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Mass/RI/Con Growers here!

Damn them GSC buds look hella frosty!!
Def nothing wrong with a few full jars!!

Chaco I feel ya bro .. .. All they do is promise promise promise .. .. Get elected and do whatever the fuck their bank roll during the elections wants. Just wait for them to get popped .. ..

I say if they don't do what they promised then its as good as lying under oath .. .. Lets just toss em out of office till they get the picture to do what they promise.


Very nice nugz loyalty. They all look delicious but those GSC are just super frosty. I can't wait to get my hands on some cookies so I can give them a try


Abner, your right, It still doesn't make me want to vote tho sorry....To me all those politicians sleep in the same bed at night and people are always gonna be unhappy with who's in office no matter what, cause that's what most people here in the USA are good at bitching and complaining til the next thing and then its still not good enough. I'll stay away from that gigantic mess.

while i agree that politicians are all in it for themselves, there is a fundamental philosophical difference in the way each side thinks, the one side wants you weak and ignorant and therefore maleable while the other side wants you to take care of yourself and leave them alone so they can make money...me, i'm with those that want me to leave them alone as all i want from them is to be left alone, ...the other side can keep their foodstamps.

...and what you're saying is you're ok riding on the back of the bus and you don't even want to know who's driving or if they even know how to drive. ...how is that safe for you or your family? ...how is this OK? ...voting is as much an obligation as it is a right.

choosing not to participate isn't a solution, it's a gross dereliction of duty and it's in large part because of this that cannabis is still illegal, if we had ALL been voting these last 40 fucking years maybe things would be different NOW.



ring that bell
ICMag Donor
I agree.
I generally vote for a third party just to keep the hope alive of it not being totally monopolized in the future.
Local politics is more important to me and I have more of a voice in how things get done in my community. It takes nothing to vote. Hell, I might write-in Chaco! :D
Even goofy votes send a message! :2cents:


Color me gone
abner, I don't want this to turn into some political pbs debate, cause I'll make a clown of myself, you obviously feel strong about voting and politics and I could care less and know less about either and probably nothing will change my mind of that. I think we can all agree even if I did vote, my single vote wouldn't change a thing or decide any tie breakers, lets be honest. I understand not voting isn't a solution, but if I feel I don't agree with either side to begin with or ever for that fact why should I vote? Should I be forced to vote who I see as the lesser of two evils? I think my point is clear when I don't vote....I don't want to see either person in office, even though its gonna happen anyways.
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abner, I don't want this to turn into some political pbs debate, cause I'll make a clown of myself, you obviously feel strong about voting and politics and I could care less and know less about either and probably nothing will change my mind of that. I think we can all agree even if I did vote, my single vote wouldn't change a thing or decide any tie breakers, lets be honest. I understand not voting isn't a solution, but if I feel I don't agree with either side to begin with or ever for that fact why should I vote? Should I be forced to vote who I see as the lesser of two evils? I think my point is clear when I don't vote....I don't want to see either person in office, even though its gonna happen anyways.

first i want to make it clear that i'm not attacking you with my words, actually i'm hoping to explain my position simply enough that you will see that it's in not knowing that you condemn yourself to powerlessness.

...i'd also like to suggest to you that while it's true we each only get one vote per election the REAL power of democracy is exercised when we vote with our wallets and for that vote to be effective you have to be involved enough to pick a side and only spend your money with company's who support YOUR side. ...like the folks who eat at Chik-Fil-A because they are against suppresion of the 1st amendment rights to free speach.

...i'll not bring it up again man as i don't want to belabor the point nor do i wish to harrass you but in closing i will say that you allowing yourself to turn a blind eye puts YOU and YOURS in danger, ...the bus doesn't care whether or not you're looking before it creams you. ...i only suggest that you pay attention so you don't get creamed is all.

peace, AD

oh yeah, the one way to GUARANTEE that your vote is worthless is if you don't cast it.


Color me gone
Sounds like a lot of work and worthless time to figure out every single cent I spend goes to the companies who support my side. Besides I love shopping at Wal-Mart I am sure I hate their business practices but I'll still shop their for the wonderful prices. I didn't feel you were attacking me at all man so please don't feel that way, all I was trying to say is that your passionate about politics and I am not, were probably not gonna see eye to eye on things. I just don't get it when you suggest I put me or others in danger and the bus metaphor, I find that to be a stretch but thats just me. We don't have to agree with each other at all but I can respect your views and I hope you can so the same for mine.
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My dad would have considered not voting a hanging offense.I've grown, you all know for some time.That's my vote.Weed.Thoreau never voted, why should I.I'm not politikal or religous, not one bit.I reckon my growin' is the equivalent of 1,000,000 votes for Jimmy Carter and Billy for VP.Keep growing, trust me, you cover your end...I refuse to dirty my hands with the filth of politikal concerns, the world will do just fine with or without you...Right around 1767 young men started riding around shooting all things stamp related, Mass Bay accents in Georgia and vice versa, they rode and rode shooting the place up and drinking for free....Ah, you fooks made me!!!:) HL if you ever wright me in, I'm going to find your house and paint it purple....


I don't vote either. Both roads lead to the same place. Walmart ain't going out of business because the prices are cheap and the majority of the population loves it. You don't try to stop a wave as big as the one we're all on here. You ride it.


if you have any principals at all you won't shop at Walmart, ...you guys are probably too young to remember what this country was like before walmart began crushing small business'.

...better to spend a little more and support a local business than to feed the corporate monster that controls your life, ...Walmart is the largest employer on the planet and most of those employees get paid minimum wage or damned close to it.

...it's in this way you vote with your money, by having enough strength of character to willingly pay a little more in order to not feed the corporate monster.

...that's what it means to stand for something more than your own personal profit.



btw, life is a lot of work but you get out rewards that are proportionate to the effort you put it, ...conversely, the consequences for not paying attention can be fatal.

...and politics is a dirty business but they're the assholes driving the bus so you owe it to yourself to do everthing you can to be sure you get the driver you want, ...currently, the bus is being driven by a moron who has never driven ANYTHING before this and he is headed for a fucking cliff and he is taking us all with him.


Throw me a gun dude.Blood will flow before any of this changes.Man up, pick your target of choice then die.Thats your choice.I'm not particular about dying now but hell we're heading for doom.Welcome to the decline.


if you have any principals at all you won't shop at Walmart,

That fight is over imo. Grew in maine for almost 2 years, walmart was the only place to shop for anything up there, and it was 45 mins away.

I take pride in growing for a living, existing outside the system...

You really can't blame people for their lack of excitement when it comes to voting for the lesser of two evils. Corporate america has their hand in the pockets of both sides, anyway...


Color me gone


if you have any principals at all you won't shop at Walmart, ...you guys are probably too young to remember what this country was like before walmart began crushing small business'.

...better to spend a little more and support a local business than to feed the corporate monster that controls your life, ...Walmart is the largest employer on the planet and most of those employees get paid minimum wage or damned close to it.

...it's in this way you vote with your money, by having enough strength of character to willingly pay a little more in order to not feed the corporate monster.

...that's what it means to stand for something more than your own personal profit.



btw, life is a lot of work but you get out rewards that are proportionate to the effort you put it, ...conversely, the consequences for not paying attention can be fatal.

...and politics is a dirty business but they're the assholes driving the bus so you owe it to yourself to do everthing you can to be sure you get the driver you want, ...currently, the bus is being driven by a moron who has never driven ANYTHING before this and he is headed for a fucking cliff and he is taking us all with him.

You really think Obama is driving anything? Front man. Nothing more. Romney will be the same shit different rhetoric. The agenda will continue as planned.

I agree with most of your views. It's just most people don't see it that way. These things are not going to change. Honestly, I think the people deserve what they're going to get. It's their own ignorance and stupidity that will lead them there. Be glad you can see what's going on, and that you are in an underground culture. You should be able to avoid a lot of the shit storm if you can see it coming.


You really think Obama is driving anything? Front man. Nothing more. Romney will be the same shit different rhetoric. The agenda will continue as planned.

I agree with most of your views. It's just most people don't see it that way. These things are not going to change. Honestly, I think the people deserve what they're going to get. It's their own ignorance and stupidity that will lead them there. Be glad you can see what's going on, and that you are in an underground culture. You should be able to avoid a lot of the shit storm if you can see it coming.

we ARE the people homes and if the shit hits the fan it will be OUR fault.

...and Obama IS driving the bus, or more accurately, he is behind the wheel but his fucking eyes are closed! (frankly, i think this scumbag is the Manchurian candidate for real and his plan has always been the destruction of America, that's his vision of a fundamental transformation!)

...like i already said, i agree that ALL politicians are self-aggrandizing assholes, but there is a very definate difference in the way they approach things, ...the liberals want you weak and maleable so you will believe their bullshit and the conservatives want you to leave them alone so they can make money.

the liberals are the ones trying to convince you that it's the governments job to take care of you and the conservatives are the ones who want you to get off your ass and take care of yourself.

...frankly, i plan on voting for the ones who say they believe in smaller government and lower taxes and not the ones who want everyone to be poor and dependent.



Color me gone
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
round and round,
round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
all through the town.

The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish;
Swish, swish, swish;
Swish, swish, swish.
The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish,
all through the town.

The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep;
Beep, beep, beep;
Beep, beep, beep.
The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep,
all through the town.

The doors on the bus go open and shut;
Open and shut;
Open and shut.
The doors on the bus go open and shut;
all through the town.

The Driver on the bus says "Move on back,
move on back, move on back;"
The Driver on the bus says "Move on back",
all through the town.

The babies on the bus says "Wah, wah, wah;
Wah, wah, wah;
Wah, wah, wah".
The babies on the bus says "Wah, wah, wah",
all through the town.

The mommies on the bus says "Shush, shush, shush;
Shush, shush, shush;
Shush, shush, shush."
The mommies on the bus says "Shush, shush, shush"
all through the town.

Back to weed if you gentlemen don't mind....

a jar of chem sis I semi forgot about, pretty much found in a spot accidentally I would have never found it if i was actually looking for it. Pure funk, this stuff is still some of my very favorite stuff to smoke on. I need to get better pics, i actually have a decent camera now so I shouldn't have any excuses, it doesn't help that I suck at taking pics from the start.



Color me gone
Right on coastal, would love to see a pic of that pure kush and her progress if you get a change anytime soon, I'm starting to get some bud sites on my ladies and I'd love to see what I am in for.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
cookies are fucking magical! I just made some oil out of Loyalty's Aptus cookies. recipe was 70% GSC + 30% pre98 bubba =100% awesomeness