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Marmite, how do you take yours.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
If we're cracking open the little jars of tasty goo, hows about a nice cup of Bovril


Also available in Chicken


Bovril is usually the only drinkable hot beverage from any hot drink machine, anywhere, ever.

Also, if in a drunken stupor, you confuse Marmite with the Chicken Bovril, the results on toast are interesting.

I like meat, I like tea...Meat tea, what's not to like.


Active member
marmite? is it related to vegemite? wasn't it in a song vegemite sandwich blah blah blah. never had either and don't know what they are. anything with mite in it turns me off. little bastards should be crushed up an eaten.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
marmite? is it related to vegemite? wasn't it in a song vegemite sandwich blah blah blah. never had either and don't know what they are. anything with mite in it turns me off. little bastards should be crushed up an eaten.

It's a yeast extract spread, and yes Vegemite is the same thing, just an Aussie brand.
It was originally made from a byproduct of beer brewing.

Like the adverts used to say, Marmite, love it or hate it. It's one of those sort of flavours.

Sativa Dragon

Active member
I think you mean Trube, it's the shit left after you rack the keg. Or it is what the beer company is filtering out when they say there beer is cold filtered, trube is half dead to dead yeast, yeast is a one celled plant that converts sugar to Alcohol and C02.

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Active member
well I really really really like beer. haven't seen it in store . will look tho. I like other strong stuff like fish sauce so I prob would like it. might cost more here in usa as it needs imported I don't think its locally produced or I would of heard of it I think

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
well I really really really like beer. haven't seen it in store . will look tho. I like other strong stuff like fish sauce so I prob would like it. might cost more here in usa as it needs imported I don't think its locally produced or I would of heard of it I think

Have the mailman bring you some...I am certain there will be a US based company with a website selling Brit food, just like there are Uk based companies selling US food.

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Who would have guessed? There be some Marmite wars goin on over yonder....

Seems all Marmite wasn't created equal, even before bringing vegemite into the debate. If you are interested, the following 2 paragraphs are from the beginning of the article below:

You may know what it is, but you may never have tried it. Or you may have tried it and screwed up your nose at the strange salty flavor. However, to many people – myself included – it is “black gold.” So I panicked along with many other New Zealanders when supplies of Marmite ran out around this time last year due to the closing of the factory in Christchurch in 2011 following the earthquakes there. It was Marmageddon. And it attracted international media attention.

Most people here in the U.S. probably weren’t aware of the calamity. And if they were, they might have said that there are supplies in the British stores and international aisles of supermarkets all over the country and asked – why doesn’t that just get shipped to New Zealand? To which I would respond: No! It’s the wrong stuff! The “Marmite” sold in the U.S. is very different from the “Marmite” that I grew up eating on toast and crackers. More on this below.



Sativa Dragon

Active member
well I really really really like beer. haven't seen it in store . will look tho. I like other strong stuff like fish sauce so I prob would like it. might cost more here in usa as it needs imported I don't think its locally produced or I would of heard of it I think

You would prolly like it man, it is super salty, with a vitamin smell to it, it is really good for you they say.

I am just trying the hot water and marmite method now, really not bad actually, this will be a good way to ease the palate into eating it on toast.



Sativa Dragon

Active member
This is kinda a messed up version copied from the wiki page of Marmite. I wonder if it could be used in DWC.

231 kcal
9 kcal Calories 163 kcal 8 kcal
38.4 g 1.5 g Protein 16.2 g 0.8 g
19.2 g 0.8 g Carbohydrates 16.6 g 0.8 g
of which sugars 0.5 g trace sugars 11.8 g 0.6 g
Fat 0.1 g nil Fat 0.9 g 0.1 g
of which saturates
trace nil
3.1 g 0.1 g Fibre 11.5 g 0.58 g
3.9 g 0.2 g Sodium 3.4 g 0.17 g
Salt 11 g 0.44 g Potassium
1.95 g 0.098 g
Thiamin (B1)
5.8 mg 0.23 mg 17% Thiamin 11.0 mg 0.55 mg 50%
Riboflavin (B2)
7.0 mg 0.28 mg 18% Riboflavin 8.4 mg 0.4 mg 25%
Niacin (B3)
160.0 mg 6.4 mg 36% Niacin 50.0 mg 2.5 mg 25%
Folic Acid
2500 µg 100 µg 50% Folate 2000 µg 100 µg 50%
Vitamin B12
15.0 µg 0.6 µg [21] 40%
Vitamin B12 10.0 µg 0.5 µg 25%
Iron 36.0 mg 1.8 mg 15%
RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance
Suggested serving 4g for adults, 2 g for children
Children's serve has ½ of the adult quantities shown. RDI = Recommended Daily Intake


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Marmite is great added to red meat stews and other similar cooking, like a cross between salt and a stock cube. I also stick a little on top of Philadelphia cheese on bread, toast, biscuits.

If the OP cannot "get past the taste on toast" he is probably putting too much on, just give it a slight hint of the stuff. My mad auntie had a 35 year old pot that had just got a bit stiffer, slightly grainy texture, slightly more concentrated but fine.

MJBadger, if I am ever single again, I will be after you for your ex´s contact details...

Sativa Dragon

Active member
Hmm your prolly right to much on the toast, I had some in hot water yesterday and it reminded me of cup a soup, I will be cooking with this stuff in the near future, maybe put it in some of my bone marrow soup stock.


Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Top tip. Stand your jar of Marmite in a bowl of hot water for 5 minutes before you start your toast. The Tarmite will spread easier.

What CC said, don't put too much on. I like it with a bit more than most people would have.

They have it in squeezy bottles now too.

Here is a vid of youtube atheist personality aronra, trying Vegemite.
Note the amount he has put on the bread. That is about 20 times too much.


Active member
They have it in squeezy bottles now too.

I detest them f ing squeezy things , whoever invented them needs a barb wire wrapped broomstick shoved up their arse . They go on about the amount of food wasted in homes & that`s got to include 20% of any of these stupid bottles , you just can`t get it all out .


lol how about one on aeroplane jelly. have your marmite drone dropped.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
Man, I dont wanna start a fight or even offend any of you guys, but even tho I know the shit is good for ya, I just can't get past the appearence, smell or taste of it...First time I had it was around '85 when I spent a month trout fishing all over both big islands of NZ.. They spread it about 1 millimeter thick on between 2 pieces of bread that were only about 1/8 inch thick each.. They handed me this thing about 1/4 in thick and called it a sandwich.. again, no offense, but that ain't no sandwich! But then again, I can't stand a slice of red beet on my hamburger either, so maybe it's me with the screwy taste buds on my tongue!!!...LOL ...