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Mass/RI/Con Growers here!


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ICMag Donor
Those look like healthy zips Chaco:) Hopefully she devastates you properly.

I was happy with the clarity of this shot, figured you guys would appreciate it. I gotta get some fuckin toys or something to put in these pics, they just don't have any character compared to some of the pics put up in here recently...:)


Damn! The hookers are gonna be busy this weekend!! Wow what a dank, gnarly morning, it couldn't be much more humid or damp, I'm sure all of you are experiencing the same conditions...I feel like the boy in the plastic bubble with all these machines running but shit, this weather will destroy any buds sitting around, I start to feel like a hog for using so much juice but I see a ton of people burning a ton of fuel to barely make a living...I wonder what the gasoline equivalent of a decent sized growroom is? I'm just about sick of this SSSDH, it has to be done soon, I never thought she would go this long...You know what the Dutch say..JeJeJe!


@ VADO: that oil looks wicked BOMB!!!!! a bit jealous cause its been 6+ years since ive had any. Came Back from a fest in ME last weekend and got a hold on some tinctures of PURPLE TRAINWRECK/ OGIESEL and some BLUE DREAM, both were 65MGs FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC but nothing like pure oil. that PURE OG looks wicked dank. just a quick question what method did you go about making the oil? You ever been to the Brewery in Escondido, CA? thats some good ale.

@ CHACO: FINE JOB AS ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! that Chem D is looking wicked fucking bomb. almost drooling.... fuck it i am drooling hahahaha :p I dunno how you do it but all i know is that green thumb is so sticky be careful what you touch you just might stick to what your touching. Ill just call your thumb GORILLA GLUE!! :p getting sick of the SSSDH.... ive been dying to get my hands on some of those genetics!!!! Super dank buds on her.

@ MELTING: Holy-B-JESUS! she is fucking beautiful! nice trich production on that little lady. How long and what strain is that?


Sup camo the oil it super easy to make. Fill turkey baster with herb > run butane through into a pyrex > place that pyrex into a larger pyrex with some hot water in it to purge the butane out > scrape up BHO. The whole process takes less than an hour. Never been to the brewery but I do enjoy their beers very much. I'm not a huge drinker but I like to have something good when I do get a buzz on. In the fridge I've got some delerium nocturnum, awesome belgian beer try it out :friends:

So chaco how do you think the D and Sis compare in taste/smell/high? Excited to finally have landed the D :thank you:


It took me awhile to conjur the astringent, nose hair burning smell out of the D.I took some out of the jar, it had only been abou 9 days dry and into a jar, so I put some in a plastic bag and put bag into my pocket for a few hrs...opened the bag and BANG, a big nasty smell came out, same smell as the sister but a tad darker and about 20% stronger.Very Nice, I'm going to smoke some tonight.I like to wait until it's been jarred or bagged for a bit before testing it out, but I gave some to some friends today and they noticed right away, when you handle it and fiddle with it it starts to THROW a mean ass stench, I'll be doing runs of the D and Sis for a long time to come.:)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor


Some White OG shots:)
Camo, that last shot was a '91 Chem s1 flower.

I don't know how you are holding out on that D, Chaco...


@ VADO: i though it was the butane method you used. I want to try it as a first making it but some people say they can taste the after products of the butane but i never did with the oil i smoked. gonna have a bunch of trim this harvest of the HOGS BREATH so im gonna give it a whirl! Im not a big drinker myself (about 4 times a year... still got a bottle of JD from 3 years ago in my fridge with about 2 jack n cokes worth out of it) but im gonna have to find me that brew!!! thanks VADO!!

@ CHACO: I can smell it!!!!!!!! A man of self discipline! my hands would of already dipped into it for a little sample.

MELTING: that '91 chem s1 is beautiful..... but that WHITE OG.. . . been a while since ive seen a Kush strain look that dank. Beautiful genetics! how big are her fan leaves? typical fat kush leaves? i might have to get me some of these genetics!


oh yea VADO for got to ask... what butane type (brand) did you use for the oil?


I smoked up a nice joint of the D this morning, I prepped situation with some hash and had a very nice smoke, definately a walker.At lowtide I could walk 5 miles with a joint of this, there's no boring Indica at all and the roach tastes as good as the first puff from the cherry.That was 3 hrs ago and I'm still set.She's still soo close to Chems Sister, if you gave me a jar of the Sister and told me it was the D, I would easily be fooled.Like I said it takes some handling, several smokes at all hours of the day..there's no doubt the plant is 5 stars and then some.I just need that SCreme n' Dawg and a great Bluberry for my complete "hierloom" collection.Our Blue Hashplant is damn close to a fine blueberry, when that plant goes 70 days it's almost pure blueberry with a G-13/Hashplant profile.:)Dried tops @ 70 days then slow dried..


Makes sense about the whole "sister" handle if they're that close. I'm curious to see what sticks around in the long term, I'll likely go for whatever's stronger, but at the same time I've been loving the sister for far too long to write the stuff off. Thanks for the insight chaco.

Camo, I used lucienne for that batch, it's quality stuff and the price on it is much more reasonable than stuff like vector.

Stumpy, that site is hilarious, I've seen it before but totally forgot about it. The horse farm one is probably my favorite lmao...

melty.... :yoinks: Lookin great just as usual.


Honestly I couldn't see not keeping both, ease of growth, quality, yield, joints smoke like a cigarette on both plants and stink, they both have a rare stink, a smudge in the cannabis world.I'm about to flip the lights on a side by side, D/Sister grow, I'll end up with 2 Christmas trees, 6ft tall and 6ft wide..I hope!!:dance013:
vado I just found it yesterday and cant remember the last time I laughed so hard.....I read the horse farm one "you just have to stay calm and keep shooting".....I also like the football in church one.....but when he painted the jeep in photo shop I was literally rolling on the floor in the fetel position laughing hystericly Ill be going back there today to peruse....

chaco you gotta keep both there is enough difference in them to justify it.....really those 2 and the ecsd could change your life look what they did for rezdog...wont ever need another strain but Ill never stop popping beans myself just far to much to see......


According to legend the Sister and the D came from the same bag of seeds.The Sister was found in 91 and the D was found in 01.The 91 Dog and chem4 were also seeds from the same bag.So they really are Sisters, damn near identical twins, and pretty too!!...Just decided to hook up a dehum 24/7.I've been too cheap to run it all the time but after yesterday's swamp heat, I need to protect myself better, in the summer it seems one little thing will throw you to the curb!! Thanks Chefro for the push to throw in the dehumidifier.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
The whole Chem D legacy is pretty insane. The Chem Dawg gets to NYC and get's renamed Diesel. That gets crossed w/ MSS and we got Sour Diesel.
If you buy into it, every famous Cali Kush is a CD cross.

That a deadhead would pay $500 for a Z in '91 means it had to be mind-blowing! :yoinks:
Chaco ,Highlighter, Ive heard a couple of versions of the legend and honestly I cant keep it all straight.....I hear ya on the deadhead paying 500 for a zip........none of the dead heads I know ever had 500 for weed but they allways had the "kindest" buds I really miss the early 90's most days I feel out of place in todays society.....

HH: hellofva a mss/sb bx1 you got there huge ass ecsd type cola.......:tiphat: found some pic's from last year of the sis...before the mite war began when I had her looking purrty



