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Massive Outdoor DK 09 Corn Field Grow

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ICMag Donor
Keep in mind also that the corn can outcompete and shade the cannabis... You have to time things right... Stay ahead of the corn... I've seen it happen before.... :chin:


Active member
ICMag Donor
Keep in mind also that the corn can outcompete and shade the cannabis... You have to time things right... Stay ahead of the corn... I've seen it happen before.... :chin:

tnx for the advice
my biggest problem though will be time to do it all and worrying not getting busted carrying all those plants out there and later when harvesting them

the corn gets sprayed here with pesticides but if you wait until mid June and scrabe some of the top soil off around where the plants get planted it should be safe from there on.

ill germ them indoor and put them outside in my own garden from mid May when theres no more chance of frost here

they will be grown from mid May here and then transplanted into the corn fields from mid June

this year its too late but next year i might try making some feminized seeds from early danish land races and crosses
a bit tricky though as most our early genes have a tendency of going AF inside after a while
but using feminized seeds in the corn will double my output with only a slight increase in workload


Active member
The increase in workload is also made a bit less by the fact that you don't have to get out there to remove males :)
I'm excited about Freja - got some too.


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ICMag Donor
The increase in workload is also made a bit less by the fact that you don't have to get out there to remove males :)
I'm excited about Freja - got some too.

im also very exited about Freja and looking forward to growing it

theres an interesting story behind it but im not sure the breeder would like for me to tell it so ill have to ask him first

heres a few shots i took outside to day

these are not counting as my 1000+ grow but since i was cleaning out my motherplant room, some had to go
i thought why not give them a change out door instead of just ditching them?

these are afghani x erdPurT




i hope they make it out so early but they have a small chance of weather stays nice without too much frost or snow
if so ill have an early smoke in about 8 weeks as i expect them to start flower soon due to daylight length

they just need some fertilizer now with high amount of Nitrogen and a few days with soft weather, then they shold egt back on track fast, hopefully


Active member
ICMag Donor
Hi gunnar!
First sorry when I skip this, but what happened exactly that your last corn-grow went so bad? Where the plants too mini? What was the problem?

I'm looking forward to your grow. Thanks for the report!


Active member
ICMag Donor
Hi gunnar!
First sorry when I skip this, but what happened exactly that your last corn-grow went so bad? Where the plants too mini? What was the problem?

I'm looking forward to your grow. Thanks for the report!

Went so bad...Mini plants ?
WFT are you talking about?

i might not have any harvest pix as i was very busy in the period ( this error im not doing this year)
i also got screwed by ppl that promised to help harvest but went awole on me

but nothing went wrong ?

i had a decent harvest that ive turned into hash
for security reasons i wont disclose the exact numbers as it could be used as evidence if i got busted later but im more than satisfied when taken into account that it was more test grows, with plants that where put out late, to gain experience and seeds for later grows
i harvested a nice amount of buds and a shit load of seeds going to seedbay and other seed vendors later

if you think about plant size from shown pix, please notice the date stamps as all the pics where taken when still in growth or start of flower only

nothing went wrong, on the contrary
only one saying that is you

all fields, but one that was lost due to a farmer harvesting earlier then others, was harvested in late september
with mature buds and seeds

i just want to maximize the effort of my labor this year so im planting a lot more plants in the same amount of fields

only reason for me going this big in the corn this year is the good results i had last year

i hope that clears up the misconception you seem to have from all the previous posts in this and my similar threads regarding this ?


Active member
Do you remember when corn fields can be recognized as such - sometime in May?
When scouting last year I didn't find any obvious places with great stealthy access but this year I'm a little more mobile...

So you don't bring in soil? Just make a hole that fits the plant, plop them in and add ferts + water?


Active member
ICMag Donor
Do you remember when corn fields can be recognized as such - sometime in May?
When scouting last year I didn't find any obvious places with great stealthy access but this year I'm a little more mobile...

So you don't bring in soil? Just make a hole that fits the plant, plop them in and add ferts + water?

would be too much work for all those plants to bring in peatmos, perlite etc
last year i only used a little hand shovel and only dug in the needed size for the plant
this year ill bring i large shovel and dig larger holes than the plant in order to further loosen the soil

as far as i remember they start showing plants from start to mid may
from around mid to end may they should be identifiable as small corn plants

ill look for places with a nearby road but where i can park the car in the roadside without being visible from a nearby house
also think about where the lights from the car hits when driving to there and parking
imagine your in a bedroom in a nearby house and see the light of a car then it suddenly stops and so does engine
then you would probably wonder too

so some distance to houses and best if theres not a ditch close to the car cause you have to be able to park without the car is still on the driveway and causes dangerous situation or gets noticed

a car in the roadside itself at night isnt a problem as long as others can pass without problems

it wont get noticed a lot cause cars break down and are abandoned often

i also look for places where i can see other cars from far away so i dont get spotted entering the fields

when planting out in mid June corn wont be very tall so plan on going belly down between the corn when cars are passing

go at least 20 rows into a field but preferably deeper before starting your plantation

make absolutely sure you have some way point into the field
a direction
maybe a specific tree or other things and then go into the field in an angel and count the rows before starting the plantation
otherwise it can be damn tricky to find later when corn gets higher ( believe me, i learned the hard way last year on some of the spots he he)

i was planning on getting a van this year cause less problems if stopped
i drive a normal car and plants and later harvest is visible at the back seats if pulled over
i was to get a van but new tax rules will make it very expensive to have a van for private use now
so ill have to do with my normal car and maybe a trailer behind when harvesting
some risk if being pulled over but cops have certain times they patrol here
if staying out of those timezones the risk of being spotted and pulled over is minimal

good luck if you decide to enter the world of corn canna growing
its great fun and rewarding in the end


if you dont show pictures or talk about ur grow or even talk about yeild etc, why did you make a thread called "MASSIVE OUTDOOR DK 09", i htink with a title like that people would be looking to see some massive outdoor plants


Active member
ICMag Donor
if you dont show pictures or talk about ur grow or even talk about yeild etc, why did you make a thread called "MASSIVE OUTDOOR DK 09", i htink with a title like that people would be looking to see some massive outdoor plants

if you expect already to see big massive plants ready for harvest here in March in a climate that is rainy and frosty your even more stupid that suggested by your reputation point scale

if you cared to read a little before commenting you would see that i did a 100+ plant grow in corn last year and i intent do to a 1000+ grow this year using the same method
but maybe your not all talk and bullshit?

lets comped some buddy boy

lets see who gets the biggest harvest pulled in after the season this year
by mid October we will compare pix of harvest and look at the corresponding grow threads
if you win ill give your your first positive reputation point
you seem like you could need it

let me give you a hint
this is just a bag from one of the strains i harvested last year in the corn
theres more than 500 grams of seeds there
even though the immature havent been removed yet there should be well over 300 grams of viable seeds
on an average theres like 50 seeds on a gram, depending on each strain and how big the seeds are



you go read some more in my threads then you wont be in doubt anymore about how im going to use them :laughing:

theres no harvest pix from last year grow in corn cause i was busy and stressed, theres no way i can change that fact other than taking many pix this year

heres a "little one" from last year, though from my own garden
shes more than 2,5 meters tall and 2 meters wide and yielded 500 gram+ of pot made into hash


heres an Afghan up close

heres 20 grams of kief soon to be made into hash

heres a hack lot more than 20 grams
but the exact number is between me and the buyers

heres a close up of a 25 gram plate of high potent danish hash stamped using a coin

but still....
dont expect to see any harvest pix from this year...
until after harvest ;)


Active member
Sweet pics!
What kind of percentage of kief do you generally get from Danish outdoors - do you think it's more profitable than bubble?


4 sure gunnar the gals in tha garden is very lovely but i must say this...Corn grow will knewer be handsome plants, so plenty of them is the trick ,they wont go big because it aint the probber place to grow em....you can grow em in a cornfield yes But they like pots or soil spots of them owns whit no competiton only them self.
size is allso a strain issue , like a bigbud or a leb27 its harder 2 make em grow small then it is to grow em big theese gals will booost away no skills needed, all can do it....The first photos is of sad gals my friend but i know and you know they turn out ok BUT the rest dont know it m8 så forgive em plz :D where should they know it from ;)
Happy grow year 09 m8 cant wait to see them home gals of yours..
BTW im in 4 tha competition...if its on one plant biggest yield so lets hit it :D And smeden if your are lurking then just stay right where u are :D you cant enter this :D


Active member
ICMag Donor
Sweet pics!
What kind of percentage of kief do you generally get from Danish outdoors - do you think it's more profitable than bubble?

i think i had around 10% from them when first run 1 time/1 hour with a 160 micron net in a pollinator placed inside a freezer, then a second time with a 200 micron net

im dont no compared to buble as ive bought some netting to make my own bublebuckets but ended up doing it all in the pollinator
its much easier for larger amounts

when processing harvest after this season i need a huge pollinator or maybe 2 running at the same time

have you ever grown canna in corn?
actually the soil is ok
its been plowed by the farmer so its loose and airy
he have also fertilized it for you
whether the canna and the corn are competing depends on how close they are together
if you plant between rows they will compete but giving extra nutrients they will both do fine
if removing corn to make extra space for the canna you have a perfect environment
i had strains in my own garden that had mold problems due to the spot standing in shade parts of the day
i then had the same strain in corn also
no signs of mold on the same strains as they get sun all day from all directions in the corn fields and being on open fields the also get more ventilated air movement

of course you can make extra improvements by adding peatmoss, perlite etc to the soil in the corn fields but it will be too much work for me with 1000+ plants though
they will get pellet fertilizer added from time to time

having pre grown plants already in good size planted out mid June im pretty sure will yield good even if they are planted between rows


Active member
I hear you on the easy part...
The 20 gallon set can take 1 kg of bud but also needs a lot of ice... more than a couple of icecube trays can handle that's for sure:)


well gg m8 ...no i have knewer growed in a corn field becuase like i said, the soil aint the best 4 them because it aint....if it is why dont you then just digg it up and use it inside ? hehe m8 get my point...weed can grow in all kind of soil but some soil is better then other and my home made soil is way better 4 my plant then a corn fields....i aint saying its shit im just saying its not the best Aight .....and yes he nute it as well but again it aint the best nute , and in my garden canna wont compeed whit other plants and it whil get more sun then in a cornfield and thats why a strain growed in a corn field want be as good as one growed in a pot .....so thats brings me back to...i have knewer growed in a corn field because i can grow em home better my self :D ....BIIIG IT UP Champ your the cornmaster no doubt about it ...

Mr. Stinky

dont be a d-bag...when u can post in his native language using all correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation, then u can pick:joint: until then, im ecstatic that he can type something that i can understand...growed is a word to me... its the past tense of grow...:woohoo:


Mr.stinky your are an angel ;) jah blessing to ya .and a big fat green rep comming to my main man o0th3d4nk0o and plz get another nick now that we talk about what is words and not ;) now i smoke a ganja stick whit some weed i have growed :D
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