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Maryjane Not the gateway drug no more says CNN




You guys are so uptight, whats wrong with slippin my doctor a few bucks for a couple extra oxy's and xanny's? I mean someone else is gonna get high off em anyways, might as well be me right?


And every pill sold is licensed and taxed by the DEA. They use money from medications that kill thousands to fight medications that have never killed anyone.


xanax are way funner than oc or any other painmed...
florida is pretty fuct, they truely dont givea shit.... you got a headache? here take some heroin in pill form lol, still no mmj tho
they want junkies not stoners, easier to controll

Sour Deez

I think you're right. It's two layers, peach and white

I want to say it's Opana. (Heavy duty pain version of Tagamet-like stomach medication. The active ingredient is Oxymorphone if I'm not mistaken.

I tried to google but no cigar.

However, I did find forums where users try out all the new pharmaceuticals and rate their recreational value. Very scary.

Oh yeah. I read an article the other day concerning Florida's pill problem. According to the article, Fl doctors prescribe 40x the national average.

It is most likely opana you are thinking of. Suboxone is also stop sign shapped but mostly used to get off opiates. Its a partial agonist, not a full like opana, oxy ect.


In retrospect maybe my first true BUZZ came the first time
I gently sucked on a baby bottle full of:
Cherry Kool-Aid


yeah, i dabbled in the pill game for a second.

oxycontin-$20 @ most
oxycodone-$5 avg. as cheap as $2....oxycodone is generic percocet
vicodin and hydrocodone is the same price as percocet which i think are the same if, i remember correctly. generic/name brand

pills are cheap that's why so, many pop them. i bought them @ wholesale for pennies on the dollar not to long ago. got arrested with 52 oxycontin pills and left the pill game alone after i beat the case. time carried as much as the coke case i was facing.[/QUOTE

Percocet contains 5mg of oxycodone and 500mg of tylenol per tab. Vicodin is hydrocodone but also contains tylenol. Adding tylenol limits the amount of the narcotic you can take without damaging your liver.
Vicodin contains 5mg of hydrocodone/ 500mg tylenol per tab. Norco contains 7.5mg of hydrocodone/500 mg tylenol per tab, thus limiting the number of pills you could take safely in one day to no more than 8. I'm sure many people take more than that though and probably would be ok if done for a short time (2 or 3 days) only.


When i was nine me and some buddys would go down town and pick up half cigs on the street and then started stealing them. That was well before any other drugs came in to my life. I kick that crazy addiction 5 years ago after 38 years and let me tell ya tabacco in a bitch to kick.Been smoking weed for 36 years and love it its the only drug i do now days and i don't miss the pills at all did them for 25 years

Nicotine is still one of if not the most addictive substances known to science. Congrats for quitting bro.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

it's always been my contention that alcohol is the gateway drug and I drank plenty of it at a tender young age. I had oodles of older cousins getting married and so there were countless engagement parties and weddings when adults gave us the sly nod n' a wink to get another drink until they'd catch us stumbling, old school Italians enjoy their wine and bestowing liberties.......

when I was trying to quit cocaine weed would help me if I had a steady supply, but toss a few drinks in me & I was ready to kiss 50-60-90 days sobriety from blow good-bye.

booze has an evil underbelly, although enjoyed in moderation it's fine for most.
Around here it's crazy, people that never even drank nor smoke H is hittin around. S4L I feel ya man, had a few 40's some vodka and buddy pulled out a hockey puck of coc never slept for many days! That's been about 7 years ago. We as an IC family enjoy our weed :)


weed fiend
I would have had a bigger problem with coke had they not stopped finishing the product in SA. In the 70s and early 80s, quality coke was actually pleasant... even relaxing. Total euphoria. A little too much and a blue Valium leveled things out. That was so freekin' dangerous.

Everybody knows you do Valium first, then the amphetamines.:D

When they started shipping base to the states or Mexico to finish, that long white line turned into a couple of small bumps. That relaxing feeling went to anxiety and weird heart fibrillation. Seemed like a different drug. Had to hang it up.

Would have been extremely difficult to stop doing Peruvian flake. Loved that shit.

I used to live in a town of ~700,000. I knew 1 of 4 guys that distributed the bulk of what made it our way. Poor guy got so whacked out, he ran around in the backyard with a Daisy bb gun. Seems that those who were out to get this guy resided in trees. He'd creep up to a tree and peer intensely into the bark. Then he'd stand back and aim the bb gun at the tree.

Watching the dude made us all wig a bit. Somebody said, "Shoot em, Robert!" Robert said, "I've got to wait until they come out, I've only got a bb gun. :chin:

That was another thing to get my ass off the shit. We were a sad bunch for ~6 weeks or so. After that it wasn't missed much at all. Just the thoughts of Robert chasing trees with a bb gun took all the fun outta ruining our lives.:D
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Prescription drug abuse, now the fastest-growing drug problem in the country, has created a ballooning street market for highly-addictive pain relief, anxiety and depression drugs.

Given the money involved, it's no wonder.

Here's a sampling of the street prices for a single tablet of some commonly trafficked drugs, compared to their retail prices:

--Oxycontin: $50 to $80 on the street, vs. $6 when sold legally

--Oxycodone: $12 to $40 on the street, vs. $6 retail

--Hydrocodone: $5 to $20 vs. $1.50

--Percocet: $10 to $15 vs. $6

--Vicodin: $5 to $25 vs. $1.50

Those street prices were gleaned from the latest data put out by federal law enforcement agencies, and the retail prices were from pharmacychecker.com.

As is typical in illegal drug sales, demand is driving the business.

Prescription drug abuse is spreading nationwide, but it is particularly rampant in cities like Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago and New York, federal officials say.

For decades, Marijuana was the gateway drug for first-time drug abusers in the United States. But two years ago, prescription drugs won that dubious distinction, according to Rusty Payne, a spokesman for the Drug Enforcement Administration.

"It's a significant shift in trend," Payne said.

In 2009, there were seven million Americans abusing prescription pain and anxiety drugs, up 13% from the prior year, according to the most recent data from DEA. The agency expects 2010 numbers to show another double-digit increase.

And there's big money in it for criminals. The trafficking in prescription drugs is close to becoming a billion-dollar industry, industry experts say.

In Los Angeles, 80mg Oxycontin is the most popular drug on the street with addicts. A single pill can fetch $80 or more, said Sergeant Stephen Opferman of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

"We are rounding up so much prescription [medication] off the street," Opferman said.

Prescription drugs leak out onto the street in a number of ways.

In some cases, thieves steal legitimate shipments. Or doctors write false prescriptions that dealers fill and then sell the contraband.

Medicare fraud is another route, according to Opferman, who has been battling illegal drug sales for more than 11 years.

Traffickers recruit Medicare beneficiaries who are willing to sell their monthly drug supplies for cash, Opferman said. The illegal activity costs Medicare billions of dollars a year, according to estimates from the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

But the most troubling trend among drug abusers in Los Angeles, Opferman said, is the growing number of young teens abuse prescription drugs.

"The kids think these drugs must be safer than heroin because their parents take them," he said. "They hold what they call 'skittles parties' where they try out sleeping pills, anti-anxiety pills and pain medicine

I guess it's no surprise to anyone that even the DEA has no clue what a "Gateway Drug" is, inspite of them being the ones to make up the term. If you read closely what this story describes here is that Prescription Drugs is the drug of choice, not the gateway drug. Nothing about this story suggests that prescription drug abusers are turning to other "illegal" drugs. In fact it sounds more likely that users of other drugs are turning to prescription drugs because it seems less risky and easier to get. Now if they have evidence that prescription drug abusers are turning to things like heroin, cocaine, meth, etc then maybe that might have a point, but no they're not saying that so there just the same clueless fools they've always been.