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Which size rockwool plugs? I use the sheets of 96; I also like rapid rooters, but their expensive, take up more space and I have about 30 sheets of the 96....


New Holland said:
I wouldn't put all my eggs in one basket. I'd have 5 x 1000 plant grows set up in different locations. Work in growroom A on Monday, then Growroom B Tuesday and Growroom C on Wednesday etc. Set one room up at a time, then move on to the next.

This way if you get busted, they're only gonna find 1/5th of your total crop. Or if someone clues on to one of your growrooms you can just pack it up and keep working in the other 4. And restart the in another area.

someone give this man a hit!


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
I think we hit on that though.....when you run multiples if your not fanatical about security and they get on you......they'll get em all easy.....


Julian said:
The round ones ,("plugs") but, what I do is make thin slice in each side so I can insert one in each side,(tip of knife, razor, etc), so, they stanb=d, etc, and, can get quite a few in the trays (black plastic 10 x 20's...I've got hundreds of em...love em, use em for everything..out, in, etc...can get 100+/- per tray..very tight and convenient...

Sounds like my 96 a sheet, so I'll be sticking to that. I could put 150 in all of those... but I would have to transplant em as soon as roots appear... and since there often for others, no thanks.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Nah, I know, sheets of blocks, etc, I sometimes use them for germing, but for cloning for some reason I just prefer that way, the plugs...personal preference, both seem to be the same consistency (the RW, different RW products are different consistencies and mixtures of absorbent and repellent...but, plugs and cubes, sheets,....the feel about the same....)

Dj Zion-i

figure it out yourself

figure it out yourself

jojajico said:
this is a theoretical question. that is all, just something i may be considering down the road. if u had a massive inside grow... i mean massive 5000+ plants what would be the most effecient way to maxamize available space and eventual yeild. SOG? tree? some type of teir system?
I can tell you exactly the easiest way to do what u want...but im not going too,competition sucks..and you must be a damn canadian hydro grower by your attitude..LOL


Dj Zion-i said:
I can tell you exactly the easiest way to do what u want...but im not going too,competition sucks..and you must be a damn canadian hydro grower by your attitude..LOL

Can't we all just get along?


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Some random notes would be also there was a huge upheaval in lending industry this year, past several months.....programs being pulled, discontinued (no money downs, no employment, income verifications, all at lower credit scores, etc.,.....)

But, it looks now like everything is starting to return back to normal, so, anything previously mentioned about procuring properties and such may soon be, or now be , once again applicable.....

(See, a lot of them they changed to 5% down's, but, of course, you just make the right offer, and, have seller kick you back points for closing costs or down payment, etc, so, essentially the same anyway, but, now it seems everything is going back to normal somewhat (Not like before.......but......not all programs completely eliminated, and, I think I am even seeing the return of no money down's for up to 4 units, and, even non owner occupied....(For the most part "investment " properties were always a substantial down....traditionally 25%, but, over the years the smaller things have worked their way to 0 down. (to 5 units...anything over 5 units if of course classified and underwritten differently....)

(While I did have, ....given name of thread, "massive" security issues not too long ago, my original plan (on it for a while) was to buy something I found with a good location, some acreage, and, close it about July 20-30th or so, have it completely planted within a weekend after closing, and then packed up and out of there asap......(Security issue was a problem, but, lending issues on top of it didn't help either.....)

In general everything returning to normal it seems, slowly but surely and can still be done, might just have to be looked upon differently..(As in the above, having the seller kick you back points for closing or down, stuff like that...)

Credit has tightened a little, but, nothing that someone can't fix rather quickly (improving credit to make up new underwriting differences, etc)....What was previously a 660 middle program may still be around, just might be a 680 or 700 now....so, things like that......

Dj Zion-i

Pimpslapped said:
Can't we all just get along?
Im just fuking around dont take me too seriously.....easiest way to do that massive indoor would be to do beds,and 8 inch ducted lights linked together inline.10 rows of 10 lights.do 50 plants per light,Use a quik indica ,like shiva or northern lights 5 clone and do sea of green.Maybe only 3-4 days of veg,if any veg at all.You will get 2 lbs per light in 60 days no prob with that method.
(200 lbs in 60 days! wow would be nice) Id also recommend using either canna or ocean forest as medium.And stick to a good nute formula.
Id prolly have a crew of 3 people handwater,or ide setup a drip system either way would probably be an equal amount of work.Unless you did the drip system really well and knew what youre doing.drippers clog and rain sticks have different flow rates depending on their distance from the main water source.In a way drip systems can become a nightmare and much more work then handwatering.
On the other hand I have had some drip systems that worked quite well,and ide say for the most part a good drip system is well worth the investment in time and effort.
Its really not that hard to do just a HUGE investment youde be looking at.
If you want i could give u a break down of the cost too, right quik.....LOL.....
in my head...


New member
Julian.... A quick question........

Julian.... A quick question........

Your time line for late "shorties" is out July 20-27 if my memory is right.

What would be the expected return in weight of finished product per shorty. I know you are not a fan of expected final weight but would like to know your round estimates. All things being general and all, what would be the estimation of lowest and highest returns per shorty, given they are all brought in.

I am talking if you put out 500 in average conditions as the parameters in this thread state.

Of course am talking, dry as a bone with a 2-4 week top shelf cure, product. Your input would be greatly appreciated. Am not expecting exact figures but more of a short discussion. Everything depends on conditions but use average conditions as stated in this thread. Not primo and not worst...just average.

A Stealth Admirer :headbange :headbange :headbange


Active member
Beez said:
Your time line for late "shorties" is out July 20-27 if my memory is right.

What would be the expected return in weight of finished product per shorty. I know you are not a fan of expected final weight but would like to know your round estimates. All things being general and all, what would be the estimation of lowest and highest returns per shorty, given they are all brought in.

I am talking if you put out 500 in average conditions as the parameters in this thread state.

Of course am talking, dry as a bone with a 2-4 week top shelf cure, product. Your input would be greatly appreciated. Am not expecting exact figures but more of a short discussion. Everything depends on conditions but use average conditions as stated in this thread. Not primo and not worst...just average.

A Stealth Admirer :headbange :headbange :headbange
I actually asked the same question in the "massive outdoor grow" thread.

I'm new to the outdoorsey scene and with a few peoples help have decided to go for a late season mini run, got some TW rooting right now and more on the way. He estimated about 1/2 ounce to ~1 ounce, depending on the yeild characteristics of the plant and whatnot. Estimate 1/2 O per is what he said.

these clones Ima be tossin out are a bit bigger already at around 5" with all kinds of nodes already, therefore mine may end up being bigger/yeilding more, but its all proportionate.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
All relative man (men :biglaugh:).....later you go, smaller will be, etc, so...can be anywhere from an H to 2.....even over, just depends......

Nah, I said I was thinking about starting them somewhere around that time (last week July) with 1st week August out dates, but, just running consistently (put stuff out even tonight earlier...)....

Now, from planting, you have to assume a dead week...they will be settling in, etc, before resuming full force, and, also, actually?...I prefer getting at least a little veg (currently) so I can fim/top, etc also..(I just did recent rounds and will do more rounds in a week or two if able (top/fimmed)....

All depends...if height is definitely a serious factor, can stick to later dates......(ultra short not mandatory with where I am putting them right now, so, little early?...eh, it's fine..)

My last round (finished today), turnaround was 6 days or so for them.....I started putting them out at 3-4 days (post and pics in outdoor thread..)..

(Don't forget though all depends in the end on what your running, finishing times, trigger dates if known, etc....)

Note: You always want to estimate low end........that's why I say expect an H......always estimate low....eliminates surprises, etc....(could get 2 from each one if good strain, spot, right time, etc......but, you always want to put expectations on low end...better to be pleasantly surprised than extremely disappointed :smoke:...
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
To continue with several previous topics....

Partners.........deals.........Perception......."Some not made for it".....

All covered in this one.(Actually of great interest to me psychologically....)


I mentioned above I hard a conversation with someone this week, spur of the moment decision to run a couple. I took them out of my last round. Took time to go plant them (100+), Lot of work...ground was very hard. Packed, delivered, dug, planted, nutes, watered every single one completely by myself...

Finished, moved on.

These were done in what I consider an "ideal" spot in a semi urban yard. No clear sightlines, blocked off by privacy fence, trees, and a garage. Completely private. Absolutely no way anyone, at anytime would go, would see, have a reason to go....

Anyone who has read and saw pics earlier know how large I get them before I bag them and get them out (first set, and, when I plant, I sink them...)

So, what we're talking about here is about 2-3" wide, and, about 1/2' tall. About 4 per sq ft. (pre sexed)

Not what I consider a lot, at all. Absolutely nothing. As small as can be, late, secluded spot.

So I find out now less than 24hrs later that they were just all ripped up because the persons neighbor began painting their house.

(Mind you, as above...one would have to be about 3 feet away from them to actually see them in the first place!!!!!!)

(The sightline would be at one point, for about 10 feet, there would have been a direct sightline into plot, but, from about 20-30 feet away, and, again, at 20 feet, they are basically so small that one really would not be able to see them anyway...)

And there you go...........

(The neighbor is a smoker btw, so.......they probably would have told him if they saw them and it would have ended there...)


Now....this person is a very old and dear friend of mine.....who I love, really, and, would stand by at all costs over anything....

But, there you go: Some people...just not "made" for it...

Do I care?......Only in the sense that I went out of my way (2 hr round trip), and busted my ass (bout 4 hours from scratch, ground very hard, brought soil and nutes), so, my time and energy and effort wasted, and, of course, I could have planted them at my own spots and reaped a reward for my own time and energy.....

(Extra 50-60 z's for me....)

So there you go..........

People who just aren't "made for it"....people who just don't have a grasp on perception.......human nature.........no patience....no understanding....(I probably would have let him have everything anyway in the end......don't really need it, and, he needs it more....)

Credit, Properties....

What is credit for? Everyone thinks they know......

What do I think it's for? What do I use it for? Why is it important to me?

To make money.....

One could have a mere couple thousand, and, with good credit, actually go out and make.....say....50k

No job, no money.......good credit...

Walk right out and make 50k....(ie:buy something no money down, have seller kick back money on back end to contractor to redo house, if good work, right deal, have sold before first payment due.)

I don't necessarily like and recommend "flips" because very easy for most to get burned, but, kind of was like an ideal explanation to power of credit....and credit to make money...(not charge up credit cards.....)

You need credit to buy property, buy a car...other than that....what else?

(And, actually, not even a car because with terrible credit and money down could still buy almost whatever you want, just gets reflected on rate.)

For sake of explanation, I'm using someone who might have a garden and some "extra money" :smoke:...Little documentation on true source of income, job, et, but, credit and a little cash...

Credit is of course only your situation today, changes literally daily.......so, even if one has less than perfect as we speak, a little work can have it back up to reasonable levels shortly (expansive subject, so, can't cover everything....)

Lack of credit lines? They have credit cards one can get on line that are issues to anyway (actually extremely profitable....I've though for a while about starting one up...need about 2-3MM to get one started...)

(You want 3 trade lines btw at minimum....could be 2 cards and a car....could be house, car, and card, etc....and, btw, order of importance of credit is mortgages first, followed by installment (car..) followed by credit cards, then everything else....)

People should also be aware that while most are aware things drop off reports after 7 years, that any and all bad debt have limits (statute of limitations on debts, even including IRS...All states have different time lines...)

So, lot of things one can do that are fairly simple to change everything, and, also, time changes everything (some bad events/history.....then good again, etc.....it happens, such is life for many....)

Credit is for making money.....

Many know the saying "Takes money to make money"......

Credit will do :smoke:


Active member
I think Julian means that his buddy ripped the plants up in fear that his neighbor would see them.

oh and Julian

about 4-5 tops like that on each of the trainwreck ladies. the bushmaster will be here tommorow :biglaugh:
I' m aware of the fact that this is the hydro section but i just want to show that growing big on soil with seed plants can also be efficient.



atmosphere said:
I' m aware of the fact that this is the hydro section but i just want to show that growing big on soil with seed plants can also be efficient.


Nice, whats the watts and strain? Also, from female seed?


BlindDate said:
This advice is a joke.
All businesses are required to keep records. You would need to show reciepts with customers information, phone numbers, etc. A portion will pay with credit cards, etc. Your business will require supplies. You would need reciepts for them It is VERY hard to fake a business. If they are suspicious enough to investigate in the first place you're f%$ked.

this is wrong. my friend owns a tattoo shop. he only deals with cash generating $250k per year. you don't have to keep detailed record of your customers. pick a cash only business. and when you file taxes - that means that you're stating to the government earnings, assets, expenses, etc. - pay an accoutant to do your taxes RIGHT and you shouldn't have problems with the irs. its easier than you guys think to start a business. i had 2 businesses before 21.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
casualsmoke said:
you're stating to the government earnings, assets, expenses, etc.
Thank you :smoke:
its easier than you guys think to start a business.

i had 2 businesses before 21.
Usually, the people who have issues understanding are the people who never have :smoke:

You can usually tell who has/have/do by their statements... :smoke:

Edit: There is a reason it's called "declared income":smoke:
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