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Mass/RI/Con Growers here!


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4twenny twen twaynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, im still on my crazy smoke break but i hope you guys will burn one down in spirit for me.. otto your looking like your about to take the gold medal and stir up a shitstorm in Sports Illustrated for doping by the time those plants are done dude;) the judges have already seemed to take notice , the jig is up!!!! highlighter that honeydew or honey whatever its called i cant remember a page back LOL that shit sounds delish.. Soon to be veggie season and im going HARD this year, mark my words guys.


Color me gone
Happy Holidaze! hope everyone is enjoying the day its beautiful out

I am gonna come clean you caught me expect I am not using HGH, but I've been using something similar...;)

LOL, I have to say things just all seemed to go right this run: clean water, perfect temps, smart pots, coco, and of course the CO2 didn't hurt.


yesterday was a great day had my first outdoor seedling pop up and another came up today.... :dance013:

I never got to post these pics from last years harvest so here... :jump:

For this years outdoor seed run i started out with 3 bottles with 3 seeds each that were put outside 2 and a 1/2 weeks ago those are all bagseed.When i planted those i also started veggies some i'll be using as cover crops wile getting all kind of benefits.

Last weekend i started a 72 site tray with beans 36 of that was bagseed at 2 per pot.Then i planted......

(AK99XFreezland)X kalichakra<<<made this last year got 9 seeds in all

Bozo bagseed (4)

Golden Cindy (6)

Highend F2 #3 (6)

Highend F2 #5 (6)

lifesaver X Sweet tooth 1.1 (3) don't remember if this was at F2

stay safe out there.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
nice haul from last yr. :good: Good luck w/ this yr's crop, esp the highend's! ;)

Doh! Talk about being high, thought I was giving IPiT rep! :biglaugh:

heavy dank nugg

sour larry start week 7



Iss start week 4






Thanks Highlighter i'm looking forward to the highends for sure.....also 4got about the OG thai haze x skunk 1 got 3 going also can't wait see what i get.

heavy dank nugg Looking nice bro....can u give me your opinion on the ISS?


IP great to see ya' I couldn't help but notice you had some Freezeland cross up there, boy that's some fine weed, I think it was originally Bros Grimm Friesland Indica from the 80's gone Canadian.......Yeah, I couldn't stay away, I was down with the Irish flu all week and really was lacking the support I need to keep the gardens growing right! I was in a tizzy with a mod about censorship and hell I know nobody wants to see pictures of naked men, so somebody has to keep an eye on things...I only think that if the Killing Fields is such a badass weed people should know, we're here for the best info, no matter who bred it.Gypsy has so many positive things to say all the time you might think that it's ok to have a top shelf KF on the rounds.After a month or so in a jar it smells like beautifull, Jack HererX fine red wine, it's strange, the new one I have. I can't see anybody's pics, did they ban me from it or is something wrong?? Hope ya'll are having a damn fine day. My gardens are overgrowing me at the moment, me and my damn big plants, I often wonder about myself....

heavy dank nugg

Ip I love the Iss Ive been running her for 4 yrs now.....
biatchzxz.......thanks bro......
chaco......never heard of anyone being banned from viewing pics........hmmmmmmm


CHACO It's good to be back for sure bro....I've had the ak99Xfreezland mom going on 3 years now it's does' very well outside has great taste and a great stone...

The ak99 (aK47 X Cinderella 99) part of the cross was done by an old IC member if i remember right...don't know how the Guys over on UDG got it but they made the cross...I got the beans from a friend far north.....Can't wait to see what i get with my pollen chuck :laughing:.....

U know every time u talk about the Killing Fields my mouth runs water i've been wanting to get a few strains from the sans shop for awile now.

Your browser must be acting up or it's the connection...

heavy dank nugg 4 Years nice bro...so whats the high like?
Was she from seed?...was she easy to grow and or easy to clone?
What kind of taste doe's she carry?

I've been eying this strain for far too long so this info would be great and if u got clone pics too throw one up if u can thanks.
Curious is anyone around here is running Black Domina?

Ive got 6 that flipped 3/10 and are just about done (today is 46 days i believe). I was told that they are 55 day strains, max and so far this has absoloutely held true. Flushing for a few more days and should be time to chop. I'm pretty happy with leaf/calyx ratio as well, seems like it'll be a nice yeilder. Great resin content too, using the whole FF line.

Highly recommend it for its ease to grow and seemingly nice yield (ill be able to answer this once all is cut and dry) plants are all nice and uniform, they seem to really repel spider mites too. Not a trace of them.

Never ran it before only smoked it, its a nice heavy indica love the high and taste. Def a keeper


I remember a Black Domina cut we had around awhile back and a friend of mine said he missed x-mas because he smoked so much of it...IP I knew that was an outdoor sweetheart, when we first started growing the Bros Grimm had the Friesland Indica, the high, as I remember 20 yrs later was kind of a fall asleep and wake up with sand in your mouth and I knew some friends up in Nova Scotia used to make a career on her. I'm almost sure that's where the "freezeland" part must have come in, it was a headbanger, like the Black Domina, when there's a good one, man you will miss x-mas!! I know some growers obsessed with heavy duty Black Domina and G-13 X Hashplant phenos, just one track minded, one hit days over...I had some great pics of my monster 5 foot chem D but no sense if nobody can see it...it's only on day 16 anyway but its gonna break me....IP, have you kept that cut for years for outside growing? Does she auto at all under 18/6? I think it was a guy calles SOQUICK or something like that , used to grow in his Mickey Mouse pajamas that had that AK99, a huge basement of it, it was an unforgettable setup..I've been on the beach all day screwing off, almost time to close up and turn the heater on for the night....Hey, have a great weekend ya'll!!


Chaco, problem with pics could be a proxy issue.....i have a big list of proxy's i choose from and when using certain ones pics won't load.


Here, can anybody see this, I can upload them into my albums but I can only see them there...My Chem D day 16.....


CHACO thanks for the info on the "Freezland" part of the cross...
Your right it was SOQUICK with that awesome basement grow...I've kept this cut going on 3 years now,run it inside sometimes but it's much better outside....She's no auto at all under lights i've kept it on 16/8,18/6 and 24/0 and she grows fine and has a heavy smell in veg too..

The nuggets on that chem D is gona be sweet...I have access to this cut and was thinking of running it outside this year...Did u ever run her outside around these parts?...