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Mass/RI/Con Growers here!


Active member
Yeah alone keep that for infowars.com lol... drawing heat to the site talking about that ishhh. Can someone shoot me a PM for source of Canna coco? Ive called EVERYWHERE -.-
Roots Organic coco doesn't work to well with blumats... to loose have a hard time holding the drippers in place.


So I saw the most recent High Times magazine which features a grow control system that you configure from an iPad. Personally I think that's pretty gimmicky, so it's a basic grow controller but you're supposed to have an iPad to make it work? Am I alone in thinking that a grow controller should be standalone, if the company wants a nice interface then build an LCD touchscreen into things. If you guys could design your own grow room controller what features would you most like to see?


Active member
They have all kinds of stuff like that. Z-wave home automation can be used to control many aspects of a grow room. Also the Iponic 600 controller is all digital which can also be controlled by an iphone. i personally are looking for excuses to be IN my grow room.. Not out of it haha. but would def be handy if you were heading outta town.


@Ne 978

Were do they have the pre made extractors? I've never seen one. Before I moved to mass we used to make some wax with my buddy but we made it out of a big piece of PVC pipe with a cap on each end. That was def some amazing sh!t to puff on



I'm not sure what size micron bags I bought. I just got them and are still in the box. It's bubble brand bags. 5 bags that 5 gallon size. The sell on amazon for 39 buck free shipping which think is a good deal

I've only seen it done once in person and he used a paint mixer. I get what your saying about mixing it by hand to reduce the plant matter. If I mix it by hand and mix it for a good amount of time do you think I get most of goods out in one run? Till you recommended doing it by hand I was going to use the paint mixer.

The trim I have is good because before I chopped my girls down I removed all yellowing and fan leaves so my trim is all small frosty pieces




I would buy a controller if it was reasonably priced that I could access from my phone or ipad IF I was confident that it wouldn't be a security risk.

My room is in a far location and I can not visit it everyday. So it would be great even if I could just monitor my rooms conditions remotely. Temp, rh,co2, ect. Because I can't monitor it remotely is the main reason I'm not using the MFT (medical film tables) I would like to be running instead of my soilless mix that I currently use


The Mad Monk
Alone, you should start smoking weed and stop smoking crack.

Before I moved to mass we used to make some wax with my buddy but we made it out of a big piece of PVC pipe with a cap on each end.

Just FYI, don't use PVC to make BHO. Stainless steel or glass to run the extraction.


LOL paint mixer? I'm just picturing one of those running. That's some hardcore chit never heard of using one of those. Yeah I can see what you're talking about those are going to mash everything up real good. Too good I guess hehe.

But I tried the hand mixing once and that was enough for me. Too much work for too little reward. Guess I'm a lazy-ass.

The lingerie washing machine is real gentle though. It basically just spins what's inside one way for a few seconds then the other, and doesn't go fast. I usually have to do at least 2 runs if not 3 to get all the hash. I really don't think it mixes and harder than if I were doing by hand. Works for me and easy as pie. I'll have to try a comparison one day though.


Color me gone
I am not a huge technology guy, I don't dislike it but I am usually a hands on person and don't want to have too much of my growing info on portable devices. Thats being said if I needed to leave the garden for a few days without check it be a really nice feature to have.

Rolldaddy, Yeah what rasp said....Also the 5 gallons are good and just so you know your 73 bag (yellow) is gonna be your best hash....As far as hand stirring I recommend 15-20 mins for at least 2 runs to get all the primo glands aka fult melt...strain dependent of course....

Scrappy the paint mixer I am referring to is a cheapy home depot one that you attach to your power drill...i've never actually used a machine for mixing but I know of two people that got that bubble bag wash machine and said they wouldn't use it again after only a couple runs, I think they felt it didn't mix it hard enough and that the paint mixer was too much so the hand stir was optimal because you can choose the pace you like without going overboard. here is a picture of the mixer in case you were thinking differently....
I have the same paint mixer for the same purpose, i ALWAYS end up putting too much in at once though and i find the spoon works better in that situation- you can mix it vertically more, plus the mixer gets sorta clogged.
For the 2nd run though, 1st is always 15 minute gentle by hand with spoon


Try mixing for 4 minutes, very gently, with a wooden spoon, using fresh frozen sugar trim. Cure on parchment paper.

I do a second run for 15 minutes as well, to get a "B grade hash", and then dry the material for foods/tinctures.


Active member
They sell a paint mixer at Walmart that looks like a paddle. It's red. Works great. You can use it to stir without even spinning the drill. Spin it with power here and there to get the bubble foam going!


Thanks for the input guys.

I get it to do it by hand and I will take your advise peeps and do it that way. But I don't get how to run it twice. Do you mean run it once and dry the cuttings out before second run? Or just do the process twice at the same sitting? I prefer the better quality stuff than quantity. I'm keeping all the bubble for me and my buddy who helps me


As for the wax thanks for the heads up with that too. But were do I get a stainless or glass tube to use? If it's pricey I'll just throw everything in the bags and go that route. I don't think I have enough were it's worth buying bags and investing in expensive tools for wax.

I guess our PVC pipe invention was not clean enough in your guys opinion. The wax was unbelievable tho. But that was the only wax I ever smoked so I have no other wax experience to compare it to.

At that point in time we had tons of cuttings. (boxes full). So we made a 5 or 6 foot long PVC either 2 or 3 inches round and capped it just w pressure no glue. So that the bottom stayed even tighter and to clean the material we pit a piece of panty hose over the end of the pipe before we jammed the cap on that had several drilled holes on the end. We had a hookup for butane so we got a good deal buying it by the case.

Maybe me and boy were doing something crazy in your opinions using plastic n all but i thought it was good. Truthfully I didn't taste plastic. And since we used that pipe so much the whole inside was caked with resin that the inside was well coated.

So if we pulled a rookie move I hope you all get a good laugh on us. Now that I think back on it, it was a fun mission


In regards to devices that are Internet access concern me due to security but being able to monitor it remotely would help me soo much. Even if it's just knowing the rooms conditions would reduce my stress and let me focus more on my real work.

My room is very far from were I live. So usually I only get to visit twice a week or every couple days at the most. Because of that my last run suffered a bit and shocked the plants rite during the middle of flower. When we had that heat wave in July my ac froze a few times while I was away so I even shut down 1/3 of my light to reduce the load on my ac. And I wasted many hours driving that week just to drop in for 1 min to make sure everything was on point.

At that time if I could look on my phone and be sure everything was rite would have been priceless.

So about a such devise do any of you know something I could use to know what my room conditions are while I'm away? (that is safe)


Alone, you should start smoking weed and stop smoking crack.

Maybe it was user error and I freaked myself out, but Ive never had that happen before. I was just mad/paranoid at all the writing that I did that was gone. As soon as I hit submit reply. Everyboby that has said something about my post said its not true so I will calm down, put down the crack pipe and start smoking weed again. Thanx guys......:tiphat:


Color me gone
Rolldaddy, first off have you ever ran the bubble bags before at all???? Sounds like you haven't or you haven't in a while, my best advice to you would be go on youtube and watch others doing it so you feel confident and don't need to bank on all our post, everyone does stuff a little different so we may all have different opinions on the same subject. Plus is easier to understand people when you actually see what they're describing with your own eyes...if your all about the quality then don't even bother doing a second your best pull is gonna be your first. Second and thirds can also be quality you just got to be wanting to do a little extra work, so really it on you...if you do do multiple pulls make sure you don't lump all together all run separate them, like i mentioned the 1st run of 73 will be better then your second run......As far as having a laugh trust me we're not laughing we just want to make sure your safe period. I won't even show some of my friend how to make BHO cause I am afraid they won't take the dangers of making it seriously, light up a cig while your making the stuff BOOM! someones is seriously injured, we don't need that for anybody.

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