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Mass/RI/Con Growers here!

TB Gardens

Active member

My buddies over, electrical going in! I'll be ready to throw all the p98xNL5/h & A11xF13 cuts into flower by first week Jan. Man I'm so excited to see them flower out & reveal the super sexies!


Color me gone
Melty, going big has allowed me to go home as well, I find its much easier maintenance on these big girls rather than the 28-32 3 gals I usually like to run under 2k...As far as the PBP and FN I am just flip flopping the feeds, and since that FN is such muddy shit and I am looking for a superior taste on this harvest I've been going with a feeding schedule of something like this: FN, PBP, PBP, FN, PBP, PBP, etc...I add Cal Mag on the PBP feedings but not FN also. Things seem to be going great so far the the proof will be in the pudding so we'll just have to wait to smoke and see....another point I feel the FN gives better appearance as well as yield that way I feel they can complement each other well....Also why you gotta wait til winter to bring the bong out? I leave mine out all year long it's what I use 90% of the time to get high:)

Ras, thanks man, but I hope these don't get near any small children...:)

TB, best of luck with everything can't wait to see the set up, what are you hooking up for electrical? I am a freak when it comes to electrical and in my grow rooms I always make sure I have way more than enough juice for what I need, I have bad dreams about starting a fire sometimes....I got a nice little sub-panel I hooked up to the main with a double 40amp, can hold about 9700w and I won't come close to half that, I also hook up every plug I have to it's own 20 amp breaker and label everything OCD like....best part is I can take the whole unit down and packed away in less than an hour...



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Holy mackeral Otto!!You've a few big trees on your hands now, I saw the pics of the big chems sis and the NL5/Haze.Some true giants...I've found its easier for me too, running 8-9 big trees and taking care of them well, as long as your containers are big enough, a mistake I continually make, using 3gal when 8 would have been much better, esp less watering, my Strawberry Diesel Durbans need water about 3x a day but its worth it, the rooms are decked out!! I can't wait to see how that big ass NL5/Haze finishes, tie her to the roof!:tiphat:


Active member
update to my 1 fem mystery mix project. not sure if i should or where i should start a grow thread? here she is (fingers crossed) after dropping her in soil 9 days ago. will be keeping her under this single cfl for another week then moving her to the tent(dr40) under 2-65 watt cfls for a couple weeks for topping and training. then will be flowering under a 150w hps for the remainder.


I had the oppurtunity to smoke some of the cheezl I'd rec'd a cut of last week.Great stuff, very unique smell and a super stony high, can't wait to run this one, the cuts are rooted and just starting to grow.:)

TB Gardens

Active member
Otto we think exactly alike :tiphat:

Oh ya - electrical is almost wrapped up. My buddy ran 100+ amps for us ;-) so we are set & have plenty of room to expand in the future.

Veg: 2x 20amp dedicated circuit @ 110v
Flower 1: 2x 20amp dedicated circuit @ 110v
Flower 2: 2x 20amp dedicated circuit @ 110v
Irrigation Hallway: 15amp dedicated @ 110v

Now, I really have no plans to run more than 3k in each flower room @ a time, and with veg I'm obviously looking for the most efficient low wattage form of lighting. That being said, I realize we ran far more amps than needed - but it's nice to have the peace of mind knowing that all my equipment will be running far below the max load. Safety is crucial.

In the next couple weeks (after holidays) I'll be hanging the drywall, poly, and running the HVAC. Veg room will also be getting a shelf system for cuttings & early stages of growth. The bunkbed will be moved down & poly'd off for my male room


Color me gone
what's cheezl chaco? Never heard of it unless your talking about cheese, giesel, or chiesel, is it any of those? I've grown the cheese and giesel and have smoked chiesel a bunch before, actually few years back I knew a dude who made about 25 5gram vials of beautiful amber oil from that stuff, excellent stuff....The dude charged 300 a vial it was probably the last time I ever paid to smoke on something but it was well worth it....


I don't know what it is, considering the lowlifes my buddy took it from, it could be anything, they might have traded it for drugs or something.Not really my people but I've been hearing about this amazing cheezl cut that finishes in 50 days and its the talk of the high school dropout crew at the coffeeshop...now I don't want to hate a weed I don't know so I saw it in my friends garden at 70 days an let me tell ya' I thought it was stellar, the smell is highly unusual and the stone is a half dead 9.0 on the richter scale, so hell I took some cuts! Most people around here that grow are fishermen who won't buy weed or coke dealers who pay other people to do it for them and take all the money and cut at 50 no matter what.Its a REAL small town come winter.I lay low like crazy but those guys are a long way from me but I'll try their cut.They may have made up a name for a cut whose name they forgot after they paid $500 for it, thats my best guess, but I think you guys would find it very cool.:)Heres some 6 week cured Nevilles from the "Magic Haze" cut, laugh if you must, until you smoke it!!
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Color me gone
Nice chaco, just the mention of coke dealers made me poop my pants a little :).... It figures that the lowlifes would have a beautiful cut that finishes in 50 days it only makes sense right? LOL.....Thats cool was just asking because I know a few years ago around my area a bunch of "chiesel" was floating around and the names sounded familiar thought I'd just poke around and ask that Magic haze looks similar to the ecsd X i grew, quite deceiving bud....Guess I'll do the next best thing than a line, rip some ecsd x nev that shit lifts me up and makes me feel like I blasted a few lines of coke....dang it, I just pooped myself again :).....


Oh my goodness, I do my best to leave the premisses when the powder flys!!Sometimes up here where I live, you can walk into a house your buddy said to meet him at "its cool!' C'mon Chaco just one, it won't kill ya'.Ya right, I think if I did cocaine I might die.My area is full of deviant sorts even in the winter, esp in the winter!I imagine its the same in most places, just stay out of the bar rooms and you're safe, thats where all the trouble starts, many areas north of me coke is quite acceptable but I've never seen anything good come of it!:) ...Oh yeah, I had a chiesel cut sent to me that I traded my chem DD from a guy named Piffington(ring a bell? about 3 yrs back maybe 4) its light years diff than that one.That chiesel had G-13 in it, right?? I grew it up and it was nice but nothing noteworthy.


Color me gone
Chaco, to be perfectly honest I have no idea the genetics behind the chiesel but that's interesting with the timing and all...Also yea i hear ya on the deviants, where I am at there here 24-7-365 and as you mentioned it all starts when they begin boozing. Coke where I am at is more of a social thing, kids have a g or 2 and split it up while they booze and they're normal working peeps in society meaning they only party once in a while, thats not to say theirs not plenty of people around the area that abuse the stuff. Opiates seem to be the biggest downfall of any drugs i've seen first hand, many people i knew started with steal their parents perc's or vic's, then came oxycottin which I personally seen destroy peoples lives, then when the oxy was either too expensive to purchase or not available the jump into the black hole of herion, now thats a drug I've never seen anybody have anything good come it, watching a few people I knew growing up made it an easy choice not to try such foolish things....


Active member
I agree with Chaco on this one, white powder with people usually leads to problems - especially turning people into very selfish people, which sucks to be around.

If only the masses had access to top shelf cannabis, I think the rates of hard drug curiosity or use in teens and the general public would have been a lot less than it is today. Seriously after 10 bowls of Chem D or NL5/Haze - why would anyone really need to go further - other than using psychedelics... =] It would be a much healthier society if this happened generations ago.

You can also get some incredible speedy dopamine rushes from Sativas without a doubt - that have a very similar rush - completely healthy and balls-to-the-walls in BHO concentrate potency's. I've never touched a hard drug like coke, but was prescribed ritalin/aderal when I was younger for over 10 years and I have to say that stimulants are nasty drugs in general, for your body and balanced well-being. When the stims drop out of your system you are left with this dopamine depletion burn out that makes it hard to engage with even the things you like doing. Like 10x worse than the most horrible regs/swag burn out you can get - that lasts till you sleep. I don't understand why people would prefer this, other than not having access to incredibly potent sativa's and top end dank that left them feeling centered and rejuvinated rather than deeply burnt out/numb to things you enjoy.

Thanksfully, I've found multiple cannabis strains that release the same amount of stimulant dopamine to have replaced prescribed ritalin with cannabis for the past 7 years. Much more successfully, I can function 110% for 12 hour days without an issue, and smoking herb in between jobs removes that rush to get the day over to get home. I could work long weeks and be less stressed than people who work half weeks =] Gotta love how benign cannabis is, technically it is more toxic to consume 10 potatoes - than multiple pounds of cannabis at one time.

Heavy Marijuana Use Doesn't Damage Brain: Analysis of Studies Finds Little Effect From Long-Term Use

And some more technical Scholarly Primary Articles: I've been doing research on this for a while. It's incredible how many area cannabinoids are helpful in the medical field.

Activation of CB1 receptors in the Pre-Frontal cortex reduce symptoms of ADHD. It very effectively teats impulsiveness and restlessness.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14624808 (ARTICLE)

ADHD symptoms reduced by CB1 agonist's (Cannabinoid activation)

Honestly, they should also start working on selective CB1 pathway agonists for the pre-frontal cortex and cerebelum for ADHD treatment, rather than using Meth based stimulants, it's almost as insulting as the backwards nature of the war on drugs.

my 2cents.


many areas north of me coke is quite acceptable

I've heard such tales...


Getting back to ganja, yesterday I made some mtg diesel bho... one batch I made into earwax and the other straight shatter. First time I've ever made oil from the mtg and it's phenomenal! Will post some pics later...
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
mtg oil is awesome!

just took some dabs of some mixed wax of chem4,gdp and ogchem2.....strong chance ill be napping shortly.....before i do....couple pics i took dabbed out of my mind



ecsd at 32 days on GO and big swell


ogchem2 61days pbp and big swell

sour larry 60something days lol GO and big swell

super larry 3 pbp big swell


stay safe a have and happy holidays everyone :xmasnut::tree:


Looks dank tacoma, what do you think is producing the best quality? GO or PBP?

TB Gardens

Active member
Ya Chaco, I've only been in the area for a couple years, & really haven't opened up to too many locals. At first it was hard for me to wrap my head around it being such a seedy place certain times of the year, simply because I had always associated it with being a vacation destination. Man, some of the shit the cops get into up here... You heard about the police chief up north who was drinking & smashed his cruiser into a tree, and had no pants on. Or the idiot cop who took some kids to a baseball tourney while stopping @ every liquor store on the way - 2 accidents & 1 rental car later someone finally got his ass out from behind the wheel.

Interesting u say alot of fishermen grow, when I moved out here I never thought this would be a community that hosts alot of farmers, but I've since began to think otherwise. I like having a coffee & smoke outside sometimes and just kinda smile as I think anyone of these neighbors could be doin the same thing.. And I guess they are ;-)


Senior Member
TB: it depends on the locals too and how you or they open up. I know a few locals in the MA, VT, ME, RI that are fellow growers just took a bit to open up but its been well worth it :) Yea i saw all those course of events on Fox 25 news. Shit is crazy some times. But im guessing theres atleast another few grow ops in your area.


Yup, I happen to live rather close to the "top cop" who got busted...into a tree! What a dick, thats where the freakshow starts and oh yeah, they all grow, at least a bit:).Things are a bit perverse around here in the winter, its like a Norman Mailer novel, all the time!! they still grow the worst stuff, at least they don't go to jail!! My best advice: Don't get to know the locals, they'll eat you up, they've already turned me into a paranoid loony...well I was loony before...but still...

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