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back on track with Chaco's Ultimate Skunk getting her swell on

6/9 with Rock Resinator and Bloombastic + Sea Green






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(The Last you will hear about it. I just want to explain myself)


Thank you for the calm and polite response.

I understand your concerns, with people passing off cuts under false pretenses.
I think what happened is a combination of original mislabeling/misunderstanding and a convolution of the timeline in which things took place.

The exact situation you are talking about with the blueberry muffin cointag - was based on exchanges of the cut simply on the curiosity of it's blueberry muffin undertones in early flowering alone. Also, showing how the cut's genetics were openly accepted as 'unknown' it was tagged as the Blueberry Muffin "gsc" because it was given as "gsc" and smelled like blueberry muffins early which the forum cut does not do.
In the future, I'll just temporarily tag things that turn out to be different than the cut the forum is growing, as some abstract space name instead of using descriptions from the smells of the flowering bud in the name - Not being able to hope that others could shine some light on the matter - if they also had a cut with blueberry muffin tones.

Otto and the other people who grew it, were posting how it was Spot On Blueberry Muffins early in flowering. Just like they named it "fookies" I had temporarily tagged it "Blueberry muffin" just to distinguish it from any of the other cuts - again showing I wasn't trying to claim it as the forum cut. I did it because I wanted to know if someone else had the same cut.

Aside from this - the person who wanted it, wanted it solely for the curiosity of blueberry muffin terps in early flower. Which no one here is denying exist, separate from it's ok anti-anxiety buzz. It was known to them, obviously that it wasn't the ICmag cut they were trading for, as they had been growing the forum cut for some time and it had been publicly distinguished from the forum cut multiple times. Which is why I was approached, asked for the cut that smells like blueberry muffins early on. This is how the whole asking for the cut and trade began, it was something other than the icmag cut....

Any cut that wasn't the ICmag cut was called a "Fake", which I found to be a sloppy way to distinguish between all the fakes. I was just saying if you say Fake, they might think that the blueberry muffin terps are "Fake" rather than what they already knew - which is that it wasn't the Forum cut, but a different expression being passed around as GSC, which happens to have blueberry muffin terps. This was already crystal clear, that it wasn't the same cut they were already growing - it is not the forum cut.

It's ok that Otto didn't understand why I thought writing "Fake" for the multiple "fookies" floating out there was sloppy, and detracted from helping people realizing the differences between the fake cuts, and hopefully have people chime in if they had grown the cut or no the genetic background... Which is something many people were/are curious about.

If someone popped 10 seeds, and had 10 phenos of cured bud from the same genetics. Each bud (pheno) would be fake from the other.... This is why people label pheno expressions with different terms, letters, numbers etc.. There was never the assumption that the "Fookies" was the ICMAG cut, after it was flowered.
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Active member
Dude, you didn't like a run of a strain that other people found enjoyable, and an different headspace - that you smoked and chose to run. No big deal.

You keep making it seem like I claim I know it all, and have to always be right. When you are just too hot headed to step back and look at a misunderstanding.

The person had been growing the forum cut for over a year - you think he was asking for, or thinking he was getting the same cut he was already growing? You are quite thick in the head, to jump over that logic...

Do you make trades with people for the same pheno/cut you already have? The fake comment does not apply to it being the forum cut, the person was already growing the forum cut.

Sarcasm pointing out your logic:

Ok.. so case closed, the person who already had the forum cut, engaged in asking me for the same cut they already had (I was contacted for the trade) - I wanted to trick him into believing i had the identical cut - indeed the same one he already had, and "not a fake"...... Rather than worrying that saying the blueberry muffins is a fake, would make people think that it didn't have blueberry muffin tones, which it does. But no, logic says I wanted to prove mine wasn't a fake, because otherwise he would never believe I had the same cut they already had for trade...

Seriously, thanks for dragging me through this witchhunt BS. I'm sorry the labeling of the cut, came mislabeled, but I let everyone smoke it before making a decision... Some people still actually enjoy it, but it's nothing too special - which I was always open about with the buzz..
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The Mad Monk
I can smell her from here, TC! She is chunking up real well for ya. Gotta love the Ultimate Skunk, such a rude stench with a head ringer of a high.


Senior Member
That U.S. looks super fucking fantastic! Those are some stunning flowers Rasputin and Toma! Hows the terpen levels on them? They def have some fatty calyx ans the bud structure is very appealing.

Looking good fellas!


Color me gone
Just wanted to know why you ask me to refer to it as not a "fake" sure took ya a long time to answer the question finally, only to answer with more nonsense like your PM's.....I don't understand why you have been pushing this thing all I wanted to know is why you asked me not to call it a "fake" maybe if you just gave me both those long winded answers in the first place I wouldn't have to be a dick....that being said I don't believe your reasoning after the fact and please let them also know that you didn't want me to call it a "fake" because you were concerned with getting something out of it, this is my point BiO my one and only point......I think what you did was wrong and whether you like me calling you out or not I don't care because you keep pushing and pushing with the thing, I can't say it enough, it being fake IS NOT an issue at all weed is fun to grow, and I am not upset with the harvest I mean shit I still have 20 of those cuts in solo getting ready to be transplanted to 1 gals for flowering......I've said some insulting things to you here and in PM but I feel as though you've been insulting my intelligence with all this nonsense and I do think what was going on was scumy. I genuinely think your a nice guy and wish you nothing but the best in the future, but at the very least please listen to what other have to say from time to time you might be surprised and learn something not from a book or yourself.... I know things won't be the same between us but I have accepted that and am moving on..... I truly wish you the best.


Active member

I'm not a person to really hold grudges, I understand from your perspective at the time why you could have been so frustrated. I do apologize for re-posting your pics, It was mostly out of admiration, also to see if others knew what it was, and to show the person involved in the trade the best representation of it grown I had seen which was from you. I didn't mean for it to be anything more, than sharing the fine work you did with it visually, i do mean that. Towards the end of the day, I was a little pissed about this - but life is far too short - no reason for me to hold any grudges for today, It's all about how we build towards the future. I wish you nothing but good vibes.

Yes I wanted to get something out of it. I was contacted and asked if I would make the trade, the person cared solely about the blueberry muffin terp profile. I didn't want him to think someone saying "Blueberry Muffins is fake" means it doesn't have the blueberry muffin smell. He already knew it wasn't the same cut as the forum cut - thus a "fake" in that sense.

He wanted the "Fake" with the terpen profile of blueberry muffins, and I didn't want ambiguous wording to potentially ruin something that was already on the up and up. You can ask the person you got the cut from, I have been consistently vocal that I didn't think it was the same as the forum cut as it went along. Although, I was very excited by the smell/taste profiles I experienced as well as the colors in growth, and that showed when I was talking to people who had smoked it and wanted to grow it out.


The cut was knowingly handed out before I had a chance to flower it, but people confirmed smoke tests of "Fookies" Cured Buds before 'choosing' to run the strain themselves. You said you rely on your senses first hand to make decisions not on the BS politics of cut names/what people say it is. And you did... The strain wasn't pushed on you, you decided based on smoke tests, and it was available to you if it was something you wanted to grow.


I wish you'd of told me you haven't grown the cut, instead of sending me ogkusbreathes pics, and saying 100% this is the cut, blah blah blah..... I'm not too mad, but thats some bull..... I gave you some fire, legit cuts that had been tested.

Sorrry guys' I don't mean to bring drama to thread, you guys kill it :D that just kinda itches me wrong reading that, and looking back at old PMs at the same time


Active member
The Cookies is really the drama queen of the internet....

That was way back when I first got it. It was in veg at that point and you had PMed me about the "Cookies" i had in veg. I was clear that I just got the cut and had to wait till it was big enough to take cuts off of it - why did you think I had flowered out something getting big enough to take cuts? At the time I was just passing on the info that was given to me with the cut. I had no idea GSC would have so many fakes pop up around that time, and was willing to share it. All the people close by got to smoke the cut with cured samples, to help test it out with me, before choosing to grow it or keep holding onto the cut.

I was completely mislead at the start, yes this is true, it was labeled gsc and said to be the same cut OGKB was growing. This was all wrong, it is not the forum cut - it is something different, I was trying to find the GSC, but got the fookies. As soon as I was able to verify it with a flowering I was pretty certain it wasn't the forum cut and vocal about this. I GOT A MISLABELED CUT AND I PASSED IT AROUND WITH THE NAME IT WAS GIVEN TO ME, I AM SORRY.

Mislabeled cuts do get passed around, and I learned my lesson well and good, to not rely on the info of a cut until it has been fully flowered out, even if it supposedly came from a reliable dispensary in Sacramento. Again, I think cookies has more fakes appearing than almost any other strain in history - it was a learning experience to be very careful in initially assuming genetics before confirming it first hand. I have definitely taken home new insights today.

But thanks for jumping in to kick me as well. Consider the 'fookies' a gift, because all of Deathstar you sent showed up dried up and dead on both accounts, and the first batch had spider mites from the katsu and 91 (cuts your threw in from your friends grow, without you checking it from your friend.) No traces of them, until the day I got those cuts. I never really made a big deal about it since I was able to kill all my cuts, bomb the shit out of the rooms and get back to a fresh start fairly easily. It made me kill all my clones I had saved from my last location and start new, while getting some backups back.. Lost one of my all time favorites, Apollo 11 forever as a result...

I have learned my lesson of not taking for granted the labeling of cuts - it is not a sure thing and shouldn't be treated as such.
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sling w.e u want.... u grew it by the time July rolled around, and should've known by then since u grew it, that it was fake... But u refused to acknowledge or tell me that, and instead went with the lie... Here's the proof..... notice how u were still calling it the ogkb cut?

Bi0hazard said:
the OGKushBreath GSC cu. When he would sell it at dispensaries it would go as "Premium Cookies" compared to the others. Definitely a lifetime keeper in my stable.

also u say its a lifetime keeper lol but now its just alright.... w,e man

edit** sorry again guy's... I don't wanna start the shit-slinging as it looks like TC, and Ras ended it by posting that fire :D


Active member
This has been covered ad-nausem at this point. wtf

That was the info I was given early on. The fookies was obtained at a Sacramento dispensary that would sell "Platinium cookies", which is just "top shelf GSC" - which was in fact Fookies a "Fake", just like many of the other dispensaries claiming to sell the original cut. They falsely claimed to have the real cookies cut. I was told that it was the cut OGKB was growing on the forum, incorrectly this is admitted, learned from, and well acknowledged...

Yes, you posted the info that OGKB GSC sells as "Platinum Cookies", and the Sacramento club selling it and the cut turns out to have had fakes. The info from OGKB does not apply to the Fookies, which was confirmed as something different after flowering.

I didn't really msg you back after the Cuts you sent to me were all basically Dead on Arrival. I moved on.

Never again, will I ever take any cut at it's word until I see it flowered out first hand or the bud from it. Ever.
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it was it is, I'm not going to stress it... I've got the forum cut, and gave it to you... Glad u learned you should test before sharing, thats something I learned a long time ago.

Also learn that if u do get something, then pass it as the real and come to find out it's not; you should go back and explain that to those you passed it to with a sorry. Otherwise you look like a dick.


Active member
This is a shitstorm of accusations - I'm sorry I was mislead to believe that because the person who sent the cut, had grown it - that it was true. The info I passed on during that time, is a reflection of the knowledge i was given under that pretense and inaccurate.

I had kindly told you that I just got the cut and needed more veg time before I could get any cuts out. I asked if you still wanted the cut, I wasn't aware of all the fakes circulating at that time. The person sending it had grown it out once - and again, I have learned my lesson to not take peoples word on cuts, till I experience it myself. I just passed on a mislabeled cut, with the info provided for it - assuming that since the person who sent it had grown it, that it was what it was said to be.

By the time I had gotten first hand icmag gsc-cut nugs to sample and compare, you had already sent the forum cut, because it was established that the cut we had wasn't the ICmag cut, time after time in the GSC thread. Thank you for that, I appreciate the intent, truly.

I did smoke samples with the people around here who then decided to grow it, letting them choose if it was something they wanted to grow. Some people said they were happy with it, so it was made available, to be used at their will.
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I am not saying this cut isn't legit or fire but rather saying I don't think a plant they yields low puts out nugs like this...
View Image

Im gonna walk on eggshells here with this post. I can see there is alot of negative vibes over this strain. So here goes...wish me luck:

Ok. OTTOMAN. In the pic...I would consider that a low yielding strain with buds that big.
Thats about the size of the buds on all my low yielding strains.
Heres a pic of a low yielder(pic 1), and pics of 2 big yielders.(PICS 2-3) Pic #3 being dried colas. They were 3x that size before harvest.

I think everyones giving Bio a hard time that is unjust. He was misinformed and at first, my have let his excitement over thinking he had the real GSC's hype the strain abit with his own words, but then corrected it in the end. He even recieved dead clones and didnt say a thing.
I think Bio has shown maturity with his words and sincerely wanted to do right by everyone.

I havent seen him write 1 word that degraded any of you or called anyone names. I see alot of others calling him all sorts of names and judging him. You put him on the stand like your superior to him and have the right to crush him verbally because he made a mistake. An honest mistake anyone of us could have made. Now lets be adults and move on from this childish judging, and name-calling and get back to growing.
Bio....I feel ya brother. Ive learned my leasons too. We all make an honest, good intentioned mistake once in a while. Forgiveness goes along way. Im sure the guy sending you the deathstar didnt mean for them to be dead and shrivled with spider mites. You forgave him and didnt even bring it up. Lets get back to growing. Fuk the GSC's! Who cares. No wonder why every one calls us MassHoles. My Goodness!


Does it post somewhere, it was just my birthday? It must have cued people into bringing a shitstorm of accusations - I'm sorry I was mislead to believe that because the person who sent the cut, had grown it - that it was true. The info I passed on during that time, is a reflection of the knowledge i was given under that pretense and inaccurate.

I had kindly told you that I just got the cut and needed more veg time before I could get any cuts out. I asked if you still wanted the cut, I wasn't aware of all the fakes circulating at that time. The person sending it had grown it out once - and again, I have learned my lesson to not take peoples word on cuts, till I experience it myself. I just passed on a mislabeled cut, with the info provided for it - assuming that since the person who sent it had grown it, that it was what it was said to be.

By the time I had gotten first hand icmag gsc-cut nugs to sample and compare, you had already sent the forum cut, because it was established that the cut we had wasn't the ICmag cut, time after time in the GSC thread. Thank you for that, I appreciate the intent, truly.

I did smoke samples with the people around here who then decided to grow it, letting them choose if it was something they wanted to grow. Some people said they were happy with it, so it was made available, to be used at their will.
Why don't just admit you have no fucking clue what your talking about? You come off as a total chode...

TB Gardens

Active member
God damn what has happened to this thread!!!

This thread is literally the only reason I come on the mag anymore. It used to be full of pictures of the finest grown herbs new England has to offer. Now it's become a place to bitch and spend 4 pages talking about cloning...... And now this lol. God damn that's it I'm takin a break from the interwebbings for a while.

Enough of this cookies drama; I got the Number Nine, it's supe fire status, y'all will get it in ur hands and forget there was ever something to bitch about. Be easy yall


I actually find it entertaining... multiple pheno's of a clone only, $400 bottles of fertilizer, $300 clone machines, what inane bullshit will we see next? LOL


Color me gone
Shmalphy, if you find people handing out fake cuts to gain elites in shady ways, people testing nutrients out for others to see data and reults, and people wanting to clone 100+ at a time then ok that funny to you. But let me just say this no one on this thread even likes you or wants you here because you contribute nothing but being an instigator. So please if you have anything worthy to contribute go a head cause we'll find it funny or entertaining too. Why don't you teach us how you shit in your hand, wipe it on your nose, then let it sit there until is turns into organic gold, then use it on your plants...ok shit nose....
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