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Mass/RI/Con Growers here!



No, No bro, I grew up at the moto-cross tracks because my old man was a pro racer for Bultaco and we specialized in pimping the Montessa 250 at SoCal, New Mex, Colorado, even New York state in the early summer...My old mans nieghbor was an Indy racer so it was horsepower like mental at my house, his kid also raced Indy and we used to go to Albuquerque every Friday, 3hrs drive to see Indy.Indy is like Napolean Cognac and Nascar is like, well Nascar.I'm missing that stuff real bad today, I feel like a prisoner here, I used to ride straight out my driveway on a 25 mile desert loop, crazy dirtbike shit, I'm crippled to prove it too..Shit I just feel like talking, I'm glad ya'll are coming around today....I would like to give Highlighters SCreme n' Dawg my official "best weed I ever smoked" classification, you have to have this stuff to believe it.I'm going to put up a smoke report because if you like Dawg/Diesel/Strawberry, you have to find this stock...:):)Looks exactly like perfect ecsd, it has 10 diff raunchy odors, I've smoked 3 joints since last night, the first joint I was coughing in the lawn like a drunk...


My old mans idea of fun would be to light volkswagons full of tires on fire at the race shop, the magnesium motors on the bugs would ignite into an insane metal fire.It was the horsepower and the gas...and the big nitrous connection that sealed the situation, I would have rather been fishing or dirt biking but I had little choice...Hey, I'm so stoked you guys like the Larry, she's such a sweetheart with that smell, I'd keep 3oz too, that's about what I had on the Nevs/Larry plant, I have to keep it all!!:)

TB Gardens

Active member
lighting DAS AUTO ablaze??? how dare you brother! i may be one american man, but hell if i don't like driving ze little gerrman vahicles. :D

tell you what, i sure got some HP slammed into my GTI ... 340hp & 360lbs/ft tuned down ;-) not trying to blow any rods these days.


Color me gone
Sorry for the misunderstanding Chaco, around these parts you say anything with a motor most people assume nascar. My father's idea of fun was work all the time and play with things that go fast or were violent (weapons, fireworks, etc...) I've seriously never been on a vacation with my old man ever, no BS. I was fortunate enough as a young kid to have a lot of toys to play with: dirtbikes, 3 wheelers, quads, mini bikes, snowmobiles, and go-karts, so I do enjoy the the riding aspect of the sport very much, although I don't do enough anymore these days. Watching any of them are mundane to watch for me tho that is why I am going for my motorcycle license in a few weeks. I rather be blazing trails in the woods, it brings out the kid in me again but the motorcycle is better for cruising the roads, easy rider style.....


I'm scared to death of the road, I think my days would be numbered if I had a streetbike...I used to love driving behind chicks on speedbikes in Ca, wearing a bikini and a helmet...Believe me , I ran away from my old man a soon as I could, I moved out of his place when I was 12, straight to prep school, I still had to do the summers.Mostly we had tons of freedom, one of the things that let me start growing when I was so young, all the kids in that circle of parents were ready to go.There's a crazy or MIA old man behind lots of us growers, it's one of the key psychological qualifications of the grower in an illegal environment.Most of the growers I've known over the years have been middle/upper middle class white boys, 80% college educated, prick for an old man.The psychology of the grower has always interested me, right here on IC I meet lots of great people that speak my/our language, we all must have something in common, we are one tiny, tiny sliver of the population.I mean how many growers are there in the NE? 20,000? More? Even if it were more it would still be just one tiny town in a megalopolis....I'm stuck at home today, the weathers crummy and I'm leanin' on the computer for moral support!!:)


Active member
We're here for you CHACO !! Heh heh I know how it goes my friend :joint:

Took one down today, from unknown seed gifted to me by my doc heh. Lots of nice scissor hash and looks like a zip+ from an all perlite hempy grow in a Domino sugar tub lol.

Do seeded plants tend to ripen strangely? The trichs were all over the place so I just went for it at 62 days before it threw anymore nanners.

EDIT: GO BRUINS *******************


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Growing up a rebellious rock 'n roller, I think growing carries that over. Now I'm middle-aged +, I've made my compromises w/ society, but growing is my big FU, "I'm breaking the law everyday" thing, and it can get the adrenaline going too, that's for sure.

A buddy was trying to get me to go to the 'Monster Trucks' show this winter. The only way I'd pay for that is if they let me drive! I just can't watch that shit. That & golf.
I can be happy as a clam @ high tide w/ some weed and a Sox game, but I'll never understand the popularity of golf on TV.
As an older dude who's body is on the decline, I enjoy watching sports a lot more now than when I was younger. :biglaugh:

Thx for the props on the SCreme'N Dawg, Chaco! I knew it was grade A compared to everything else I grew this winter.
Truth is, I'm still letting it cure up. It's all been dry sift & oil for me lately. :redface: The oil from it is a humdinger! :D

I could never skate worth a crap, so hockey held little interest for me. Dude I work w/ plays tho, and all winter he'd ask if I'd watched the B's the nite before. He knew I didn't, but every a.m. after a game, he'd say it, til I started following a long a bit. Now I'm fully on the bandwagon, totally enjoying the drama of every game. Been totally out of our skins waiting for the face off tonight.


TB Gardens

Active member
That's a good analysis Chaco, I was thinking the same thing the other day. For Internet forums it is Pretty amazing how little flaming goes on, which says alot about everyone on here, a funny little brother hood. We all know how much goes into farming, and we all are in love with it. We look out on th Mag and find so many others just as passionate, it's a pretty cool thing.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
As an older dude, it's unbelievable! When I found the online canna community in '01, it was such an eye-opener! Something I'd kept hidden from everyone for 20 yrs, I could now blab about! What an outlet! :yes:


This place has saved my life, I might have just packed my truck up and headed back home to hide out forever.Now I have a great relationship with my computer, plus I've met IC friends in my own town and hell, we can really turn up the volume when we work together...My hillbilly nieghbors house got raided by the cops, what a scene, they tore the house apart, the teenage girls were brawlin' with the cops, just retard-ville...grand larceny and prostitution, pretty cool for suburbia.The cops are over there about 3x a month but they finally all out shook the place down, they were parked all the way down my driveway, hell they told me to get lost when I poked my head out the fence.I told my wife the nieghbor was a hooker 10yrs ago and she didn't believe me until my other nieghbor told her about 4yrs back.They make me so nervous.My nieghborhood isn't really so bad but it's full of thieves and mentally challenged hammerheads, I don't understand how they can afford to live here, I wish I could show you a picture of the nieghbors 14yr old daughters 19yr old boyfriends truck, it's the picture of never having passed 7th grade...
Highlighter & Chaco.....love the storys .Actually like all I've read lot's of insite to be had....I grew up middle class,quit college,just a rebel I guess.......My old man's idea of fun was to get drunk,crash cars then come home to smack around the wife and kids...... mom got smart and moved us to the valley when I was 8 and thats when I started playing pop warner football and baseball.After the divorce was final and ma was moving on we moved down to fla till I was 12.Ma got remaried and we (brother and I)had to come back to ct. to live with dad...So I just got into football and playing guitar and staying outta the old mans way....when I was in Fla I got into bmx racing till a nasty fall scared me away.....After that just stuck to football.Learned that I love Ct after I quit school and travelled a bit around the country went to some rainbow gatherings saw lots of shows from the buttholes to the dead and everything inbetween....1 show that I'll never forget and what's funny is I can't remember why,is A band called Gregorys funhouse opened the show for Soul Asylum and the Butthole's at some sleazy NY city dive......might have been cbgb's and my car got broken into for nothing.....we all had pull out stero's in those days......Any way gregorys funhouse had a tune called from the front and from behind.......and on shrooms they were the funniest thing I ever saw.by the time the butholes opened with 22 going on 23 I was on the down slope of the trip and was getting tired.....So during my travels I smoked some of the best weed in my life and met a few growers and allways knew it was for me.....





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Color me gone
HL, as a younger dude a few years short of his 30's the world of internet marijuana had open the doors to me and many other's my age. I first began growing in high school in a closet in my room I even built a false wall so my parents wouldn't see anything. After growing sub-par herb I decided to buy my first book "the cannabis grow bible," by Greg Green that thing was legit a bible to me til I hit my sophomore year in college. Thats when I met someone that actually grew their own herbs as well, he introduced me to OverGrow and BAM! I started reading everything I could and my buds went from being good to "wow, where did you get this shit, Vermont?" In college everyone assumed good home grown came from VT. Then abruptly OG was gone and I felt I was back to square one, this was the point in growing where I finally had balls to play around and try different things rather than just copying off of everyone online. It wasn't till about 4-5 years later where I met someone at a concert at the Beacon theater trading some buds for LSD, i had some home grown with me as well as some quality lsd and was looking for some more buds to take with me. Well the gentlemen I met wanted some of the lsd and we made a trade, after showing him my buds he asked me, "what site are you on?" I told him none and he said if you ever want to trade come to ICMAG and get 50 post then send me a PM reminding me who you are. I've never traded cuts up to this point in my growing carrer so I was a bit skeptical. Ends up this guy gave me my first true elite cut ever, one that hasn't left my side since. On top of that ICMAG opened me back up to an Overgrow community but this time I understood things better and had more experience to help and contribute to the site and others. The last 4-5 years my buds have been so killer and I owe it all to this site and the peoples who have contributed tons of helpful information.

My whole point of this rambling story is this, I want to give a lot of credit to all the older folks that have been growing way before the time of the internet and even who grew during times of this being more taboo than it is today. People such as Chaco, HL , buddle, and others have allowed the younger crowd of growers today to easily grow high quality cannabis. I mean between the genetics, nutrients, and information posted all over the internet any joe schome can grow excellent herb if they sign up on this site and do even just a little research, or for that matter run into the right clone. Im not trying to say this is a bad thing because I am a big believer in everyone growing and smoking high quality herb. It's just us younger guys are much luckier tho because we are able to accomplish goals that has taken some growers many years to achieve and it's all thanks to you seasoned growers that were kind enough to share your priceless information. Although you seasoned growers have set the bar high for the next generation of growers, I think sometimes how much better can cannabis really get? I am always up for a challenge tho...


Totally!! Isn't it grand!:) Every week the whole world does a turnaround and you sure can be left behind quickly....I always have this dream that I'm growing in my old prep school dorm room and hiding from the teacher that lived at the end of the hall, at least 10x a year I have this dream....Zen came by today and he was laughing about the nieghbors, my wife is 100% catholic she just shakes her head, the kids at the bus stop are all giggling about the freaky nieghbors, it's a big load to swallow:), for a kid, all the wierdo late night activities going on next door...I seriously enjoy hearing peoples(growers) stories because somewhere we share an experience that brought us here.:thank you:
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The Mad Monk
Hear, hear Otto! Much :respect: to those before us who've kept the wheel in spin. Guys like Chaco, HL, The Pablos, and many others, have been great sources of knowledge and insight and have been and continue to be tremendous contributors to our community. We're all links in a chain and I'm glad to know parts of that chain that have come before me.

I've been a smoker for a long time and have been interested in growing from the very beginning. Not sure why but just had an immediate attraction to it. My grandfather was a pineapple farmer and so was his dad, so maybe it's something in the blood? Farming on an island means you better not mess up so I'm sure those guys had their shit dialed in.

I've kept myself around it in some way or another while I was waiting to get my own garden going. Started reading overgrow back in 00 or 01. I'd be in school online looking at photo albums. Hahaha. What held me up for a while was not having a solid place to grow at. My first few apartments were damn near textbook examples of where not to grow. I had neighbors like Chaco's except they were only a wall away!!

Once I found a good spot, I dove in headfirst and haven't looked back since, minus a couple obstacles here and there. Part of the gig.

Interesting theory ya got Chaco, I agree there's a common thread somewhere. My old man is a good guy, real chill. Came here from the old country and didn't know a lick of english or much else, for that matter. When I was younger I was kinda like, damn dude you're boring as shit, all you do is work. But now I can see things from his perspective and see things a bit differently. Its my mother that's the evil bitch, and her old man was a real nasty fuck too so maybe you're onto something. The stories I could tell would make some of you shit.

On a brighter note, did some pollinating this week. Dusted off the two Lucifer OG's w/some from the unexpected male of that bunch. And I hopefully made some f2's with Chemdawg Sour Diesel #1 and possibly a Sour Larry x CDSD cross too. :D

TB Gardens

Active member
Lol Rasputin, I guess I wasn't the only one checking out OverGrow from a school class room ;-) ... My stumbling into it is very similar to urs. Started smoking pretty young, so by highschool I was already taking in as much knowledge as I could about the subject. My goddddd, how awful that was just staring at pictures and dreaming and wishing for the time to come when I could farm. First order of business in college was my own place, not for parties... I had an itch that needed some serious scratching! Few years gettin my bearings in apts, then onto the homes.

This past year has been my biggest crop/learning to date. And again, so much respect to all the old dudes in here & the rest of the boards. HL, I remember checking ur gallery and threads out years ago, lol. That's what I tell my good buddies when I show em ur pics or the beans u gifted. Alright.... Back to work in the real world!

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
you boys are starting to sound like a bunch of old ladies sitting around the bridge table reminiscing about the depression!


keep up the good work fellas, really enjoy this thread.
even tho i'm a little further south than most of you,
i still consider you guys my brothers.
gotta love like minded pot growers.

P.S. seems beantown is back to dominating sports again.
the pats and celts are playoff mainstays,
and the bruins brought home the cup!
way to literally beat the shit out of those "finesse" 'nucks!


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
you boys are starting to sound like a bunch of old ladies sitting around the bridge table reminiscing about the depression!

Why, I remember walking 10 miles for a bag of boo back in the day!

Good to have you brothers south of us checking in! We are all linked, and it's a fine thing!
I'd love to know just how many peeps surf this site w/o ever replying or joining. I just have a feeling it's a huge #.
Some folks are too paranoid to get into these sites, and I feel for 'em, but damn, this place has become such a HUGE part of my life.
1st place I check out in the A.M. w/ a cup of coffee, 1st place I go when I get home from work, usually.

Just want to give a shout out to Chaco's buddy Zen, who was on here for a while, then 'noided out. I got the reasons & understand where you're coming from, but your presence was another bright light on here, and I miss ya.
Best wishes to you & the family! :wave:

Know what time it is in Vancouver? 20 past Luongo!

YEAH, B's!!!


agreed with HIGHLIGHTER. this is pretty much the first and last thing i do in my day. Even at work ill hop on on my phone and just catch up with the news on here. A bunch of knowledge on this site for joes and pros. always something good and new to learn everyday. But enough about that BRUINNNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YES! what a game and then we riot. LOVE BOSTON!

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