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Marijuana is a major cash crop

Hella Fella

Hazy Is incorrect Moppel...

"cash crop's" arent determined by weight, they are determined by monentary value
Sure....they produce WAAAAY more WEIGHT of fruits and vegetables, but in $$ values 'erb brings in more cash...

The U.S. produces MILLIONS of tons of wheat, the California valley produces more produce then the rest of our country put together... but it STILL dosent eclipse the VALUE of the Hydro bomb!


Well, I've done some rough maths:

There are 500 coffeeshops in the Netherlands

and each one sells about 100 kg of bud a year on average

That's 50,000 kg

At 5,000 Euro a kilo on average, that's 250m Euro.

And that's just the coffeeshops

Then there's the underground market, and the export market

Even though the Netherlands doesn't produce as much bud as it used to, it's still a major player.

I was trying to find some figures on total NL fruit and vegetable output the other day, and the figure of 130m Euro a year came up, but I couldn't find anything worthy of posting.

So, I'd say that herb still is the no.1 cash crop in the Netherlands.



Ok some hard facts and figures I just found, it's essentially the same news report, but with more detail, including a contrast to fruit and veg.:

Europe: Dutch Marijuana Tax Revenues at $600 Million a Year, Crop Is Country's Third Largest Export

Marijuana is big business in the Netherlands, if estimates from the Dutch TV program Reporter are to be believed -- and no one is challenging them. According to the news program, the Dutch government is raking in 400 million euros (a little more than $600 million) a year in taxes from the country's 730 marijuana-selling coffee shops.

estimated total sales at the coffee shops at 265,000 kilos of hashish and marijuana annually, with an annual gross revenue of about $3.2 billion.

In response, the Dutch Finance Ministry said it did not know how much tax revenue it collected from the coffee shops. According to department employees who asked for anonymity, "they do not want to know about it in The Hague, as it is all much too politically sensitive."

But the coffee shops account for at most 40% of the marijuana grown in Holland, with the rest being exported untaxed via the black market. Although Dutch police bust 15 marijuana grows a day, they have not been able to make a significant dent in domestic production. That means Dutch marijuana exports are also a significant economy activity.

"As export product, Dutch cannabis comes second or third after cucumbers and tomatoes. Germany and the United Kingdom are big customers," said police commissioner Max Daniel, head of the police unit responsible for tackling marijuana grows.


By the way, I'm not sure about these figures, i.e. 265,000kg sold from 730 shops, as that's 363kg per shop on average, and all these shops aren't selling a kilo a day!! I thought it was more like 100kg per shop on average annually. Maybe a good shop on a good day, like a busy Saturday maybe a key, but come on, every shop, every day?? Can't see it.
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Far be it from me to doubt the report but econoically & statistically I think they make a big assumption in calculating export figures from those based on coffeeshop sales tax revenue.

I expect they will be shifting an awful lot, but was the UK govt not claiming the other week that the UK is now a net exporter of cannabis. Given ow the balance of trade works etc.. it would hae to be one hell of a market to import even half of what these figures claim & still be a net exporter.