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Mass/RI/Con Growers here! ...Part II


Active member
Ah yes, the garden variety wook. Nearly as bothersome as the common Chad... a species commonly found wearing boat shoes frat shirts and white caps at Dave Matthews band concerts.

Slip, at furthur the other week a wook literally asked a friend of mine for a bite of his sandwich that was half stuffed into his mouth. No shame.

there's also another breed known as "Dennis" .... these are the kinds of wooks, or whoever, that show up and leach onto your team. they are obnoxious, offer nothing, came from seemingly nowhere, and no amount of insult can deter. Team Dennis.

...the 'Chad' is funny, im adding that to my book of Show Evolution.

Fly by Night

Like a Wing
Some of that LA finished drying, the small plants aren't yielding much (go figure, she ain't a yielder) but it's really nice...

50 days flower but forever in vegg, the LA yields a ton of leaf! Nice smoke but ain't worth a hassle homies, not for a little tickle!



Slip Kid

Now you guys are talking!!Never thought I'd say it but, OMG!!:thank you: I see more Chads than Wooks but I know a few Dennis'...
mob is all flavor and taste, it doesn't hold an candle to the rest of our stuff unless your comparing it to other outdoor.

I really want it for the flavor ..... But more for the breeding ..... Out cross her to a nice blueberry or Durban .... I think the Durban would be best (maybe c99 too) due to similar finish times ..... But hopefully the sativa helps the stretch to increase yeild .... both are very resistant OD

LMAO ..... you guys are too funny :.... I get a lot of Chads in the dealership ...... Seen a few wooks at further on cony island

My pit just fucked up 2 dogs off their leshes this morning while on our normal walk ..... Bit of blood on him but not his blood ..... But I just don't get it .... If ya ain't got 100% control of your dog in EVERY situation you shouldn't let it run free in an unfenced yard..... When will they learn .... ... My apbt is never running free unless in the yard which is fenced in ..... If he knocks the fence over thats another story lol

Slip Kid

Any time two dogs come face to face almost anything can happen.I used to walk my malamute dog on a 25' lead and people would let their labs run free straight for me.I'd have to drop the leash he let him pound 'em.The dog on the leash is handicapped and some labs are intact and ornery.I used the malamute dog for intimidation and it worked real well, he would never fight unless bitten first.Luckily we never had any bad fights.I hate dog fights, when you're fighting 3 dogs, including your own, the blood flies!Some dogs have a way of eviscerating their opponent, an instinctual twist of the head and upper body...The point I guess is that if you let your dog free, you should use caution as to where you are and who's around.
Finally flipped a room today, I'll be back on track soon, for now I'm getting by on one small flower room with 600w and some T5's.Blue Satellite 2.2 top under T5's for entertainment.Heavy, heavy smell on these.:)


50 days flower but forever in vegg, the LA yields a ton of leaf! Nice smoke but ain't worth a hassle homies, not for a little tickle!

I wouldn't say it's not worth it, but I conquer with what your putting down. Last few harvests we really dialed her in, and the amount of trim/trimming was a bit much. 25-26 ounces of bud and enough trim to make 45 grams of hash...so like I don't know. 10-12 ounces of trim?

I'm switching it up soon, 3 new (to me) strains on deck. I am very excited.
Yeah I'm w ya slip .... I HATE dog fights started by people or people being careless w their dogs off the leash .... But sometimes it's inevitable

Yeah not really sure why these dogs came at my pit seeing he weighs the same as both of them combined .... Sure he's shorter ..... Stocky lil bastard but he's wide as fuckk..... This is the second tome this has happened ..... Last time it was a retired police dog(German shep) off his leash ..... Nothing really came of that except everyone in the neighborhood came out to the street due to how loud the dogs were

Outside of my backyard ... My dog has only been off leash inside 100% fenced in baseball fields ..... Because I know the fuckin punk ..... Other dogs and animals distract him and his all his attention goes to that so he stays on a short leash when not fenced. Ive never seen this many dogs run loose till I moved to this state .... Ridiculous!!

That's a real nice looking bluesat 2.2 ..... Out of 5 beans only 1 of my blue sat made it ..... And it's a confirmed female so I'm happy!! Hopefully it looks half as nice as yours slip!!! Much respect!



because we type the same?

actually u know what .. maybe ill just quote myself.. and talk to myself also haha. headseed.. ur a fuckin tard.. anyone notice.. how the dudes that talk shit.. cant even grow a decent looking bud if they tried.. then they trim wet and dry it too fast.. and end up with garbage. ya that's wat I thought.. keep growing ur mids.. and shut the fuck up


llyod, its ok he is right. I am just mad that when I asked him to trade his killer m39 cut for my whole stable of mothers he still denied me :biggrin:. On to the next guy I guess...

BasementG, I am sorry if multiple people disagree with you including ones with real life experiences. I know according to you my shit is foxtailed and I do nothing but talk shit here but I guess its better than a guy who doesn't have 1 pic to show in his whole time on this site and someone that is so insecure he can't even admit when he might be wrong, shit for that matter you can't even respect other peoples opinions. You my man have shown your ture colors more than once around here. You claim to come to this website for info and to make your shit better, yet it seems your on this thread talking shit, making false accusations, and showing off NO buds. Practice what you preach buddy.

lol k .. u know anyone on my friends. can see my shit.. then know its proper.. the customers know its proper..

im not going to admit im wrong. I believe anyone that has grown a SOG with a few hundred plants.. knows exactly wat im talking about.. keep ur shit on the DL.. instead of getting the Feds involved.. I just don't think being on probations a cool thing.. or even being on the RADAR is cool.. so if that makes me insecure.. that's cool with me. but id rather avoid the lawyer fees.. and court fines.. and probation fines.. and my name being in the database forever.. ya I know it mite not be a huge deal to U..

but to a normal Adult that wants to have a FAMILY . LIFE.. BUSINESS. and GROW.. ITS A HUGE DEAL to stay off the RADAR Completely


just some.. .. but honestly. I don't upload any pics of my buds until they are sold. to avoid security issues.. and people going on google and finding my buds and my name and shit.. SECURITY RISKS..


I really want it for the flavor ..... But more for the breeding

MOB's a great breeder. In the cross I've seen, plants haved surpassed the quality of both parents. I 'm running some mob x allagash indica for the first time, and they're looking bomb (and very mob dom).
Yeah I'm not basement grower lol. Tend to never use periods when I'm wiked stoned. Gemini wadup? I hope diesel is fine not like he can't hold his own lol


Active member

because we type the same?

actually u know what .. maybe ill just quote myself.. and talk to myself also haha. headseed.. ur a fuckin tard.. anyone notice.. how the dudes that talk shit.. cant even grow a decent looking bud if they tried.. then they trim wet and dry it too fast.. and end up with garbage. ya that's wat I thought.. keep growing ur mids.. and shut the fuck up
Whoa there fella simmer down now!

Just noticed you both were using two period versions of the ellipses (...) to an excess etc etc. No worries.

If you're so worried about a low profile why are you talking about selling?

:huggg: :ying:

Slip Kid

"ur a fuckin tard.. " Nice to have a gentleman in the thread.Such an appropriate way to put things.I'm sorry for your anger and fear, you must feel terrible inside dude.
On a lighter note, those Blue Satellites are some crazy plants, very strong, heavy duty stems, far away from all the floppy-ness we tend to run.I have them all with some sours and digital berrys under T5's until the summer winds down.The space has a few thrips but the 5 plants in there are particularly nice.The two sours are heavy on the grape soda smell.I took cuts from all the females in there just from the smell.The BS 2.2's rooted in 5 days and were back to veg growth within 10 days.Having a great time running just a few lamps but I flipped 2 big ol' HW x F-13's yesterday.Have to transplant to 20 gal of coco today, I have a photo from 10 days ago....


@ SkipKid: how you like the B.S.2.2? I had a few 10 packs in my tin of old genetics that got stolen. I do have someone that is sending me a 10 pack. Been a huge fan of S.O.L. For a while now and that was one strain I've been wanting to run.

Beautiful flowers everyone for sure keep that StankyyDankyy coming!!


@ highsteppa: good to know MOB breeds well. Im running a mob right now and have a few selected makes I've been keeping but I do know the studs are gonna have to be on point. I will say this MOB is a slow as vegger for sure so if I bring anything to it, it will be for vigour and a little bit on the donor to shine threw.

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