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Marijuana Consumers Demand to Pay Taxes!




Marijuana Consumers Demand to Pay Taxes!
$14 billion dollar check presented to US Treasury represents "tax and regulate" boost to economy

New York, NY: On April 15, better known as Tax Day, at 8:00 AM representatives and supporters of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), including the organization's national director Allen St. Pierre, will stand on the steps of the General Post Office in Midtown Manhattan and present a check for $14 billion to the US Treasury Department.

NORML - norml.org

The check total is an estimate of what American taxpayers spend every year to maintain marijuana prohibition. According to the report "The Budgetary Implications of Marijuana Prohibition in the United States", Americans spend some $6 billion on law enforcement costs related to enforcing marijuana laws. Taxing and regulating the production and sale of cannabis like alcohol products would reduce these costs while raising an estimated $8 billion in new tax revenue. That's according to Nobel Prize Winner Milton Friedman and over 500 other accredited economists.

"On a day when so many Americans lament having to pay state and federal income taxes, we're representing America's millions of otherwise law-abiding cannabis consumers—as well as supportive non-consumers—who're ready, willing, vocal and able to contribute this huge sum to our struggling economy, while providing truly 'green' jobs and allowing police to focus on more important priorities," says Allen St. Pierre, NORML's Executive Director. "All we ask in exchange for our $14 billion is the right to smoke our pot responsibly and in peace—just in the same way as the millions of daily consumers of alcohol products in our country."

Representatives of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, including NORML's national director Allen St. Pierre

American cannabis consumers and anti-prohibitionists present a $14 billion check to the US Treasury.

April 15th, 2009 at 8:00 AM (press conference with mock check) and 4:20 PM presentation of check with NORML supporters.

The steps of the General Post Office in Manhattan
441 Eighth Ave
New York, NY



Times They Are A Changing Lyrics
Artist(Band):Bob Dylan
Review The Song (1) Print the Lyrics

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Come gather 'round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you
Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again
And don't speak too soon
For the wheel's still in spin
And there's no tellin' who
That it's namin'.
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There's a battle outside
And it is ragin'.
It'll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'.



Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!

I will be on the steps of my capital on the same day PROTESTING AGAINST TAXES !!

No More Taxes for anything.

Anyone WANTING the government stickin their grubby fucking fingers deeper into their pocket is flat out crazy.

No More Taxes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active member

I will be on the steps of my capital on the same day PROTESTING AGAINST TAXES !!

No More Taxes for anything.

Anyone WANTING the government stickin their grubby fucking fingers deeper into their pocket is flat out crazy.

No More Taxes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Pirate, I'm with you. But then how would the left wing nuts pay for all of those feel-good(do nothing) social programs. Or , how would the right wing nuts be able to give those huge military contracts to their buddies, and cousins.

I would be happy to pay taxes on my weed, but I don't buy any, ever. Even still I hope that 14 Billion dollar check grabs some peoples attention. After all prohibition was ended in small part through the lure of tax revenues.


Active member

I will be on the steps of my capital on the same day PROTESTING AGAINST TAXES !!

No More Taxes for anything.

Anyone WANTING the government stickin their grubby fucking fingers deeper into their pocket is flat out crazy.

No More Taxes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




NORML and MPP are not our friends if they think sin taxes are a good idea, cannabis is a legitamate plant with proven benefits to humans. It should not be taxed like destructive substance such as tobacco and liquor. Sales tax and basic business taxes are allready enough.




Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to FreedomFGHTR again.

Damn Strait.

All they want our taxes for is to squander it on bullshit and enough is enough already.

Make weed legal / decriminalize it or whatever.............Tax it?...........NO WAY !!!

NO MORE TAXES ...................NO MORE BAILOUTS................NO MORE PROGRAMS.........PEROID !!!!!


Active member
Man seriously why does NORML have to go and say hey please tax it extra. They were so fucking cool upto right now. Damn,.. I guess I will have to write to them to express my concerns with EXTRA taxation.


I'd guess it's the most popular way to connect those against legalization with those that are for it.

I agree that it's a plant and should be as free to you and me as growing tomatoes.

I also think it illegal for that same reason.

What do we do?



Active member
I'd guess it's the most popular way to connect those against legalization with those that are for it.

legal slave trade/ ownership in the us used to be popular too. Doesn't mean that it was right.

I agree that it's a plant and should be as free to you and me as growing tomatoes.

I also think it illegal for that same reason.

What do we do?


Illegal because its a plant? Or illegal because they can't gain revenue? They can still get taxes from it being totally decriminalized. Taxes get paid on roses right? But nothing extra like alcohol and cigs. What we don't do is advocate for new taxes. What we do is show that if it was taxed like a normal product such as "hairspray" this is how it would benefit everyone.


Industry on all levels I believe is the best answer to your question.

Still presenting the Check is a great media campaign.

I'll keep an eye open but the Tax issue seems to be the play of the day.

Still presenting the Check is a great media campaign.
This is exactly what NORML is about. "Look how much money you'll make through legalization" is a great argument, that's all there's to it. The amount is probably a huge, HUGE exaggeration because even if legalized I think a lot of people will stick to growing small amounts for themselves and their friends, and paying no taxes on that.

Regardless of how they or you feel about it the "look tax money" is an argument our whore politicians are most likely to swallow.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
What happens when the government tries to cash that check? I'm just guessing here, but I think it will bounce. Then what? Tax evasion.


The drug zhar already get at least 80 billion of our tax dollars to fight drugs of wich marijuana is like 80% of there budget. thats money they get, 14 billion from tax is money in the big pot they wouldnt get 14 billion understand?

normal is useless, unless you want a lifetime membership because there about self preservation not legalization.


$14B is nothing the way Obama spends tax dollars. It would be gone before the check clears... They don't give a shit about that kind of money. And I agree, $14B seems low...


To all of you saying you can't tax a plant..

eh. You do get taxed on tomatoes, and cucumbers, and every other plant you try to sell for a profit. you don't want to pay taxes, then grow your own and smoke your own.. /shrug?

Last time I checked you don't get taxes for brewing your own beer in your basement, but you sure get taxed if you try to sell it. Same thing with anything else in this country.

Is it right? in some cases yes. Not in all, but in some cases yes. To say that MPP and Norml aren't on our side because they are pushing legalization and taxation like alcohol is a joke of a statement.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Uh. It is not actually a real check.
Uh, yeah. That's my point. It's like in that movie Semi Pro where the guy wins the free throw contest and they don't have the money for the prize, so all he actually wins is a giant replica of a check. It's really just a photo op that will ultimately be pretty meaningless. Now if we could get all the illegal dealers in the U.S. to pitch in and give them a real check, that might get somebody's interest.

And yes, I've now added "professional parade rainer onner" to my resume.


Active member
lolat the no taxes post.

if you want no taxes go live in a cave. stay off the roads, highways, get your kids out of school, dont go to college or accept any school grants for furthering your education, defend yourself against any country that might attack american soil or anything else thats payed for by tax dollars.

yes lots is wasted, yet lots is also used properly. sory but i prefer to have a military, education, and roads and freways i can use to get work.

a reduction and better budgeting is necessary, not "no taxes"


lolat the no taxes post.

if you want no taxes go live in a cave. stay off the roads, highways, get your kids out of school, dont go to college or accept any school grants for furthering your education, defend yourself against any country that might attack american soil or anything else thats payed for by tax dollars.

yes lots is wasted, yet lots is also used properly. sory but i prefer to have a military, education, and roads and freways i can use to get work.

a reduction and better budgeting is necessary, not "no taxes"

Well said.

Part of the problem with this country today is everyone is in it for themselves and they could give a rats ass about anyone else--be that big business, the government, or individuals. This is the same mind set I see when people say NO TAXES!!! Me me me me me me me me me me me me....

Yes this government has issues, but its a shitload better than what a lot of other governments offer.

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