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Massive Outdoor DK 09 Corn Field Grow

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Gunnar, Keep rockin and kickin ass!

your hard work will all pay off. there are those that do it and those that talk about doing it.
tnx a lot for the encouraging words :joint:

yes theres always talkers and do'ers

i like to talk :laughing:

but i also always back it up with action :yoinks:

i can see in the threads, in pm's and rep points and comments that i inspire others
im happy to do so
like im happy others have, and still does, inspire me

a good way to show our governments that their cannabis laws are wrong is to let them know we dont respect them
and to show them the more they tighten the surveillances, the punishment and the laws in general
the more we grow and show them that they can stuff their cannabis laws up a smelly brown place where they were made in the first place :nanana:


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its going to be a fabulous day today
sun is shining and its warm and all the birds are singing like crazy in the garden and surrounding area

heres what the mailman brought me to day
from an eaby deal i got seed cell trays for 1320 seedlings and 1000 plant stickers


yesterday i put seeds in the ground for my indoor room
it was cold at night so it was covered with a plasticdome that was removed this morning
no stickers yet but closest to camera its
10 Endless Sky f2
then 20 Bifrost bubblegum fra sagaseeds
and finally 30 Skunk#1 made by a fellow breeder from Sensi seed stock


next shot is a wireless unit with a control unit just above the my computer in the "bunker"
i put it by the seedlings then i can monitor temperature and humidity from remote distances and adjust accordingly
this night temp was down to 1,6 Celsius even covered with a plastic dome outside
so even if days are starting to get really warm and sunny the nights can still be cold and harmful to the little ones


this is what the mailman dragged in to day
plant trays with cells for a total of 1320 seedlings :)
also plant stickers for 1000 plants
to the far left you cant catch a glimpse of my current mother plants
at nights they are in a closed outdoors under a 250 watt metal halide but at days to get to get more lumen's under the natural sun
i put them in 3 cardboard boxes with plastic in the bottom so its easier to transport them in and out


notice what it says on the label
POT labels
even the manufactures wants me to grow MJ :)


heres the main unit for the weather station
a good cheap investment from a local ALDI market
it has time, date, weather forecast with HPA readings, moonphase, sunrise , indicator for strongest sun at mid day,sunset hour and of course temp and humidity measuring for both indoor and the remote unit
theres also some memory function i havent figured out yet
right now the sun rises at 7:56 AM and sets at 21:12 or 9:12 PM
im a collector of gear like that
i just cant help it but i want the best possible gear and conditions to pull this and future grows off


heres what the weather ppl has to say about the next few days
a part from a little rain tomorrow everything seems perfect for the future of the content of the 1200 seed trays im going outside now to fill with seeds and soil

stay tuned folks
keep growing
stay safe
and stay green

danny karey

That of Boy Gunnar, don't worry about the hater's my friend, keep doin your thing bro!!!!

Im pull'n up a chair for this one...................

Great thread Gunnar, keep up the good work my friend.



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ICMag Donor
Hehehe busy busy busy huh

i just love this time of the year:woohoo:

yeah indeed!

my plan was to have all 1200 seeds in soil today but working on the grow room earlier
than mixing dirt, enjoying the weather, filling all the seed trays etc took some time
i ended up having 148 Early Danes in soil, the rest will have to be tomorrow if it only rains as little as the weather guys says

here my diary from today


its essential for a good airy soil and fast root development gives a good loose soil with good drainage also
i boy it straight from the factory and pays 212 Dkr
thats apr 28 euro or 37 dollars for a 200 liter bag


mixing soil
on top its some unfertilized peat moss
in the bucket its some lime being mixed into perlite
i put it trough some fine metal netting so it wont be in the soil in to large pieces and risk harming the seedlings


emptying the concrete mixer of a soil mix i made yesterday and getting it ready for some more mixing


unfertilized potting soil


the new mix in the mixer


i dont just love growing cannabis
i love animals also
My youngest dog named Cindy
she was bred by a fellow grower and what she named in respect of shouldn't be hard for any grower with some essential knowledge to guess
apart from the dogs i have still 3 rabbits
big ones of some cross breeding
lovely pets and they taste good also
i have had many rabbits and breed many young ones
ate some myself as its the finest tasting meat, sold some for pets and some for slaughter but it took too much time so now i have only 3 and spend my efforts on growing the MJ lady instead
ill breed a rabbit litter or 2 though if i have some successful mating



my old dog and the puppy
my old one is getting old now but shes a puppy at mind and still jumps around playing with the puppy as she has completely sometimes forgotten her age
i must admit these pix are "staged"
they have been playing and fighting all day over Mr Rubber Duck but they agreed on keeping the peace while i took these shots



heres a pigeon couple that just sat there watching me fill the seed trays with soil
must have made them horny cause later they begin mating the very same place
had my fingers in dirt so couldn't snap pix of the porn
if you look closely you can also see the remains of a few plants that i didn't get to harvest last year due to being stressed from harvesting cannabis in the corn
theres still seeds left in them and i better secure them soon before the birds find out and eat them

heres a pix i caught of the dogs wrestling over Mr Rubber Duck
hes ugly but apparently worth fighting over
sorry about the picture seems a little weird but i had to edit out parts of the garden that could be identified
i love my dogs
raised with love, care and mutual respect the Rottweilers are a perfect companion, family, watchdog and good friend



heres some seed porn


first ones in dirt
148 Early Danes
was getting dark so im closing up and doing the others tomorrow

the rest of the pix are self explanatory so enjoy
covered with plastic domes
to protect them from cold dew and from the rain the promised tomorrow
also to keep temperature up a little until the sun gives proper heat again





thats it for today
stay tuned, green and safe cause theres a lot more coming the rest of the season


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ICMag Donor
i wish i had a mixer , man that would save me many hours , how much does one cost approx
ive been using mine alot for work when mixing cement or concrete
the soil mixing as just a bonus as ive had it for several years
its a cheap one but it works perfect although a little rusty
in Denmark you can get them from 200 euro and up
sometimes a little cheaper on sales

first i add the potting soil and let it turn, then i add the perlite and lime and then the peat moss
after they have all been added i adjust it so it mixes as good as it can without spilling it out
i lower the drum to horizontal as much as possible
then i let it run for apr 10 minutes but less will also work as its often well mixed before that


Yeah! Glad to see things are moving forward with your project Gunnarguchi. :)

THC123: You can rent those mixers too, shouldn't cost much...



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ICMag Donor
I am looking forward to see your plants, it will be really MASSIVE !!!

keep growing :rasta:

yes im also very exited about this

it really gives me a hardon to stand there and a field full of nice big fat smelly canna ready for harvest
the working at night is boring sometimes but its also exiting and can be some adrenalin kick although hard work sometimes also

what if i get pulled over with the car full of plants ready to get transplanted?
did any one see me enter that field?
what if theres cops waiting by the car when i come out from the field to get the last boxes of plants?
did any one write down my plates?
will i get pulled over with the car all filled with buds at harvest?
what if i get raided in the drying room and have to answer for several kilos of dried buds and is trown straihgt into jail and charged of being a major "drug dealer"?
etc etc

its mostly at the start of the season when doing the first nightly runs with plants going out in the field theres a little paranoia and the stomach kinda cramps up sometimes
after the first few runs you get use to it

its like getting a new job or a girlfriend
its very exiting at first but then it gets to be a pleasant habit

just dont get to relaxed as its straight to jail for the amount im growing

it being illegal is a bad thing
its been my most pleasant and honest job ever
its hard work
you invest a lot of time and money into it
you run a big risk
and you wont get paid until at least 7-8 months later
and you risk loosing it all or even going to jail before you even get the money back you invested

i dont smoke very often but im kinda obsessed with growing and breeding

when i was 13 yo i started growing and breeding for fun
it was way before any internet and i got seeds from different places in Denmark
i bred those out and made more seeds and named them after the cities from where to originated
almost no literature available or knowledge on how to find it for a young teenage kid so i learned many things the hard way
i bred for fun for several years having great fun doing it and got better and better results and collected more and better strains, learned new stuff and gained new knowledge all the time

then when i was going out of teenage years and becoming an adult i had many other things on my mind and i had a 10+ year brake from growing

then a few years back i had some months jail time from some shit that was out of my hands

the jail time was terrible for a freedom loving person like me
whats going to happen?
how long is i going to be in here?
will i loose my property, get my animals killed and loose all ive fought to build and preserve for years?

luckily my jail time turned out shorter than the cops had said and i managed to save the remains and not loose to much and only had to have a few of my beloved animals killed cause i had good friends that took care of most of them
i managed to keep my property but had to loan a lot of money in order to keep it
jail time was also an eye opener on who to trust and who certainly not
i had some pleasant surprices
ppl i love to be around to day and would trust my life to
also it showed a lot of ppl that used my jail time to stab me in the back
i ditched a lot of friends and a large part of my fa<mily on that account
i just cant be around ppl today that i dont trust
they say thats when you grow older you get more lean back
thats the truth on many cases but i also got more "hard" in some ways
if ppl fuck me over enough just one time they will be like dead for me the rest of theirs and my life
if they screw up and say they are sorry and i feel they mean it i have no problem forgiving them
but if they let me down and backstab me its sometime i cant forget or forgive
so on that account i havent grown soft in the years
but kinda harder as life has thought me not to spend time around ppl you cant trust and just pretend everything is ok when it isnt
my temper has also been a little more soft than back in the early days but if ppl spit in my face they still get a direct reply in the same fashion

jail time also ment i have a large debt today and sometimes serous problems paying all that debt, the bills and the mortgage

but except from the terrible fact of being locked inside a little government concrete cage in jail, it also made me rethink my life
in there i also met a nice guy that turned out to live near by me out in the free world
he talked something about indoor skunk farming
sounded VERY interesting so when released i began exploring the subject again about cannabis growing

so many things had changed to back then when i was growing
started out ditching some of my old friends and the environment that had got me into troubles and jail
cut a lot back on my friend list and got fewer but new and better friends

when almost broke from the jail time indoor gardening was not an option without an investor and i had no one with that kinda money and that i trusted that much so i began some outdoor growing and found out that in the many years i havent been growing other danish growers had been keeping the old strains alive, refining them for the better and made new ones etc

i began with my first outdoor crop in 07 after a very long brake
was out late but had a decent result anyway so i got more and more hooked

later i build an indoor room with a guy i thought i could trust enough
but it turned out whe had to big disagreements and expectations on the project so we ended out pulling the plug afetr the first grow ( Gunnars Lab 1)

i decided then that i was to do no more indoor grows until i had a room of my own, with my own gear and owing no one anything and only answering to myself regarding it

ive also turned down several offers to manage others indoor gardens and grow houses
of course its hard to do so when your almost broke and needs the money but experiences have taught me not to work for any one else but myself
and that also be very picky on who you allow to work for you

to day im kinda obsessed
both indoor and outdoor growing has my passion
i love growing and i love breeding
the weather here does have some tuff demands and strains but again when only the strongest survives its also gives better and better genes for each year
our days are long and we have a short vegetative stage and some really tuff weather in the fall but it gives us some really tuff genes to work with
genes that will perform very well all over the globe due to the hardy genetic code inside them

jail time made me rethink my life and get other values

except from growing i try to stay out of trouble
i invest my time in what i feel is right for me
and what i decide to do i do 100% and from the hart
im not become more selfish i just have other values than before

if you ask me jail time made me a better person

not by the punishment or new society education cause theres not much of that in there
most ppl grow bitter and comes out as worse persons than before
learns new criminal trades and gets new connections and end up being worse persons than before
but for me jail was an eye opener on how to prioritize my life differently from that point on

cannabis growing has turned from a hobby for me into a passion
also a lifesaver that keeps me out of trouble while it in time hopefully can erase my debt and make me get a better life without having to worry all the time about how to pay the next bills etc
at the same time as im having a job that i really love and care about instead of just some boring every day life working my ass of for some prick that just wants to exploit my labor as much as possible and dont give a damn that i wear down my body in doing so

the hash made might please some buyers that then dont have to go out and buy some lower grade shit that supports gang violence or terrorism groups like al qaeda, taliban, hamash or whatever

but what i like most about my new job is to see and hear from all the happy ppl growing the seeds out

well thats enough from me as of now
too much spilling my hart out
to sentimental in the long run ;)

ill be posting some more pictures of todays work later this evening

danny karey

Great post Gunnar.................I too have done about 2 and a half years in jail all togeather, Ive been out now for 12 years, feels pretty good for sure, but growing means the same to me as it does to you, keeps me out of trouble(other then growing illegal plants) and keeps me going. I don't ever want to go back to jail, it's like going to a crime school and learning how to do alot more crimes, I don't think it really helps anybody, the choice is up the person, if your ready to change your life style, you will, I found people harping on me about my life just made things worse( I don't get along very well with authority figures) .

Great post my friend, and keep up the great,inspiring work!!!!!

Hey man! Some of my outdoor spots will be in corn this summer. I was just planning on pulling out 2 corn plants per one of my plants. From the pics you posted it looks like people cut out a lot more corn per weed plant....?


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ICMag Donor
tnx for all the positive vibes guys
nice to know all those 10000 reads so far havent all been haters ;)

Hey man! Some of my outdoor spots will be in corn this summer. I was just planning on pulling out 2 corn plants per one of my plants. From the pics you posted it looks like people cut out a lot more corn per weed plant....?

i was you i would pull as few as possible

not to hurt the farmers income too much ( but where im at they use it for cattle feed and the fields are huge)

also not to cause too much attention if you wanna use the fields in the same area next year
you risk that the farmers begin talking in the neighborhood about all those mysterious holes in the fields
and if you want to use them next year u sure dont want that

heres the weather forecast for my area for the next few days

yesterday i didnt post pix as promised and didnt take many as i was busy both with my indoor growroom and outdoor activities

i took my rabbits out in some fast make up barriers outside so they could eat fresh grass and herbs and also enjoy the weather

heres mr shy guy
hes a French Loop

there are crossbreeds between Hvid land ( danish Landrace) and Belgium giant
they are big, nice and calm animals
both perfect for pets for children and also for the dinner table



heres some shots from today


this is like apr 1200 seeds in soil looks like
( some trays reserved for seeds that are on their way)
front row from the right

Early Dane
Danish passion
royal dane
guerrilla gold x danish passion f3

back row from right

Freja from Sagaseeds
lebanon 27
royal dane x erocket/danish passion -own cross from corn 07
purple peace
trainwreck ibl from crazy x
mighty freeze from jaysprout
mighty might x b3n7/erdpurtxRD
danish passion x Nepal ( oldfarmer version) -my own cross from garden 07

12 seeds in each seed tray




my mother plants from my little closed outdoor mother room out to lick sun
they surely needed it
they had a period with too light ferts, then they had to much and after a flush and some sunlight they are starting to look good
i moved them back inside under mh at about 9pm when sun starts to set here


damn one is starting to show sex just because i forgot them out 2 hours after dark and some nights its been a little late before moving them in
you guys never guess the strain thats showing sex?
well Nigerian Nightmare


under domes and ready for a cold night where it gets close to zero these days although they promised warmer nights in the time to come

damn i need to find another picture host soon
imageshack.us has chanced recently and the new multi upload sucks
you have to remove and edit a lot by hand to get direct links in IMG format instead of thumbs
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