbler. Friggin thing leaks like a bastard too!
An empty room is a wasted room :biglaugh: (was just talking about that with someone else.....utilization of space, efficiency, etc, if not full and running time lose, etc, but, what can you do man, you know?....ideally each and every step (whether correct or a mistake) paves the way to better things in the future and greater effectiveness and efficiency, so.....you can't go wrong with "pert and lovely" , so, you gotta be good and on right track, ya know? :smoke:....

I think you just have to stick to one thing, utilize/efficient spacing, and, your good...

I've never been much of a DIY'er, for various reasons, but, have the utmost respect for those who do..(many more knowledgeable than I...), but, lot of stuff also I do lo tech too, so (cloning example....give me my trays and domes and whatever (RW plugs, Jiffy's, RR's), I'm good to go....always 100%, never a problem, same thing every time...always like clockwork....I might switch and try different mediums, but, that's about the extent of change with that I do....I'm a chronic overfeeder more than anything else :biglaugh:....always trying to push em, ya know? "Hey, my name is Monty, and, I'm battling chronic overfeeding....how ya doin" :biglaugh: (which no one newer should, stay low, stay safe, they're fine :biglaugh:.....just a little patience is all that's needed...)

But, in my defense on overfeeding, when your running different things, (sometimes a lot), of course, all do feed different, so, more of a case of always trying to see what whatever will and can take, etc, something might be light, something you might be able to push so far you have trouble believing it's possible :biglaugh:, so.......all relative I suppose :biglaugh:...
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Sorry to anyone I haven't gotten to (PM's), have stopped in but wrapped up in other bullshit, so, my apologies.

Have a firm confirmation on next spot, so, not sure if I should start putting that in here, skip or, or just wait and skip ahead and start new one for the big stuff when I get it going, we'll see.

(New one going to be very simple, 500 a week from May-August, 12 weeks, no maintenance but heavier prep, (drill,more crystals, coco, heavier mix, more mix applied to holes, etc) first 500 in going to be dedicated to seed for the big one coming up, going to go for fem only via CS method out I think,might be a chance that (numbers/rounds) gets changed when I secure veg center and set it up and check the spacing. Going to be primarily the Sour Bubble, the Pink/Lemon stuff (which was extremely hardcore), and, still want to try some Diesel and Strawberry Diesel (which I lost shipment StrawD, and in city plots ,Straight D), to see if live up to reputation. Going to run more Power Plants, was extremely well received by all and fairly desirable..(I was surprised at how well received), and, we will see what else makes it's way in there. But, going to focus on the Sour Bubble and the Pink stuff for seed....(I didn't get enough good pics of those pink plants...were extremely heavy, extremely dense, overwhelming lemon, and, 4 people could blow one and forget to finish the other half :biglaugh:, was pretty impressive stuff.....We'll see, I change things all the time while I go along, so, might do a lot more (strains), might change numbers...I have to get to spot,(March maybe, I've seen lots of pics of it) walk it, talk more about area with people....(If no traffic in 20yrs, might go twice as heavy...might do more later, might skip earlier, etc, etc.......) Going to start checking supplies onhand, making shopping lists....first round though has to be heavy and for seed only for next project.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
blynx said:
I used soil moist. I actually thought it would work great because in addition to the moisture there were also oxygen bubbles throughout the container.

I think the reason it didn't work was that the container I used contained all expanded crystals. There wasn't any excess water, it was all in the crystals. Since the clones did not have roots, they were unable to pull water from the crystals. The micro area around the stem was 'moist' but not 'wet'.

I even tried rooting hormone on some of the clones and that didn't make them root either.
Note: So, I have an immediate space ready to go, in full work mode again, and, was making up shopping list and while checking for em, came across a couple articles and was thinking the same thing.......

They say you can root cuttings in them.....and, what I was just thinking about before I read them, while contemplating sizes, was, maybe they were wrong sizes?...maybe smaller more suitable, larger more suitable.......you know, maybe one works better for that......

Was thinking about that ever since we talked about it...I just couldn't think why it wouldn't work/have worked.......maybe the sizes?.....
I just spent the past 3 days, probably a total of 3-4 hours reading this thread. I honestly feel enlightened, Julian you really are a good person! thank you!

I feel there could almost be a whole thread on just the financial aspect of growing.(which I would like to see, but its not that accepted on this forum) Id love to see this thread broken down into each aspect of growing, you need your own section Julian!

Many a thanks! stay safe!
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