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Mass/RI/Con Growers here!



When I was 17 I had this Hungarian girlfriend who loved Steely Dan.She was 20 and as far as I was concerned she could play that on a loop for a year!:) Yeah Otto, I finally managed to forget about my garden yesterday for 3 whole hours, it was like a valium drip being out in the water again...I've been pinned to the shore all season so I was kind of stoked.


alone my boy has his problems like urs.. he got a new six in fan.. and set up some ducting bringing in cold air at nite... its on a timer... so he gets the best of both worlds his ac turns off.. and the fan comes on.. and the temp stays nice ..

as long as theres a good amount of fans blowing the air around.... i dont think ull have to big a issue!

Thats how I had it in the first apt I had. That was the perfect place with the perfect equipment and the perfect electricity.
I had a 6" inline fan sucking in cool air from my window box made of plywood painted black on both sides in the winter and for summer the A/C I had at the time didnt allow light in. I MISS MY PERFECT APT! Air sealed w/ co2 and everything. :cry:

Thanx for the heads up BIO and L2G. I truly appreciate it. My room was 79deg this morning. I just left the black trashbag and the reflective Mylar draped over the A/C. I put up a curtain hanger so the trashbag and mylar doubled up wouldnt suffocate the A/C unit trying to blow out the cool air. It did work but I need a much better system than this.

I have that window box still in the garage with all my tools on it ti hide what it really is. Theres no way I can get that thing up the stairs myslf so I havent been able to use it. NOBODY! and I mean NOBODY knows where I live and I havent brought not 1 guest over. But I need help getting it up there so I can do the 6" H.O inline fan thing. For now what Im doing will work, but I need to make a new window box that isnt made of 3/4" plywood. LOL.

Things like 80 lbs. I had it over my a/c held in place by thick metel brackets screwed directly into the studs. Not a person alive could've broke the glass window and got through that box.LOL. It was made for security and functionability. A fire escape went diagnally past the middle of my window at the back of the house in a dark alley.
That would've been the spot to break in so I beefed it up nice with that box.

Its funny how each apt has its own set of growing challenges.


Active member

I definitely recommend turning off your lights for 30 minutes and going with the 1 time fix - you will never look back and use this in the future =)

Take down your AC (if you can) and spend 15 minutes using 'Great Stuff Insulation Foam' and "reflective ducting tape" from home depot.

Just unscrew the ac case, and stick reflective (light blocking) tape on anywhere inside the AC that uses White Styrofoam (on the side facing out the back of the AC towards the window).

Then use the great stuff foam and spray lines on the sides of the top areas of the ac, where the outter case would meet when it gets put back on. Just avoid the area where the air comes out.

Then screw the top of the case back on, and it will be a permanent never look back solution =)


Hell yeah alone you should have no problem sealing that thing up. If the foil tape ends up not being enough then crack the ac open again and use black plasti-dip spray over the foil or any spots that you cannot reach. Use as many coats as you can. The plasti-dip should be with all the spray paint cans at the store... Usually the cheaper the AC was the harder it is to seal, I recently bought an 8k btu unit at bennys to cover my veg for the summer and it was a total pain in the ass but I still did it in an afternoon....


Color me gone
Chaco, funny you say that cause when I think of steely dan I think of a house wife shaking it around the house while see cleans, smooth and perfect music. The thing I love most is that housewife cleaning has no idea how in depth those lyrics are, take "time out of mind" for example, you'd have no idea they're signing about smoking herion or possibly shooting it unless your a scum like me or a lover of their music and actually interested in the lyrics. Also I hear ya on being around the water, its one of those situations where I can just flip the switch off and relax.

TB, no idea about a top dress of cal-mag, I usually just use cal-mag when I feed, sorry to no be any help.

Now I also have another question in my next step to try slavaging these plants before they get the old hee hoo, is to flush them out. I don't think this is the best idea with the coco and being in the 1st week of flowering but I really have no other choice at this point. Question is this, i've read to just flush the plant with normal tap water ph'd 6.8-7.2 and also read to ph at where I would normally feed 5.8-6.0.....anyone have any suggestions? I am just shocked still these plants have no come out of this, i've never had anything like this happen to me before, but their is a first for everything i guess.

TB Gardens

Active member
Ya I have cal mag for liquid feeding... But I'm going to the drippers & tables before long (bought all the gear yesterday, just gotta let the soil plants in veg finish before coco hits the rooms), and I'm not running 1 strain per reservoir so some shits gunna be hungrier than others. Bah I guess I just need to organize heavy cal/mg feeders on one table.

Did anyone else find candy Chem to be a heavy feeder? Mine was yellowing hard at like 6 weeks. She still finished fucking fantastic, but next round I wanna be ready for her. I know I gotta bump cal/mg on the ecsd & hit her right with boosters at the right time to get her propper.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Did anyone else find candy Chem to be a heavy feeder?

Yeah, she wanted way more than I was giving her, getting the same nutes as my sativa's, with whom I go light on anyway.

Good luck swinging 'em back, Otto. I was having problems w/ lock-out towards the end of my run and bought a BlueLab PH pen.
I'm ready next time! My cheap Hanna gets haywire now & then, but snaps out of it. Feel alot more secure having a couple of meters around tho.
Remember, Steely Dan are named for a dildo in Naked Lunch!
I like their 1st two and Pretzel Logic has some great songs, but then they got into the jazzbo turf and POPULAR, and then they were less compelling to me.

Bi0, always coming up w/ good advice! :yes:

Chaco, you do that blue on the grill?
Screw cooking in the kitchen in this weather! Dew point is 78% right now, 99% humidity! :toohot:


Otto, I'd try flushing with your reg mix watered down to 40% strength at 5.8.I'd be afraid to run 6.8 or 7.0 through and pure water at 100ppm's might freak them out like flushing with 50ppm's and you have foxtails and nanners, where flushing with half or less strength nutes eases up the freakout/spaz that can happen witha straight flush, no nutes etc...:)


Active member
Problems seem to be all across to board! I ended up gettig hit with a week with super high heat and the AC shit the bed while I was on vacation when the girls were about 4 weeks into flower and they never turned around.... Had my buddy harvest them and he forgot to close up the blumat line so I arrived this morning to about 20 gal emptied all over the floor. Kickin' me while i'm down!


I second what Chaco suggested. In such situations I always flush with a light mix solution. Any time I've ever flushed with plain water (except for harvest) they told me they don't like it.


Color me gone
HL, of course I know all about that dildo (sounds weird) and come on man, countdown to ectsay is one of the best albums they ever made, bodhistavva, my old school, boston rag those are fucking classics. I also like the album gaucho a lot, i always hope that phish would cover the song hey nineteen, I think they could do a kick ass job of that.

Chaco, 40% it is, i've actually been feeding lightly last 2 feeds, I went down and took a look while the lights were off and I want to say things are looking better but if I am still telling myself that in a week, bye bye plants.

Tyga, sorry to hear about your mess, summer growing sucks!

buddle, thanks dude, it awesome having friends that actually care and want to help.


Color me gone
scappy, thanks man, espeically with the coco I know plants don't want plain water during flowering cause they'll start to yellow out by the next day literally. I fed 650 ppms, then last feeding took it down to about 520 ppms, my water after bubbling for 24 hrs is at around 100, so I know I am taking it easy. It feels good hearing others confirm what I've been doing is the best thing for now.


This heat is intense, I'm at just about a stalemate.I don't have any bugs except a few thrips and this wierd tiny little caterpillar thing, it looks like a hairs breadth stick under a microscope and it inches along...I'm sure there's a whole lot I can't see but no mites or PM, actually no soil gnats either which is wierd but I think they like winter better.I was down to 4 , 600's by 11.Even at night it stays at 68 it won't go lower...It's a time to make a grown man cry...Oh yeah I have a Sour Nevilles in a beercup, one died from drying out and I pulled this one out.

TB Gardens

Active member
sour nevilles! wow cant wait to see how that finishes up, sure hope you took cuts of that one... but im sure you have a huge seed stock if this is one of the crosses you did.





Oh yes, I have cuts but I gave away all my SN seeds.I have too many seeds already, I'm like that lady on "Hoarders" who wouldn't give up her "Darth Tater" toy and had a breakdown...You can have everything else, my wife, my boats, my guns, just stay away from my fridge with the seed suitcase! I have soo many great seeds and soo little time left before I have that giant stroke that takes me to the white light....I'm hoping 30 yrs left and that's as far as I'm going...I'm set to self destruct at 77.




After 3 years of pretty much learning alot and gaining a solid knowledge base of growing.... I believe this is because either:

A -The soil was waaay to hot in the veg room where it was a steady 93deg. before t/ping from 1g to 5g pots.

B - A bag of FFOF soil I used was way to strong and it threw the ph off in the soil after t/ping and flipping to 12/12.

C - I use liquid ph balance solution from General Hydroponics and it could be abit to high. (not yellow/orange enough) and it threw off the ph which cauzed a lockout of certain nutes.

D - I have root aphids I cant see... or some kind of mites/bugs that eat the roots?

What do you guys think?
I cant have anything go wrong with these strains or Im done. Ka-Putt! A Gonner. Siannara!