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Massive Outdoor DK 09 Corn Field Grow

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Wow what a total load of bullshit. Keep on keeping on gunnar. I will be back to post my cornfield grow pics which will be sending Kallendork running with his tail between his legs. As nice as your backyard divas are Kallen you don't have 200 of them. You can't. So if you are scared to put 200 in your yard then others can be scared to put any in their backyard. You dig?

To the people that don't think we should be planting in the corn. TOO BAD! In case you don't know there is a war on drugs. We pot growers are in a WAR. All is fair in love and war. You shouldn't be growing in your house because it's illegal. You endanger your family and your freedom. But you do don't you? You shouldn't be growing in a rental either. You might burn down someone else's house or apartment. But you do don't you? You shouldn't be growing on State or Public lands either because it is illegal. But you do don't you? You shouldn't be pouring all those ferts down the drain and harming the environment either. But you do don't you? Or putting all those ferts in the backyard and having them wash into area streams and water tables. But you do don't you?

You got the message I am delivering? Step the fuck off do-gooders. You ain't that good and I don't give a fuck even if you are.

Planting in the corn does not alter a farmers harvest in the least. A corn stalk only gets one ear of corn maybe 2 or 3. If I rip a few out I protect the others with my varies deer and animal chasers that the farmer ends up with more than he would if I wasn't there. Deer and critters eat so much corn you wouldn't believe it. And even if I didn't I don't give a crap.

Stop with the stupid theories that corn and pot don't mix. I had 10-13 foot monsters. Many 3+ pounders and most at 2+. The corn has always been good to me. Very, very good. And no backyard grower or indoor grower working all on their own is ever even going to come close to doing what I do. You have to go outside and into the big spaces. Be it corn or wilderness but it ain't going to be inside or in a backyard.

I don't put the pot in the corn until Mid June or later when the corn is shoulder high some places. My plants get plenty of sun and were 10 foot 3 pounders sometimes. You don't have to pull a bunch of corn. Some you can just bend in half when they are shoulder high and the corn will still grow but bent over.

P.S. If you plant in patches like those nice squares and long rows of pot and you live where they look for it in the air they will be found and you wasted your time. I plant in scruffier looking cornfields too. Here in the NE the corn, even after spraying has a tremendous amount of weeds growing up that are as big or bigger than pot plants. Those super clean fields would be tough to get away with but it can be done. Zig-zag and less than 10 in an area.

I will be back with the end all discussion cornfield pictures. Stay tuned. You don't want to miss them. They are that good.

No I am not trying to be arrogant. Anybody that really wants to can do what I do. It takes work and dedication. I am not going to sit by though while a bunch of dumbasses who don't know what they are talking about do a bunch of talking.


Active member
How is this for a cornfield











seeker of greater knowledge
hey good luck Gunnarguchi on your outdoor grow for this year...your hash pics look tasty:yummy::yummy:and watch out for the eye in the sky..........i hope you all the best of luck in the up coming outdoor growing season.......:wave:


Active member
It is hard to do but it just takes some hard work and some tactics that make it all doable. I will be back to tell people the way I do it.


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ICMag Donor
Wow what a total load of bullshit. Keep on keeping on gunnar. I will be back to post my cornfield grow pics which will be sending Kallendork running with his tail between his legs. As nice as your backyard divas are Kallen you don't have 200 of them. You can't. So if you are scared to put 200 in your yard then others can be scared to put any in their backyard. You dig?

To the people that don't think we should be planting in the corn. TOO BAD! In case you don't know there is a war on drugs. We pot growers are in a WAR. All is fair in love and war. You shouldn't be growing in your house because it's illegal. You endanger your family and your freedom. But you do don't you? You shouldn't be growing in a rental either. You might burn down someone else's house or apartment. But you do don't you? You shouldn't be growing on State or Public lands either because it is illegal. But you do don't you? You shouldn't be pouring all those ferts down the drain and harming the environment either. But you do don't you? Or putting all those ferts in the backyard and having them wash into area streams and water tables. But you do don't you?

You got the message I am delivering? Step the fuck off do-gooders. You ain't that good and I don't give a fuck even if you are.

Planting in the corn does not alter a farmers harvest in the least. A corn stalk only gets one ear of corn maybe 2 or 3. If I rip a few out I protect the others with my varies deer and animal chasers that the farmer ends up with more than he would if I wasn't there. Deer and critters eat so much corn you wouldn't believe it. And even if I didn't I don't give a crap.

Stop with the stupid theories that corn and pot don't mix. I had 10-13 foot monsters. Many 3+ pounders and most at 2+. The corn has always been good to me. Very, very good. And no backyard grower or indoor grower working all on their own is ever even going to come close to doing what I do. You have to go outside and into the big spaces. Be it corn or wilderness but it ain't going to be inside or in a backyard.

I don't put the pot in the corn until Mid June or later when the corn is shoulder high some places. My plants get plenty of sun and were 10 foot 3 pounders sometimes. You don't have to pull a bunch of corn. Some you can just bend in half when they are shoulder high and the corn will still grow but bent over.

P.S. If you plant in patches like those nice squares and long rows of pot and you live where they look for it in the air they will be found and you wasted your time. I plant in scruffier looking cornfields too. Here in the NE the corn, even after spraying has a tremendous amount of weeds growing up that are as big or bigger than pot plants. Those super clean fields would be tough to get away with but it can be done. Zig-zag and less than 10 in an area.

I will be back with the end all discussion cornfield pictures. Stay tuned. You don't want to miss them. They are that good.

No I am not trying to be arrogant. Anybody that really wants to can do what I do. It takes work and dedication. I am not going to sit by though while a bunch of dumbasses who don't know what they are talking about do a bunch of talking.

you hit the nail right on the spot
tnx a lot for contributing
yes its some work growing in the corn and it takes some knowledge also but once obtained and you start putting your back into it its worth it all

i saw the light regarding corn after some pictures from other growers
ive already seen the Browndirtwarrior movies on youtube and wanted to go bigger then i had the balls to do at home
i made a thread regarding corn grows and many different growers came with inputs so i did my first corn grow last year
i was out late in the corn, had some fertilization problems at first due to too many pellets came washed into the soil at once due to heavy rain just after applying, but the harvest was still worth it

now i just cant stop doing corn grows cause in my way it beats other ways of guerrilla growing by several lengths and you posting pix and information about both 2 and 3 punders in the corn im pretty sure also that one can do as good, or even better, in the corn as in any garden
basic soil is very good to start with
the sun and wind exposure is just perfect for the Mary Jane
im starting to spread good seeds all over the globe
they can be grown any where but they do good in corn because thats where they where bred and why i bred them

tnx a lot for contributing with pictures
i unfurtunatly didnt take many last year and most where just after putting them out or in mid august when they had only been growing a little
ill be doing many pictures this year and to make it a little more exiting for the viewers to watch ( and for my own pleasure also) ill also take some video from the different corn field patches

ill try and dig up some of the corn pix from this year even though theres no really bud pix among


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ICMag Donor
ill post some pix from my corn grow last year
they got out in the corn very late

they where harvested late September
i think most recent pix i got from there is mid august, 6 weeks to harvest

heres some from 25th of august a few days after transplant into the fields i went back and gave them some pellet fertilizer and some water with nutrients
before they where put in the fields they had been in my garden in small pots for a few weeks
this year im using bigger pots for pre growing and starting them a lot earlier

i then drove out to a forest spot where i had some Afghans Nordic
very nice strain but too late for corn grow
soil there was very shitty, hard, with lots of roots and no natural nutrients
i didnt soil ammend there which was a big mistake as the plants didnt grow much even though i added nutrients
soil was simply to hard and bad
in mid October when i went out and harvested them they hadnt grown much and most where full of mold even though they had plenty of sunlight and that stain is very mold resistant, but soil was so bad it just didnt want them to grow and survive
im going to grow some Afghan Nordic for seeds this yea and might use the same spot as its somewhat hidden and fenced in so protected from deers but im going to use my own soil mix for sure, or else its a waste of time

on my way home i went into a field of Leb27 and gave them some fertilizer and then it was home and get some sleep

some nights later i was out inspecting fields again
heres a field of Thyphoon
those and the Early Dane, from which i unfortunately didnt take any pix from, where they first to flower and at harvest also those which had most mature seeds in them



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ICMag Donor
some days later in the corn
cant remember what strain

These are all Thyphoons i think

back where it all started
notice the date 6th of July
that should have read 6th of May for being optimal



but i still pulled an acceptable harvest and seeds spreading all over the globe now and making it possible to grow the amount i want this year
heres some hash i made by tumbling the harvest with a pollinator




heres 20 grams of kief soon to be made into hash

heres a hack lot more than 20 grams
but the exact number is between me and the buyers ;)

heres a close up of a 25 gram plate of high potent danish hash stamped using a coin


Active member
That third last pic reallay gives me the muchie's , it just looks so eatable , it looks like chocolate sauce


Smoke weed and prosper
i checked the dates on the pictures
i'm sold! i gotta do one of these, even if it's just as a test grow.


Active member
ICMag Donor
i checked the dates on the pictures
i'm sold! i gotta do one of these, even if it's just as a test grow.
yes i know its small looking plants but notice that most recent picture is 6 weeks away from ahrvest and you only see flower on the males
and the fact that i got started pretty late regarding the corn grow last year
i still pulled a decent harvest although i started late and at first my corn grow had lower priority than my plants in my own garden
that changed later in the season as i began to see the possibilities about growing in corn
even though the harvest was ok i cant help thinking i could have had 3x as much if i had started 2 month earlier

this year the corn grow has top priority
i dont know even if ill do some at home
would be a security risk compared to the harvest im bringing home later from the corn and i also had some problems with a nosy person in the neighborhood that has a hard time finding her own hobbies and therefore complaints about just any thing regarding me
might do a few plants at home just for the pleasure and the view
havent decided finally yet


Active member
might do a few plants at home just for the pleasure and the view

Oh comon , we all know the answer to that , u will see , once the sun is shining and the new season starts properly we all know you won't be able to resist.

Hell i only wanted 10 plants last year , but i just couldn't throw the extra plants away and i ended up with a jungle :D


Yes gunnar,great thread,thanks for sharing your info its appriciated mate.

Would just like to add a big fuck you, to all the do gooders,i think Ickis put it perfectly.
Anyways hope all you cornfield growers have a great year.
peace yossman


New member
Gunnar, this is a great thread to all those who have true love for growing cannabis and are not too lazy to use their hands but instead go out in the field and work it!
There is nothing more worthwhile then growing in corn, this from experience.
Some advices:
1) when growing on such a large operation it is obvious that it will be easier when the pregrown pots are as small as possible without causing any limits to the plants in the small pots; you can achieve this by paiting the inside of the pots with a mix of chalk and coppersulfate, this causes the roots to benefit all the soil on the inside and not just to encircle the outside of the pots, even more, when transplanting the plant will have no stress at all and also have a rootstructure that is beneficial. This way you can easily use pots a small as 10cl or even smaller.
2) use seaweed misting thouroughly when transplating, do this at home so you will not have to haul too much stuff in the corn.
3) it is beneficial to transplant after a good rainfall, this will help you get rid of the heavy equipement for watering when you transplant them
good luck gunnar, wish you best, growing in corn is not for sofa people!!!


Active member
Interesting thread!
I have to ask though, where are the farmers when all this is going on?
Don't they tend their fields?


Active member
ICMag Donor
Interesting thread!
I have to ask though, where are the farmers when all this is going on?
Don't they tend their fields?
corn here is grown to feed cattle
they plant the corn
spray for weeds a few weeks after and then just harvest it when its done
they dont need to go inspect them as they attend them selfs
also most fields here a pretty large


Active member
This is an awesome thread with a wealth of info! Thanks so much Gunna!

Really made me change my why of thinkin when it comes to guerrilla.
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