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Mass/RI/Con Growers here!



What up NE'ers, did some trimmin and hanging today and here are some pics

Can't Wait to try it!

Here are some pics of one of my grow rooms

Trying a ScrOG for the first time! Also I am LSTing these ladies i am really excited they're 17 days old (from rooted clone)

I also have another room that is kind of a mess i'll show pics at another time but i have 6 plants in 5 gallon buckets that are 33 days into flowering (monsters)

Here are pics of the trim i am going to make bubble hash from or possibly try to make hash oil for the first time! To the right is just leaf trim about 120 g's to the left is all popcorn nugs that usually dry up to not much about 150 g's (wet of course). I will post pics when i make the bubble hash or oil probably tomorrow or Friday (hopefully in time to some by the superbowl) and show you what i end up with.

Happy growing to all of you



ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Nice, hefty, 'Duff' bud, there, Gratephul4THC :D:yes:
I look forward to seeing that SCrOG evolve.

Counting the days, herbal essences ? :D

Here's a shot of a BD cut @ 32 days. Hard to believe it'll go another 60 days! Least now I know, and can push the ferts alot longer.



Whats up guys. New to the NE area. Wanted to say whats up :) Few pics from the last grow... enjoy!

Pure Kush


Some Grape Krush



Later on
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Gratephul4THC Very nice harvest u got there,i'll be looking forward to wat u pull doing the scrog.

Highlighter If thats only 32 days and that frosty,at 60 it's just gona go bananas

Blowstrees Welcome to the NE which is cold as fuck and has freaky weather but u just got to love it.You must be in la la land with all that kush so if u don't mind could u please pass the splif :rasta:

Well i just got done with my first harvest micro grow enjoy the pics

I'll be hittin the
in no time

The Vermonster

Active member
Welcome trees and sweet shots!! PH nice nugs bro......micro grows always seem interesting to me for some reason.............


Thanks The Vermonster micro grows are very interesting and fun u got to stay on top of things.Things could be going good then go bad pretty fast


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Welcome Blowstrees, nice introduction! :wave: Are you still running those lines?
Yeah, NE weather can get to ya! This is actually my 2nd post to here. I was about to send my 1st one when the elec went out :cuss: right in the middle of my light cycle. :mad:
Shit's happened too much this grow! If I were a mersh grower, I'd have a generator for sure!

pothead2, real nice job! :D:yes: Love the pink pistels! The results certainly don't look micro!

Have a good weekend everyone! I might run the bubblebags before the big game, give my guests a little added treat! :wink: Take pics if I do.


Whats up NE'ers, That was a great game last night! I'm not a giants or pats fan, i was just happy to see a close game.

i made some bubble hash with those popcorn nugs, I tried a different method this time and got a lot less yield but more potent hash so i can't complain.

Very tasty

My ScrOG set-up is starting to blow up, i will post a pic of it in a couple days, im really excited about this one! Also, i still have the fan leaves sitting in my freezer from my harvest about 5 days ago and i plan on making some more bubble hash out of it tonight or tomorrow i will throw up pics of that too.

happy growing



Nice hash u got there Gratephul4THC.I never had hash before wish i could try some.

Thanks Highlighter.My micro grow is about to get lot better with my next cab and wat i learned from this grow.

Edit:LifeCycle U kinda snuck that one in there on me.What size pot is that in?cause by the looks of it your plant is root bound your leaves are drooping and curling under and some fan leaves dieing
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That is a regular 2 gal Waterfarm pot. I agree was a little curlage going on with her but she turned out fine. The fan leaves you see dieing was due to light burn. Is that a symptom of root bound the "upsidedown canoe" ?


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Lifecycle, welcome! :wave: Is this from bagseed?

Hey Gratephul4THC, I was making hash the other day as well!

The two pieces on the left are from 2 Highend plants. They were small, and the whole plants were used after fan leaves and seeds were removed.
The pressed disc piece was done w/ 2 oversized bolts and a nut, heated up.
PITA, lots of the hash gets caught in the treads. After 2 rds. of this method, I gave up when the second disc crumbled. :bashhead:
All the rest were hand-rubbed after leaving in a turned-off oven that had been pre-warmed to 170.
The 3 on the rgt are from the trimmings of my 5 Blue Diesel's.
EXTREME RESIN from this one! The oval piece is the 73 grid, same as the rd highend piece. (my fav!)
The piece on the far right is almost white! That was a combo of the 120 & 160 stuff. The other piece on the right is a combo of the BD & HE 25 grid.
Artisian hash-making. A lot of work for 4 grams! Next time I'm going to forget the beater, and go w/ a wooden spoon, directly in a bucket, then pour into the bags to let settle. Been reading up on other peeps' methods. :wink:

Well I am a Pats fan, so I was bummed for the team to get so close to perfection, and whiff. I'm philosophical about it tho, and the new breed of NE sports fan has had it too good in the last 7-8 yrs. I say it's REALLY what NE needed, a new rd. of sports angst! Slipped right thru their hands like the ball thru Billy Buck's legs. :biglaugh:
It was an exciting game! I was leaning forward, and my back got all tight from hrs of that! The last two drives by both teams just made it so good and entertaining, I didn't care so much about the loss, just glad to have witnessed what will be a legendary game.
Peace, HL
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That is a regular 2 gal Waterfarm pot. I agree was a little curlage going on with her but she turned out fine. The fan leaves you see dieing was due to light burn. Is that a symptom of root bound the "upsidedown canoe" ?

Yea the "upsidedown canoe" is a symptom of root bound and also the leaves dieing from the bottom up.I just did a PC grow in about the same size pot as u hmmm mybe 1.5gal but i had the same problem plus it was 12/12 from seed.Anyways enuff of my bs welcome and pass the spliff:)

HighlighterU have hash for days man good shit.It was a good game never though they would lose like that tho.Well as the old saying goes u live and u learn.


Lifecycle, nice looking plant welcome to the thread i hope to see more pics like that one.

Pothead thank you, it's some nice hash, i am shocked you haven't had it before! I think that we need to do something about that.

Highlighter, looking good man i love bubble hash too! What kind of bags do you have the 1 or 5 gallons? Your stuff looks very tasty too, i am sure it will hold you over till you can make some more. I saw that you have been trying other methods too, i would love to know how you make yours cause I've been making mine different ways to see if i get better results. Would love to trade recipes for making it. Do you really think a wooden spoon would be better then an electric mixer? Anyways we can discuss that at some other time, everything looks amazing keep up the great work.

Here is the last 2 batches of bubble hash i made the other day, In total i made 4 different batches and ended up with about 3.5- 4 g's of nice potent stuff, but i had to split it with my buddy so i end up with about 2 g's. I love making bubble hash and would do it everyday if it was possible. Anyways i will post some pics of buds that are about to be jarred up (look amazing) and a shot of my ScrOG room in the next couple of days, i am very upset i won't be making anymore bubble hash till about the end of march but at least i'll have some to smoke till then




My last batch


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Nice one, Gratephul4THC!
Actually, I'm not the biggest fan of hash, and usually give it away to appreciative friends. I always keep the 73 grid tho, I find it the most likely to bubble. :wink:
I've got 1 gal bags, as I don't have that big of a grow op. I've never been real happy w/ my results making hash, which is partly why I ran the Highend's, which are supposed to produce exceptional bubble.
The wooden spoon is supposed to be more gentle and produce a better product the 1st run, so I will try it next run. (Like you, most likely end of Mar.)
Also, I recently read of how peeps are doing their mixing straight in a bucket, then pouring it into the bags to let settle. I'd like to try using shaved ice as well.

OK, party on, dudes!



Highlighter, its funny i do the same thing, I always keep the 73 for me and hand out the rest to people with good vibes. I also have the one gallon bags and they work just fine. I finally started to run the highend bags as well and it's much better than using my whole 7 bag set. I hear ya on never being quite satisfied on making your bubble, but what else are you gonna do with the trim? other than make hash or brownies i don't know. I made a batch with popcorn nugs and i will never do it again i wasted so much bud and got so little bubble hash it made me mad, but like pothead said before you live and you learn.

Also Highlighter i am going to try using a wooden spoon as well next time, sounds like i may get more, i usually just mix it with the electric mixer for about 20 mins. If i do it twice i'll probably get more. One more thing HL i actually tried mixing straight in a bucket then pouring into the bags to settle and i found that the hash i made was the most potent but i go so little it was almost not worth doing and shredded ice does make a different in my experiences. When i get a few more post i will pm you my most effective way of making bubble hash, u don't have to try it but maybe it will give you some new ideas to try in your process.

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All this hash making just makes me can't wait to try some.Gratephul4THCYea i never even found anybody wit hash and i been smoking for a few years good.I'm looking forward to try some

herbal essences

Every time I've bought hash its never that great, home made is the shiznit, I love scissor hash the best I think its got the best taste, harvest pics monday, bubble hash pics tuesday!!!

The Vermonster

Active member
pothead2 said:
All this hash making just makes me can't wait to try some.Gratephul4THCYea i never even found anybody wit hash and i been smoking for a few years good.I'm looking forward to try some

Check the mailbox tomorrow or Friday....i think the b hash fairy sent you something to sample...........lol
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The Vermonster said:
Check the mailbox tomorrow or Friday....i think the b hash fairy sent you something to sample...........lol
SwEEET i'm gona be sense less :muahaha: