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Maryjane Not the gateway drug no more says CNN

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Prescription drug abuse, now the fastest-growing drug problem in the country, has created a ballooning street market for highly-addictive pain relief, anxiety and depression drugs.

Given the money involved, it's no wonder.

Here's a sampling of the street prices for a single tablet of some commonly trafficked drugs, compared to their retail prices:

--Oxycontin: $50 to $80 on the street, vs. $6 when sold legally

--Oxycodone: $12 to $40 on the street, vs. $6 retail

--Hydrocodone: $5 to $20 vs. $1.50

--Percocet: $10 to $15 vs. $6

--Vicodin: $5 to $25 vs. $1.50

Those street prices were gleaned from the latest data put out by federal law enforcement agencies, and the retail prices were from pharmacychecker.com.

As is typical in illegal drug sales, demand is driving the business.

Prescription drug abuse is spreading nationwide, but it is particularly rampant in cities like Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago and New York, federal officials say.

For decades, Marijuana was the gateway drug for first-time drug abusers in the United States. But two years ago, prescription drugs won that dubious distinction, according to Rusty Payne, a spokesman for the Drug Enforcement Administration.

"It's a significant shift in trend," Payne said.

In 2009, there were seven million Americans abusing prescription pain and anxiety drugs, up 13% from the prior year, according to the most recent data from DEA. The agency expects 2010 numbers to show another double-digit increase.

And there's big money in it for criminals. The trafficking in prescription drugs is close to becoming a billion-dollar industry, industry experts say.

In Los Angeles, 80mg Oxycontin is the most popular drug on the street with addicts. A single pill can fetch $80 or more, said Sergeant Stephen Opferman of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

"We are rounding up so much prescription [medication] off the street," Opferman said.

Prescription drugs leak out onto the street in a number of ways.

In some cases, thieves steal legitimate shipments. Or doctors write false prescriptions that dealers fill and then sell the contraband.

Medicare fraud is another route, according to Opferman, who has been battling illegal drug sales for more than 11 years.

Traffickers recruit Medicare beneficiaries who are willing to sell their monthly drug supplies for cash, Opferman said. The illegal activity costs Medicare billions of dollars a year, according to estimates from the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

But the most troubling trend among drug abusers in Los Angeles, Opferman said, is the growing number of young teens abuse prescription drugs.

"The kids think these drugs must be safer than heroin because their parents take them," he said. "They hold what they call 'skittles parties' where they try out sleeping pills, anti-anxiety pills and pain medicine

Grass Lands

What caught my eye was the street price compared to the legal price...here in cali the cost of herb in a club far out paces the cost on the street...go figure...


Active member
Skittles party sounds awesome.

Someone PM me with details plzzzz.

No probs! Let us see here, we have -

4 Extenze
7 Ex-Lax
5 Tylenol Liquigels
8 Birth Control pills (Female)
3 Birth Control pills (Male)
5 Cialis

Ive got dibbs on the estrogen based BC though. I think it would be cool to not have to shave for a week or so. :laughing:


This has been a problem on the rise for at least the last decade, if not more.

I find it particularly irritating that the derivatives of these 'meds' were used safely for 1000's of years, if not longer...then become a problem when government gets involved

Just another way they keep the meek dependent on the 'machine'


Recovering UO addict.
I've never really messed with pills..can anyone confirm those "street prices"? sorry but after seeing so many news reports of every plant growing a pound on it and insanely inflated values, it leads me to question their accuracy.


Most of those items could be had for pennies on the dollar (wholesale) and those street prices look legit if you take the median price of each

Example: 10/325 - hydrocodone/apap Norco (popular) brand name(Watson Labs) could be purchased @ .34c/unit 'wholesale' and resold at $7-10.00 'retail'

I've never really messed with pills..can anyone confirm those "street prices"? sorry but after seeing so many news reports of every plant growing a pound on it and insanely inflated values, it leads me to question their accuracy.

Capital G

I've never really messed with pills..can anyone confirm those "street prices"? sorry but after seeing so many news reports of every plant growing a pound on it and insanely inflated values, it leads me to question their accuracy.

yeah, i dabbled in the pill game for a second.

oxycontin-$20 @ most
oxycodone-$5 avg. as cheap as $2....oxycodone is generic percocet
vicodin and hydrocodone is the same price as percocet which i think are the same if, i remember correctly. generic/name brand

pills are cheap that's why so, many pop them. i bought them @ wholesale for pennies on the dollar not to long ago. got arrested with 52 oxycontin pills and left the pill game alone after i beat the case. time carried as much as the coke case i was facing.

soil margin

Active member
The logic really is lacking. They make the drugs expensive so people won't be able to buy them and hurt themselves. But then criminals get involved because the profit margins are so high. Then law enforcement starts arresting people and temporarily slowing the supply, which then further increases price and attracts even more criminal enterprises. It's a never ending cycle of bullshit in which the only loser is the taxpayer.
I dispute this studies findings.

I know whenever my nausea and social anxiety calms slightly from a mild, non-lethal and utterly non-habit forming plant substance, my next thought has always been "This is getting old, where can I get some heroin?"


boredom is the gateway..
your brain is the gatekeeper
good time?> come on in!


I used to get 2mg dissolvable (aka snortable) k-pins for exactly 25 cents a pop through my local friendly pharmacy. btw, a 2mg k-pin will make you stoned for a good 6 hours.

fuck all that noise. ruined my teenage years.


I think I smoked a cigarette long before I picked up a beer.
Well, not long before, but before. :D
Your right I smoked a cigarette before my first bottle of Boone's Farm Apple Wine.
I think I smoked to be COOL because I sure the hell didn't get HIGH from it.
In fact I quit smoking when cigs hit .47 cents a pack I was 18 years old
CRAP I'm old. :tiphat:


Active member
The whole "gateway" thing is a full blown farce. It was thought up so as to have something derogatory to say about pot. Only dumbshits and nitwits buy that pot, or any other single item, leads one to other substances.

What does lead one to substances in the first place are the things placed into our young skulls full of mush during the nurturing phase. Many had the nurturing phase skipped during their childhood..or at the very least the nurturing was sub par.
So, if the truth be told, it is our PARENTS that are the gateways.

Not that it matters much to me, but the pricing that the DEA thinks up is for nothing but to elevate their stats. Anyone who has had much exposure to these things knows that the street prices being touted is full on bullshit.
Kinda like how Bubba and his deputies will weight the root ball and all the dirt to show the good citizens how much pot they have taken off the streets.
Just more bullshit for our enjoyment.

I drive by the methadone clinic daily. It is crowded from daybreak to dusk. Pot didn't lead a single one of these poor fucks to the problem they have today. Not a single one of them.
But then, if we don't know anything about pot except what gets fed to us by law enforcement and the media, we tend to believe things that simply are not true.

When it gets down to the only derogatory thing a person can place on pot is that it is a gateway drug, then that person is using a lie that has not ever been proven or shown to in any way entice a person to try chemicals. What does entice folks to try chemicals is ignorance and bad information, which ties back in to the quality of nurturing they may or may not have received during their development.

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